Operation Challenge Committee Meeting

Operation Challenge Committee Meeting

Minutes 3-11-09

Attendance: Ed Klopf, John McDonald, Vince Astorino, Paul Bah

Goal: To promote and establish a competitive criteria to determine a Michigan operation challenge team to compete in the national event.

Committee chair – Ed Klopf – eklopf@midland-

Phone: 989-837-3503

Committee vice chair – Doug Koss – doukoss@

Phone: 989-684-3994

Teams Update:

Midland Team – received registration 2009 MWEA OC

Battle Creek – received registration 2009 MWEA OC

Wayne County – withdrew entry

Section 7 - received registration 2009 MWEA OC

Main Event:

Set up – Sunday evening – Gene D, Doug K, Ed K, Keith M

Safety and Lab set up Monday morning

Location: Boyne Mt.: planning committee approved

Date: June 22, 2009

Start time 9:00 am

Minimum – 3 teams

The process control will be held in room in the lower level of the main lodge.

The safety, collections and pump events will be held outside (Events to be held rain or shine)

The lab will be held outside unless rain / then will be moved to the lower level –Ed will confirm with Boyne Mt. staff


Event Coordinator – Ed Klopf

Assist Coordinator – Doug Koss

(Coordinators will assist set up where possible and float from each event)

(Coordinators will receive score sheets from each head judge and determine final scores)

(Process control) – Gene Dauer head judge – confirmed

Doug Koss - time clocks

(Gene – working on process exam)

(Lab) – Head Judge: Shanna Shea - SOS Lab – confirmed

Bill Rausch – KAR Lab - confirmed

John I. – HACH – confirmed

(Ed – equipment set up ready – Keith volunteer extra BOD bottles - Ed handling set-up and keeping up communications with judges)

(Collection) – Head Judges: John Mac Donald - Martin Controls - confirmed

Vince Astorino - Martin Control – confirmed

Paul Bah – Piernne – confirmed

John ordered new pipe end plugs – John will try to modify brace. (Vince and Ed looking into piping prices)

(Safety) – Head Judge: Tom Maxwell – HRC – confirmed

(Ed set up, still looking for equipment and judges) (Kevin from Midland volunteer judge) Final safety equipment type will be communicated to teams as soon as determined. ( Looking for winch and fall protection)

(Pump) – Head Judges: Keith Sikaitis - Kennedy Industries

Brent Bender – AIS

(Keith – judge and event up-date?) Ed to contact Keith

Volunteer judges:

Pump event Keith will line up all judges!

Monday evening - MWEA President Keith M. to announce thank you to sponsors and introduce all teams & members and winners? Present trophy!

Meet with winning team after – give info and fill out forms

Event review

Process: 200 question multiple choice – same as 2008 with different questions

Pump: Godwin pump event – same as 2008

Safety: Same event as 2008 – equipment information need to be confirmed

Lab: BOD event same as last year.

Collection: same as last year.


All head judges will give to ED each team score sheet with total raw time and final time.

Judges review together and verify final time.

Head judge of each event to speak with only team captain

Teams should not be told their final time but can be told their raw time.

Teams can be informed of penalties.

One Clock continues to run throughout each event from start to stop.

Any disputes or problem the event coordinator and assist coordinator will decide. Event coordinator and assist coordinator to communicate with judges over dispute.

Tool breaks one clock continues judge will issue back – up –head judge will determine if penalty or equipment failure.

Lowest Total time wins!

Teams assist in breakdown of equipment and clean up.

Rules and information:

Ed mailed out final rules, registration forms and information to all teams January 29, 2009.

Other issues: (Expand on sponsors)

Sponsor forms – Ed updated – those who need if recruiting sponsors see ED

Ed confirmed golf tournament with Chuck B. – Second Saturday in August

Using fiberglass snow stakes – we have caution tape

Canopy – Ed will purchase a second canopy / We have one but has to be repaired-Ed will work on repairs this spring before state OC

Chips napkins ???????

Event Sponsor Sign: confirmed

T-shirts for teams: each team members will receive - confirmed

Team shirts for national competition with vendors name -confirmed

Teams Lunch and Dinner provided -confirmed

Photo at OC annual conference – Gene Dauer volunteered - confirmed

Article for MWEA matter spring issue – done submitted

Discussion / review items

1) UPDATE - One day training review event for all teams before competition! April 28 10:00am Bay County WWTP –

2) Procedures for head judges at start of each event! (Ed working on review sheets for judges to explain to teams prior to start of event)

3) National - expense rules review – approved, submitted and posted on MWEA OC web site!

May committee lunch meeting – standing committee and judges???????

National Competition:

Ed will send in team registration to register Michigan team. June 1 no names

Team members name will be submitted by Ed to WEFTEC when winner determined. –E- mailed WEF and confirmed

Ed will reserve hotel rooms for team members when are available – each Mi. team member will then change room reservation to their own name.

Finance report: no change in balance

Next Meeting: Phone conference – Wednesday April 8, 2009 10:00am


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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