Introduction: - SOM - State of Michigan

REQUEST FOR PROPOSALProposals Due: September 30, 2024by 4:00 PM ESTMigrant Education Program Identification, Recruitment & Reporting CentersGrant Application 2025For more information, contact:Michelle WilliamsSpecial Populations Manager, Michigan Department of EducationPhone (517) 241-6977Submit Application via E-mail: OESSpecialPops@ Application Submitted By:Contact Person for the Proposal:Telephone:E-mail:Issued by:Michigan Department of EducationOffice of Educational Supports608 W. Allegan St. Lansing, MI 48909Table of Contents TOC \o "1-2" \h \z \u Introduction: PAGEREF _Toc174633050 \h 3Part I: Areas of Support PAGEREF _Toc174633051 \h 3Area 1 PAGEREF _Toc174633052 \h 3Area 2 PAGEREF _Toc174633053 \h 4Area 3 PAGEREF _Toc174633054 \h 4Area 4 PAGEREF _Toc174633055 \h 4Part II: Eligible Applicants PAGEREF _Toc174633056 \h 5Part III: Available Funding PAGEREF _Toc174633057 \h 5Part IV: Closing Date and Submission Instructions PAGEREF _Toc174633058 \h 5Part V: Application PAGEREF _Toc174633059 \h 6Part VI: Review Criteria PAGEREF _Toc174633060 \h 9Appendix A: Map of IDRR Regions PAGEREF _Toc174633061 \h 132025 Migrant Education Program Identification, Recruitment & Reporting Centers GrantIntroduction: The Michigan Department of Education (MDE) offers the opportunity for local and intermediate school districts, or organizations and agencies receiving Title I, Part C Migrant Education federal funds to compete for funds to operate Identification, Recruitment, and Reporting Centers (IDRR Centers) that serve the Migrant Education Program (MEP) and to perform the Re-Interview activities recommended by the Office of Migrant Education (OME). The purpose of these funds is to ensure accurate, efficient, and timely identification, recruitment, and reporting of all migratory children and youth in the State of Michigan.The 2025 Identification, Recruitment, and Reporting Centers Grants will be awarded based on the overall quality of the application and the proposal's alignment to the regulations and guidance of the Title I, Part C Migrant Education Program as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). An entity applying may select from any of the four areas detailed in the application to design an IDRR Center. The amount of the grant will be based on the functions and responsibilities undertaken by the proposed centers as well as the availabity of Title I, Part C Migrant Education funding. The entity applying will complete and submit the following application via e-mail to OESSpecialPops@ by September 30, 2024, at 4:00 pm. Please direct questions about the Identification, Recruitment, and Reporting Centers Grant or training to Michelle Mattson Headley, Migrant Education Consultant, Office of Educational Supports, at 517-599-1008 or by e-mail at OESSpecialPops@. Part I: Areas of SupportArea 1: Identification, Recruitment & Reporting Centers: Staff and operate centers to identify, recruit, and report migratory children and youth from specified regions of the State of Michigan.Title I, Part C of ESSA seeks to provide educational services to eligible migratory children and youth. In order to accomplish this, the Michigan MEP is required to identify, recruit, and report all eligible migratory children and youth, birth through 21. IDRR Centers ensure that identification, recruitment, and reporting activities occur statewide in areas not served by local Migrant Education Programs. IDRR Centers coordinate with local MEPs and local school districts for these activities. Michigan is divided into five regions for purposes of IDRR. See map in Appendix A. Applicants must specify for which regionals they are submitting an application. The MDE will award up to three grants in this area. Area 2: State MEP Leadership & Support: Provide leadership for local and statewide MEP program implementation related to IDRR in collaboration with MDE’s Migrant Education Program team. In order to have effective coordination for the identification, recruitment, and reporting efforts across the state, one IDRR Center will provide leadership and statewide support to local MEP recruiters, data entry staff, and directors through on-demand trainings, regular webinars, mentorship, and other technical assistance in collaboration with MDE’s MEP team and under the direction of MDE’s Migrant Education Program Director. Leadership and support include training, mentorship, and technical assistance for local migrant education programs, as well as technical support for data collection and reporting. In addition, this IDRR Center coordinates with the MDE and MIS2000 data system vendor as well as supports data quality and validation efforts for the end of year reporting.The MDE will award one grant in this area in conjunction with an award in Area 1. Area 3: Re-interviews: Provide re-interview support for verifying the eligibility of random samples. The Office of Migrant Education within the U.S. Education Department recommends that State Education Agencies (SEAs) randomly select eligible migratory children and youth and verify their eligibility under Title I, Part C. This is referred to as the "re-interview" process. Migratory children and youth are selected from across the state using an established state process for re-interviews. The Re-interview grant includes all five regions identified on the map in Appendix A. The re-interview award is not split between regions. The MDE will award one re-interview grant.Area 4: Michigan MEP COE Approvers: Review and Approval of Certificates of Eligibility (COEs) entered in the Migrant Information System (MIS2000).Michigan MEP COE Approvers verify MEP eligibility and enrollment data for migratory children and youth entered into Migrant Information System (MIS2000) through the state-level approval of each COE and enrollment in accordance with established quality control procedures. One IDRR center will serve as the fiscal agent for this area. MDE’s MEP team selects the Michigan MEP COE Approvers. MDE’s MEP team determines the contract details in consultation with the fiscal agent. The MDE will award one grant in this area in conjunction with an award in Area 1.Part II: Eligible ApplicantsEligible applicants are any local (LEAs) or intermediate school districts (ISDs), organizations, or agencies, including higher education institutions, that currently operate Title I, Part C Education Programs serving migratory children and youth. Each successful grantee will serve as the fiscal agent for the grant received. All applicants must submit an assurance that all information within the application is true and accurate. If MDE determines inaccurate information was utilized in the presentation of the application at any time during the implementation of the grant period, MDE reserves the right to rescind the grant award.Part I: Contact InformationContact Information:Name of Entity that will serve as the fiscal lead:Contact Person for the Proposal:Mailing Address:Telephone:E-mail:Part III: Available FundingMDE's Office of Educational Supports (OES) is allocating up to $530,000.00, subject to increase or decrease at the discretion of the department for the funding of functions of IDRR Centers, and may be limited due to the availability of funding. Limited administrative costs are allowed as part of these grants. Include administrative and/or indirect costs in the budget proposal. The grants will be awarded for five years beginning January 1, 2025, and ending December 31, 2030, and may be renewable for up to five additional years as one-year extensions pending annual review and evaluation of operations. Funding may be increased due to program closures and the need for additional IDRR Center services. Applicants may select from the areas detailed in Part II as they design their IDRR Center proposal. The amount of the grant will be based on the functions and responsibilities undertaken by the proposed centers. Part IV: Closing Date and Submission InstructionsThe application will be disseminated electronically as a PDF. The application bearing signatures must be received no later than 4:00 pm Monday, September 30, 2024.Applications may be submitted by email to OESSpecialPops@.All applications must include a narrative, budget summary, budget detail, certification of the fiscal agent, supporting attachments (if needed), and comprehensive contact information.It is anticipated the grant notification letters will be issued around November 15, 2024, for implementation on January 1, 2025. No grant funds may be expended until the receipt of the official grant notification.The tentative time frame for the management of the grant award process includes these key dates:September 12, 2024Application PostedSeptember 30, 2024Applications DueOctober 2024Application ReviewNovember 15, 2024Official Award Letters (approximate)January 1, 2025Grant ImplementationMarch 6, 2026First Annual Final Expenditure Report Due (annually due in March)March 13, 2026Annual Performance Report Due (annually due in March)January 1, 2030Grant Renewal (one-year extension for up to five years) or TerminationUnexpended FundsThe use of any unexpended funds within any program year will be negotiated with the Office of Educational Supports, MDE, and be budgeted in accordance with subsequent year activities. Approval by the Michigan Migrant Education Program Director is required for budget amendments or extensions.Rejection of ProposalsThe Michigan Department of Education reserves the right to reject any proposals received as a result of this announcement that do not meet the requirements of the grant. Part V: ApplicationSuccessful applications will contain detailed plans for the four (4) areas the district, ISD, or agency proposes to undertake. Proposal narrative is limited to 10 pages, including maps or charts. Any attachments (budget summary, budget details, certifications, etc.) may not exceed five additional pages. Address all criteria listed in the rubric.The proposal will be processed in eleven (11) font-size with no less than 1-inch margins.Proposals may be disqualified for failing to meet these directions.Selection ProcessAn MDE panel of individuals with knowledge and awareness of migratory children and youth, and their educational needs will review all applications. Please review the embedded rubric when composing your proposal. The proposals most likely to be funded will have addressed all criteria and met the descriptors in the rubric's "exceptional" column. Grant awards will be based on merit and quality, as determined by the awarded points. Final awards may be subject to negotiations with the OES.Technical Assistance MeetingApplicants are encouraged to contact Michigan's Migrant Education Program Director or Migrant Education Consultant for technical assistance. OESSpecialPops@ or 517-241-6977.Required Application ComponentsCheck the areas included in the application. Complete each area as specified.? Area 1 – Statewide IDRR (See Appendix A for the Map.) ? Area 2 - Statewide Leadership and Support? Area 3 – Statewide Re-Interview Process? Area 4 – Fiscal Support for the Michigan MEP COE ApproversArea 1: Identification, Recruitment, and Reporting Centers: Staff and operate centers to identify, recruit, and report migratory children and youth from specified regions of the State of Michigan.Check the IDRR regions included in the proposal for this application: Note: In order to allow for maximum efficiency in the use of funds, applicants may request specific counties in close geographical proximity. ? Region #1 IDRR Center? Region #2 IDRR Center? Region #3 IDRR Center ? Region #4 IDRR Center? Region #5 IDRR CenterIdentify any county-level adjustments: __________________Provide a detailed narrative for the proposed design, implementation, and evaluation of the IDRR Center.Describe in detail the staffing required to fulfill all functions of the proposed IDRR plan annually using the format below. If awarded, a detailed budget must be submitted to MDE for review and approval by December 1 of the preceding year (ex. December 1, 2025, for 2026). PositionCountFTESalaries & BenefitsMileageSub-TotalRecruitersData Entry StaffAdministrationOther ExpendituresItemDescriptionSubtotalPhoneOther Total Requested: ______ Area 2: State MEP Leadership and Support: Provide leadership and support for program implementation in collaboration with MDE's Migrant Education Program. Apply for this area in conjunction with Area 1.Provide a detailed narrative of the proposed design, implementation, and evaluation of the leadership and support provided through this area. Describe in detail the staffing required to fulfill the proposed leadership and support activities annually using the format below. If awarded, a detailed budget must be submitted to MDE for review and approval by December 1 of the preceding year (ex. December 1, 2025, for 2026).PositionCountFTESalaries & BenefitsMileageSub-TotalStaffAdministrationOther ExpendituresItemDescriptionSubtotalPhoneOtherTotal Requested: ______Area 3:Re-interviews: Provide re-interview support for verifying the eligibility of random samples.Provide a detailed narrative of the proposed design, implementation, and evaluation of the re-interview activities. Describe in detail the staffing required to fulfill all functions of the proposed IDRR plan annually using the format below. If awarded, a detailed budget must be submitted to MDE for review and approval by December 1 of the preceding year (ex. December 1, 2025 for 2026).PositionCountFTESalaries & BenefitsMileageSub-TotalRecruiters Administration Other ExpendituresItemDescriptionSubtotalPhoneOtherTotal Requested: ______Area 4: Fiscal Support for the Michigan MEP COE Approvers: Review and Approval of Certificates of Eligibility (COEs) entered in the Migrant Information System (MIS2000). Apply for this area in conjunction with Area 1.Provide a detailed narrative of the proposed process for coordinating the COE Approvers' work with the MDE Migrant Education Program.Describe any costs associated with the implementation of this area. ExpenditureCountFTESalaries & BenefitsMileageSub-TotalTotal Requested: ______ Part VI: Review Criteria Use the following rubric to ensure the application reflects the required detail. Successful proposals will include the details outlined in the “Exceptionally comprehensive and rigorous” score level. Rubric points are assigned as follows:Marginally comprehensive, lacks rigor (1)Comprehensive, rigorous (2)Exceptionally comprehensive and rigorous (3)Area 1: Identification, Recruitment, and Reporting CentersIn the narrative, include a detailed explanation of the design for the IDRR Center, implementation activities, and an evaluation plan. Include reasons why the district, ISD, organization, or agency would be a reliable, professional IDRR Center. Necessary staff credentials and responsibilities should be articulated in this section.RubricMarginally comprehensive, lacks rigorComprehensive, rigorousExceptionally comprehensive and rigorousThe proposal includes a minimal description of the design for the identification, recruitment, and reporting process that the district/agency proposes to operate. Staffing and responsibilities are incomplete.The proposal includes an adequate description of the design for the identification, recruitment, and reporting center. Staffing and responsibilities are adequately detailed.The proposal includes a complete description of the design for the identification, recruitment, and reporting process. The plan for implementation and staffing is detailed and spells out responsibilities clearly.The proposal includes a minimal description of the strategies and activities to operate the IDRR Centers that will provide support of statewide identification, recruitment, and reporting of migratory children and youth.The proposal includes an adequate description of the strategies and activities to operate the IDRR Center to support statewide identification, recruitment, and reporting of migratory children and youth.The proposal includes a comprehensive and detailed description of the strategies and activities to operate the IDRR Center that describes how the center will support statewide identification, recruitment, and reporting of migratory children and youth.The proposal includes a minimal description of the evaluation that does not provide sufficient detail to support the identification, recruitment, and reporting of migratory children.The proposal includes an adequate description of the evaluation, but the overall design is inadequate to provide the necessary data and feedback to ensure continuous improvement in the statewide identification, recruitment, and reporting processes.The proposal includes a comprehensive and detailed evaluation plan that provides information and data analyzing the impact and effectiveness of statewide identification, recruitment, and reporting.Area 2: Statewide Leadership & SupportProvide a detailed proposal for leading and supporting statewide efforts to identify, recruit, and report eligible migratory children and youth in collaboration with the MDE MEP team. Include information on how recruiters, data entry staff, and directors will be supported through training, webinars, mentorship, and other technical assistance opportunities in coordination with the MDE Migrant Education Program and the MIS2000 data system vendor.RubricMarginally comprehensive, lacks rigorComprehensive, rigorousExceptionally comprehensive and rigorousThe proposal provides an incomplete plan with inadequate strategies and activities to provide leadership and support to statewide efforts in accurate identification, recruitment, and reporting of eligible migratory children and youth. The proposal provides an adequate plan that includes the necessary strategies and activities to provide leadership and support to statewide efforts to accurately identify, recruit, and report eligible migratory children and youth.The proposal provides comprehensive and detailed with specific strategies and activities to provide effective leadership and support to statewide efforts to accurately identify, recruit, and report eligible migratory children and youth.Area 3: Statewide Re-Interview ProgramProvide a detailed proposal for the hiring, training, organizing, and completing the re-interview process for the Michigan MEP, including accurate and timely completion of required reportsRubricMarginally comprehensive, lacks rigorComprehensive, rigorousExceptionally comprehensive and rigorousThe proposal provides an incomplete plan with insufficient detail for carrying out the required activities for the re-interview of migratory children in Michigan.The proposal provides an adequate plan for hiring, training, organizing, and completing the re-interview process set by the Michigan MEP.The proposal provides a clear and concise plan for hiring, training, organizing, and completing the re-interview process set by the Michigan MEP, including accurate and timely completion of required reports.Area 4: Fiscal Support for the Michigan MEP COE ApproversProvide a brief plan for coordination with the department for contracting and supporting the MEP COE Approvers. Administrative and/or indirect costs may be included.RubricMarginally comprehensive, lacks rigorComprehensive, rigorousExceptionally comprehensive and rigorousThe proposal provides an incomplete plan with insufficient detail for carrying out the required activities for fiscal support of the Michigan MEP COE Approvers.The proposal provides an adequate plan for carrying out the required activities for fiscal support of the Michigan MEP COE Approvers.The proposal provides a clear and concise plan for coordinating with the MDE MEP team and carrying out the required activities for fiscal support of the Michigan MEP COE Approvers.All Areas: Budget ProposalsInclude a detailed budget with salaries and/or stipends for all individuals serving this program's goals in a specific role. All resources requested must be necessary and aligned to the functions included in the program design. The budget should also include all supporting activities and services required for the effective implementation of the selected areas.RubricMarginally comprehensive, lacks rigorComprehensive, rigorousExceptionally comprehensive and rigorousThe budget is incomplete. It is not sufficiently detailed, nor does it align the expense to the identification, recruitment, and reporting process goals. Costs are not realistic when compared to the proposed services.The proposed budget is adequate and includes salary and support expenses for the components. Costs are realistic and show evidence of understanding fiscal responsibility.The budget is detailed and cost-effective. The detail shows the alignment between cost and the program goals. The budget demonstrates realistic costs and an understanding of reliable fiscal responsibilities and demonstrates adequate internal controls are in place at the fiscal agnent. There is a clear alignment of personnel time and resources and proposed costs. There is ample evidence that the principle of cost-effectiveness has been applied to all salaries and resources, including all staff support costs (mileage, travel, and supervision). Budget items are based on reasonable timelines and a calendar of known migratory patterns and peak recruitment. Costs for supervision are reasonable and based on actual time and resources spent in achieving identification, recruitment, and reporting objectives.All Areas: Qualification of Key PersonnelProvide the qualifications of each key program staff and how they will be supported in accomplishing the responsibilities outlined in Part I: Areas of Support.RubricMarginally comprehensive, lacks rigorComprehensive, rigorousExceptionally comprehensive and rigorousThere is incomplete evidence of the qualification of key personnel to accomplish the critical components of the proposed program.There is adequate evidence that key personnel are qualified to ensure the effective implementation of the selected areas. There is evidence of understanding the relationship between the staff, time, and resources needed to complete the program.There is detailed evidence that administrative, financial, and key program staff have the necessary training, experience, certification, and knowledge to successfully implement the selected areas. In addition, all staff demonstrate cultural sensitivity, credibility, and qualifications to fulfill assigned responsibilities.Appendix A: Map of IDRR RegionsMap of the 5 Regions. Region 1 includes counties of Manistee, Wexford, Masaukee, Roscommon, Ogenaw, Iosco, and all other counties north of these counties. Region 2 includes the counties of Osceola, Mecosta, Montcalm, Ionia, Barry, Calhoun, Branch, and all other counties west of those counties. Region 3 includes Clare, Gladwin, Isabella, Midland, Gratiot, Saginaw, Genesee, Lapeer, St. Clair, Tuscola, Bay, Arenac, Danilac, and Huron county. Region 5 includes Oakland, Macomb, and Wayne county. Region 4 includes all other remaining state of MI counties. ................

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