Career Action 4-2

Use the Internet to Research Contemporary Workplace Issues

Directions: Use the Internet to research one or more of the contemporary issues listed, or select a workplace issue that especially interests you. Use your favorite search engines or those linked from the Your Career: How to Make It Happen web site (levitt.). Write a brief summary of your findings in the space provided on the next page.

1. Global Perspective: Try the search string international and business.

Also check these web sites:

a. Michigan State University ()

b. Business Week (; click on “Global Business”)

c. United States Council for International Business (; click on “What’s New”)

2. The Workplace: Try the following three search strings: the workplace, computers and networking, and telecommuting and virtual and office.

Also check the Excite Netscape Web Directory site (; click on “Business,” then “Careers,” and then “Workplace.”)

Also check these web sites:

a. Reengineering Resource Center (articles; click on “Virtual Office”)

b. Virginia Tech ()

c. Webopedia (; do a search using the keyword telecommuting)

3. Tailored Benefits Packages: Try the following two search strings: workplace and benefits and work and life and benefits.

Also check the Yahoo Web Directory site (; click on “Business and Economy,” then “Employment and Work,” and then “Employment and Workplace Issues”)

Also check these web sites:

a. Employers Council on Flexible Compensation ()

b. International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans ()

Continued on the next page


|Global Perspective |

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|The Workplace |

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|Tailored Benefits Package |

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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