5:30 PM, Monday, April 16, 2018

Ontonagon Area School District Library

CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Ontonagon Area Board of Education was called to order at 5:30 PM by President Dean Juntunen, in the Ontonagon Area School District Library, Ontonagon, Michigan, on Monday, April 16, 2018. Present-Dean Juntunen, Nancy Mattson, Darren Weisinger, Karen Jackson. Absent-Tanya Weisinger, Julie Kolpack, Tammy Strasser.

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

ACCEPTANCE OF AGENDA Jackson made a motion, supported by Mattson, to accept the agenda as amended. All voting aye, motion carried.

APPROVE MINUTES Mattson made a motion, supported by Jackson, to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of March 19, 2018. AYE: Mattson, Jackson, D. Weisinger, Juntunen. NAY: None. ABSENT: T. Weisinger, Kolpack, Strasser. Motion carried.

FINANCIAL REPORTS Jackson made a motion, supported by D. Weisinger, to acknowledge the March & April general fund invoices in the amount of $84,569.51. AYE: Jackson, D. Weisinger, Mattson, Juntunen. NAY: None. ABSENT: T. Weisinger, Kolpack, Strasser. Motion carried.

Mattson made a motion, supported by Jackson, to approve the April general fund invoices in the amount of $86,620.04. AYE: Mattson, Jackson, D. Weisinger, Juntunen. NAY: None. ABSENT: T. Weisinger, Kolpack, Strasser. Motion carried.

STAFFING / FACULTY Jackson made a motion, supported by Mattson, to authorize a posting for two middle school/secondary teaching position. AYE: Jackson, Mattson, D. Weisinger, Juntunen. NAY: None. ABSENT: T. Weisinger, Kolpack, Strasser. Motion carried.

RESOLUTION / BORROWING Mattson made a motion, supported by Jackson, to adopt the resolution approving the District to borrow $150,000 to pay current operating expenses in June, and to solicit bids for this state aid note. AYE: Mattson, Jackson, D. Weisinger, Juntunen. NAY: None. ABSENT: T. Weisinger, Kolpack, Strasser. Motion carried.

FOOTBALL COOP AGMT Jackson made a motion, supported by D. Weisinger, to continue to support a cooperative high school football program with Ewen-Trout Creek High School for the 2018-2019 school year. AYE: Jackson, D. Weisinger, Mattson, Juntunen. NAY: None. ABSENT: T. Weisinger, Kolpack, Strasser. Motion carried.

HOCKEY COOP AGMT Mattson made a motion, supported by Jackson, to support a cooperative high school hockey program with Painesdale/Jeffers High School for the 2018-2019 school year. AYE: Mattson, Jackson, D. Weisinger, Juntunen. NAY: None. ABSENT: T. Weisinger, Kolpack, Strasser. Motion carried.

OVERNIGHT TRIP REQUEST Mattson made a motion, supported by Jackson, to approve the overnight trip request from Jodi Store and Betsy Guilbault to take the Senior Class to Bloomington, MN (Mall of America) on April 22-23, 2018, for their class trip. AYE: Mattson, Jackson, D. Weisinger, Juntunen. NAY: None. ABSENT: T. Weisinger, Kolpack, Strasser. Motion carried.


SUPERINTENDENT Mr. Bobula reported-

-Ontonagon Area School and Finlandia University are partnering with “Feeding America: to host a Mobile Food Pantry on April 19 in the school parking lot.

-GOISD Superintendent Bruce Mayle, Assistant Superintendent Nick Steinmetz, and Special Education Supervisor Theresa Anderson, were here on April 12 for a Q&A session with teaching staff.

-the classroom portion of Hunters Safety for sixth grade students will take place on April 17- 18.

-Lake Shore Systems will be sending a representative to the welding class on April 19 to administer welding certifications.

-National Honor Society Induction ceremony will take place on April 18.

-Varsity Track at NMU on April 19.

-History Smackdown will take place on April 26 in Calumet.

-Welding skills competition at NMU will be held on April 27.

-Prom will take place on April 28.

-Honors Program will take place on May 10.

-Camp Nesbit will be changed from the week of May 1 to the week of May 14 for sixth grade students.

-the Military assembly for Juniors and Seniors will take place on May 17.

T. Weisinger arrived at 5:45 PM.

KUDOS / THANK YOUS Thank you to Emily Carpenter for working with the History Smackdown students.

ADJOURN Jackson made a motion, supported by T, Weisinger, to adjourn at 5:48 PM.


Dean Juntunen, President


Nancy Mattson, Secretary


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