The Subcommittee on Communications and Technology, …

The Subcommittee on Communications and Technology, chaired by Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN)

H.R. ___, a bill to amend the Communications Act of 1934 to reauthorize appropriations for the Federal Communications Commission, to provide for certain procedural changes to the rules of the Commission to maximize opportunities for public participation and efficient decisionmaking, and for other purposes.


Subcommittee on Communications & Technology

Energy & Commerce Committee

|Name/address/phone |Picture |Bio |

|Marsha Blackburn, (R) 77th District |[pic] |As a small business woman, author, mother, grandmother, and Member of |

|Tennessee, Chairwoman | |Congress, Marsha Blackburn has dedicated her service to making America a |

|2266 Rayburn Building  | |more prosperous place to live. |

|Washington, D.C. 20515  | |No stranger to adversity and hard work, Marsha went to college on a 4-H |

|202-225-2811  | |scholarship and worked her way through school selling books for the |

|202-225-3004 fax  | |Southwestern Company. She was one of their first female sales associates |

| | |and one of their first female sales managers, assisting the company in |

|Chief of Staff: Mike.Platt@mail.| |establishing a division focused on women. Marsha moved to the corporate |

| | |world as Director of Retail Fashion and Special Events for the Castner |

|FCC Staff: charles.flint@mail. | |Knott Company. She later founded Marketing Strategies, focused on the |

| | |retail marketplace and expanded her work to electronic and print media |

|Committees & caucuses: | |with consumer segments and articles. |

| | |Congressman Blackburn began her elected service career in 1998 as a |

|Rural Broadband Caucus | |Tennessee State Senator. Blackburn’s Senate career was marked by her |

| | |commitment to fiscal common sense and government accountability. She |

|Chairman of the Congressional Songwriters| |became known to Tennesseans for holding “Budget Schools” both in her |

|Caucus | |district and across the state; identifying waste, proposing realistic |

| | |spending cuts, and offering solutions for a state in a budget crunch. |

|House Energy and Commerce Committee | |While serving in the Tennessee Senate, Blackburn led a statewide |

|serving as Chairman of the Subcommittee | |grassroots campaign to defeat a proposed state income tax. While defeating|

|on Communications and Technology | |the tax, she earned the reputation as a champion of anti-tax and |

| | |government accountability issues, taking to the airwaves to make the case |

| | |that government wrongly believes it never gets enough of the taxpayer’s |

| | |paycheck. She earned the attention of publications like the Wall Street |

| | |Journal and groups such as Americans for Tax Reform. In November 2014, the|

| | |people of Tennessee passed an amendment to the state constitution to |

| | |‘expressly prohibit a state income tax’ – what a fitting cap to a 14 year |

| | |battle. Her long time goal of permanently restoring the ability to deduct |

| | |state and local sales taxes Tennesseans pay each year from their federal |

| | |income tax filing was realized with the passage of the Protecting |

| | |Americans from Tax Hikes Act of 2015. |

| | |Blackburn’s reputation for focusing on freedom, free people and free |

| | |markets boosted her from the Tennessee Senate to the U.S. House of |

| | |Representatives in 2002 to represent Tennessee’s 7th Congressional |

| | |District. She continued the fight for accountable government, becoming a |

| | |leader in Congress and a leading voice advocating for a small, efficient |

| | |federal government that is accountable to its citizens. She became the |

| | |first woman in the state to win a Congressional seat in her own right. |

| | |Congressman Blackburn is often selected by her colleagues to lead the |

| | |charge for common sense reform. In February 2010 she was selected to |

| | |represent conservative views on health care reform at the President’s |

| | |Blair House Summit. In 2012, she co-chaired the platform for the |

| | |Republican Convention. She has served as a Republican whip every Congress,|

| | |holds a seat on the House Energy and Commerce Committee serving as |

| | |Chairman of theSubcommittee on Communications and Technology.  |

| | |Marsha has earned a special reputation as a bi-partisan leader and policy |

| | |expert on telecommunications issues and intellectual property rights. She |

| | |has strong ties with Tennessee’s recording industry and the songwriters |

| | |and performers who make it great. In 2003 Blackburn founded and continues |

| | |to serve as Chairman of the Congressional Songwriters Caucus to give the |

| | |nation’s creative community a voice on Capitol Hill. |

| | |Blackburn is a member of the Smithsonian Libraries Advisory Board and |

| | |continues her involvement in numerous charitable organizations and her |

| | |church, Christ Presbyterian. |

| | |Marsha and her husband Chuck live in Williamson County, Tennessee. They |

| | |have two children, Mary Morgan (Paul) Ketchel and Chad (Hillary) |

| | |Blackburn; and two grandsons. Blackburn is a native of Laurel, Mississippi|

| | |and graduate of Mississippi State University. |

| | |Notable Awards |

| | |- Congressman Blackburn is regularly praised by good government groups |

| | |like the National Federation of Independent Businesses, National Taxpayers|

| | |Union, the Farm Bureau, the Chamber of Commerce, the Small Business and |

| | |Entrepreneurship Council and the American Conservative Union. |

| | |- She has been named a Taxpayer Hero by Americans for Tax Reform each year|

| | |she has served in Congress. |

| | |- In 2006 the Independent Electrical Contractors recognized her as their |

| | |Lawmaker of the Year. |

| | |- In 2007 Blackburn received the Conservative Leadership Award from the |

| | |Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute. |

| | |- In 2007, she was awarded the Congressional Grammy by the Recording |

| | |Academy; the White Hat award from the Nashville Songwriters Association |

| | |and in 2008 received the Platinum Award from the RIAA. The Cecil Scaife |

| | |Foundation has awarded her the Visionary Award. |

| | |- In 2012, Health IT Now presented her with the HITN Innovation Award for |

| | |her work in support of innovative solutions to our most pressing |

| | |healthcare problems and she was recognized by the Association of |

| | |Children’s Hospitals and the American College of Radiology for her |

| | |leadership on healthcare issues. |

| | |- Marsha has also been honored by the Family Research Council, received |

| | |the Distinguished Leader Award from the Susan B. Anthony List for her |

| | |pro-life, pro-family work, and the Iron Jawed Angel Award for Excellence |

| | |in Public Service. |

| | |- In April 2013 at the "Women Run the World" Half Marathon in New York |

| | |City, More Magazine recognized Blackburn for her service in government by |

| | |honoring her as one of 10 women who are making a difference in the world. |

| | |- The Washington Post has named her one of the 40 Most Interesting Women |

| | |in Politics and Newsmax has named her one of the 50 Most Influential |

| | |Female Republicans. |

| | |- The Independent Women’s Forum has named her the 2014 Woman of Valor. |

| | |- Marsha was named the 2016 “Woman of the Year” by the Clare Boothe Luce |

| | |Policy Institute. |

| | |- Congressman Blackburn holds an honorary doctorate in letters from King |

| | |University. |

|Leonard Lance, New Jersey, Vice Chair |[pic] |Congressman Leonard Lance was elected to the United States House of |

|2352 Rayburn HOB | |Representatives in November 2008 and reelected to a fifth term on November|

|Washington, DC 20515 | |8, 2016 to represent New Jersey's 7th Congressional District. |

|Phone:  (202) 225-5361 | | |

|Fax:  (202) 225-9460 | |As a result of the 2011 congressional redistricting process the 7th |

|Hours: M-F 9-5:00pm | |Congressional District now includes parts of Essex, Morris, Somerset, |

| | |Union and Warren counties as well as all of Hunterdon County.  |

|Chief of Staff: | |Click HERE to see the new congressional map for the state of New Jersey. |

|todd.mitchell@mail. | | |

|FCC Staff: ryan.farrell@mail. | |Prior to coming to Congress, Lance served as a member of the New Jersey |

| | |State Senate beginning in 2002, where he represented the 23rd Legislative |

|Committees & caucuses: | |District. He held the position of Minority Leader of the Senate from 2004 |

| | |to 2008. |

|House Energy and Commerce Committee | | |

| | |Lance was sworn in as a Member of Congress on January 6, 2009 and was |

|Communications and Technology | |appointed to the House Financial Services Committee, where he worked on a |

|Subcommittee  (Vice Chair) | |wide range of issues relating to the financial services sector and the |

| | |American economy. |

|Digital Commerce and Consumer Protection | | |

|Subcommittee | |In 2011 Congressman Leonard Lance left the House Financial Services |

| | |Committee and has been appointed to the House Energy and Commerce |

|Health Subcommittee | |Committee. |

| | | |

|Congressional Life Science Caucus | |The Committee on Energy and Commerce has a broad legislative jurisdiction |

|Congressional Rare Disease Caucus | |including national energy and environmental policy, health and health |

|Congressional Arts Caucus | |facilities, interstate and foreign commerce, consumer affairs and consumer|

|Congressional Pediatric and Adult | |protection, and travel and tourism. |

|Hydrocephalus Caucus | | |

|Congressional Humanities Caucus | |As a member of the powerful committee Lance will play a greater role in |

|Congressional Caucus on the Deadliest | |protecting and expanding jobs in New Jersey’s energy, life sciences and |

|Cancers | |telecommunication sectors. |

|Congressional House Republican Israel | | |

|Caucus | |Before his election to the State Senate Lance served in the New Jersey |

| | |General Assembly for 11 years (1991-2002), where he chaired the Budget |

| | |Committee. |

| | | |

| | |As a member of the State Legislature Lance led the fight against borrowing|

| | |without voter approval. In 2004 he successfully sued Governor James |

| | |McGreevey on the issue before the State Supreme Court and in 2008 New |

| | |Jersey voters approved the “Lance Amendment” to the State Constitution, |

| | |which requires all future borrowing to be approved by the voters. Lance |

| | |also authored the successful effort to require funding for open space |

| | |preservation and he was the prime sponsor of the measure that established |

| | |funds for the New Jersey Cultural Trust. |

| | | |

| | |Leonard Lance was the third generation of his family to serve in the New |

| | |Jersey State Legislature, following his great-uncle, H. Kiefer Lance, and |

| | |his father, Wesley L. Lance. |

| | | |

| | |Lance was born in 1952 and raised in Hunterdon County, where he attended |

| | |North Hunterdon Regional High School. Lance received a bachelor’s degree |

| | |from Lehigh University, where he was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. He also |

| | |holds a law degree from Vanderbilt University and a master’s degree from |

| | |the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs of Princeton|

| | |University. |

| | | |

| | |Lance served as the law clerk to the Warren County (NJ) Court in 1977 and |

| | |1978. He was assistant counsel for county and municipal matters to |

| | |Governor Thomas H. Kean from 1983 to 1990. He has been a member of the New|

| | |Jersey Council on the Humanities and a trustee of the Newark Museum, |

| | |McCarter Theatre in Princeton and Centenary College in Hackettstown. |

| | | |

| | |He is married to Heidi A. Rohrbach and they have a son, Peter Frank, a |

| | |graduate of the University of Wisconsin. The Lances reside in Clinton |

| | |Township. |

|John Shimkus, (R) Illinois |[pic] |John M. Shimkus has served in the Army, as a high school teacher, a county|

|2217 Rayburn House Office Building | |treasurer, and now as a Member of the United States House of |

|Washington, DC 20515 | |Representatives for the 15th District of Illinois. |

|Phone: (202) 225-5271 | |Among his duties in Congress, John is a senior member of the House Energy |

|Fax: (202) 225-5880 | |and Commerce Committee and chairman of its Environment Subcommittee. He |

| | |also serves on the Energy, Health, and Communications and |

|Committees & caucuses: | |Technology Subcommittees; a member of the Biotech, Wireless, NG9-1-1, |

| | |Recycling, Coal, Steel, and Baltic Caucuses; in addition to representing |

|House Energy and Commerce Committee and | |the U.S. Congress in the NATO Parliamentary Assembly. |

|chairman of its Environment Subcommittee | | |

| | | Over the years, John has worked with his colleagues on both sides of the |

|Energy, Health, and Communications and | |aisle to advance policies that enhance our nation's energy security and |

|Technology Subcommittees | |public safety. Several of his legislative initiatives have been signed |

| | |into law by Presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama |

|Biotech Caucus | |including the:  |

|Wireless Caucus | |1998 law allowing for biodiesel fuel use in federal, state and private |

|NG9-1-1 Caucus | |fleets. This bipartisan legislation has since made biodiesel more readily |

|Recycling Caucus | |available at fuel pumps across the country.  |

|Coal Caucus | | |

|Steel Caucus | |1999 law designating 9-1-1 as the universal emergency number in the United|

|Baltic Caucus | |States for mobile as well as landline telephones. |

| | | |

|He also represents the U.S. Congress in | |2002 law requiring federal testing of children's booster seats. This |

|the NATO Parliamentary Assembly | |legislation is also known as Anton's Law.  |

| | | |

| | |2002 law establishing an Internet domain that provided a safe place on the|

| | |web for young children to surf and learn safely. The Department of |

| | |Commerce acknowledged at the time that this was “an important and |

| | |groundbreaking effort to give parents additional tools to protect their |

| | |children in the dawning Internet era.” While new parental controls have |

| | |since rendered the domain obsolete, John continues to stress online safety|

| | |and a free and open Internet.  |

| | | |

| | |2003 law providing for the placement of heart defibrillators in schools. |

| | | |

| | |2004 law expanding federal grants for the deployment of equipment able to |

| | |locate 9-1-1 callers from wireless devices. Building on this success, John|

| | |has recently urged the FCC to ensure accurate caller location information |

| | |is automatically provided to public safety officials for indoor as well as|

| | |outdoor wireless calls to 9-1-1 call centers. |

| | | |

| | |2005 law requiring transportation fuel sold in the U.S. contains a minimum|

| | |volume of renewable fuels. John’s tireless efforts in supporting biodiesel|

| | |and ethanol were instrumental in the inclusion of this Renewable Fuel |

| | |Standard (RFS) in the Energy and Policy Act of 2005.   |

| | | |

| | |2008 law requiring Internet voice service companies to provide 9-1-1 |

| | |service to their users.  |

| | | |

| | |2012 law to facilitate the delivery of voice, text, photos, video, and |

| | |other data to 9-1-1 call centers. |

| | | |

| | |2016 law modernizing the Toxic Substances Control Act.  |

| | | |

| | |John married Karen Muth in 1987. They have three sons:  David, Joshua and |

| | |Daniel. The Shimkus family maintains their residence in John’s hometown of|

| | |Collinsville, Illinois where they are active members of Holy Cross |

| | |Lutheran Church and School. |

| | | |

| | |John received his Bachelor of Science degree in general engineering from |

| | |the United States Military Academy at West Point, New York, in 1980. He |

| | |served over five years active duty in the Army, then entered the Army |

| | |Reserves. John retired with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel on June 1, |

| | |2008, concluding 28 years of military service.  |

| | | |

| | |After leaving active duty, John earned his teaching certificate from |

| | |Christ College Irvine, California (now Concordia University Irvine). He |

| | |returned home to teach at Metro East Lutheran High School in Edwardsville,|

| | |Illinois. |

| | | |

| | |In 1989 John won his first election, becoming a Collinsville Township |

| | |trustee. He left his teaching job the following year to campaign full-time|

| | |and was elected Madison County (Illinois) Treasurer. John began studies |

| | |for his master’s degree in business administration (MBA) while county |

| | |treasurer and graduated from Southern Illinois University Edwardsville in |

| | |1997. |

| | | |

| | |In 1996 John won his first term as a United States Representative from |

| | |what was then Illinois' 20th District. From 2003-2013 he represented the |

| | |19th District and now he represents the 15th District, 33 counties that |

| | |stretch from his hometown near St. Louis to the Indiana border and from |

| | |Hoopeston south to Metropolis. Danville is the largest city in the 15th |

| | |District. |

|Steve Scalise, (R) Louisiana |[pic] |Congressman Steve Scalise proudly serves his colleagues as House Majority |

|2338 Rayburn HOB | |Whip and represents the First Congressional District of Louisiana, which |

|Washington, DC 20515 | |stretches from the culturally distinct New Orleans suburbs to the vibrant |

|Phone: (202) 225-3015 | |bayous and wetlands abundant in natural resources. During the |

| | |113th Congress, he served as chairman for the Republican Study Committee, |

|Committees & caucuses: | |the conservative House caucus. |

| | | |

|Energy and Commerce | |Scalise is a strong conservative leader who upholds the Constitution, |

|Subcommittee on Communications and | |advocating for the principles of fiscal discipline, lower taxes, an |

|Technology | |all-of-the-above national energy strategy, a robust national defense, and |

| | |conservative values. Through his previous experiences as House Deputy Whip|

|Chairman of the Republican Study | |and RSC Chairman, Scalise developed a proven formula to pass effective |

|Committee | |legislation that unites his colleagues. |

| | | |

|Republican Study Committee, Chairman | |As Chairman of the Republican Study Committee, a caucus of more than 170 |

| | |conservative members in the House, he coalesced Members around a unified |

|Gulf Coast Caucus, Co-Chair | |vision. During his time as chairman, Scalise championed a free-market, |

| | |patient-centered Obamacare alternative that gained the support of 130 |

|Waterways Caucus, Co-Chair | |HouseMembers. He also introduced legislation that promotes job creation |

| | |and economic growth, established an RSC national defense working group, |

|Shellfish Caucus, Co-Chair | |released a conservative budget that would balance in four years, and |

| | |crafted bills that protect constitutionally-guaranteed rights, like |

|House Pro-Life Caucus | |freedom of speech, from unelected Washington bureaucrats. |

| | | |

|Sugar Caucus | |As a member of the Energy and Commerce Committee, Scalise has emerged as |

| | |one of the leaders in Congress in pushing for a strong national energy |

|Congressional Civil Air Patrol | |strategy that increases the supply of American oil and natural gas to |

| | |lower gas prices at the pump while reducing our dependence on Middle |

|Long Range Strike Caucus | |Eastern oil. |

| | | |

|House Republican Israel Caucus | |In Congress, Scalise has a proven record of getting results.  Scalise has |

| | |spearheaded and passed legislation to: |

|Congressional Dairy Farmers Caucus | | |

| | |Ensure that billions of dollars in BP Clean Water Act fines are dedicated |

|Kidney Caucus | |to the Gulf Coast through the “RESTORE Act” so we can fully restore our |

| | |coastal ecosystems and economies in the aftermath of the Deepwater Horizon|

|Cancer Caucus | |oil spill. |

| | | |

|Diabetes Caucus | |Passing a conservative alternative to President Obama's "Buffett Rule" |

| | |that was supported by outside groups like Americans For Tax Reform. |

|Tea Party Caucus | |Banning the implementation of radical climate change regulations, saving |

|Balanced Budget | |millions of taxpayer dollars. |

| | | |

|Amendment Caucus | |Defunding many of President Obama's czars. |

|Second Amendment Task Force | | |

| | |Eliminating redundant, costly, and time consuming trips for nearly 2 |

|Congressional Sportsmans Caucus | |million American transportation workers by reforming the TWIC card |

| | |process. |

|House Shipbuilding Caucus | | |

| | |Defunding the wasteful spending of the Open World Leadership Center. |

|Values Action Team | |Holding the Obama Administration accountable for blocking American energy |

|Levees Caucus | |development through the moratorium in the Gulf of Mexico. |

| | | |

|Turkey Caucus | |Reforming the FCC by eliminating unnecessary and burdensome mandates on |

| | |the telecommunications industry.  |

|House Boating Caucus | | |

| | |Through his post on the House Energy and Commerce Committee, Scalise has |

|Natural Gas Caucus | |fought against the government takeover of health care, took on Al Gore |

| | |over the “Cap and Trade” energy tax, and held the Obama Administration |

| | |accountable for their taxpayer funded green energy loans to failing |

| | |companies like Solyndra. |

| | | |

| | |Scalise is committed to maintaining an open line of communication with his|

| | |constituents to better serve them in Congress. Scalise holds regular town |

| | |hall meetings in every parish of the First Congressional District to meet |

| | |with local residents and hear their concerns. |

| | | |

| | |Congressman Scalise is a graduate of Louisiana State University.  He |

| | |received his B.S. in Computer Science in 1989 with a minor in Political |

| | |Science.  Scalise is a former systems engineer.  |

| | | |

| | |The Congressman’s commitment to service began early as he was twice |

| | |elected Speaker of LSU’s Student Government Association.  He was a member |

| | |of the Louisiana House and the Louisiana Senate from 1996 to 2008.  During|

| | |that period, he was elected Chairman of the Senate Labor and Industrial |

| | |Relations Committee.  In the U.S. House of Representatives, Scalise serves|

| | |the needs of the residences of his District which includes all or parts of|

| | |Jefferson, Lafourche, Orleans, Plaquemines, St. Bernard, St. Tammany, |

| | |Tangipahoa and Terrebonne Parishes. |

| | | |

| | |Scalise is married to the former Jennifer Letulle. He is the proud father |

| | |of two children, Madison and Harrison.  He and his family reside in |

| | |Jefferson, Louisiana. |

| | | |

|Bob Latta, (R) Ohio |[pic] |Since 2007, Congressman Bob Latta has served the people of Ohio’s Fifth |

|2448 Rayburn HOB | |Congressional District in the United States House of Representatives. |

|Washington, DC 20515 | |Congressman Latta is a member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee |

|T (202) 225-6405 | |where he plays an intricate role in crafting the nation’s energy, |

| | |telecommunications, environment, health care, and interstate commerce |

|Committees & caucuses: | |policy. Latta is Chairman of the Subcommittee on Digital Commerce and |

| | |Consumer Protection, where he advocates for policies and solutions that |

|House Committee on Energy and Commerce | |focus on jobs and innovation-creating 21st Century Commerce. |

| | | |

|Subcommittee on Digital Commerce and | |Latta is also a member of the Subcommittee on Energy and the Subcommittee |

|Consumer Protection (Chairman) | |on Communications and Technology. Along with his committee positions, |

| | |Congressman Latta is a Deputy Whip and Co-Chairs the Congressional Propane|

|Subcommittee on Energy | |Caucus and the Rural Broadband Caucus. |

| | | |

|Subcommittee on Communications and | |Throughout his tenure, Congressman Latta has advocated for the interests |

|Technology | |of the people of Northwest and West Central Ohio through policies that |

| | |further economic prosperity and job creation. His top priorities include |

|Caucus Chairmanships: | |balancing the budget, maintaining a strong national defense, and |

|Congressional Propane Caucus (Co-Chair) | |implementing commonsense government reforms. |

|Congressional French Caucus (Co-Chair) | | |

|Congressional Rural Broadband Caucus | |Numerous pieces of legislation authored by Latta have been signed into law|

|(Co-Chair) | |during his Congressional tenure. Latta authored the Drinking Water |

|House Republican New Media Caucus | |Protection Act, which provides for the assessment and management of the |

|(Co-Chair) | |risk of algal toxins in drinking water. He also is the sponsor of |

| | |the Propane Education and Research Enhancement Act, which helps ensure |

|Caucus Involvement: | |that families, farms, and businesses have access to propane during the |

|Congressional Army Caucus | |coldest parts of the winter. In addition, Latta is the author of |

|Congressional National Guard and Reserve | |the Safeguarding America’s Pharmaceuticals Act, which establishes a |

|Components Caucus | |tracking system for pharmaceutical drugs through the supply chain – from |

|Congressional Military Veterans Caucus | |manufacturers, to wholesalers, to distributors, and patients. |

|U.S. Turkish Relations and Turkish | | |

|Americans Caucus | |Latta is a steadfast advocate for our nation’s veterans, authoring |

|Friends of Scotland Caucus | |legislation passed by the House to expedite the processing of VA appeals |

|Congressional Coast Guard Caucus | |claims. |

|Congressional Military Family Caucus | | |

|House Republican Israel Caucus | |Congressman Latta is an avid sportsmen and lifelong resident of Northwest |

|Congressional Robotics Caucus | |Ohio. He and his wife Marcia live in Bowling Green and they have two |

|Navy and Marine Corps Caucus | |daughters, Elizabeth and Maria. |

|Congressional Air Force Caucus | | |

|Rural Veteran's Caucus | | |

|Congressional Wounded to Work Caucus | | |

|Joint Strike Fighter Caucus | | |

|Congressional Rare Earth Caucus | | |

|Financial Protection and Life Insurance | | |

|Caucus | | |

|Bipartisan Task Force for Combating | | |

|Anti-Semitism | | |

|Congressional Steel Caucus | | |

|House Cement Caucus | | |

|Congressional Manufacturing Caucus | | |

|Congressional Shipbuilding Caucus | | |

|House Hydropower Caucus | | |

|House Recycling Caucus | | |

|Congressional Algae Energy Caucus | | |

|House Natural Gas Caucus | | |

|Nuclear Issues Working Group | | |

|Congressional Dairy Farmer Caucus | | |

|Congressional Coal Caucus | | |

|Congressional Beef Caucus | | |

|Marcellus Shale Caucus | | |

|Wire and Wire Products Caucus | | |

|Automotive & Motorsports Caucus | | |

|Grid Innovation Caucus | | |

|Congressional Courthouse Caucus | | |

|Congressional Firefighter Caucus | | |

|Congressional High Technology Caucus | | |

|Congressional Internet Caucus | | |

|Congressional Prayer Caucus | | |

|Career and Technical Education Caucus | | |

|Congressional Cybersecurity Caucus | | |

|Congressional Caucus on the Internet of | | |

|Things | | |

|Congressional Pro-Life Caucus | | |

|Congressional Sportsmen's Caucus | | |

|Congressional Fitness Caucus | | |

|House Glaucoma Caucus | | |

|Congressional Cancer Care Working Group | | |

|Congressional Healthcare Caucus | | |

|Library of Congress Caucus | | |

|House Hunger Caucus | | |

|Anti-Value Added Tax Caucus | | |

|Congressional Cystic Fibrosis Caucus | | |

|Reclaim American Jobs Caucus | | |

|MS Caucus | | |

|Balanced Budget Caucus | | |

|Pediatric Cancer Caucus | | |

|10th Amendment Task Force | | |

|Constitution Caucus | | |

|Congressional Privacy Caucus | | |

|Congressional Scouting Caucus | | |

|Congressional Sovereignty Caucus | | |

|Congressional Boating Caucus | | |

|Congressional Men's Health Caucus | | |

|Congressional Pharmacy Caucus | | |

|House Small Brewers Caucus | | |

| | | |

|Miscellaneous Caucus Involvement: | | |

|Congressional Cancer Care Working Group | | |

|Congressional Robotics Caucus | | |

|10th Amendment Task Force | | |

|Brett Guthrie, (R) Kentucky |[pic] |Congressman Brett Guthrie represents Kentucky's Second Congressional |

|2434 Rayburn H.O.B. | |District in the U.S. House of Representatives. The Second District is home|

|Washington, DC  20515 | |to Fort Knox, Abraham Lincoln’s birthplace, Mammoth Cave National Park, |

|Phone: (202) 225-3501 | |and many of the Commonwealth’s most treasured locations. |

|Fax: (202) 226-2019 | | |

| | |Congressman Guthrie serves on both the House Energy and Commerce (E&C) |

|Chief of Staff: | |Committee and the House Committee on Education and the Workforce for the |

|Eric.Bergren@mail. | |115th Congress. The Energy and Commerce is the oldest standing legislative|

|FCC Staff: joel.miller@mail. | |committee in the House with broad jurisdiction over our nation’s energy, |

| | |healthcare, telecommunications and consumer product safety policies. |

|Committees & caucuses: | |Guthrie also serves on the following subcommittees for Energy and |

| | |Commerce: Subcommittee on Health, where he serves as Vice Chair; |

|House Energy and Commerce (E&C) Committee| |Subcommittee on Communications and Technology; and Subcommittee on Digital|

| | |Commerce and Consumer Protection. He serves as the Chairman of the |

|House Committee on Education and the | |Education and Workforce Committee’s Higher Education and Workforce |

|Workforce | |Development Subcommittee. |

| | | |

|Subcommittees for Energy and Commerce | |Recognized for his proven leadership, he was also appointed to serve as an|

| | |Assistant Whip within the Republican Conference and as a regional |

|Subcommittee on Health, Vice Chair | |representative to the Republican Policy Committee. |

| | | |

|Subcommittee on Communications and | |During his tenure in Congress, Guthrie previously served on the |

|Technology | |Transportation and Infrastructure Committee as well as the Committee on |

| | |Education and the Workforce, where he was named the top Republican on the |

|Subcommittee on Digital Commerce and | |Higher Education, Lifelong Learning, and Competitiveness Subcommittee. |

|Consumer Protection | | |

| | |Guthrie graduated in 1987 from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point |

|Chairman of the Education and Workforce | |with a degree in economics and went on to serve as a Field Artillery |

|Committee’s Higher Education and | |Officer in the 101st Airborne Division – Air Assault at Fort Campbell.  |

|Workforce Development Subcommittee | |Guthrie later earned a Master's Degree from Yale University in Public and |

| | |Private Management. |

|Appointed Assistant Whip within the | | |

|Republican Conference | |Congressman Guthrie comes from a small business, manufacturing background.|

| | |Following his military service, he joined Trace Die Cast, the Bowling |

|Regional representative to the Republican| |Green, Ky., based manufacturing business that was started by his father.  |

|Policy Committee | | |

| | |First elected to public office in 1998, Guthrie represented the |

| | |32nd District in the Kentucky Senate.  In Frankfort, he served on the |

| | |Education Committee, the Economic Development, Tourism and Labor |

| | |Committee, and chaired the Transportation Committee. |

| | | |

| | |Married to the former Beth Clemmons, they have three children, Caroline, |

| | |Robby and Elizabeth. |

| | | |

|Pete Olson, (R) Texas |[pic] |Pete Olson represents the 22nd District of Texas in the U.S. House of |

|2133 Rayburn | |Representatives. He was born on December 9, 1962 at the Madigan Army |

|Washington, DC 20515 | |Medical Center in Fort Lewis, Washington. The Olson family settled in |

|Phone: (202) 225-5951 | |Seabrook, Texas in 1972, where Olson grew up and graduated from Clear Lake|

|Fax: (202) 225-5241 | |High School in 1981. He received a B.A. from Rice University in 1985 and |

| | |earned his law degree from the University of Texas in 1988. On the day he |

|Committees & caucuses: | |completed the Texas bar examination, Pete took the oath of office for |

| | |service in the United States Navy. |

|House Energy & Commerce Committee | | |

| | |Pete attended Aviation Officer Candidate School and earned his Wings of |

|Vice Chair of the Energy and Power | |Gold in March 1991. During his decorated career, he flew the P-3C Orion, |

|Subcommittee | |which is designed to track and destroy ballistic missile submarines. |

| | |During his deployments, Pete flew missions over the Sea of Okhotsk between|

|Communications and Technology | |Japan and Russia, the South China Sea, the Indian Ocean, and the Persian |

|Subcommittee | |Gulf, where he helped to enforce the international sanctions levied upon |

| | |Iraq after Operation Desert Storm. In 1994, Pete’s combat aircrew was |

|Vice Chair of the Energy Subcommittee | |named the Pacific Fleet’s best in anti-submarine warfare. Pete was |

| | |transferred to serve on the Joint Chiefs of Staff in 1994 and a year |

|Environment Subcommittee | |later, was assigned as a naval liaison officer to the U.S. Senate. |

| | | |

|Co-chairs the Congressional Refinery | |In 1998, Olson became a legislative aide to Texas Senator Phil Gramm. In |

|Caucus with Rep. Cedric Richmond (D-LA) | |2002, newly elected Texas Senator John Cornyn appointed him as his first |

| | |Chief of Staff. In 2007, Pete returned home to Texas and in November 2008,|

|Co-chair of the Corrosion Caucus with | |the people of the 22nd District of Texas elected him to the 111th |

|Rep. Elizabeth Esty (D-CT) | |Congress. |

| | | |

| | |In his second term in Congress, the Republican Leadership appointed Pete |

| | |to serve on the House Energy & Commerce Committee. Olson was appointed |

| | |Vice Chair of the Energy and Power Subcommittee by Chairman Fred Upton for|

| | |the 114th Congress and was selected to serve on the Communications and |

| | |Technology Subcommittee. For the 115th Congress, Olson was appointed Vice |

| | |Chair of the Energy Subcommittee by Chairman Greg Walden. He kept his seat|

| | |on the Communications and Technology Subcommittee and is a new member of |

| | |the Environment Subcommittee as well. Olson co-chairs the Congressional |

| | |Refinery Caucus with Rep. Cedric Richmond (D-LA) and is a co-chair of the |

| | |Corrosion Caucus with Rep. Elizabeth Esty (D-CT). Given the important role|

| | |that the energy, telecommunication and health care industries play as |

| | |local economic drivers, these committee assignments are critical for the |

| | |Houston region.  |

| | | |

| | |Pete and his wife Nancy live in Sugar Land, Texas with their children, |

| | |Kate and Grant. They are active members of the United Methodist Church. |

|Adam Kinzinger, (R) Illinois |[pic] |Adam D. Kinzinger is currently serving his fourth term in the United |

|2245 Rayburn HOB | |States House of Representatives and proudly represents Illinois’ Sixteenth|

|Washington, DC 20515 | |Congressional District, which stretches across 14 counties in the Northern|

|P: (202) 225-3635 | |Illinois region. |

|F: (202) 225-3521 | | |

| | | |

|Committees & caucuses: | |Congressman Kinzinger serves as a member of the House Committee on Energy |

| | |and Commerce, and on the House Committee on Foreign Affairs.  His top |

|House Energy and Commerce Committee | |priorities include strengthening U.S. energy policy and making our nation |

| | |less reliant on foreign resources as well as bolstering the strength of |

|House Foreign Affairs Committee | |our national security – both at home and abroad. |

| | |The Sixteenth District is home to four nuclear power plants, miles of |

|Subcommittee on Commerce, Manufacturing | |windmills, hydropower plants, and ethanol and biodiesel plants. The |

|and Trade | |nuclear energy production alone employs more than 2,500 people throughout |

| | |the 16th district.  Coal and natural gas are also vital to the district. |

|Subcommittee on Communications and | |With such rich energy resources, Congressman Kinzinger’s focus is on |

|Technology | |advancing energy production throughout the 16th district and the United |

| | |States. |

|Subcommittee on Energy and Power | | |

| | |Prior to being elected to Congress, Kinzinger served in the Air Force in |

|Subcommittee on Middle East and North | |both Iraq and Afghanistan.  He has always been a strong supporter of U.S. |

|Africa | |leadership in the Middle East, and he was among the first members of |

| | |Congress to call for airstrikes against ISIS. He continues to focus on |

|Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific | |eradicating this threat with a comprehensive and detailed strategy. |

| | |In 2007, he received the United States Air Force Airman's Medal for saving|

|Caucus for Syria | |the life of a young woman who was being violently attacked. He wrestled |

| | |the knife away from the attacker and pinned him to the ground until the |

|Iraq Caucus | |police arrived. He was also awarded the National Guard's Valley Forge |

| | |Cross for Heroism and was selected as the Southeastern Wisconsin American |

| | |Red Cross Hero of the Year. |

| | | |

| | |Currently serving as a Deputy Republican Whip at the age of 38, |

| | |Congressman Kinzinger is one of the youngest Members of Congress and was |

| | |named ‘A Republican Role Model for 2017’ by the Washington Post. |

| | |  |

| | |Education and Early Career |

| | |Adam Kinzinger became active in his community early on. As a 20-year old |

| | |sophomore at Illinois State University (ISU), he challenged a three-term |

| | |incumbent for the McLean County Board. Kinzinger advocated for restoring |

| | |local government back into the hands of the people and won a seat on the |

| | |board, becoming one of the youngest county board members in McLean County |

| | |history. He served on the McLean County Board from 1998-2003, and |

| | |graduated from ISU in 2000. |

| | |  |

| | |Military Experience |

| | |After serving on the McLean County Board, Kinzinger joined the United |

| | |States Air Force. He was commissioned a 2nd Lieutenant in November 2003 |

| | |and later awarded his pilot wings. He has served in the Air Force Special |

| | |Operations, Air Combat Command, Air Mobility Command, and Air National |

| | |Guard. |

| | | |

| | |Kinzinger continues to serve his country as a pilot in the Air National |

| | |Guard, with the current rank of Major, and balances this service with his |

| | |duties in Congress. |

| | |  |

| | |Family |

| | |Congressman Kinzinger’s roots run deep across Illinois. He was born in |

| | |Kankakee, grew up in Bloomington, and now resides in Channahon. His mother|

| | |Jodi is a retired elementary schoolteacher, and his father Rus is a former|

| | |CEO of two faith-based organizations. His parents instilled in him and his|

| | |two siblings the importance of hard work, compassion and teamwork through |

| | |their own service to their communities. Kinzinger carries these Midwestern|

| | |values and his servant leadership with him to Washington, D.C. as he |

| | |fights to preserve and promote the American dream for hardworking |

| | |Illinoisans.  |

|Gus Bilirakis, (R) Florida |[pic] |Residence: Palm Harbor |

|2112 Rayburn HOB | |Marital Status: Married (Eva) |

|Washington, DC 20515 | |Prev. Occupation: Attorney, College Instructor |

|Phone: (202) 225-5755 | |Prev. Political Exp.: FL House, 1998-2006 |

|Fax: (202) 225-4085 | |Education: BA University of Florida, 1986; JD Stetson University, 1989 |

| | |Birthdate: 02/08/1963 |

|Committees & caucuses (from his website):| |Birthplace: Gainesville, FL |

| | |Religion: Greek Orthodox |

|House Energy and Commerce Committee | |Percentage in Last Election: 69% |

| | | |

|Health Subcommittee: The U.S. is home to | |Congressman Gus M. Bilirakis is a Republican from Palm Harbor, |

|a constant stream of cutting-edge medical| |representing Florida’s 12th Congressional District, which includes all of |

|advancements, but these innovations can | |Pasco and northern parts of Pinellas and Hillsborough counties. He was |

|only benefit patients and spur our | |first elected to Congress on November 7, 2006, and is currently serving |

|economy if the FDA regulatory process | |his sixth term in the United States House of Representatives. |

|keeps pace. The Health Subcommittee has | | |

|developed key reforms to promote this | |As a young boy, Gus learned the importance of public service from his |

|type of medical advancement, part of its | |father, Michael Bilirakis, who represented Florida’s Ninth Congressional |

|broader efforts to support market-based | |District from 1983 to 2006. The elder Bilirakis also instilled in his son |

|improvements to our health care system | |a pride in the family’s Greek heritage, which Gus proudly carries into his|

|and reject heavy-handed government | |career today. |

|control. | | |

| | |Gus serves on the Energy and Commerce Committee and is Vice-Chairman of |

|Communications and Technology | |the Veterans’ Affairs Committee. He is Co-Chairman of the Military |

|Subcommittee: As technology continues to | |Veterans Caucus, Co-Chairman of the Congressional Hellenic Caucus and the |

|change the way we live, the | |Congressional Hellenic-Israel Alliance. Working in a bipartisan manner, |

|Communications and Technology | |his main priorities include controlling government spending, creating jobs|

|Subcommittee plays an important role in | |for middle class Americans, finding ways for government to operate smaller|

|supporting innovation and safety. The | |and smarter, and lowering taxes. He is also committed to strengthening |

|Subcommittee has jurisdiction over | |homeland security, improving education, increasing access to quality |

|of; Electronic communications, both | |health care, protecting veterans’ benefits, and ensuring the long-term |

|Interstate and foreign, including voice, | |viability of Social Security and Medicare. |

|video, audio and data, whether | | |

|transmitted by wire or wirelessly, and | |The Energy and Commerce Committee is the longest-standing committee in the|

|whether transmitted by | |U.S. House of Representatives. As the only Florida Republican on the |

|telecommunications, commercial or private| |Committee, Gus continues to be a strong voice for Florida, and his roles |

|mobile service, broadcast, cable, | |on the Health, Digital Commerce and Consumer Protection, and |

|satellite, microwave, or other mode; | |Communications and Technology Subcommittees are highly beneficial for our |

|technology generally; emergency and | |state. With the fourth largest GDP, Florida is an important and robust |

|public safety communications; | |economic engine that should carry great consideration when Congress |

|cybersecurity, privacy, and data | |examines ways we can drive this economy forward. Our state also has the |

|security; the Federal Communications | |greatest proportion of residents 65 years and older, making it even more |

|Commission, the National | |important for Congress to ensure a quality and affordable healthcare |

|Telecommunications and Information | |system for current and future generations. Finally, with the highest per |

|Administration, the Office of Emergency | |capita residential electricity demand, Florida has a vested interest in |

|Communications in the Department of | |ensuring our country becomes more energy independent and has reliable |

|Homeland Security; and all aspects of the| |access to a broad array of energy sources. |

|above-referenced jurisdiction related to | | |

|the Department of Homeland Security. | |Gus is also known for his work on behalf of Veterans. In his role as |

| | |Vice-Chairman of the Veterans’ Affairs Committee and member of the Health |

|Digital Commerce and Consumer Protection | |Subcommittee, Gus continues to ensure our nation’s heroes remain a top |

|Subcommittee: From cars to smartphones, | |priority. In addition, Congressman Bilirakis is fighting to bring |

|and more, the Digital Commerce and | |additional health care resources to Florida and the Twelfth Congressional |

|Consumer Protection Subcommittee ensures | |District. Since coming to Congress, he has worked with local and national |

|the things we are using on a daily basis | |VA officials to expand the Pasco County VA Outpatient Clinic, bringing |

|are safe, while promoting innovation and | |additional health care services, such as dental care and mental health |

|growth. The Subcommittee has jurisdiction| |services, to area veterans. He also has visited the James Haley VA Medical|

|of; Interstate and foreign commerce, | |Center (VAMC), meeting with the medical center staff and Veterans to |

|including all trade matters within the | |discuss the care and services provided at the VAMC. |

|jurisdiction of the full committee; | | |

|regulation of commercial practices (the | |Prior to being elected to Congress, Gus served four terms in the Florida |

|Federal Trade Commission), including | |House of Representatives (1998-2006),  where he chaired several prominent |

|sports-related matters; consumer affairs | |panels, including Crime Prevention, Public Safety Appropriations, and the |

|and consumer protection, including | |Economic Development, Trade and Banking Committee. While in Tallahassee, |

|privacy matters generally; data security;| |he won bipartisan acclaim for his leadership on efforts to make |

|consumer product safety (the Consumer | |communities safer, improve transportation, reform government, recognize |

|Product Safety Commission); product | |the sacrifices of America’s Veterans and expand the role community health |

|liability; motor vehicle safety; and | |centers play in making health care more available to lower-income |

|regulation of travel, tourism, and time. | |individuals. During this time, he also served as Senior Partner at the |

| | |Bilirakis Law Group in Holiday, Florida, where he specialized in wills, |

|House Veterans Affairs Committee, Vice | |trusts and estate planning. |

|Chairman | | |

| | |Gus earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Florida in |

|Health Subcommittee: The Subcommittee on | |1986 and a J.D. from Stetson University in 1989. He interned for President|

|Health has legislative, oversight, and | |Ronald Reagan and the National Republican Congressional Committee, and |

|investigative jurisdiction over the | |worked for former U.S. Representative Don Sundquist (R-TN). He also |

|Veterans Health Administration including | |currently teaches government classes at St. Petersburg College. |

|medical services, medical support and | | |

|compliance, medical facilities, medical | |Gus and his wife, Eva, have four sons – Michael, Teddy, Manuel and |

|and prosthetic research, and major and | |Nicholas. |

|minor construction. | | |

|Economic Opportunity Subcommittee: The | |From Wiki - "Controversies": |

|Subcommittee on Economic Opportunity has | | |

|legislative, oversight, and investigative| |On February 11, 2017, Biliarkis hosted a townhall in Pasco County, Florida|

|jurisdiction over education of veterans, | |where he was faced with several protesters angry over the potential repeal|

|employment and training of veterans, | |of the Affordable Healthcare Act, when the chairman of the GOP in the |

|vocational rehabilitation, veterans' | |county, Bill Akins repeated the now debunked claim that the ACA contains |

|housing programs, readjustment of service| |"what is effectively known as death panels." Biliarkis nodded in agreement|

|members to civilian life, and service | |and later told CNN that "The board exists, OK? And I've voted to repeal |

|members civil relief. | |the board." Congressman Biliarkis seemed to equate the death panel with |

| | |the Independent Advisory Board, a 15-member committee that issues |

|LEADERSHIP ASSIGNMENTS | |recommendations for reducing healthcare costs, subject to congressional |

|Chairman of the Republican Policy | |oversight and approval. [10] [11] |

|Committee Veterans' Affairs Task Force | | |

|NATO Parliamentary Assembly | | |

|Co-Chair of the Military Veterans Caucus | | |

|Co-Chair of the Hellenic-Israel Alliance | | |

|Co-Chair of the Congressional Caucus on | | |

|Hellenic Issues | | |

|Co-Chair of the House Congenital Heart | | |

|Caucus  | | |

|Co-Chair of the House Community College | | |

|Caucus | | |

|Co-Chair of the Congressional Caucus for | | |

|the Humane Bond | | |

|Co-Chair of the Travel and Tourism Caucus| | |

|Co-Chair of the Congressional Caucus on | | |

|Parkinson's Disease | | |

|Vice-Chair of the International Religious| | |

|Freedom Caucus | | |

|Congressional Veterans Jobs Caucus  | | |

|Bill Johnson, (R) Ohio |[pic] |Bill Johnson was born and raised on family farms, where he learned early |

|1710 Longworth HOB | |the values of hard work, honesty, and sacrifice. Those values have stayed |

|Washington, D.C. 20515T | |with Johnson throughout his life and have made him the leader he is today.|

|(202) 225-5705F | | |

|(202) 225-5907 | |Johnson entered the U.S. Air Force in 1973, and retired as a Lieutenant |

| | |Colonel after a distinguished military career of more than 26 years. He |

|Committees & caucuses: | |graduated Summa Cum Laude from Troy University in Troy, Alabama in 1979, |

| | |and he earned his Master’s Degree from Georgia Tech in 1984. During his |

|Committee on Energy and Commerce | |tenure in the U.S. Air Force, Johnson was recognized as a Distinguished |

| | |Graduate from the Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps, Squadron |

|Committee on the Budget  | |Officers School, and Air Command & Staff College. Bill is also a proud |

| | |recipient of the Air Force Meritorious Service Medal, the Air Force |

|Committee on Energy and Commerce: | |Commendation Medal, and the National Defense Service Medal. As Director of|

| | |the Air Force’s Chief Information Officer Staff at U.S. Special Operations|

|Subcommittee on Communications and | |Command, Johnson worked directly with senior congressional and Secretary |

|Technology | |of Defense representatives, as well as top leaders within the various U.S.|

| | |intelligence communities, to ensure America’s Special Operations forces |

|Subcommittee on Energy and Power | |were adequately equipped to carry out critical national security missions.|

| | | |

|Subcommittee on Environment and the | |Following his retirement from military service, Johnson turned to creating|

|Economy  | |and building high technology businesses. He cofounded Johnson-Schley |

|  | |Management Group, Inc., an information technology (IT) consulting company |

| | |that increased revenues by more than 200% in just three years under his |

| | |leadership. In 2003 he left Johnson-Schley to form J2 Business Solutions, |

| | |Inc., where he focused on providing executive level IT support as a |

| | |defense contractor to the U.S. military. |

| | | |

| | |From 2006 through 2010, Johnson served as Chief Information Officer of a |

| | |global manufacturer of highly engineered electronic components for the |

| | |transportation industry headquartered in Northeast Ohio. As a member of |

| | |the executive leadership team, he managed a multi-million dollar |

| | |departmental budget. |

| | | |

| | |Since first being elected in 2010, Johnson has been fighting to create |

| | |jobs in Eastern and Southeastern Ohio, improve services to our nation's |

| | |heroes - our veterans, and to make our federal government more effective, |

| | |efficient, and accountable to the American people. He's working hard to |

| | |ensure that our children and grandchildren are blessed with the same |

| | |opportunities of previous generations. Johnson has led the effort in the |

| | |House of Representatives to defend the coal industry from executive and |

| | |bureaucratic overreach, and to secure American energy independence. Seven |

| | |bills authored by Johnson were signed into law during his first two terms.|

| | | |

| | |In November of 2016, Johnson was elected to a fourth term to serve the |

| | |people of Eastern and Southeastern Ohio. Johnson retained his seat on the |

| | |powerful House Energy & Commerce Committee that is charged with providing |

| | |a key role in developing America's energy, healthcare, and |

| | |telecommunications policies (among others), while providing oversight on |

| | |the Administration's implementation of these laws. Johnson also serves on |

| | |the House Budget Committee. Additionally, he is a member of the House |

| | |Shale Caucus.  |

| | | |

| | |Johnson is the author of the book entitled "Raising Fathers", in which he |

| | |addresses the importance of fatherhood, and begins confronting the |

| | |destructive social and cultural impacts caused by the staggering number of|

| | |America's children that are being raised in fatherless homes. |

| | | |

| | |Congressman Johnson, and his wife LeeAnn, currently reside in Marietta, |

| | |Ohio with a son, Nathan. Johnson is also the proud parent of three grown |

| | |children: Joshua, Julie, and Jessica, and is a grandfather of six. |

|Billy Long, (R) Missouri |[pic] |For over thirty years, Congressman Long was a real estate broker and owner|

|2454 Rayburn HOB | |of Billy Long Auctions, LLC in Springfield, along with being a radio talk |

|Washington, DC 20515 | |show host from 1999-2006 on KWTO AM560.  His experience running a small |

|(p) 202.225.6536 | |business and his time taking calls on the radio from concerned citizens |

|(f) 202.225.5604 | |gives him a unique understanding of the challenges facing families and |

| | |small businesses in the Ozarks.  His top priority in Washington is to stop|

|Committees & caucuses: | |the irresponsible spending and overreaching of modern day Washington. |

| | | |

|House Energy and Commerce Committee | |Billy is a member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee.  He serves |

| | |on three critical Energy and Commerce Subcommittees: Communications and |

|Energy and Commerce Subcommittees: | |Technology; Energy and Power; and Health. |

| | | |

|Communications and Technology | |In addition to his small-business ownership, Long was a member of the |

| | |National Association of Realtors, National Auctioneers Association, and |

|Energy and Power | |the Missouri Professional Auctioneers’ Association for over 30 years |

| | |each.  Long has been inducted into the Missouri Professional Auctioneers’ |

|Health | |Hall of Fame.  Long also holds memberships in the National Rifle |

| | |Association and the Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce.   |

|Pro-Life Caucus | | |

| | |Billy and his wife Barbara were married in 1984 at First & Calvary |

| | |Presbyterian Church, of which they are still members and attend |

| | |regularly.  |

| | |  |

| | |Billy’s Awards and Honors |

| | | |

| | |Billy has been recognized for his efforts in Congress on behalf of our |

| | |nation’s small businessmen and women who create jobs and spur economic |

| | |growth with the Spirit of Enterprise Award from the U.S. Chamber of |

| | |Commerce. This award honors Billy’s commitment to free market principles |

| | |and his voting record supporting small businesses, cutting regulations, |

| | |promoting job creation, and finding new markets for American products. |

| | | |

| | |Billy received the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) Award for |

| | |Manufacturing Legislative Excellence in 2015.  Manufacturers honor |

| | |legislators with the NAM award who support a pro-growth, pro-jobs agenda |

| | |and who receive a 70 percent or higher on key manufacturing votes.  |

| | |Billy’s votes in support of our nation’s manufacturers earned him a NAM |

| | |rating of 100 percent.  |

| | | |

| | |The 60 Plus Association awarded Billy the group’s highest honor, the |

| | |Guardian of Seniors’ Rights award. The award is presented to members in |

| | |Congress based on their “senior friendly” voting records. |

| | | |

| | |The American Conservative Union (ACU) honored Billy for his legislative |

| | |efforts from 2011 to 2014. ACU has ranked Billy as the most conservative |

| | |member of the Missouri delegation in 2014. The 2014 ACU award is given to |

| | |members of the House and Senate for their efforts on a wide variety of |

| | |issues of interest to grassroots conservatives voted on during the first |

| | |session of the 113th Congress. Founded in 1964, the ACU is the oldest and |

| | |largest grassroots conservative organization in the country. Billy has |

| | |received the award each year it has been presented since he became a |

| | |member of Congress. |

| | | |

| | |Billy came to Washington to cut spending and put our country on a |

| | |sustainable path. He has done that very thing as the National Taxpayers |

| | |Union Foundation (NTUF) noted in a report showing he ranked 4th out of 435|

| | |members in the House when it comes to supporting efforts to cut spending. |

| | |The NTUF BillTally report looks at the cost and savings for all the bills |

| | |introduced in each Congress. NTUF produces reports based on the cost and |

| | |savings of the bills they sponsor and cosponsor. NTUF’s report shows Billy|

| | |supported the 4th largest net savings agenda in 2011, saving $408 billion.|

| | | |

| | |The Club for Growth’s Spending Cut Scorecard has given Billy a 96 percent |

| | |when it came to supporting amendments offered in the House to cut |

| | |spending. |

| | | |

| | |Billy received the Guardian of Small Business award from National |

| | |Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) in recognition of his support |

| | |for America’s small business owners in the 112th Congress. |

| | | |

| | |Billy received the Tax Fighter Award from the National Tax Limitation |

| | |Committee (NTLC) for his voting record in the 112th Congress. Billy’s |

| | |votes in support of constitutional and other limits on taxes and spending |

| | |earned him a NTLC rating of 100 percent, the highest score in the Missouri|

| | |delegation. |

|Bill Flores, (R) Texas |[pic] |Bill Flores is a ninth generation Texan, raised in Stratford, a small town|

|2440 Rayburn HOB | |in the Texas Panhandle.  |

|Washington, DC 20515 | | |

|Phone: (202) 225-6105 | |While growing up in this agricultural community, he learned the value of |

|Fax: (202) 225-0350 | |hard work, starting at age nine by working cattle with his Dad, followed |

| | |by having his own paper routes, and working six days per week, 12 hours |

|Committees & caucuses: | |per day in the ag industry during his middle school and high school |

| | |years.  He became an entrepreneur early in life by starting a small cattle|

|Chairman 114th Congress - Republican | |herd at age 12 which ultimately grew into the Rafter O Cattle Company, a |

|Study Committee | |partnership with his three brothers which at its peak owned over 500 head |

| | |of cattle.  |

|Congressional Army Caucus (Chairman John | | |

|Carter) | |He paid his own way through college, graduating with honors from Texas A&M|

| | |University in 1976 with a BBA in Accounting. |

|Congressional Caucus on CPAs and | | |

|Accountants | |Earned Texas Certified Public Accountancy (CPA) license in 1978 |

| | | |

|Congressional Hispanic Conference  | |Married a Stratford girl, Gina Bass, in 1978 |

| | | |

|Congressional Job Creators' Caucus | |Graduated from Houston Baptist University with MBA degree in 1985 |

| | | |

|Congressional Natural Gas Caucus  | |Worked for a “Big 8” accounting firm for a few years, followed by 30 years|

| | |in the oil & gas business, 20 of which were in “C” level positions for |

|Congressional Sportsmen's Caucus | |public and private companies; culminating as President and CEO of Phoenix |

| | |Exploration Company, one of the fastest growing companies in Houston |

|House General Aviation Caucus | |during 2006-2008.  |

| | | |

|Sunset Repeal Caucus  | |In 2009, frustrated by the destructive legislation coming out of |

| | |Washington, he retired from the private sector to run for Congress.  In |

|Values Action Team | |November 2010, he beat an incumbent Congressman by the largest margin of |

| | |victory that election cycle. |

|Aerospace Caucus  | | |

| | |In Congress, he serves on the powerful House Energy and Commerce |

|Unmanned Systems Caucus  | |Committee; and for the 114th Congress, his House colleagues elected him to|

| | |serve as Chairman of the Republican Study Committee, the largest and most |

|Zoo and Aquarium Caucus  | |influential caucus in the U.S. Congress. |

| | |Current governance positions: |

|Congressional Steel Caucus  | |Vice-Chairman, Houston Baptist University Board of Trustees |

| | |Board of Directors, Congressional Hispanic Leadership Institute (CHLI) |

|Diabetes Caucus  | |Board of Directors, Texas A&M Private Enterprise Research Center (PERC) |

| | |External Advisory Board, Texas A&M Energy Institute |

|Cystic Fibrosis Caucus | | |

| | |Recognitions and Awards: |

|High Tech Caucus  | |2004 — Texas A&M Mays Business School “Outstanding Alumnus” award |

| | |2010 — Texas A&M University “Distinguished Alumnus” award |

|Immigration Reform Caucus  | |2011 — Texas Tech University Ranching Heritage Association “Boss of the |

| | |Plains” award |

|Texas Caucus on Shale Oil and Gas | |2012 — Texas A&M University Corps of Cadets “Hall of Honor” recognition |

| | |2013 — Houston Baptist University “Distinguished Alumnus” award |

|Childhood Cancer Caucus  | |Recipient of numerous awards related to Congressional service |

| | | |

|Sunset Repeal Caucus  | |Family: |

| | |Spouse — Gina, married 39 years |

|Pilot Caucus | |Sons — Will and John |

| | |Two precious granddaughters and a grandson  |

|Ports Caucus  | | |

| | | |

|Maritime Caucus | | |

| | | |

|Freefile Caucus | | |

| | | |

|Chicken Caucus | | |

| | | |

|Border Security Caucus | | |

| | | |

|Veterinary Medicine Caucus | | |

| | | |

|Air Medical Caucus | | |

| | | |

|Down Syndrome Caucus  | | |

|Susan Brooks, (R) Indiana |[pic] |Congresswoman Susan W. Brooks represents the 5th District of Indiana, |

|1030 Longworth House Office Building | |which spans eight urban, suburban and rural counties in Central Indiana, |

|Washington, DC 20515 | |including the north side of Indianapolis. She uses her background as a |

|Phone: 202-225-2276 | |Deputy Mayor of Indianapolis, a U.S. Attorney and a community college |

|Fax: 202-225-0016 | |administrator to improve education, jobs, health and homeland |

| | |security. She currently serves on the House Energy and Commerce |

|Committees & caucuses: | |Committee and is a member of the Communications and Technology, the |

| | |Health, and the Oversight and Investigations Subcommittees. Through her |

|Energy and Commerce Committee | |membership on the Energy and Commerce Committee, she is working on mental |

| | |health, substance abuse, biodefense and Medicaid reform issues. As |

|​Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee| |Chairwoman of the House Committee on Ethics, she works with her colleagues|

| | |to restore confidence in Congress. |

|Communications and Technology | | |

|Subcommittee | |Her strong background in both the public and private sectors includes |

| | |experience as a proven difference maker in areas such as public safety, |

|Health Subcommittee | |homeland security, counter-terrorism and economic development. Susan |

| | |previously served on the Select Committee on the Events Surrounding the |

|​House Committee on Ethics (Chairwoman) | |2012 Terrorist Attack in Benghazi. In the 113th Congress, she was a member|

| | |of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce and the House |

|Co-chair of the following caucuses: | |Homeland Security Committee where she served as Chairman of the |

|Women's High Tech Coalition | |Subcommittee on Emergency Preparedness, Response, and Communications.  |

|Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues | | |

|(CCWI) | |Job Creation |

|Congressional Access to Civil Legal | |Before joining the House of Representatives, Susan served as Senior Vice |

|Services Caucus | |President and General Counsel for Ivy Tech Community College from 2007 - |

|School Safety Caucus | |2012. Collaborating with a wide network of stakeholders, she implemented |

|Makers Caucus | |workforce development strategies aiming to enhance job training and |

|Girl Scout Troop Capitol Hill | |placement for thousands of Hoosier residents. |

|Ripon Society's Honorary Congressional | |Public Service |

|Advisory Board | | |

|Honorary vice-chair of the Diabetes | |In 2001, President George W. Bush appointed Susan as U.S. Attorney for the|

|Caucus  | |Southern District of Indiana. Serving as the chief federal law enforcement|

|Congressional Sportsman's Caucus | |officer for a majority of the Hoosier state until 2007, she received |

|Bipartisan Takforce for Combating | |bi-partisan acclaim for efforts to battle mortgage fraud, gun violence, |

|Anti-Semitism | |drug trafficking, gangs, child exploitation and identity theft. |

|Congressional Addiction, Treatment and | | |

|Recovery Caucus | |Susan also earned recognition as Deputy Mayor of Indianapolis during the |

|Congressional Career and Technical | |Steve Goldsmith administration, where she provided oversight of public |

|Education Caucus | |safety operations and drove community dialogue on vital civic issues. Over|

|Republican Women's Policy Committee | |her tenure, she managed police, fire and emergency response efforts while |

|Congressional Fire Services Caucus | |serving on boards related to criminal justice, community corrections, |

|Working Group on Policing Strategies | |violence reduction and race relations. |

|Congressional Dyslexia Caucus | | |

|Congressional Automotive Caucus | |Private Sector Experience |

|Republican Israel Caucus | |Susan practiced law at the Indianapolis firm of Ice Miller and also served|

|Rural Telecom Working Group | |as a criminal defense attorney for Indianapolis based McClure, McClure and|

|Guard and Reserve Caucus | |Kammen. |

|RPC Millennial Task Force | | |

|House RPC Law Enforcement Task Force | |Awards and Recognition |

|U.S. - Japan Congressional Caucus | |Susan received the inaugural Congressional Biosecurity Champion from the |

|Women in the 21st Century Workforce | |Alliance for Biosecurity for her work to improve our readiness for |

|Working Group | |chemical and biological threats like Ebola and anthrax. The Community |

|Friends of a Free, Stable and Democratic | |Anti-Drug Coalitions of America honored her with the Congressional |

|Syria Caucus | |Leadership Award for her work to address the heroin and opioid epidemic. |

|Auto Industry Pension Taskforce | |She was also named the Indiana Chamber of Commerce 2014 Government Leader |

|General Aviation | |of the Year and is the recipient of the Nancy A. Maloley Outstanding |

|Congressional Automotive Performance and | |Public Servant Award from the Richard G. Lugar Excellence in Public |

|Motorsports Caucus  | |Service Series. In addition, she received the “Spirit of Enterprise” |

|House Municipal Finance Caucus | |Award from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce each year she has served in |

|School Choice Caucus  | |Congress and the Nathan Hale Award from the Indiana Reserve Officers |

|Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts | |Association. |

|and Math (STEAM) Caucus | | |

|Public-Private Partnership (P3) Caucus | |Family & Education |

|House Democracy Partnership | |Susan was raised in Fort Wayne, Indiana. After receiving her undergraduate|

|Congressional Caucus on Hellenic Issues | |degree from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, Susan earned a Juris Doctor |

|Congressional Caucus on U.S. Turkey | |(J.D.) from the Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law. Susan|

|Relations and Turkish Americans | |received an honorary Doctor of Public Service degree from Marian |

|Congressional Grid Innovation Caucus | |University in Indianapolis, an Honorary Degree from Wabash College, an |

|Horse Caucus | |Honorary Associate of Science in College and Community Service from Ivy |

|I-69 Congressional Caucus | |Tech Community College, and an Honorary J.D. from the Indiana University |

|Congressional Robotics Caucus | |Robert H. McKinney School of Law. She resides in Carmel, Indiana, with her|

|Toy Caucus | |husband, David. They have two young adult children. |

|Religious Miniorities in the Middle East | | |

|Caucus | | |

|Diversifying Technology Caucus | | |

|Congressional Internet Caucus | | |

|Philanthropy Caucus | | |

|Independent Women's Forum | | |

|E-Tech Caucus | | |

|Chris Collins, (R) New York |[pic] |Congressman Chris Collins represents New York’s 27th Congressional |

|1117 Longworth House Office Building | |District in the House of Representatives. The 27th District of New York |

|Washington, DC20515 | |includes 105 towns spread out over eight counties in Western New York and |

|Phone: 202-225-5265 | |the Finger Lakes. The residents of NY-27 first elected Mr. Collins to |

|Fax:     202-225-5910 | |Congress in November of 2012 and he won reelection in November of 2016. |

| | | |

|Committees & caucuses: | |Congressman Collins is a member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee|

| | |where he serves on three subcommittees: Health, Communications and |

|House Energy and Commerce Committee | |Technology, and Oversight and Investigations. |

|Communications and Technology | | |

|Subcommittee | |Previously, Congressman Collins served on the House Small Business, |

|Health Subcommittee | |Agriculture and Science, Space and Technology committees. |

|Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee| | |

| | |Chris comes to Capitol Hill with extensive experience in both the private |

|Communications and Technology: The C&T | |and public sectors. Before serving as Erie County Executive, Chris built a|

|Subcommittee has focused on creating jobs| |career as a business owner and entrepreneur, creating and saving hundreds |

|and spurring investment and innovation in| |of American jobs. |

|this growing sector while fighting | | |

|counterproductive regulation of the | |Private Sector Businessman |

|Internet domestically and abroad. Its | |Chris Collins is a successful small businessman with 36 years in the |

|legislative accomplishments include | |private sector, saving and creating hundreds of good-paying jobs in Erie, |

|landmark spectrum reforms to expand | |Niagara, and Monroe counties. His current companies include: |

|Americans’ access to high-speed Internet | | |

|and ‘good government’ improvements to the| |Bloch Industries – Kitchen cabinet and commercial casework company |

|work of the FCC. | |Easom Automation - Automation systems including conveyors and lifts |

| | |Innate Immunotherapeutics - Pharmaceutical (Secondary Progressive MS) |

|Health: The Health Subcommittee has | |Mead Supply – Equipment rental company |

|developed key reforms to promote medical | |Oxygen Generating Systems Intl. (OGSI) – Oxygen generation machinery |

|advancement, support market-based | |Schlyer Machine - Custom design of vivarium cage and bottle washers |

|improvements to our health care system | |Volland Electric – Electric repair shop, crane & hoist and electrical |

|and reject heavy-handed government | |distributor |

|control. | |ZeptoMetrix Corporation – Biotechnology (infectious disease) |

| | | |

|Oversight and Investigations: With its | |The key to success at all of these companies is the implementation of Lean|

|responsibility to oversee all agencies | |Six Sigma, which drives efficiency and quality. |

|and programs within the committee's | | |

|jurisdiction, the O&I Subcommittee has | |The Congressman began his professional career with Westinghouse Electric |

|launched investigations into a broad | |in 1972, spending eleven years with the company in various positions of |

|range of topics and uncovered major | |increasing responsibility including Manager of the Westinghouse Gear |

|instances of government waste, fraud, and| |Division. When Westinghouse announced it was closing its Buffalo facility,|

|abuse. This includes high-profile | |Collins purchased the assets of the Gear Division and founded Niagara |

|investigations into Solyndra, the health | |Falls based industrial gear manufacturer Nutall Gear Corporation in 1983. |

|care law, Medicare fraud and abuse, | | |

|wasteful grant programs, and numerous | |Erie County Executive |

|other inquiries ultimately designed to | |In 2007, Chris Collins was elected Erie County Executive despite a voter |

|protect taxpayers. | |enrollment of almost two Democrats for every one Republican. He took over |

| | |the largest county in Upstate New York with a $1.2 billion budget and |

|Caucuses:​ | |5,000+ employees. At the time, Erie County was effectively bankrupt; |

|Auto Industry Pension Task Force | |having a state imposed control board, no case surplus, runaway debt, and |

|Automotive Performance and Motorsports | |many roads, bridges, parks, and beaches inoperative. Remarkably, Collins’ |

|Caucus | |business mentality and implementation of Lean Six Sigma resulted in a |

|Battery Storage Caucus (Co-Chairman) | |staggering turnaround for Erie County. In 4 years, Erie was transformed |

|Canada-U.S. Caucus | |from a county in the worst financial shape of any county in New York State|

|Dairy Farmer Caucus | |to one with financial prospects and upward trajectory. During his tenure, |

|Diabetes Caucus | |Collins’ accomplishments included: |

|Fire Services Caucus | | |

|Friends of the Job Corps Caucus | |Reduced overall debt by over $120 million |

|General Aviation Caucus | |Created a cash surplus in excess of $100 million |

|International Conservation Caucus | |Reduced county employment by over 1,200 employees (22%) saving $72 million|

|Job Creators Caucus | |per year |

|Law Enforcement Caucus | |Reopened every bridge, road, park and beach that was closed and even |

|Manufacturing Caucus  | |rebuilt the historic toboggan runs |

|Medicaid Task Force | |One of the few large counties to fully pay state imposed pension costs |

|Mitochondrial Disease Caucus | |without borrowing |

|Morocco Caucus | |Got rid of the State imposed fiscal control authority in 18 months and got|

|National Guard and Reserve Components | |approval for a 4 year plan (2012-2015) that would further reduce county |

|Caucus | |debt by another $100 million |

|Natural Gas Caucus | |Core Values |

|New York Defense Working Group | |In Erie County, Collins articulated 6 core values that formed the basis |

|Northern Border Caucus | |for his decision-making. Now, he carries these core values to Washington |

|Pilot Caucus | |as the Congressman for New York’s 27th Congressional District. |

|Propane Caucus | |Smaller Government – reforming the tax code lowering rates and eliminating|

|Republican Israel Caucus | |loopholes |

|Republican Study Committee | |Personal Accountability – refusing to increase entitlement programs |

|Rural Telecommunications Working Group | |Local Decision Making – stopping Washington from telling us how to live |

|Scouting Caucus (Co-Chairman) | |our lives |

|Small Brewers Caucus | |Fiscal Discipline – balancing the federal budget in 10 years |

|Small Business Caucus | |Government that Serves Taxpayers – implementing programs that serve |

|Small Business Information Technology | |individuals, not interests |

|Caucus | |Respecting Future Generations – ensuring a bright future for our children |

|Specialty Crop Caucus (Co-Chairman) | |and grandchildren |

|Sportsmen’s Caucus | | |

|STEM Education Caucus | |Leadership in times of emergency |

|Taiwan Caucus | |In February 2008, Erie County experienced a Hepatitis A emergency when an |

|Technology Transfer Caucus | |infected employee handled produce at a popular supermarket.  Over the |

|The Internet of Things Caucus | |course of several days, the County vaccinated and inoculated 10,000 people|

|Toy Caucus | |to protect the public.  The event was one of the largest vaccination |

|Upstate New York Caucus | |events in the history of the United States. |

| | | |

| | |One year later, tragedy struck Erie County when Continental Flight 3407 |

| | |crashed in a residential neighborhood, killing all 49 passengers and crew |

| | |on board, and one person on the ground in Clarence Center.  Collins was |

| | |one of the first public officials on the ground and immediately declared |

| | |the situation a State of Emergency. Throughout the night and over the next|

| | |several days, Collins worked to ensure the cooperation of Erie County |

| | |departments and other government agencies in the recovery, investigation |

| | |and family support efforts. |

| | | |

| | |In the summer of 2009, flooding devastated Southern regions of Erie |

| | |County. Dozens of homeowners lost the contents of their basements and |

| | |first floors.  Collins mobilized the County’s Emergency Services and |

| | |Public Works departments to assist local governments in their recovery |

| | |efforts.  Erie County also successfully lobbied the Federal government to |

| | |provide FEMA aid dollars to both local governments and individual |

| | |homeowners. |

| | | |

| | |Chris lives in Clarence, NY with his wife Mary. He has 3 children and 4 |

| | |grandchildren. He has a BS Mechanical Engineering from NC State and an MBA|

| | |in Finance from University of Alabama at Birmingham. He is a life-long |

| | |member of Boy Scouts, an Assistant Scoutmaster, an Eagle Scout, a member |

| | |of the Executive Board – Greater Niagara Frontier Council (GNFC) and |

| | |chairman of the GNFC National Jamboree for 2001, 2005, 2010, and 2013 as |

| | |well as the World Jamboree for 2007. Chris is the recipient of the |

| | |prestigious Silver Beaver Award for service to scouting and named 2005 |

| | |Horizon Citizen of the Year. |

| | | |

|Kevin Cramer, (R) North Dakota |[pic] |Kevin Cramer was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives on November |

|1717 Longworth House Office Building | |6, 2012. He serves on the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, which |

|Washington, DC 20515 | |has the broadest jurisdiction of any committee in Congress. Cramer is |

|Phone: 202-225-2611 | |assigned to three subcommittees: Communications and Technology, Energy, |

| | |and Environment. In November 2016, Cramer was elevated to the influential |

|Committees & caucuses: | |House Republican Steering Committee – as the Small State Representative. |

| | |The Steering Committee determines all committee assignments and |

|House Committee on Energy and Commerce | |chairmanships. |

| | | |

|Subcommittee on Communications and | |He is Co-Chairman of the House Rural Broadband Caucus, which develops |

|Technology | |policy solutions addressing Rural America’s digital divide, and the |

| | |Northern Border Caucus, which fosters continued growth in the relationship|

|Subcommittee on Energy | |between the United States and Canada. He is also a founding Chair of the |

| | |Congressional Kid’s Safety Caucus. |

|Subcommittee on Environment | | |

| | |He is North Dakota’s only member of the House of Representatives. Cramer |

| | |has made constituent outreach a top priority, describing interacting with |

| | |the public as “the best part of public service.” According to Legistorm, |

| | |the Capitol Hill government issues website, since becoming a Member of |

| | |Congress, Cramer has held more town halls than any other Member. |

| | | |

| | |Cramer has had a distinguished career in public service. In 1991, he was |

| | |elected Chairman of the North Dakota Republican Party, making him the |

| | |youngest member of the Republican National Committee. From 1993 to 2000, |

| | |he served in Governor Ed Schafer’s cabinet, first as State Tourism |

| | |Director from 1993 to 1997, then as State Economic Development & Finance |

| | |Director from 1997 to 2000. From 2000 to 2003, he was Executive Director |

| | |of the Harold Schafer Leadership Foundation, which connects emerging |

| | |leaders from the University of Mary in Bismarck with community business |

| | |leaders. In 2003, then-Governor John Hoeven appointed Cramer to the Public|

| | |Service Commission, and in 2004 he was elected to the position. |

| | | |

| | |As North Dakota Public Service Commissioner, Cramer helped oversee the |

| | |most dynamic economy in the nation. He worked to ensure North Dakotans |

| | |enjoy some of the lowest utility rates in the nation, enhancing their |

| | |competitive position in the global marketplace. An energy policy expert, |

| | |Cramer understands America’s energy security is integral to national and |

| | |economic security. |

| | | |

| | |A strong advocate for the free market system, Cramer has a proven record |

| | |of cutting and balancing budgets, encouraging the private sector through |

| | |limited, common sense regulations and limited government. |

| | | |

| | |Cramer has a Bachelor of Arts degree from Concordia College in Moorhead, |

| | |Minnesota, a Master’s degree in Management from the University of Mary in |

| | |Bismarck, North Dakota, and was conferred the degree of Doctor of |

| | |Leadership, honoris causa, by the University of Mary on May 4, 2013. |

| | | |

| | |He is a native of Kindred, North Dakota, where he received all of his |

| | |primary and secondary education. Kevin and his wife, Kris, have two adult |

| | |sons, Ian and Isaac; two adult daughters, Rachel and Anne; a ten-year-old |

| | |son, Abel; one granddaughter, Lyla; and three grandsons, Beau, Nico and |

| | |Chet. |

|Mimi Walters, (R) California |[pic] |Congresswoman Mimi Walters represents the 45th Congressional District of |

|215 Cannon House Office Building | |California and currently serves on the House Energy and Commerce |

|Washington, DC 20515 | |Committee. She previously served in the California State Senate from |

|Phone: (202) 225-5611 | |2008-2014, where she represented California's 37th State Senate District. |

|Fax: (202) 225-9177 | | Prior to serving in the Senate, she served two two-year terms in the |

| | |State Assembly. |

|Committees & caucuses: | | |

| | |Mimi began her career in public service as a member of the Laguna Niguel |

|House Energy and Commerce Committee: | |City Council in 1996, where she was a leading voice for fiscally |

| | |responsible government and local control. She also served as the City’s |

|Subcommittee on Communications and | |mayor in 2000. |

|Technology | | |

| | |Mimi possesses a background in both business and local government. Her |

|Subcommittee on Digital Commerce and | |professional career has included time with the firm of Drexel, Burnham & |

|Consumer Protection | |Lambert as an Investment Executive, and Kidder Peabody & Company. |

| | | |

|Subcommittee on Oversight and | |She is a founder of the California Women’s Leadership Association (CWLA) |

|Investigations | |and has served on the Boards of the National Association of Women Business|

| | |Owners (NAWBO), the Laguna Niguel Republican Women Federated, the American|

|Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues, | |Cancer Society, and the South Coast Medical Center Foundation. |

|Vice- Chair | | |

| | |A champion for job creation, lower taxes, less intrusive government, and |

| | |fiscal responsibility, Mimi has been active in conservative causes for |

| | |many years. In 2006, she led the fight against eminent domain abuse by |

| | |serving as the Honorary Statewide Chair for the Protect Our Homes |

| | |Coalition. The Orange County Republican Party has awarded her with three |

| | |honors: Local Elected Official of the Year in 1997; Volunteer of the Year |

| | |in 1998; and Legislator of the Year in 2005.  |

| | | |

| | |In the State Senate, she served as Vice Chair of the Senate Committees on |

| | |Appropriations and Public Employment & Retirement. She also served as a |

| | |member of the Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Committee. |

| | | |

| | |Mimi graduated from the University of California at Los Angeles in 1984 |

| | |with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science. She and her husband, |

| | |David, have four children. |

|Ryan Costello, (R) Pennsylvania | [pic] |Congressman Ryan A. Costello was elected to serve the people of the Sixth |

|326 Cannon House Office Building | |District of Pennsylvania in November 2014.  As a freshman member, he |

|Washington, DC 20515 | |serves on the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, as |

|Phone: (202) 225-4315 | |well as the House Committee on Veterans' Affairs. |

| | | |

|Committees & caucuses: | |Ryan is a life-long resident of Chester County, where he lives with his |

| | |wife, Christine, and their son, Ryan Jr.  A graduate of Owen J. Roberts |

|House Energy and Commerce Committee | |High School in Pottstown, Ryan earned his undergraduate degree from |

|Communications and Technology | |Ursinus College in Collegeville and his J.D. from the Villanova University|

|Subcommittee | |School of Law. |

|Digital Commerce and Consumer Protection | | |

|Subcommittee | |Prior to winning election to Congress, Ryan served the residents of |

|Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee| |Chester County as the Recorder of Deeds and on the Board of |

|  | |Commissioners.  He was selected chairman of the Board of Commissioners in |

|Caucuses  | |2013.  While still in law school, Ryan won a seat on the East Vincent |

|21st Century Skills Caucus (21CS Caucus) | |Township Board of Supervisors, serving as Chairman for four years. |

|-- Reestablished by Congressman Costello | | |

|Allergy & Asthma Caucus | |Since arriving in Congress in January 2015, Ryan has made an immediate |

|Animal Protection Caucus | |impact in several areas, including returning control over education policy|

|Assisting Caregivers Today Caucus | |to parents and teachers, rolling back job-killing taxes on Pennsylvania’s |

|Autism Caucus/Coalition on Autism | |life sciences innovators, and fighting for Pennsylvania workers and |

|Research and Education (CARE) | |families to keep and maintain quality health coverage.  In addition, in |

|Career Technical Education (CTE) Caucus | |his first year in office, Ryan re-established the House Land Conservation |

|Caucus on Addiction, Treatment and | |Caucus to promote the preservation and protection of our country’s scenic |

|Recovery | |open spaces and supported efforts to extend and make permanent the |

|Caucus on the Deadliest Cancers | |conservation easement tax incentive. |

|Cement Caucus  | | |

|Chemistry Caucus | |The son of two Pennsylvania public school teachers, Ryan places a high |

|Childhood Cancer Caucus | |value on giving local educators the support and flexibility needed to |

|Climate Solutions Caucus | |prepare all students for a lifetime of success.  From Day One, he has |

|Congressional Cancer Prevention Caucus | |worked to reduce the power Washington bureaucrats have in our classrooms |

|Congressional Candy Caucus | |and roll back one-size-fits-all standardized-testing mandates.  He was |

|Congressional Caucus on Youth Sports | |instrumental in the enactment of the bipartisan Every Student Succeeds Act|

|Congressional Children's Health Care | |(ESSA), which overhauled the flawed No Child Left Behind Act, eliminated |

|Caucus | |duplicative and costly standardized testing requirements, and restored |

|Congressional Crohn's and Colitis Caucus | |decision-making over curriculum and instruction to parents, teachers, and |

|Congressional Friend of the National Park| |administrators.  As a member of the Congressional Career and Technical |

|Service Centennial | |Education Caucus and the Republican co-Chair of the 21st Century Skills |

|Congressional Ovarian Cancer Caucus | |Caucus, Ryan is committed to working across the aisle to find commonsense |

|Cystic Fibrosis Caucus | |solutions to ensure our students have the financial aid and in-demand |

|Diabetes Caucus | |skills needed to achieve successful careers in the modern job market. |

|Dyslexia Caucus | | |

|Earth and Space Science Caucus | |Serving on the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, Ryan has been a |

|EMS Caucus  | |tireless advocate for our nation’s veterans and their families.  To help |

|E-TECH Caucus | |our veterans get the medical care, education benefits, and other services |

|Friends of Ireland Caucus | |they’ve earned, Ryan introduced legislation aimed at restoring |

|Gaming Caucus  | |accountability at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (H.R. 1038, the |

|German-American Caucus | |Ensuring VA Employee Accountability Act, which passed the House with |

|Green Schools Caucus -- Reestablished by | |unanimous support on May 18, 2015) and creating a more veteran-friendly |

|Congressman Costello | |process for filing claims and receiving assistance (H.R. 3936, the VET |

|Hearing Health Caucus  | |Act, which Ryan introduced on November 5, 2015). |

|Historic Preservation Caucus | | |

|Human Trafficking Caucus | |Another priority during his first term has been building a safe and |

|International Religious Freedom Caucus | |reliable transportation network that creates jobs and protects economic |

|Israel Allies Caucus | |opportunity.  Ryan helped enact a fully-paid, 5-year transportation |

|Italian American Caucus  | |funding package that will bring more than $770 million back to |

|Kidney Caucus  | |Pennsylvania for bridges, roads, and passenger and freight rail |

|Land Conservation Caucus -- Established | |improvements.  This effort, also known as the Fixing America’s Surface |

|by Congressman Costello  | |Transportation (FAST) Act, streamlined the project-approval process and |

|Lung Cancer Caucus | |included a provision Ryan authored to allow short-line railroads to |

|Lupus Caucus | |compete for federal grants to improve safety at road crossings. |

|Mitochondrial Disease Caucus | | |

|Multiple Sclerosis Caucus | |Renowned national political commentator Stuart Rothenberg described Ryan |

|National Park Caucus | |as “a pragmatic conservative” while Reading Eagle columnist Ron Southwick |

|National Guard and Reserve Caucus | |noted Ryan’s enthusiasm for the job, predicting that the freshman lawmaker|

|Nursing Caucus  | |would be engaged and not simply “an anonymous lawmaker who merely keeps a |

|Organ and Tissue Donation Caucus | |seat warm.” |

|Organic Caucus | | |

|Propane Caucus | | |

|Public Broadcasting Caucus | | |

|Public Service Loan Forgiveness Caucus --| | |

|Established by Congressman Costello | | |

|Public Works & Infrastructure Caucus -- | | |

|Established by Congressman Costello | | |

|Rare Disease Caucus | | |

|Skin Cancer Caucus | | |

|Small Brewers Caucus  | | |

|Sports Caucus | | |

|STEAM Caucus (Science, Technology, | | |

|Engineering, Arts and Math)  | | |

|Steel Caucus | | |

|STEM Caucus (Science, Technology, | | |

|Engineering, and Math)  | | |

|Submarine Caucus | | |

|Task Force on Alzheimer's Disease | | |

|Trails Caucus | | |

|Ukrainian Caucus  | | |

|Veterans Jobs Caucus | | |

|Wildlife Refuge Caucus | | |

|  | | |

|Task Forces | | |

|Congressional Brain Injury Task Force | | |

|Congressional Task Force on Alzheimer's | | |

|Disease  | | |

|Delaware River Basin Task Force | | |

|Millennial Task Force | | |

|Task Force to Combat the Heroin Epidemic | | |

| | | |

|Michael F. Doyle, (D) |[pic] |Issues: Energy and the Environment, Job Creation and Economic |

|Pennsylvania, Ranking Member | |Growth, Medicare and Medicaid, Telecommunications and the Internet |

|239 Cannon HOB | | |

|Washington, DC 20515 | |Mike Doyle is currently serving his twelfth term in Congress representing |

|Phone: (202) 225-2135 | |the 14th District of Pennsylvania, which includes the city of Pittsburgh |

|Fax: (202) 225-3084 | |as well as communities in the western, southern, and eastern portions of |

| | |Allegheny County and in northwestern Westmoreland County. |

|Committees & caucuses: | | |

| | |His top priorities include creating jobs and revitalizing communities in |

|House Energy and Commerce Committee | |the 14th District through economic development and high-tech initiatives, |

| | |reforming health care, providing better public education, establishing a |

|Subcommittees on: 1) Energy  | |comprehensive long-term national energy strategy that creates green jobs |

|2) Communications and Technology. | |and addresses global warming, and fostering a better climate for our |

| | |high-tech community. |

|House Democratic Caucus and the founder | | |

|and co-chair of the Congressional Autism | |Congressman Doyle serves on the House Energy and Commerce Committee, which|

|Caucus, also known as the Coalition for | |is one of only four exclusive committees in the House. There he sits on |

|Autism Research and Education (C.A.R.E.) | |the subcommittees on: 1) Energy and 2) Communications and Technology. As |

| | |of January 2017, Congressman Doyle serves as the Ranking Democratic Member|

|One of the founders and co-chairs of the | |of the Communications and Technology Subcommittee. |

|House Distributed Generation Caucus | | |

| | |Congressman Doyle has been working aggressively on the Energy and Commerce|

|House Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Caucus | |Committee to reduce U.S. dependence on foreign oil supplies through the |

| | |development of new, more energy-efficient technology and alternative and |

|Co-founded and chairs the House Robotics | |renewable sources of energy. He is also actively involved in efforts to |

|Caucus | |draft energy policies that will halt global warming without destroying or |

| | |outsourcing American jobs. He has also been working hard on the Energy and|

|Steel Caucus | |Commerce Committee to promote the availability of reliable, affordable, |

| | |high-speed broadband internet service for all Americans. |

|Human Rights Caucus | | |

| | |Congressman Doyle is a member in the House Democratic Caucusand the |

|Internet Caucus | |founder and co-chair of the Congressional Autism Caucus, also known as |

| | |the Coalition for Autism Research and Education (C.A.R.E.). |

| | | |

| | |He is also one of the founders and co-chairs of the House Distributed |

| | |Generation Caucus, which works to promote the widespread adoption of |

| | |decentralized power generation technology that is both fuel efficient and |

| | |environmentally friendly and reduces peak demands on our nation's |

| | |over-utilized electricity transmission grid – and he is a member of the |

| | |House Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Caucus, which promotes hydrogen and fuel |

| | |cells as alternatives to overseas petroleum. |

| | | |

| | |Congressman Doyle also co-founded and chairs the House Robotics Caucus, |

| | |which works to ensure that our nation remains globally competitive in the |

| | |field of robotics. |

| | | |

| | |Doyle also serves on several other important Caucuses, such as Steel, |

| | |Human Rights, and the Internet. |

| | | |

| | |He is also a member of the Leadership Pittsburgh Alumni Organization, |

| | |the Ancient Order of Hibernians (AOH), the Italian Sons and Daughters of |

| | |America (ISDA), and the Penn State Alumni Association. |

| | | |

| | |Doyle is a graduate of Penn State University, where he received a Bachelor|

| | |of Science degree in Community Development in 1975. Prior to serving in |

| | |Congress, Doyle was a small business owner and the Chief of Staff for |

| | |State Senator Frank Pecora. Doyle and his wife, Susan, reside in Forest |

| | |Hills and have four children: Michael, David, Kevin, and Alexandra. |

|Peter Welch, (D) Vermont |[pic] |Congressman Peter Welch has been a champion of working Vermonters |

|2303 Rayburn House Office Building | |throughout his distinguished career. Since his election to Congress in |

|Washington, DC20515 | |2006, he has been widely recognized as a skillful legislator who chooses |

|Phone: (202) 225-4115 | |governing over gridlock. |

| | | |

|Committees & caucuses: | |Peter was born in Springfield, Massachusetts and graduated from the |

| | |College of the Holy Cross. As one of the country’s first Robert F. Kennedy|

|Committee on Energy and Commerce | |Fellows, he fought housing discrimination in Chicago and went on to earn a|

|Committee on Oversight and Government | |law degree from the University of California, Berkeley. He settled in |

|Reform | |Vermont’s Upper Valley and worked as a public defender before founding a |

|House Democratic Steering and Policy | |small law practice.  |

|Committee | | |

| | |He was first elected to the Vermont Senate in 1980 and later was selected |

|Congressional Dairy Farmers Caucus, | |by his colleagues to lead the chamber, becoming the first Democrat in |

|Co-Chair and Founder | |Vermont history to hold the position of Senate President Pro Tempore. |

|Congressional Affordable Medicines | | |

|Caucus, Co-Chair and Founder | |After a break from electoral politics during the 1990s, Peter returned to |

|Energy Savings Performance Caucus, | |the Vermont Senate in 2002.  He was quickly selected by his colleagues to |

|Co-Chair and Founder | |once again lead the Senate. |

|Congressional Community Pharmacy Caucus, | | |

|Co-Chair | |In 2006, he was elected to Vermont’s seat in the U.S. House of |

|Safe Climate Caucus | |Representatives. His campaign gained nationwide attention for being the |

|Climate Solutions Caucus | |only contested congressional race in the country where both candidates |

|Rural Health Care Coalition | |refused to air negative ads. Vermonters have returned him to the House by |

|Progressive Caucus | |wide margins in subsequent elections.   |

|Congressional Arts Caucus | | |

|Brain Injury Task Force | |Peter’s accomplishments in Congress reflect his strong commitment to |

|National Guard and Reserve Components | |bringing people together to find common ground on the challenges facing |

|Caucus | |our nation. In an era of partisanship, he has worked across the aisle to |

|Northern Border Caucus | |create jobs, invest in energy efficiency, increase access to affordable |

|Northeast Agriculture Caucus | |education and health care, protect our national security and civil |

|House Hunger Caucus | |liberties, and care for our veterans. |

|LGBT Caucus | | |

|Historic Preservation Caucus | |Welch is a Chief Deputy Whip of the House Democratic Caucus and a member |

|Multiple Sclerosis Caucus | |of the Democratic Steering and Policy Committee. He serves on the |

|Sustainable Energy and Environmental | |Committee on Energy and Commerce and the Committee on Oversight and |

|Caucus | |Government Reform.  |

|Cystic Fibrosis Congressional Caucus | | |

|Travel and Tourism Caucus | |Peter is married to Margaret Cheney, commissioner of the Vermont Public |

|Small Brewers Caucus | |Utility Commission. They share a home in Norwich, Vermont. |

|Out of Afghanistan Caucus | | |

|Livable Communities Task Force | | |

|Congressional Victims' Rights Caucus | | |

|Northeast-Midwest Congressional Coalition| | |

|Congressional Green Schools Caucus | | |

|High Speed Rail Caucus | | |

|Community Health Center Caucus | | |

|Dyslexia Caucus | | |

|Congressional Internet Caucus | | |

|Next Generation 9-1-1 Caucus | | |

|Northeast Water, Air, and Waste | | |

|Management Caucus | | |

|Creative Rights Caucus | | |

|Congressional Task Force on Alzheimer's | | |

|Congressional High-Performance Buildings | | |

|Caucus | | |

|Congressional Sportsmen's Caucus | | |

|Problem Solvers Caucus | | |

|Congressional STARBASE Caucus | | |

|Pro-Choice Caucus | | |

|Grid Innovation Caucus | | |

|National Parks Caucus | | |

|Green Schools Caucus | | |

|Access to Civil Legal Services Caucus | | |

|Outdoor Recreation Caucus | | |

|Specialty Crop Caucus | | |

|Distributed Generation Caucus | | |

|Yvette Clarke, (D) New York |[pic] |A Brooklyn native proud of her Jamaican heritage, attended the New York |

|2058 Rayburn House Office Building | |City public schools, graduated from Oberlin College, and was a recipient |

|Washington, DC 20515 | |of the prestigious APPAM/Sloan Fellowship in Public Policy and Policy |

|Phone: (202) 225-6231 | |Analysis. |

|Fax: (202) 226-0112 | | |

| | |Prior to being elected to the House of Representatives, Congresswoman |

|Committees & caucuses: | |Clarke served on the New York City Council, representing the Fortieth |

| | |District in Brooklyn. |

|Energy and Commerce Committee | |She succeeded her pioneering mother, former City Council Member Dr. Una S.|

| | |T. Clarke, making them the first mother-daughter succession in the history|

|Subcommittee on Communications and | |of the City Council. |

|Technology | | |

| | |As the representative of the Ninth Congressional District of New York, she|

|Subcommittee on Commerce, Manufacturing, | |has dedicated herself to continuing the legacy of excellence established |

|and Trade | |by the late Honorable Shirley Chisholm, the first African American woman |

| | |and Caribbean American elected to Congress. |

|Subcommittee on Oversight and | | |

|Investigations | |As an activist, a community organizer and now as a legislator, |

| | |Congresswoman Clarke’s boldness, compassion and love for the people has |

|Small Business Committee | |allowed her to become an effective leader and an outspoken advocate on |

| | |numerous issues of great importance to her constituents. |

|Ethics Committee | | |

| | |In the 115th Congress, Congresswoman Clarke serves on the Energy and |

|Multicultural Media Caucus, Chair | |Commerce Committee, the Committee on Small Business, and the Ethics |

| | |Committee. |

|Black Women & Girls Caucus, Co-Chair | | |

| | |Congresswoman Clarke has demonstrated her capacity for leadership as Chair|

|Caribbean Caucus, Co-Chair | |of the Multicultural Media Caucus, dedicated to eliminating stereotypes in|

| | |the media and expanding ownership to include communities of color, and as |

|Congressional Black Caucus | |Co-Chair of the Black Women & Girls Caucus, which develops programs to |

| | |support the aspirations of African American women of all ages, and an |

|Congressional Progressive Caucus | |At-Large member of the Congressional Black Caucus Executive Committee. |

| | | |

| | |In addition, Congresswoman Clarke serves as Co-Chair of the Caribbean |

| | |Caucus, where she has works to build the relationship between the United |

| | |States and the Caribbean community (CARICOM) on matters of trade, |

| | |immigration reform, and direct investment through development programs. |

| | | |

| | |Congresswoman Clarke currently resides in the neighborhood where she grew |

| | |up, in the Flatbush section of Brooklyn. |

|David Loebsack, (D) Iowa |[pic] |Congressman Dave Loebsack, who grew up in poverty and was raised by a |

|1527 Longworth House Office Building | |single parent, is living proof of how community support can make a |

|Washington, DC 20515 | |difference in people’s lives. He faced many challenges but with hard work |

|Phone: (202) 225-6576 | |and help from teachers, friends and mentors he was able to overcome his |

|Fax: (202) 226-0757 | |many hardships. As a result, Dave has dedicated his adult life to helping |

| | |people find opportunity and hope. |

|Committees & caucuses: | | |

| | |Dave grew up in Sioux City, where he attended East High School. After |

|House Energy and Commerce Committee | |graduation, Dave attended Iowa State University, where he earned a |

| | |Bachelor’s and a Master’s Degree. Dave then went on to earn a PhD from the|

|Center Aisle Caucus | |University of California, Davis. In 1982, Dave moved back to Iowa and |

| | |became a teacher at Cornell College in Mt. Vernon. Today, Dave has the |

|Congressional Caucus to Fight and Control| |honor to serve as a Professor Emeritus at Cornell College. |

|Methamphetamine | | |

| | |Dave and his wife Terry, a retired school teacher after 35 years, are the |

|Congressional Rural Caucus | |proud parents of four grown children. Jennifer, a graduate of Beloit |

| | |College, earned her Masters in Library Science at the University of |

|Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues | |Wisconsin, Madison and now works for a library software company in |

| | |Seattle. Sarah, a graduate of Kirkwood Community College, is now a nurse |

|Congressional Military Families Caucus | |at Unity Point in Cedar Rapids. Marcos Melendez III, Terry’s son, and his |

| | |wife Michelle are both Naval Academy graduates (class of 2000) and are |

|House Manufacturing Caucus | |assigned to Camp Pendleton in California.  Madeleine Melendez, Terry’s |

| | |daughter, attended Ellsworth Community College in Iowa Falls and now |

|Congressional Missing and Exploited | |resides in Springfield, Missouri. Dave and Terry are also the proud |

|Children’s Caucus | |grandparents of three grandchildren. |

| | | |

| | |Dave is currently serving his sixth term in the United States House of |

| | |Representatives. He represents Iowa’s Second Congressional District which |

| | |encompasses much of Eastern and Southern Iowa. Since being elected by the |

| | |Second District, Dave has been a relentless advocate for Iowans, |

| | |addressing critical issues that are facing hard-working, Iowa families.  |

| | | |

| | |In 2015, Dave began serving on the House Energy and Commerce Committee, |

| | |which is the oldest standing committee in the House. It has jurisdiction |

| | |over a wide range of issues, including energy policy; healthcare policy; |

| | |trade policy; telecommunications and the internet; environment and air |

| | |quality; and consumer affairs and protection. Having a seat on this |

| | |committee will allow Dave to make a greater impact on job creation, |

| | |growing the economy, making sound investments in renewable energy such as |

| | |wind, solar and biofuels and growing the Middle Class in Iowa and across |

| | |the country. Previously, Dave served as a member of the House Committee on|

| | |Education and the Workforce and the House Armed Services Committee.  |

| | | |

| | |Dave is committed to job creation, growing our middle class by ensuring |

| | |that our children receive a first-class education, ensuring higher |

| | |education is available to all those who wish to pursue it, and focusing on|

| | |training for  Iowa workers. He has also worked to ensure that our troops |

| | |have the training and equipment necessary to safely complete their |

| | |missions, that our military families receive the support they deserve, and|

| | |that our nation’s veterans are served by a grateful nation with the same |

| | |dignity and honor with which they served our country.  He has worked |

| | |tirelessly in support of the Iowa National Guard to improve training |

| | |facilities, invest in equipment, and ensure they receive the benefits they|

| | |and their families deserve |

| | | |

| | |He is also a member of the Center Aisle Caucus; the Congressional Caucus |

| | |to Fight and Control Methamphetamine; the Congressional Rural Caucus; the |

| | |Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues; the Congressional Military |

| | |Families Caucus; the House Manufacturing Caucus; and the Congressional |

| | |Missing and Exploited Children’s Caucus, amongst others. |

|Raul Ruiz, (D) California |[pic] |U.S. Representative Raul Ruiz, M.D., grew up in the community of |

|1319 Longworth HOB | |Coachella, California, where both of his parents were farmworkers. |

|Washington,DC 20515 | | |

|Phone: (202) 225-5330 | |Dr. Ruiz achieved his lifelong dream of becoming a physician through |

|Fax: (202) 225-1238 | |public education. After graduating from Coachella Valley High School, Dr. |

| | |Ruiz graduated magna cum laude from UCLA. He went on to Harvard |

|Committees & caucuses: | |University, where he earned his Medical Degree, as well as a Masters of |

| | |Public Policy from the Kennedy School of Government and a Masters of |

|House Energy and Commerce Committee | |Public Health from the School of Public Health, becoming the first Latino |

| | |to earn three graduate degrees from Harvard University. He completed his |

|House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on| |Residency in Emergency Medicine at the University of Pittsburgh and a |

|Environment | |Fellowship in International Emergency Medicine at Brigham and Women’s |

| | |Hospital. During his training, Dr. Ruiz served as a consultant to the |

|House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on| |Ministries of Health of both Serbia and El Salvador. |

|Communications and Technology | | |

| | |Dr. Ruiz returned home after completing his medical training and began |

|House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on| |working as an Emergency Room doctor at Eisenhower Medical Center. |

|Oversight and Investigations | |Recognizing the physician shortage crisis in the Coachella Valley, Dr. |

|  | |Ruiz started a pre-medical mentorship program for young aspiring doctors, |

| | |which has grown to include over 100 local students. |

| | | |

| | |The program became part of the University of California, Riverside School |

| | |of Medicine, where Dr. Ruiz served as a Senior Associate Dean. Through the|

| | |group Volunteers in Medicine, he helped to open a free clinic to help |

| | |underserved communities in the Coachella Valley. |

| | | |

| | |In 2010, Dr. Ruiz started the Coachella Valley Healthcare Initiative, |

| | |which brought together stakeholders from across the region to address the |

| | |local healthcare crisis. He has also worked internationally in the medical|

| | |community. In 2010, Dr. Ruiz flew to Haiti immediately following the 2010 |

| | |earthquake and served as the Medical Director for the J/P Haitian Relief |

| | |Organization. The U.S. Army's 82nd Airborne awarded him the Commanders |

| | |Award for Public Service for his work. |

| | | |

| | |Dr. Ruiz continued his work as an Emergency Room Doctor until he was |

| | |elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 2012. He represents |

| | |California’s 36th District, which includes the entire Coachella Valley, as|

| | |well as the cities of Banning, Beaumont, Blythe, Hemet and San Jacinto. He|

| | |resides in Palm Desert, CA. |

|Debbie Dingell, (D) Michigan |[pic] |Congresswoman Debbie Dingell represents the 12th District of Michigan in |

|116 Cannon House Office Building | |the U.S. House of Representatives.  Before being elected to Congress, |

|Washington, DC 20515 | |Debbie was the Chair of the Wayne State University (WSU) Board of |

|Phone: (202) 225-4071 | |Governors.  An active civic and community leader, she is a recognized |

|Fax: (202) 226-0371 | |national advocate for women and children. |

| | | |

|Committees & caucuses: | |For more than 30 years Debbie served one of Michigan’s largest employers, |

| | |the General Motors (GM) Corporation, where she was President of the GM |

|House Committee on Energy and Commerce | |Foundation and a senior executive responsible for public affairs.   In her|

|Subcommittee on Communications and | |commitment to job creation, Debbie led the effort to bring the 10,000 |

|Technology | |Small Businesses initiative, a $20 million partnership designed to help |

|Subcommittee on Digital Commerce and | |create jobs and economic growth, to southeast Michigan. She is a past |

|Consumer Protection | |chair of the Manufacturing Initiative at the American Automotive Policy |

|Subcommittee on the Environment.   | |Council. |

| | | |

|Agriculture and Rural America Task Force | |With values instilled by her Catholic education, Debbie’s activism took |

|Auto Care Caucus | |root in her passion for issues important to women and children.  She |

|Bipartisan Congressional Task Force to | |successfully fought to have women included in federally-funded health |

|Combat Identity Theft and Fraud | |research, and advocated for greater awareness of issues directly related |

|Bipartisan Heroin Task Force | |to women’s health, including breast cancer and women's heart health. She |

|Bipartisan Taskforce for Combatting | |is a founder and past chair of the National Women’s Health Resource Center|

|Anti-Semitism | |and the Children's Inn at the National Institutes of Health (NIH).  She |

|Cancer Survivors Caucus | |has served on numerous boards related to women’s issues including the |

|21st Century Skills Caucus | |advisory boards for the NIH Panel for Women’s Research, the Michigan |

|Access to Civil Legal Service Caucus | |Women's Economic Club, the Susan G. Komen Foundation, and the board of the|

|Addiction, Treatment and Recovery Caucus | |Michigan Women's Foundation.  She was a co-founder of both the first Race |

|Air Force Caucus | |for the Cures in Michigan and in Washington, D.C. |

|Aluminum Caucus | | |

|Animal Protection Caucus | |Debbie has led a number of efforts and initiatives related to young people|

|Arts Caucus | |and education stemming from her role as a WSU Governor and co-chair of the|

|Arthritis Caucus | |Children's Leadership Council, a business-led advocacy group that promotes|

|Assisting Caregivers Today Caucus | |investment in early childhood education.  She chaired the Michigan Infant |

|Asthma and Allergy Caucus | |Mortality Task Force, the Baby Your Baby public education campaign that |

|Biomedical Research Caucus | |reduced infant mortality rates in Michigan, and has served on the board of|

|Blue Collar Caucus | |Michigan’s Children, the only statewide independent voice working to |

|Brain Injury Task Force | |ensure that public policies are made in the best interest of children from|

|Building Trades Caucus | |cradle to career. She was appointed by Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm|

|Buy American Caucus | |to serve on the Early Childhood Investment Corporation and the Cherry |

|Caucus for Women's Issues | |Commission on Higher Education and Economic Growth. |

|Caucus on Deadliest Cancers | | |

|Caucus on International Exchange and | |Much of Debbie's recent work has been focused on ethical issues and social|

|Study | |responsibility as they relate to government and business. She co-chaired |

|Caucus on Maternity Care | |One United Michigan, which sought to preserve and support programs that |

|Caucus on Macedonia and | |ensure equal opportunity in Michigan. She chairs the Metropolitan Affairs |

|Macedonian-Americans, Co-Chair | |Coalition, a statewide organization that brings business, labor and |

|Caucus on Poland | |government together to find commonality on issues.  She continues to serve|

|Caucus on Prescription Drug Abuse | |on the Parade Company board of directors of which she is past chair, where|

|Caucus on Public-Private Partnerships  | |she helped save America’s Thanksgiving Parade, an important Detroit |

|Chemistry Caucus | |tradition.  A known “bridge-builder,” she continues to promote and lead |

|Childhood Cancer Caucus | |efforts toward greater understanding among people of differing points of |

|Children's Health Care Caucus | |views and backgrounds. |

|Coast Guard Caucus | | |

|Cooperative Business Caucus | |Debbie is a respected voice in Michigan.  She co-hosted Detroit Public |

|Cyber Security Caucus | |Television’s “Am I Right,” regularly served as a panelist on “Flashpoint,”|

|Cystic Fibrosis Caucus | |a public affairs program on WDIV-TV4 Detroit, and was named one of the 100|

|Czech Caucus, Co-Chair | |Most Influential Women in Michigan by Crain’s Detroit Business. |

|Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Caucus | | |

|Fire Services Caucus | |Debbie resides in Dearborn with her husband, retired Congressman John D. |

|Food Safety Caucus | |Dingell of Michigan.  She holds both a B.S.F.S. in Foreign Services and an|

|Hearing Health Caucus | |M.S. in Liberal Studies from Georgetown University. |

|Heart and Stroke Caucus | | |

|Homelessness Caucus | | |

|House Cancer Caucus | | |

|House Manufacturing Caucus | | |

|Hungarian Caucus, Co-Chair | | |

|Invasive Species Caucus | | |

|Inventions Caucus | | |

|Labor and Working Families Caucus | | |

|LGBT Equality Caucus | | |

|Lung Cancer Caucus | | |

|Lupus Caucus | | |

|Military Family Caucus | | |

|Military Mental Health Care Caucus | | |

|Military Sexual Assualt Prevention Caucus| | |

|Motorsports Caucus | | |

|NASA Caucus | | |

|National Parks Caucus | | |

|Neuroscience Caucus | | |

|Pension Protection for Working Families | | |

|Caucus | | |

|Pre-K Caucus | | |

|Privacy Caucus | | |

|Public Health Caucus | | |

|Public Transportation Caucus | | |

|Scouting Caucus | | |

|Skin Cancer Caucus | | |

|Small Business Caucus | | |

|Smart Transportation Caucus, Co-Chair | | |

|Social Work Caucus | | |

|Sportsmen's Caucus | | |

|US-China Working Group | | |

|Veterans Jobs Caucus | | |

|Victims' Rights Caucus | | |

|Wildlife Refuge Caucus | | |

|Friends of Finland Caucus, Co-Chair | | |

|House Automotive Caucus | | |

|House Sugar Caucus | | |

|Hydrogen and Fuell Cell Caucus | | |

|Medical Technology Caucus | | |

|National Service Caucus | | |

|Northern Border Caucus | | |

|Public Works and Infrastructure Caucus | | |

|Small Brewers Caucus  | | |

|Cancer Prevention Caucus, Co-Chair   | | |

|Bobby Rush, (D) Illinois |[pic] |United States Representative Bobby L. Rush is a transcendent American |

|2188 Rayburn House Office Building | |leader who keeps his legislative and policy interests sharply focused on |

|Washington, DC 20515-1301 | |the needs of his constituents — especially the most vulnerable. He |

|Phone:  (202) 225-4372 | |believes in the redemptive power of the human spirit. He believes in human|

|Fax:  (202) 226-0333 | |ingenuity and tenacity. He knows the power of a made up mind. As a member |

| | |of Congress, Rush stands on the shoulders of a long line of patriots and |

|Committees & caucuses: | |public servants who have gone before him and who are ardent believers in |

| | |our Constitution. His life is an example of our nation’s fundamental |

|Committee on Energy and Commerce  | |promise and his work reflects a deep determination to bend the arc of |

| | |government resources and innovation towards the needs of every American — |

|Subcommittee on Energy (Ranking | |whether they live on our nation’s main streets or its side streets. |

|Democratic Member) | | |

| | |Chicago and her surrounding communities are a microcosm of America. While |

|Subcommittee on Communications and | |large parts of Rush’s district include communities that can boast |

|Technology | |world-class health and educational institutions and a diverse array of |

| | |businesses, there are others where youth unemployment and acts of violence|

|Bipartisan Congressional Privacy Caucus | |are far too common. Rush is an honorably discharged veteran of the United |

| | |States Army and an ordained minister with a Master’s Degree in Theology. |

|Community College Caucus, co-chair | |In addition to his congressional responsibilities, Rush is the pastor of |

| | |the Beloved Community Christian Church of God in Christ in Chicago. Rush |

|Asthma and Allergy Caucus | |listens to his constituents with a pastor’s ear and acts on their needs |

| | |with a politician’s skill. |

|Bicameral High-Speed and Intercity | |He and his late wife, Carolyn, have a blended family with seven children |

|Passenger Rail Caucus | |including a son who lost his life to gun violence in 1999. |

| | | |

|Black Caucus | |Legislative Highlights |

| | |From his very first year in office, Rush focused on issues of importance |

|Caucus on Access to Capital and Credit, | |to low- and middle-income families and communities. In 1993, as a freshman|

|co-chair | |in the 103rd Congress, Rush introduced bills on issues as diverse |

| | |as Conflict Resolution and Mediation toPublic Pensions and Community |

|Caucus on Community Health Centers | |Development. |

| | | |

|Caucus on Crime Prevention and Youth | |Rush’s track record of leadership on energy issues and his support for |

|Development | |small business while serving as an alderman in the Chicago City Council |

| | |paved the way for him to gain a seat on the powerful House Energy and |

|Caucus on the Deadliest Cancers | |Commerce Committee in his second term. |

| | |Rush’s attention to detail in crafting national legislation inspired his |

|Caucus on Educating, Engaging, and | |peers to elect him Chairman of the House Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade |

|Employing America’s Youth, co-chair | |and Consumer Protection during the 111th Congress. Under Rush’s watch, |

| | |important pieces of legislation became law including the Consumer Product |

|Caucus on Green Jobs | |Safety Improvement Act of 2008 (P.L. 110-314). Signed into law by |

| | |President George W. Bush, this statute is a landmark piece of legislation |

|Caucus on India and Indian Americans | |that provided an effective congressional response to an unprecedented wave|

| | |of consumer product safety recalls between 2006 and 2007. |

|Collegiate Sports Caucus, co-chair | | |

| | |Key pieces of legislation that Rush crafted surrounding postpartum |

|Creative Rights Caucus | |depression, women’s health (Sec. 2951 and Sec. 2952 of Subtitle L), and |

| | |prescription drug offsets (Sec. 7101 and Sec. 7102 of Subtitle B) were |

|Diabetes Caucus | |adopted in the landmark health care legislation, the Patient Protection |

| | |and Affordable Care Act (P.L. 111-148), signed into law by President |

|Direct Selling Caucus | |Barack Obama. |

| | | |

|Energy Caucus, co-chair | |Because of Rush’s leadership over the years on a range of small business |

| | |issues and community-based lending, Rush was chosen to serve as a conferee|

|Entertainment Technology Caucus | |as part of the final, bipartisan deliberative process that led to the |

| | |passage of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act |

|Labor and Working Families Caucus | |(P.L. 111-203). Rush fought hard to help ensure that low- and |

| | |middle-income consumers would never again fall prey to the ill-conceived, |

|National Guard Youth ChalleNGe Caucus | |predatory financial practices that led to the near epic collapse of U. S. |

| | |financial markets in 2008. |

|Natural Gas Caucus | | |

| | |In 1996, Rush served as a conferee on the Telecommunications Act of 1996 |

|Pakistan Caucus | |(P.L. 104-104). This law, the first major overhaul of U.S. |

| | |telecommunications law in almost 62 years, marked the first time the |

|Peace Corps Caucus | |Internet was included in the broadcasting spectrum allotment and paved the|

| | |way for the growth of cable and Internet accessibility throughout the |

|Soccer Caucus | |nation. |

| | | |

|Travel and Tourism Caucus | |During his tenure, Rush has brought more than one billion dollars to the |

| | |1st Congressional District. Through his determined advocacy, he has led |

|Ukrainian Caucus | |efforts to fund major infrastructure projects in the district such as the |

| | |reconstruction of the Dan Ryan Expressway, the Lovana S. ‘Lou’ |

|Veterans Job Caucus | |Jones/Bronzeville Metra Station, the CREATE Englewood Flyover, the CTA Red|

| | |Line Reconstruction, and the CTA Red Line 95th Street Station Renovation. |

|Financial and Economic Literacy Caucus | |Over the years, he has obtained millions of dollars in grants for |

| | |libraries, museums, municipalities, police departments, hospitals, schools|

|Great Lakes Task Force | |and programs that support the arts. |

| | | |

|House Army Caucus | |Since the convening of the 112th Congress in 2011, Rush has served as the |

| | |Ranking Democratic Member of the House Energy & Commerce |

|House Cancer Caucus | |Committee’s Energy Subcommittee. As Ranking Member, one of Rush’s top |

| | |priorities has been to increase opportunities for minorities within all |

|House General Aviation Caucus | |sectors of the energy industry. In this Congress, Rush has introduced |

| | |the 21st Century Energy Workforce Development Jobs Initiative Act of 2014 |

|House Renewable Energy and Energy | |(H.R. 4526). This bipartisan bill establishes a comprehensive program to |

|Efficiency Caucus | |improve the education and training of workers for energy-related jobs, |

| | |with an emphasis on increasing the number of skilled minorities and women |

|House Small Brewers Caucus | |trained to work in such jobs. |

| | | |

|Midwest High Speed Rail Congressional | |Continuing to place a high priority on ensuring access to quality |

|Caucus | |healthcare, Rush introduced the Trauma Relief Access for Urgent Medical |

| | |Assistance of 2014 (H.R. 4181). In addition to increasing funding for |

|Northeast Midwest Congressional Coalition| |research in emergency medical care systems and emergency medicine, this |

| | |bill establishes grants for regionalized systems for emergency care |

|Congressional Task Force on Manufacturing| |response, trauma care centers, to promote access to trauma care services, |

| | |and grants for demonstration projects for the expansion and improvement of|

|Northeast Midwest Congressional Coalition| |emergency medical services for children. The United States recently |

| | |received a D+ for trauma preparedness with a few states receiving an F in |

|Great Lakes Task Force | |a study conducted by the American College of Emergency Medical Physicians.|

| | |This bill seeks to improve on this national epidemic by providing the |

|Out of Poverty Caucus | |necessary resources to reduce the effects of Trauma Deserts on our urban |

| | |and rural communities. |

|Peace Corps Caucus | | |

| | |Today, Rush continues to carve an effective course of sound legislative |

|U.S.-China Working Group | |leadership that protects consumers, supports our military personnel, |

| | |creates jobs, expands businesses, and promotes America’s national energy |

| | |policy. As Rush looks to the future, the needs and interests of the people|

| | |he serves in the 1st Congressional District of Illinois remain front and |

| | |center. |

|Anna Eshoo, (D) California |[pic] |Like the Silicon Valley region she represents, Congresswoman Anna G. Eshoo|

|241 Cannon Building | |exemplifies innovation. She’s creative, boundary breaking and productive. |

|Washington, D.C. 20515 | |She is a problem solver and a consensus builder. In Rep. Eshoo’s two |

|Telephone: (202) 225-8104 | |decades in Congress, she has defended consumers, promoted American |

|Fax: (202) 225-8890 | |competitiveness and innovation, fought for access to health care for |

| | |families and children, protected the environment, and encouraged |

|Committees & caucuses: | |development of clean energy technology. |

| | | |

|House Committee on Energy and Commerce | |Rep. Eshoo’s work consistently earns the highest approval from a wide |

|Subcommittee on Communications and | |range of organizations, including the League of Conservation Voters, the |

|Technology | |Humane Society, the American Association of University Women, Iraq and |

|Health Subcommittee | |Afghanistan Veterans, the Biotechnology Industry Organization, the |

| | |American College of Emergency Physicians, and the Science Coalition. The |

|Congressional Internet Caucus, Co-Chair | |San Jose Mercury News named her one of the ten most powerful women in |

|and Founding Member | |Silicon Valley “because she sits on committees that oversee the Internet |

|Caucus on Religious Minorities in the | |and biotech—areas vital to the valley’s interests” |

|Middle East, Co-Chair and Founding Member| | |

|NextGen 9-1-1 Caucus (formerly | |Record |

|Congressional E-911 Caucus), Co-Chair | |Underlying Rep. Eshoo’s tenacity to serve her constituents are her |

|House Medical Technology | |achievements. Following the tragic losses on 9/11, Rep. Eshoo recognized |

|Caucus , Co-Chair and Founding Member | |critical gaps in our nation’s public safety communications network. As |

|Arthritis Caucus, Co-Chair | |Ranking Member of the powerful House Communications and Technology |

|Public Broadcasting Caucus | |Subcommittee, Eshoo was uniquely positioned to address this issue. Working|

|Bicameral Congressional Caucus on | |from recommendations made by the 9/11 Commission Report, Eshoo led a |

|Parkinson’s Disease | |charge in the House to create America’s first nationwide, interoperable |

|Bipartisan Congressional Task Force on | |public safety communications network and to appropriate significant |

|Alzheimer’s Disease | |funding for Next Generation 9-1-1 technology. In February 2012, Congress |

|California Democratic Congressional | |passed legislation to do just that. The nation’s first responders from |

|Delegation | |local to federal levels will soon have the critical interoperable airwaves|

|Cancer Survivors Caucus | |needed to effectively communicate in the event of an emergency. |

|Congressional Arts Caucus | | |

|Congressional Biomedical Research Caucus | |In the wake of the nation’s housing crisis which put extraordinary strain |

|Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues | |on the California housing market, Rep. Eshoo broke new ground for |

|Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues | |homeowners. Families in her district were struggling to keep up with their|

|Congressional Caucus on Hellenic Issues | |mortgages, forcing many to give up their dream of owning a home. Eshoo |

|Congressional Caucus on India and Indian | |created consensus around inclusion of a “Homeowner Bill of Rights” in the |

|Americans | |50-State Settlement—a $25 billion settlement for mortgage servicing abuses|

|Congressional Coast Guard Caucus | |perpetrated by the largest servicers. Eshoo’s new borrower safeguards put |

|Congressional Diabetes Caucus | |an end to “dual tracking,” a practice in which borrowers are foreclosed |

|Congressional Taiwan Caucus | |upon even as they negotiate the terms of a modification. The new rules |

|Congressional Wildlife Refuge Caucus | |also guarantee a single point of contact for borrowers seeking information|

|Biomedical Research Caucus | |about their loans. The American dream of owning one’s home was severely |

|Congressional Caucus on Deadliest Cancers| |threatened, and Rep. Eshoo took up the cause of defending it. |

|Congressional High Tech Caucus | | |

|House National Marine Sanctuary Caucus | |As the Bay Area population continues to grow from booming economic growth,|

|House Oceans Caucus | |significant strain has been placed on the region’s transportation |

|Congressional Privacy Caucus | |networks, especially Caltrain. In 2012, Caltrain reached record ridership |

|Congressional Wireless Caucus | |levels with 50,000 riders every week day. Rep. Eshoo has long advocated |

|American Sikh Congressional Caucus | |for a modernized Caltrain to meet growing demands. She knows that a 21st |

|Congressional Asian Pacific American | |century Caltrain will support economic growth, create jobs and help the |

|Caucus (CAPAC) | |environment. Earlier this year, the California state legislature approved |

| | |funding to modernize Caltrain. The plan is part of a $1.5 billion funding |

| | |agreement to electrify the rail line, increasing safety and energy |

| | |efficiency, as well as stabilize the agency’s operating budget. This was |

| | |an historic moment born out of Rep. Eshoo’s vision of a lasting future for|

| | |the spine of the Peninsula’s transportation system. |

| | | |

| | |No matter the call, Rep. Eshoo has always answered. |

| | | |

| | |Personal Story |

| | |Rep. Eshoo was born in New Britain, Connecticut, of Assyrian and Armenian |

| | |heritage. She is the proud mother of two children, Karen and Paul. |

| | | |

| | |Eshoo is a graduate of Cañada College and the CORO Foundation. She was |

| | |awarded an Honorary Degree by Menlo College and was elected to the San |

| | |Mateo County Board of Supervisors in 1982. She served on the County Board |

| | |for ten years before being elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in|

| | |1992. |

|Eliot Engel, (D) New York |[pic] |Congressman Engel is the Ranking Member on the House Foreign Affairs |

|2462 Rayburn HOB | |Committee. He also serves on the Energy and Commerce Committee including |

|Washington, DC 20515 | |the Subcommittee on Health, and the Subcommittee on Communications and |

|Phone: (202) 225-2464 | |Technology. He is the founder and Co-Chair of the House Oil and National |

|Fax: (202) 225-5513 | |Security Caucus, which is seeking clean, energy efficient alternatives to |

| | |America's over-reliance on oil. He also sits on the Gun Violence |

|Committees & caucuses: | |Prevention Task Force, the Bipartisan Task Force for Combatting |

| | |Anti-Semitism, the HIV/AIDS Caucus, the Long Island Sound Caucus, and the |

|House Committee on Foreign | |Animal Protection Caucus, among others. |

|Affairs (Ranking Member) | | |

|House Committee on Energy and Commerce | |Congressman Engel was born in the Bronx on February 18, 1947. He grew up |

|Subcommittee on Health | |in a city housing project and attended New York City public schools. In |

|Subcommittee on Energy and Power | |1969, he graduated from Hunter-Lehman College with a B.A. in History and |

| | |received a Master's Degree in Guidance and Counseling in 1973 from Herbert|

|Oil & National Security Caucus, co-chair | |H. Lehman College of the City University of New York. In 1987, he received|

|EU Caucus, co-chair | |a law degree from New York Law School. |

|Albanian Issues Caucus, co-chair | | |

|Ad-Hoc Committee for Irish Affairs, | |For twelve years prior to his election to Congress, Mr. Engel served in |

|co-chair | |the New York State Assembly (1977-1988), where he chaired the Committee on|

|Fragile X Caucus, co-chair | |Alcoholism and Substance Abuse, as well as the Subcommittee on |

|Tuberculosis Elimination Caucus, co-chair| |Mitchell-Lama Housing. Prior to that, he was a teacher and guidance |

|Allergy & Asthma Caucus, co-chair | |counselor in the New York City public school system. |

|New Democrat Coalition | | |

|Animal Protection Caucus | |A lifelong resident of the Bronx, Congressman Engel is married to Pat |

|Renewable and Energy Efficiency Caucus | |Engel. They have three children. |

|Commission on Human Rights | | |

|Pro-Choice Caucus | | |

|Missing and Exploited Children's Caucus | | |

|Long Island Sound Caucus | | |

|Task Force on Anti-Semitism | | |

|HIV/AIDS Caucus | | |

|LGBT Caucus | | |

|Arts Caucus | | |

|Diabetes Caucus | | |

|G.K. Butterfield, (D) North Carolina |[pic] |Belief in Equal Opportunity - Congressman G. K. Butterfield believes that |

|2080 Rayburn House Office Building | |if you work hard and play by the rules you deserve a fair shot at |

|Washington, DC20515 | |achieving the American Dream. But for many Americans, this dream seems out|

|Phone: (202) 225-3101 | |of reach. Too many North Carolinians are struggling to make ends meet. |

| | |That is why Congressman Butterfield is working to expand opportunity to |

|Committees & caucuses: | |all Americans and ensure the poor and middle class have a seat at the |

| | |decision making table. From the courts to Congress, G. K. Butterfield has |

|Energy and Commerce Committee | |always fought for equality of opportunity.   |

| | | |

|Subcommittee on Communications and | |North Carolina Roots - Congressman Butterfield’s roots in Wilson, N.C. |

|Technology | |taught him the values of hard work and responsibility. His father, Dr. G. |

| | |K. Butterfield Sr., was a respected dentist and elected official. Dr. |

|Subcommittee on Health | |Butterfield graduated from Meharry Dental College and practiced dentistry |

| | |for 50 years in the poor, segregated community of East Wilson. Many of his|

|Subcommittee on Energy | |patients had never received dental services because they were unable to |

| | |afford care. However, Dr. Butterfield did not turn anyone away because |

|House Democratic Caucus, Chief Deputy | |they were unable to pay. To him, access to care was a right for everyone, |

|Whip | |not a privilege for the few. |

| | | |

|Congressional Black Caucus, Immediate | |Congressman Butterfield’s mother, Addie, was passionate about education. |

|Past Chair | |She taught elementary school for 48 years in some of the poorest |

| | |communities in North Carolina. Mrs. Butterfield was keenly focused on |

|Out-of Poverty Caucus, Co-Chair | |making sure her students learned to read--a right that was denied to many |

| | |Blacks in the South.  |

|State Medical Expansion Caucus, Co-Chair | | |

| | |Congressman Butterfield’s parents led by example and instilled in him the |

|Caucuses & Task Forces: | |importance of serving your community and working to give people the |

| | |opportunity to succeed.  |

|Childhood Cancer | | |

| | |Front Row Seat to Civil Rights Movement - Growing up in the segregated |

|Community College | |city of Wilson, N.C. gave Congressman Butterfield a front-row seat to the |

| | |fight for civil rights in the South. In the late 1940s, Dr. Butterfield |

|Congressional African Partnership for | |helped found the Wilson Branch of the NAACP, which was formed to register |

|Economic Growth | |Black voters in the county. In 1953, Congressman Butterfield’s father |

| | |became the first African American elected to the city council in Wilson, |

|Congressional Boating | |and the first Black elected official in eastern North Carolina since |

| | |Reconstruction. |

|Congressional Caucus on Community Health | | |

|Centers | |The other council members were upset with Dr. Butterfield for his voter |

| | |registration efforts and wanted to ensure he was not reelected. So, the |

|Congressional Coast Guard | |city council called an emergency meeting to change the method of electing |

| | |its members while the Butterfield family was traveling out of state. Under|

|Congressional Diabetes | |the new system, council members would be elected at-large instead of being|

| | |elected from districts. The change diluted Black voting strength and |

|Congressional Glaucoma | |forced Dr. Butterfield to run citywide as opposed to running in a majority|

| | |black district. As a result, Congressman Butterfield’s father was defeated|

|Congressional Historic Preservation | |in the 1957 election. Congressman Butterfield witnessed firsthand the |

| | |abuse of political power used to weaken voting rights. This experience |

|Congressional International Anti-Piracy | |formed a lasting impression on him and fueled his desire to become a |

| | |lawyer and advocate for civil rights.  |

|Congressional Joint Strike Fighter | | |

| | |Fighting for Civil Rights - After graduating from Charles H. Darden High |

|Congressional Motorcycle | |School in Wilson, Congressman Butterfield earned a Bachelor of Arts in |

| | |Political Science and Sociology from North Carolina Central University |

|Congressional Native American | |(NCCU).  During his time at NCCU, Congressman Butterfield was active in |

| | |organizing voter registration drives in Durham. After the enactment of the|

|Congressional Oral Health | |Voting Rights Act in 1965, Butterfield organized a student march from the |

| | |State Capital in Raleigh to the Wilson County Courthouse to draw attention|

|Congressional Rural Housing | |to the importance of voter registration. At the conclusion of the march, |

| | |Congressman Butterfield registered to vote for the first time. |

|Congressional Submarine | | |

| | |In 1965, workers at Duke University were organizing to demand improved |

|Congressional Task Force on Alzheimer's | |working conditions. Congressman Butterfield, who once served as intern and|

|Disease | |orderly at Duke University Hospital, joined hospital employees in their |

| | |fight for workers’ rights. The employees would eventually form the Local |

|Congressional Textile | |77 chapter of the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal |

| | |Employees (AFSCME) union. |

|Congressional Travel & Tourism | | |

| | |During his junior year at NCCU, Congressman Butterfield was drafted into |

|Congressional Vision | |the United States Army and was stationed at Fort Bragg Army installation |

| | |in Fayetteville, North Carolina. He was later honorably discharged from |

|Disabilities | |the Army and returned to NCCU to complete his undergraduate degree. |

| | |Following his graduation, he attended NCCU School of Law.  While in law |

|Diversity and Innovation, Co-Chair | |school, Congressman Butterfield focused on learning how the law could be |

| | |used to protect peoples' rights as opposed to limiting them. |

|Friends of Job Corps | | |

| | |After completing law school, Congressman Butterfield began his |

|House Bike Caucus | |distinguished legal career as a civil rights attorney. For 14 years, |

| | |Butterfield practiced law across eastern North Carolina representing |

|House Renewable Energy and Energy | |mostly low-income clients who needed legal services. He also focused on |

|Efficiency Caucus | |protecting civil rights, winning several voting rights cases that earned |

| | |him the reputation of a principled litigator. Butterfield’s litigation |

|National Guard and Reserve Components | |work helped to preserve the ability of several African American |

|Caucus | |communities to elect candidates of their choice to public office. |

| | | |

| | |Judge Butterfield - Congressman Butterfield was elected Resident Superior |

| | |Court Judge for the First Judicial Division. For 13 years, he presided |

| | |over civil and criminal courts in 46 counties throughout North Carolina. |

| | | |

| | |In February 2001, then-Governor Mike Easley appointed Butterfield to the |

| | |North Carolina Supreme Court. While serving on the highest court in the |

| | |state, Congressman Butterfield authored more than 15 opinions on cases |

| | |involving judicial sentencing procedures, eminent domain, and the |

| | |application of capital punishment. |

| | | |

| | |Despite running an aggressive statewide campaign, Butterfield lost |

| | |reelection to the Court in November 2002. Following that loss, he was |

| | |reappointed to the Superior Court bench and resumed his duties as a trial |

| | |judge.  His judicial service spanned a total of 15 years. |

| | | |

| | |Advocate for the People - In 2004, G. K. Butterfield retired from the |

| | |bench to run in a special election to fill the unexpired term of |

| | |Congressman Frank Ballance (NC-01). Congressman Butterfield won a crowded |

| | |primary election to fill the seat, where he captured 71 percent of the |

| | |vote. |

| | | |

| | |Upon taking office in July 2004, Congressman Butterfield was determined to|

| | |be a strong advocate for the people in eastern North Carolina. Recognizing|

| | |the importance of agriculture and nutrition programs to the First |

| | |District, Congressman Butterfield initially joined the House Agriculture |

| | |Committee. He also served on the House Armed Services Committee where he |

| | |was an advocate for our military, which has a strong presence throughout |

| | |North Carolina. Congressman Butterfield also served on the House Committee|

| | |on Standards of Official Conduct (Ethics Committee). |

| | | |

| | |Currently, Congressman Butterfield is a member of the influential House |

| | |Energy and Commerce Committee. On the Committee, he has been an advocate |

| | |for access to quality healthcare, rural broadband expansion, protecting |

| | |consumer privacy, promoting renewable energies, and reducing energy rates |

| | |in low income communities. Congressman Butterfield sits on the |

| | |Subcommittees on Communications and Technology; Energy; and Health. |

| | |Previously he served as Ranking Member of the Commerce, Manufacturing and |

| | |Trade Subcommittee.  |

| | | |

| | |In addition to his work in Congress, the Congressman also serves on the |

| | |Board of Visitors for the North Carolina Central University School of Law,|

| | |his alma mater, and on the Board of Trustees for Gallaudet University in |

| | |Washington, D.C.  |

| | | |

| | |Leader in Congress - In January 2007, Congressman Butterfield was |

| | |appointed a Chief Deputy Whip of the House Democratic Caucus, a position |

| | |in which he continues to serve. As a Chief Deputy Whip, Butterfield works |

| | |with the Democratic leadership to help formulate policy and rally support |

| | |for the Caucus’ legislative priorities on the House Floor. Congressman |

| | |Butterfield is the first Democrat from North Carolina to serve in this |

| | |role. |

| | | |

| | |In November 2014, Congressman Butterfield was unanimously elected Chairman|

| | |of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) for the 114th Congress. As a |

| | |member of the CBC, Congressman Butterfield focused on promoting |

| | |anti-poverty programs, expanding economic development and job creation, |

| | |protecting voting rights, advocating for the appointment of African |

| | |American to judgeships and senior Administration positions, and increasing|

| | |diversity in leadership positions in corporate America. He has been an |

| | |outspoken member of the CBC since his election in 2004. |

| | | |

| | |Fighter for the First District - Since coming to Congress, Congressman |

| | |Butterfield has been a tireless advocate and champion for his |

| | |constituents. He has worked to improve the lives of his constituents by |

| | |proposing strong legislative initiatives, helping to direct more than $100|

| | |million in federal dollars to the First District, and by prioritizing |

| | |constituent service. He has consistently supported projects in his |

| | |district that work to increase student achievement and expand |

| | |opportunities for his constituents. Congressman Butterfield has |

| | |successfully fought for funding for transportation and redevelopment |

| | |projects and has secured funding to support important health care programs|

| | |in the First District. He serves on the committee that was a key architect|

| | |of the Affordable Care Act, is an outspoken opponent of any attempts to |

| | |repeal the law. In addition, Congressman Butterfield fights for his |

| | |constituents on many other fronts including: advocating for the equipping |

| | |of first responders and municipalities with the tools they need to protect|

| | |their citizenry; bringing in more than $14 million in federal dollars to |

| | |the First District to protect North Carolina’s natural resources in an |

| | |effort to protect the environment for future generations; and securing |

| | |funding for veterans, servicemembers, and military bases throughout |

| | |eastern North Carolina. |

| | | |

| | |Grounded in Faith and Family - Congressman Butterfield is a lifelong |

| | |member of Jackson Chapel First Missionary Baptist Church in Wilson, N.C. |

| | |He is the father of three adult daughters, Valeisha, Lenai and Tunya, and |

| | |a proud grandfather of three grandsons. |

|Doris Matsui, (D) California |[pic] |Congresswoman Doris Matsui has represented the city of Sacramento and its |

|Rayburn Building 2311 Washington, DC | |surrounding areas since 2005.  As a senior member of the House Energy and |

|20515 | |Commerce Committee, she serves on the Health, Communications & Technology,|

|Phone:   (202) 225-7163 | |Environment, and Digital Commerce & Consumer Protection subcommittees. She|

|Fax:   (202) 225-0566 | |is committed to strengthening Sacramento’s flood protection, ensuring |

| | |quality, affordable health care for all, promoting a clean energy economy,|

|Committees & caucuses: | |and creating a vibrant region where families can live, work, and play. |


|The Subcommittee on Health | |Sitting at the confluence of two rivers, the Sacramento area has one of |

|The Subcommittee on Communications & | |the highest flood risks in the country.  Congresswoman Matsui is a |

|Technology | |stalwart champion for increased flood protection, levee improvements and |

|The Subcommittee on Environment | |keeping flood insurance rates affordable. She is at the forefront of the |

|The Subcommittee on Digital Commerce & | |effort to build the Joint Federal Project at Folsom Dam, a $1 billion |

|Consumer Protection | |project that is a model of cooperation and efficiency.  She also fights to|

|  | |preserve the region’s water rights and resources within the ongoing Bay |

|[pic]CONGRESSIONAL CAUCUSES | |Delta Conservation Plan. |

|CONGRESSWOMAN MATSUI’S CAUCUS LEADERSHIP | |Congresswoman Matsui passionately works to increase public transportation |

|Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues, | |options in Sacramento.  She is engaged in the planning and execution of an|

|Co-Chair | |intermodal transportation center in downtown Sacramento, was instrumental |

|Congressional High-Tech Caucus, Co-Chair | |in securing federal funds to extend Sacramento’s light rail system, and is|

|National Service Congressional Caucus, | |a leading proponent and has helped secure critical federal resources for a|

|Co-Chair | |streetcar system linking Sacramento and West Sacramento. |

|Congressional Caucus to Cure Blood | | |

|Cancers and Other Blood Disorders, | |She has worked tirelessly to improve access to high quality health care in|

|Co-Chair | |Sacramento and across the nation.  Through her committee work, |

|The Congressional Task Force on Seniors, | |Congresswoman Matsui helped author the Affordable Care Act, and she |

|Co-Chair | |continues to advocate for access to high quality health care services. She|

|Sustainable Energy and Environment | |is a champion in Congress for improving our nation’s mental health care |

|Coalition (SEEC), Co-Chair | |system, and secured passage of landmark bipartisan legislation, the |

|  | |Excellence in Mental Health Act, which provides $1 billion to strengthen |

|CONGRESSWOMAN MATSUI’S CAUCUS MEMBERSHIP | |the mental health safety net. |

|Arthritis Caucus | |Congresswoman Matsui has been a leader in Congress on promoting policies |

|Arts Caucus | |which address the effects of a changing climate, serving as a co-chair of |

|Autism Caucus | |the Sustainable Energy and Environment Coalition (SEEC).  She has authored|

|California Democratic Congressional | |a number of legislative proposals aimed at boosting clean energy |

|Delegation | |manufacturing and financing to help smaller clean energy companies grow |

|Coast Guard Caucus | |and create jobs.  Thanks in large part to her efforts, the Sacramento |

|Congressional Anti-Bullying Caucus | |region has been transforming into a clean-tech capitol, with over 200 |

|Congressional Asian Pacific American | |companies in the region. |

|Caucus | | |

|Congressional Academic Medicine Caucus | |Congresswoman Matsui is also a leader on technology and telecom policy. |

|Congressional Bike Caucus | |She is a leading proponent of net neutrality and ensuring access to the |

|Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues | |free and open Internet, authoring legislation that would prohibit |

|Congressional Caucus on Vietnam | |so-called Internet fast lanes from harming consumers, small businesses and|

|Congressional Fire Services Caucus | |innovators.  As the co-chair of the bipartisan Congressional High Tech |

|Congressional High-Performance Buildings | |Caucus, she advocates for policies to expand the innovative use of |

|Caucus | |technology across every sector of the economy. She also is an ardent |

|Congressional Mental Health Caucus | |supporter of advancing STEM education, especially for women and girls. |

|Congressional Nurse Caucus | | |

|Congressional Research & Development | |During the 114th Congress, Congresswoman Matsui was elected by her peers |

|Caucus | |to serve as a co-chair of the bipartisan Congressional Caucus for Women’s |

|Congressional Task Force Against | |Issues.  As co-chair, she worked closely with the 88 women Members of the |

|Anti-Semitism | |House to advance issues that matter most to women in the United States. In|

|Congressional Water Caucus | |addition, she chaired the Democratic Women’s Working Group, which |

|Congressional Wildlife Refuge Caucus | |advocates for an economic agenda for women and families. |

|Cybersecurity Working Group | |After growing up on a farm in California’s Central Valley, Congresswoman |

|Diabetes Caucus | |Matsui met her husband, the late Congressman Bob Matsui, while attending |

|Global Warming Caucus | |the University of California at Berkeley.  During President Clinton’s |

|Green Schools Caucus | |first term in office, she served as one of eight members of the |

|Humanities Caucus | |President’s transition board.  She later served for six years as Deputy |

|Life Sciences Caucus | |Assistant to the President in the White House Office of Public Liaison. |

|Lupus Caucus | | |

|Maternity Care Caucus | |Congresswoman Matsui has a son Brian Matsui and a daughter-in-law Amy |

|Medical Technology Caucus | |Matsui.  She has two grandchildren, Anna and Robby. |

|National Service Caucus, Co-Chair | | |

|Native American Caucus | | |

|Out of Poverty Caucus | | |

|Public Health Caucus | | |

|Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency | | |

|Caucus | | |

|Rep. Berman’s Entertainment Task Force | | |

|Rock & Roll Caucus | | |

|Small Brewers Caucus | | |


|STEM Education caucus (Science, | | |

|Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics) | | |

|Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission | | |

|Tri-Caucus (comprised of Congressional | | |

|Asian Pacific American Caucus, | | |

|Congressional Hispanic Caucus, & the | | |

|Congressional Black Caucus) | | |

|United Kingdom Caucus | | |

|Victims Rights Caucus | | |

|Jerry McNerney, (D) California |[pic] |Congressman Jerry McNerney was sworn into office on January 4, 2007.  He |

|2265 Rayburn House Office Building | |is proud to represent California’s 9th District, which includes a large |

|Washington, DC 20515 | |portion of San Joaquin County in the Central Valley as well as parts of |

|Phone: (202) 225-1947 | |Contra Costa and Sacramento Counties. |

|Fax: (202) 225-4060 | | |

| | |McNerney was inspired to run for Congress by his son Michael, who in |

|Committees & caucuses: | |response to the attacks of September 11, sought and received a commission |

| | |in the Air Force. Michael suggested that his Dad serve his country by |

|House Committee on Energy & Commerce | |running for Congress. With a deep sense of duty and his family’s support, |

| | |McNerney began his journey to Congress. |

|Subcommittee on Energy | | |

| | |Congressman McNerney is honored to serve on the Committee on Energy and |

|Subcommittee on Communications & | |Commerce, the oldest standing legislative committee in the U.S. House of |

|Technology | |Representatives. The committee is vested with broad jurisdiction on a |

| | |number of issues including telecommunications, consumer protection, food |

|Subcommittee on Environment | |and drug safety, public health research, environmental quality, energy |

| | |policy, and interstate and foreign commerce. The Congressman is also proud|

|House Committee on Science, Space & | |to be a member of the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology. |

|Technology | | |

| | |McNerney, who has his Ph.D. in mathematics, served several years as an |

|Subcommittee on Energy | |engineering contractor to Sandia National Laboratories in New Mexico. In |

| | |1990 McNerney moved with his family to California, accepting a senior |

|Subcommittee on Oversight | |engineering position with U.S. Windpower, Kenetech. McNerney later began |

| | |working as an energy consultant for PG&E, FloWind, the Electric Power |

|Adult Literacy Caucus | |Research Institute, and other utility companies. Prior to his election to |

|American Sikh Congressional Caucus | |Congress, he formed a start-up company to manufacture wind turbines. |

|Asian Pacific American Caucus | | |

|Bike Caucus | |During his career in wind energy, McNerney’s work contributed to saving |

|Career and Technical Education Caucus | |the equivalent of approximately 30 million barrels of oil, or 8.3 million |

|Campaign Finance Reform Caucus (Co-Chair)| |tons of carbon dioxide. |

|Caucus on Children’s Health Care | | |

|Caucus on Prescription Drug Abuse | |McNerney and Mary, his wife of 40 years, have three grown children. Their |

|Caucus on Soil | |oldest son, Michael, is a reserve officer in the U.S. Air Force and a |

|Caucus on Wine | |graduate of American University with a degree in law. Daughter Windy |

|Climate Solutions Caucus | |received a Ph.D. from Notre Dame in neuroscience and is now working on the|

|Community College Caucus | |biochemistry of neurodegenerative disorders as a fellow at the VA Palo |

|Congressional Animal Protection Caucus | |Alto, and also teaches at Stanford University.  Their youngest son, Greg, |

|Congressional Artificial Intelligence | |received his Ph.D. in biophysics and is working as an engineer at Intel |

|Caucus | |Corporation. |

|Congressional Cannabis Caucus | | |

|Congressional Caucus to Fight and Control| | |

|Methamphetamine | | |

|Congressional Caucus for the Humane Bond | | |

|Congressional Caucus on Foster Youth | | |

|Congressional Caucus on India and Indian | | |

|Americans | | |

|Congressional Diabetes Caucus | | |

|Congressional Dyslexia Caucus | | |

|Congressional Estuary Caucus | | |

|Congressional Homeless Caucus | | |

|Congressional Humanities Caucus | | |

|Congressional Independent College Caucus | | |

|Congressional Internet of Things Caucus | | |

|Congressional LGBT Equality Caucus | | |

|Congressional Neuroscience Caucus | | |

|Congressional PORTS Caucus | | |

|Congressional Pro-Choice Caucus | | |

|Congressional Robotics Caucus | | |

|Congressional TRIO Caucus | | |

|Congressional Voting Rights Caucus | | |

|Congressional Writers Caucus | | |

|Congressional Youth ChalleNGe Caucus | | |

|Cybersecurity Caucus | | |

|Dairy Farmers Caucus | | |

|Digital Trade Caucus | | |

|Green Schools Caucus | | |

|Grid Innovation Caucus (Co-Chair) | | |

|High Tech Caucus | | |

|House Science, Technology, Engineering | | |

|and Mathematics Education Caucus | | |

|International Conservation Caucus | | |

|Kids' Safety Caucus | | |

|Military Depot, Arsenal, Ammunition | | |

|Plant, and Industrial Facilities Caucus | | |

|Military Veterans Caucus | | |

|Public Education Caucus | | |

|Recycling Caucus | | |

|Specialty Crop Caucus | | |

|Sustainable Energy & Environment | | |

|Coalition | | |

|U.S.-Mexico Friendship Caucus | | |

|Victim’s Rights Caucus | | |

|Wireless Caucus | | |

|Task Forces: | | |

|Congressional Brain Injury Task Force | | |

|House Democratic Caucus Seniors Task | | |

|Force | | |

|Greg Walden, (R) Oregon - Ex officio |[pic] |U.S. Rep. Greg Walden represents the people of Oregon's Second |

|2185 Rayburn House Office Building | |Congressional District, which includes 20 counties in central, southern, |

|Washington, DC 20515 | |and eastern Oregon. Walden, 60, is a lifelong Oregonian whose ancestors |

|Phone: (202) 225-6730 | |came to Oregon by wagon train in 1845.  |

|Fax: (202) 225-5774 | | |

| | |He and his wife Mylene celebrated 35 years of marriage in August 2017, and|

|Committees & caucuses: | |make their home in Hood River where they’ve been small business owners |

| | |since 1986.  Their son, Anthony graduated from Hood River Valley High |

|Committee on Energy and Commerce, | |School and Wake Forest University.  His parents are graduates of the |

|Chairman | |University of Oregon. |

| | | |

|From Wiki: | |Walden and his wife spent more than two decades as radio station owners in|

|From 2010 to 2011, Walden gave up his | |the Gorge.  He’s also a licensed amateur radio operator (W7EQI).  He |

|seat on the Committee on Energy and | |put that small business and technology experience to work as chairman of |

|Commerce, at Republican leadership | |the Energy and Commerce Committee’s Subcommittee on Communications and |

|request so that Parker Griffith, who had | |Technology.  In this role, he worked to pass legislation to grow American |

|recently switched parties, could take his| |jobs by expanding access to wireless broadband, spur new U.S. technology |

|spot on that committee.[9] | |and innovation, and protect the Internet from government control. |

| | | |

|Walden founded the Small Brewers | |His work in support of Oregon’s rural farm and ranch economy has earned |

|Caucus (see Alcohol in Oregon) and | |him local and national recognition.  He’s helped write and pass bipartisan|

|the Digital Television Caucus; as of | |legislation to expedite treatment of fire-prone forests, and continues to |

|2007, he was a member of 39 congressional| |work across the aisle to find natural resource solutions. The House has |

|caucuses.[10] | |also passed bipartisan legislation Walden has championed to fix broken |

| | |federal forest policy to restore forest health and put people back to work|

|Walden is also a member of the | |in the woods, as well as legislation (now law) to bring more water and |

|centrist Republican Main Street | |power to Central Oregon for job creation.  |

|Partnership[12] and the Congressional | | |

|Cement Caucus. | |Walden’s experience as a former member of the Hood River Memorial Hospital|

| | |Board of Trustees and as a former member of the Oregon Health Sciences |

| | |University Foundation Board have helped in his work to improve access to |

| | |affordable health care, especially in rural communities.  His successful |

| | |efforts have earned him national and local awards. Walden has led the |

| | |charge to request and secure a federal investigation into the failure of |

| | |Cover Oregon, the state's health exchange. Oregon taxpayers deserve |

| | |accountability for the failure of this disastrous project.  |

| | | |

| | |Walden has also worked hard to ensure that Oregon service members and |

| | |veterans receive the benefits they have earned through years of brave |

| | |service.  |

| | | |

| | |In November 2014, Walden’s House Republican colleagues unanimously |

| | |reelected him to serve as chairman of the National Republican |

| | |Congressional Committee (NRCC). |

| | |In December 2016, Walden was selected as Chairman of the full Committee on|

| | |Energy & Commerce. You can read about the Energy and Commerce Committee's |

| | |history, legislative jurisdiction, and members here. |

|Frank Pallone, (D) New Jersey - Ex |[pic] |On January 3, 2017, Frank Pallone, Jr. was sworn in for his 15th full term|

|officio | |in the U.S. House of Representatives. Pallone represents New Jersey's |

|237 Cannon HOB | |Sixth Congressional District, which covers most of Middlesex County, as |

|Washington, DC 20515 | |well as the Bayshore and oceanfront areas of Monmouth County. |

|Phone: (202) 225-4671 | | |

|Fax: (202) 225-9665 | |Throughout his tenure in Congress, Pallone's legislative accomplishments |

| | |have been geared to the protection and restoration of environmental |

|Committees & caucuses: | |resources and making health care more affordable and accessible. |

| | | |

|Committees | |Pallone is the Ranking Member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, |

|Ranking Member on the House Energy and | |which has jurisdiction over issues pertaining to energy, environment, |

|Commerce Committee | |health care, commerce, and telecommunications. |

| | | |

|Caucuses | |From 2006 to 2014, Pallone served as the top Democrat on the Committee’s |

|Congressman Pallone also serves as | |Subcommittee on Health. As Chairman during the 111th Congress, Pallone |

|co-chair of the Congressional Caucus on | |played a key role in authoring and passing the Affordable Care Act. The |

|Armenian Issues and the Congressional | |landmark law extends health care coverage to millions of Americans, while |

|Coastal Caucus. He is also the co-founder| |driving down health care costs and reigning in abusive tactics used by |

|of the Congressional Caucus on India and | |insurance companies to deny medical treatment.  Thanks to the Affordable |

|Indian Americans and Congressional Caucus| |Care Act, 105 million Americans no longer have a lifetime limit on their |

|on Sri Lanka. For more information on | |coverage and 5.1 million seniors have saved $3.2 billion on their |

|these and other caucuses on which he | |prescription drugs, to date. |

|serves, please see below: | | |

|Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues | |During the 114th Congress, Pallone co-authored legislation to reform the |

|(co-chair) | |Toxic Substances Control Act, which passed with major bipartisan support |

|Congressional Caucus on Sri Lanka | |for the first time since its original passing in 1976. The TSCA |

|(founder) | |Modernization Act improves the protection of human health and the |

|Congressional Coastal Caucus | |environment, and gives the public greater confidence in American-made |

|Congressional Recycling Caucus | |chemicals and the products that contain them. |

| | | |

|Anti-Value Added Tax Caucus | |Pallone has also been focused on fighting the opioid epidemic in New |

|Bi-Partisan Coalition for Combating | |Jersey and throughout the country. He led democratic efforts to pass the |

|Anti-Semitism | |Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act (CARA) of 2016, which improves |

|Bipartisan Congressional Caucus on | |the tools available to prescribers to prevent opioid abuse. CARA also |

|Parkinson's Disease | |expands access to lifesaving opioid overdose reversal drugs and Pallone |

|Children's Environmental Health Caucus | |helped secure an additional $1 billion to combat the opioid epidemic as |

|Coalition on Autism Research and | |part of the 21st Century Cures Act, which also passed in the 114th |

|Education (CARE) | |Congress.  21st Century Cures allocates billions towards cutting edge |

|Congressional Animal Protection Caucus | |medical research and development of new treatments.  |

|Congressional Anti-Bullying Caucus | | |

|Congressional Arts Caucus | |Over the years, Pallone has consistently fought to improve health outcomes|

|Congressional Automotive Caucus | |for children specifically. In the 113th Congress, Pallone introduced |

|Congressional Boating Caucus | |legislation to extend funding for the Children’s Health Insurance Program |

|Congressional Brain Injury Task Force | |(CHIP), which provides health care coverage to more than 8 million |

|Congressional Caucus for Freedom of the | |children living in low and middle-income households. An original author of|

|Press | |CHIP, which was signed into law in 1997, Pallone has repeatedly pushed to |

|Congressional Caucus on Armenian | |expand health care coverage through the program to ensure that children |

|Issues, Co-chair | |have access to the care they need. |

|Congressional Caucus on Fetal Alcohol | | |

|Spectrum Disorders | |Pallone was also one of the main authors of food safety reform, which |

|Congressional Caucus on Global Road | |emphasizes prevention and safety measures that help to ensure food is safe|

|Safety | |before it reaches the kitchen tables of millions of families. In the 112th|

|Congressional Caucus on Hellenic Issues | |Congress, Pallone introduced the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Reform|

|Congressional Caucus on India and Indian | |Act of 2012 to ensure that Americans have access to safe and effective |

|Americans, Founder, former Co-chair | |drugs and medical devices.   |

|Congressional Caucus on Missing, | | |

|Exploited and Runaway Children | |Pallone has successfully worked throughout his career to stop ocean |

|Congressional Caucus on Sri | |dumping and offshore oil and gas drilling in the Atlantic Ocean. He has |

|Lanka, Founder | |obtained millions of dollars for shore protection and beach replenishment |

|Congressional Caucus on Youth Drug | |work along a large stretch of the Jersey Coast, for dredging of the area's|

|Prevention | |navigation channels and for the maintenance of his district's National |

|Congressional Children's Caucus | |Recreation Area, Sandy Hook. He has also championed issues important to |

|Congressional Coast Guard Caucus | |the state's commercial and recreational fishing industries. |

|Congressional Coastal Caucus | | |

|Congressional Cystic Fibrosis Caucus | |Pallone is a leader in protecting the integrity of the Medicare guarantee |

|Congressional Diabetes Caucus | |and Medicaid programs, ensuring food safety, strengthening the federal |

|Congressional Dietary Supplement Caucus | |Superfund program to clean up toxic waste sites, strengthening the |

|Congressional Dyslexia Caucus | |nation's clean water laws, and protecting our shores against the threat of|

|Congressional Fire Services Caucus | |offshore drilling. |

|Congressional Gaming Caucus | | |

|Congressional Hellenic-Israeli Alliance | |Frank Pallone, Jr., was born in Long Branch, New Jersey, where he grew up |

|Caucus | |and still resides. The son of a policeman, Pallone attended local public |

|Congressional Historic Preservation | |schools and earned an academic scholarship to Middlebury College. After |

|Caucus | |graduating cum laude from Middlebury in 1973, Pallone received his |

|Congressional Internet Caucus | |master's degree in international relations at the Fletcher School of Law |

|Congressional Labor and Working Families | |and Diplomacy at Tufts University. He earned his law degree at Rutgers |

|Caucus | |University in 1978, and has been admitted to the bar in four states: New |

|Congressional Medical Technology Caucus | |Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania and Florida. |

|Congressional Military Industrial | | |

|Facilities Caucus | |Pallone began his political career in his home city of Long Branch, |

|Congressional National Parks Caucus | |getting elected to the City Council in 1982 and winning re-election four |

|Congressional Native American Caucus | |years later. In 1983, Pallone was elected to the state Senate, |

|Congressional Prevention Caucus | |representing the Monmouth County coastline. He was re-elected in 1987. |

|Congressional Pro-Choice Caucus | |During his tenure in the state Legislature, Pallone distinguished himself |

|Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC) | |as an advocate for environmental issues and senior citizen concerns, and |

|Congressional Research and Development | |prioritized providing constituent services. |

|Caucus | | |

|Congressional Recycling Caucus | |On November 8, 1988, Frank Pallone, Jr., was elected to the House of |

|Congressional School Health and Safety | |Representatives from New Jersey's former Third District, encompassing |

|Caucus | |parts of Monmouth and Ocean counties. In March 1992, a new Congressional |

|Congressional Shipbuilding Caucus | |district map for New Jersey was adopted. Portions of the former Third |

|Congressional Steel Caucus | |District were merged with parts of two other districts to create the Sixth|

|Congressional Taiwan Caucus | |Congressional District, taking in large portions of Middlesex and Monmouth|

|Congressional Trails Caucus | |counties. Pallone was first elected to the Sixth District seat in November|

|Congressional Victims' Rights Caucus | |1992. |

|Congressional Vision Caucus | | |

|Congressional Wildlife Refuge Caucus | |Pallone's Central Jersey district is an ethnically diverse area with a |

|Democratic Israel Working Group | |wide range of business and industry. Light and heavy manufacturing |

|Friends of Job Corbs Congressional Caucus| |facilities provide jobs for thousands of area residents. Central Jersey is|

|Friends of Norway Caucus | |on the cutting edge of high technology research and development. The |

|Historic Preservation Caucus | |district is home to Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey and |

|House Baltic Caucus | |Monmouth University. Tourism, primarily centered in the coastal areas, is |

|House Bangladesh Caucus | |vital to the regional economy. While the district has a predominantly |

|House Hunger Caucus | |suburban character, the cities of New Brunswick, Asbury Park and Perth |

|House Manufacturing Caucus | |Amboy are key urban centers. |

|House Military Industrial Facilities | |Pallone married the former Sarah Hospodor in 1992. They have three |

|Caucus | |children, daughters Rose and Celeste, and a son, Frank. |

|House Oceans Caucus | | |

|House Renewable Energy and Energy | | |

|Efficiency Caucus | | |

|Hydrocephalus Caucus | | |

|Iran Working Group | | |

|LGBT Equality Caucus | | |

|National Landscape Conservation System | | |

|Caucus | | |

|Oil and National Security Caucus | | |

|Sudan Caucus | | |

|Sustainable Energy and Environment | | |

|Coalition | | |

|Unexploded Ordinance (UXO) Caucus | | |

An ex officio member is a member of a body who is part of it by virtue of holding another office. The term is Latin, meaning literally "from the office", and the sense intended is "by right of office"; its use dates back to the Roman Republic.

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