ANTOINETTE CANART TESSMER - Michigan State University


1551 Wenonah Drive

Okemos, MI 48864


(Last updated on 4/21/2020)


Professor of Practice, Department of Finance, Michigan State University, since Fall 1999.


Ph.D. in Finance, University of Namur, Namur, Belgium (1992).

B.S. in Applied Economics, FUCAM, Mons, Belgium (1985).

Graduat (2-year degree) in Computer Science, IESN, Namur, Belgium (1983).


Partner in Revere Partners, designers and developers of UISES, Investment simulation package on the Internet, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, from July 1995 to July 1999.

Visiting Assistant Professor of Finance, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, CBA, Finance, from May 1992 to July 1995.

Teaching/Research Assistant, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, CBA, Finance, Fall 1991 and Spring 1992.

ICM-Fellow, visiting the Department of Finance and The Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Fall 1989 to Summer 1991.

Teaching/Research assistant, University of Namur, Namur, Belgium, Fall 1985 to summer 1989.


At Michigan State University:

Real Estate Investment Management – Excel workshop (HB492), every semester since Fall 2018

Topics in Finance: VBA Programming in Excel (FI491) yearly from 2018 to 2020

Computer Application for Financial Modeling, (100% flipped course since fall 2017)

Honors Research Seminar (year-long seminar since 2013)

Global Finance Studies in Belgium, Summer Study Abroad Program (since 2012)

International Financial Management (FI 451) – As part of Global Finance Studies in Belgium

Advisor to Finance Honors students (1st half of the alphabet since 2013)

Financial Management (FI 311) – As part of Global Finance Studies in Belgium

Introduction to Investments (FI 312 – prior to 2010)

Advanced Business Finance (FI 414 – prior to 2010)

Bond and Money Markets (FI473) – prior to 2010)

Latest semester average student evaluation: 4.21 (from 1-worst to 5- best)

At the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign:

Financial Markets (FIN 300)

Investment Analysis (FIN 235)

Corporate Finance (FIN 254)

Average student evaluation: 3.3 to 4.3 (from 1-worst to 5-best)


Financial Modeling

Complete course redesign around the flipped pedagogy and the use of REAL classroom environment (initiated in Fall 2015 for the undergraduate level course – completion for undergraduate and graduate level courses by Fall 2017).

Use of REAL classroom environment:

- Group of 4-5 students per table

- Groups assigned by instructor (every two weeks) with specific responsibilities for two students per group

- Excel activities shared among group members via table monitors

- Learning assistance in the classroom (instructor + two learning assistants)

Current course content includes:

- Over 180 minutes of self-produced, closed captioned videos

- Weekly online readings and quizzes sequences with embedded multiple-choice questions for self-assessment

- Over 50 Excel files (in-class group activities, homework assignments, and suggested solutions)

- A real-world semester group project with formal student presentations in front of corporate representatives

Learning assessments embedded in course activities:

- Optional qualitative Excel learning feedback from instructor offered within 12 hours of end of each class session

- Growth in group collaboration through continuous self-assessment via qualitative peer evaluation and instructor’s feedback using the CATME platform

Corporate partnership:

- One-week long workshop held by corporate partners every semester, in the classroom

- Emphasis on discounted cash flow modeling, speed in Excel modeling, and sensitivity analyses.

- Networking opportunity

- Corporate partners’ feedback to instructor influences curriculum changes for subsequent semesters

Excel accessibility (in progress):

- Design of accessibility requirement templates for course Excel content

- Design of a standard method to achieve accessibility in Excel content

- Testing of level of accessibility (in collaboration with RCPD)

- Implementation of method to course content

- Target completion date: Fall 2020

Course management platform

Use of Loncapa capabilities to:

- implement and monitor online self-assessment

- Design and run weekly online readings & quizzes sequences

- Provide instant feedback

- Share content in a timely manner

- Provide group scoring feedback

- Run online exams (administered in the classroom)

Study Abroad

“French Business Culture and Language”

Curriculum design and development of a Language for Special Purpose course (3 credits) for participants in Global Finance Studies in Belgium. In collaboration with H. Olsen (Romance and Classical Studies) and S. Shanker (Center for Language Teaching Advancement)

Nominated for the 2020 Forum on Education Abroad Excellence in Curriculum Design Award, nomination by O. L. Bartzis, Executive Director of Education Abroad, MSU.



Faculty Accessibility Fellow (FAF) seminars, (Oct 2019 to Dec 2020)

Accessibility and UDL, Faculty Learning Community (AAN, 2019-2020)

Annual Learning Abroad Conferences, MSU, Room moderator, yearly since 2013


Flipping the Class and Using a REAL (Room for Engaged and Active Learning) Space (FOD-Faculty Learning Community co-leader 2014-2016)

Rooms for Engaged and Active Learning (REAL) Academy, spring 2014

Loncapa Conferences in Reno, NV (2003), Washington, D.C. (2005), East Lansing, MI (2009, 2013, 2015), and Urbana-Champaign, IL (2012)

Best Practices to Maximize the Learning Experiences of International Students (FOD-Faculty Learning Community member 2012-2014)

Designing Your Courses for More Significant Learning, Lilly Teaching Seminar Series, MSU Faculty & Organizational development, October 2013

Big and Effective: Successful Teaching in Large Classrooms. Teaching Essentials for MSU STEM Faculty Workshop, November 2012


Faculty Accessibility Fellow, (Oct 2019 to Dec 2020)

Global Finance Studies in Belgium, Education Abroad program nominated for the 2020 Forum on Education Abroad Excellence in Curriculum Design Award, nomination by O. L. Bartzis, Executive Director of Education Abroad.

Instructor Excellence Award for the Full-Time MBA program, Spring 2019

Honors Research Seminar Grant, MSU Honors College, yearly since 2013

Broad Integrative Fellow (BIF) program participant in 2015-2016

The Richard J. Lewis Quality of Excellence Award (as a member of the Broad Integrative Fellows Program Development Committee) 2014-2015

MSU-CIBER, curriculum development grant, “Enhancing the language, business, and culture awareness of business students using situational videos.”, Co-PI with S. Shanker (2015)

MSU-CIBER, travel grant to attend the 2014 CIBER Conference, Park City, UT, Co-PI with S. Shanker (April 24-26, 2014)

MSU-CIBER, curriculum development grant, “Enhancing the Language, Business and Culture Awareness of Business Students on a Study Abroad Experience in Belgium”, Co-PI with S. Shanker (2014)

Excellence in Teaching Award, MSU Finance Department, Fall 2012

Site Visit Grant for developing a new study abroad program, MSU Office of Study Abroad, June 2011

Nominated for the SBC Faculty-Staff Awards in Instructional Technology 2004-2005

Undergraduate Course Development Grant (with E. Oltheten), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1995.

Educational Technologies Board Instructional Equipment Award (with E. Oltheten), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1995.

Invited to the ICIS Doctoral Consortium, New York, December 1991.

Research Opportunities in International Business Information Award of The KPMG Peat Marwick Foundation (with J.A. Gentry and M.J. Shaw), 1990 and 1991.

Doctoral Fellowship of the Intercollegiate Center for Management Sciences, Brussels, Belgium, 1988, 1989, 1990.


Case Study Publication

“Amazon Marketplace: Sustaining Strategic Innovation” (with Y. Bolumole, J. Cohu, H. McKnight, and L. Zhang) Ivey Publishing, 2020.

Articles in refereed journals

“Hotel Asset and Equity Risk Before, During and After the Global Financial Crisis” (with M.F, Johnson and M.S. Johnson), Journal of Hospitality Financial Management, Spring 2020.

“Using Inductive Learning to Predict Bankruptcy” (with D. Whitford, J.A. Gentry, and M. Shaw), Journal of Organizational Computing, 12: 39-57, 2002.

“What to Learn from Near-misses. An Inductive Learning Approach to Credit

Risk Assessment,” Decision Sciences, Spring 1997.

“Using Inductive Learning to Predict Bankruptcy” (with M.J. Shaw, J.A. Gentry,

and D.T. Whitford), Journal of Organizational Computing, Fall 1995.

“Inductive Learning for International Financial Analysis: A Layered Approach”

(with M.J. Shaw, and J.A. Gentry), Journal of Management Information Systems

- Special Edition on Integrated Learning Capabilities in Information Systems, Vol. 9, No. 4, Spring 1993.

Articles in non-refereed journals

“Enhancing the Language and Business Culture Awareness of Study Abroad Students” (with S. Shanker)15), Global Edge Business Review, 9(2), 1-3. 2015

Books or chapters in book

“Using Expert Systems in Business - A Closer Look into the Knowledge

Acquisition Module,” Global Finance, R. J. Lambrix & S. S. Singhvi Eds,The

Conference Board, 1996.

Corporate Cash Flow Components and Patterns: A Tutorial Using Japanese

and American Examples (with J.A. Gentry and D.T. Whitford), Charlottesvilles,

VA, Association of Investments Management Research, 1995.

Published proceedings

“Using videos to develop intercultural competence”, (with S. Shanker) Language for Specific Purposes Conference, Phoenix, AZ, March 2016.

“Intelligent Learning Systems for International Financial Evaluation” (with M.J.

Shaw, and J.A. Gentry), Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on

Artificial Intelligence in Economics and Management, Portland, Oregon, august


“Improving Decision Tree Induction Through Feature Construction” (with

H.Ragavan, L.Rendell, M.J. Shaw), Proceedings of the 10th IJCAI Conference,

Cannes, France, August 1993.

“Machine Learning Applied to the Credit Granting Decision - The Case of small

Belgian Businesses” (with Ch. Van Wymeersch), Proceedings of the 1st

International Conference of the Decision Science Institute, Brussels, Belgium,

June 1991.

Conference presentation (un-published)

“Using videos to develop intercultural competence” (with S. Shanker), Language for Specific Purposes Conference, Phoenix, AZ (2016).

“Design of a French Business Culture Survey for Study Abroad Students” (with S. Shanker), NOBLE Webinar Series (March 2015) Retrieved from

“Catering to Millenial Learners in the Business Language Classroom” (with S. Shanker), 16th CIBER Business Language Conference, Park City, UT (2014).

“Loncapa in Finance”, Loncapa Annual Conference, George Washington

University, Washington, D.C. (2005).

Book reviews

International Financial Management by A. Robin, McGraw-Hill, 2009.

Introduction to Investments by Levy and Brooks, AddisonWesley Publishing

Company, 1993-1994.

Financial Management Analysis and Working Capital Management, College

Division, South Western Publishing Co., 1994.


“Credit Analysis Revisited” (with J.A. Gentry), University of Illinois at

Urbana-Champaign - CBA Office of Research Working Paper # 95-0108, 1995.

“Using Cash Flow Components in a Tree-Based Inductive Learning system to

Predict Bond Ratings of Japanese and American Companies” (with J.A. Gentry,

S. Aoki, M.J. Shaw, and D.T. Whitford), University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign - CBA - CIBER Working Paper #94-001, 1994.

“What to Learn from Near Misses? An Application of Tree-Based Inductive

Learning to Credit Risk Analysis” (with J.A. Gentry and M.J. Shaw), The

Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology, University of

Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Technical Report AI-DSS94-07, 1994.

“Learning Complex Real-World Concepts Through Feature Construction” (with

H. Ragavan, L. Rendell, and M.J. Shaw), The Beckman Institute for Advanced

Science and Technology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Technical

Report AI-93-03/AI-DSS-93-01, 1993.


International Friendship Program, Friend, MSU Community Volunteers for International Programs, since Spring 2019

International Newcomer Program, Volunteer, MSU WorkLife Office, since Fall 2018

Sierra Vista Homeowners Association, Treasurer (1999-2011, member at large since 2017)

Okemos Education Foundation, Treasurer (2014-2017)

Okemos High School Choirs, Treasurer (2012-2014)

Okemos High School Band Boosters, Treasurer (2010-2014)

Okemos High School Band Boosters, Assistant Treasurer (2009-2010)

Open Water Diver and Coral Reef Conservation Certification (June 2008)

BSA Lifeguard Ceritification (July 2007 - July 2010)

Boy Scout Troop 64, Treasurer (2004-2011)

Cub Scout Pack 164, Program Committee Chair (2004-2005)

“Parlez-Vous Francais?” Introduction to French language, Hiawatha Elementary School (K to 3), Okemos, MI (2002-2004)

Cub Scout Pack 164, Assistant den leader (2001-2004)

Cosmopolitan Club at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Treasurer (1993-1995); President (1992); Secretary (1991).

Cosmopolitan Club Outstanding Service Award, 1995.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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