Michigan State UniverSity application for adMiSSion

Michigan State University Application for Admission

Office of Admissions Michigan State University 250 Hannah Administration Building East Lansing, Michigan 48824-0590 (517) 355-8332 ? admis@msu.edu

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Michigan State University

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Freshman Admission Criteria Admission as a freshman is based on factors that emphasize academic performance in high school, strength and quality of curriculum, recent trends in academic performance, class rank, and results of the ACT or SAT. Nonacademic factors such as leadership qualities, exceptional talents, conduct, and citizenship record may be considered in an admission decision. MSU strongly encourages a college preparatory curriculum. Visit admissions.msu.edu for details.

College Achievement AdmissionS Program (CAAP) CAAP is an alternative admission process for incoming freshman students who have academic potential, but because of economic, cultural, or educational backgrounds or environments would be unable to realize that potential without special supportive services. Ask your high school counselor about CAAP or visit admissions.msu.edu for more information.

Transfer Admission Criteria Admission as a transfer student is based on consistent academic performance including all grades, courses, and attempts at all previously attended institutions. Applicants with a GPA below 2.0 are not admissible. Consideration for admission is stronger for applicants with a 3.0 GPA or higher and completion of one year of English composition and a math course equivalent to intermediate algebra (college algebra preferred) or higher. Admission consideration is stronger if you have completed 28 or more credits. Students with 42 or more credits completed must select a major; the options of no preference, predental, premedical, prenursing, preoptometry, and preveterinary cannot be chosen. Certain majors have additional admission requirements. Visit admissions.msu.edu for details.

International Admission Criteria Admission to Michigan State University as an international student is based upon the same criteria as domestic students. (Refer to the freshman and transfer admission criteria above for details.) Students admitted with regular admission must demonstrate English language proficiency as follows: a minimum computer-based TOEFL score of 213 with no subscore below 19; For the new Internetbased TOEFL (IBT), a score of 79 with no subscore below 17 is needed; a minimum ELPT average score of 80 with no subscore below 80; a minimum SAT verbal score of 480; or a minimum MELAB average score of 83 with no subscore below 80. Students with acceptable academic credentials but not meeting language proficiency requirements may be admitted on provisional status. Provisional status is granted if the student has a computer-based TOEFL score between 133 and 213 or a ELPT average score between 60 and 80. Provisional status will continue until minimum language proficiency (regular admission proficiency) is attained; however, the language deficiency must be corrected within one calendar year in order to remain enrolled. Provisionally admitted students are required to take an English language exam upon arrival to determine if additional language course work is required.

Admitted international students receive the I-20 form with the official letter of admission. All international students are required to present the I-20 form when applying for an F-1 Student Visa and again at the port of entry into the United States. Students applying for a J-1 Exchange Visitor Visa will need to present a DS-2019 form. This form is available from the organization/program sponsoring the student or from the Office for International Students and Scholars at MSU. Applicants enrolled at another U.S. institution with an F-1 Student Visa must be released from SEVIS by their current institution before MSU can issue a new I-20 form.


Application Deadlines Michigan State University uses rolling admission. Decisions are typically made eight to 12 weeks after all application materials are received. The number of qualified applicants has exceeded available space in recent years. For maximum admission and scholarship consideration, submit your application according to the following guidelines.

? High school seniors: apply August to November of your senior year ? Transfer students: apply six months prior to your desired semester of enrollment ? International students: apply one year prior to your desired semester of enrollment

Application Fees The nonrefundable application fee is $35 for domestic freshman or domestic transfer applicants or $50 for international freshman or international transfer applicants. Application fee payments may be made online using Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, or an electronic check. Paper application fee payments may be made using a check (drawn on U.S. funds) or money order made payable to Michigan State University. Fee waivers are accepted for domestic freshman and domestic transfer applicants whose economic circumstances make the payment of the $35 application fee difficult. Fee waivers are available online at admissions.msu.edu or from your high school. Fee waivers are not available for international applicants.


Application Validity Applications are valid for one calendar year beyond the initial semester of submission. It is not necessary to submit a new application form or application fee during this period. To be considered for an alternate semester, contact the Office of Admissions before the application's expiration.

Applicant Classifications ? Freshman applicant: any student who has or will receive a high school diploma or its equivalent before enrollment at MSU and has never attended any postsecondary institution after high school graduation, with the exception of attendance during the summer term immediately following graduation. ? Nontraditional freshman applicant: any student who has received a high school diploma or its equivalent more than two years before enrollment at MSU and has never attended any postsecondary institution after high school graduation, with the exception of attendance during the summer term immediately following graduation. ? Transfer applicant: any student who has attended a postsecondary institution after graduating from high school, with the exception of attendance during the summer term immediately following graduation. ? International applicant: any student who is not a U.S. citizen or U.S. permanent resident and has not been granted refuge or asylee status in the United States.

major codes A list of major codes is available on page 8 of this application booklet. Enter the name and code of your major preference in box 15 of the application for admission. Students admitted to the university as a freshman or sophomore may designate "no preference" on the application for admission. All students must officially declare a major preference by the end of sophomore year. The preprofessional options of predental, premedical, prenursing, preoptometry, and preveterinary are only available during a student's freshman and sophomore year. Transfer students with 42 or more transferable credits may not select no preference or one of the preprofessional majors. All students must officially declare a major preference by the end of sophomore year.

Formal admission to a preferred major is granted by the appropriate college when a student attains junior standing and fulfills the admission requirements of that college. Refer to the Academic Programs Catalog at reg.msu.edu/ucc/AcademicPrograms.asp for more information.

Instructions for Application Submission

Although paper application forms are available, it is preferable for you to submit the application online at admissions.msu.edu. Applying online allows for faster processing and gives you the ability to track your application's status using the online application status check.

Instructions for all Applicants ? Complete the application for admission online at admissions.msu.edu/apply.asp or using the paper form. ? Prepare your required personal statement. ? Pay the $35 application fee ($50 for international applicants) using Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, or an electronic check (online applications only). Application fee waivers are available online or from your high school. International applicants are not able to use fee waivers.

Additional Steps for Freshman Applicants ? Give the high school counselor form to your counselor or principal. Your school will complete the form and submit it with your official high school transcript to MSU. ? Have your ACT or SAT scores sent directly to MSU by the testing agency. The ACT code is 2032; the SAT code is 1465. You are required to submit the writing portion of the test.

Additional Steps for Transfer Applicants ? Have transcripts from all colleges and universities attended sent to MSU. ? Submit official high school transcripts and ACT or SAT scores if you have completed fewer than 28 credits.

Additional Steps for International Freshman and Transfer Applicants ? Have official or certified copies of all transcripts, diplomas, marked sheets, and certificates sent from all high schools, colleges, and universities attended. Official translations must be provided when originals are not in English. ? Submit official high school transcripts if you have completed fewer than 28 college credits. ? International transfer applicants should send copies of all course descriptions and syllabi from all colleges and universities attended to the Office of Admissions at the time of application. ? Submit the statement of financial proof with supporting bank statement. This document is on page 7 of this application booklet. ? Provide proof of English proficiency if your first language is not English (TOEFL, SAT, IELTS, MELAB, or ELPT accepted). The TOEFL code is 1465. International students are encouraged to submit SAT scores, if available. SAT scores are useful for determining academic admissibility and for placement in math and English composition classes.


FE 35 FE 50 W U F

1. First semester you wish to enroll (circle) 2. Last name (family name)

Fall (August)


Spring (January) First name

Summer (May)

Middle name

Year 20_____________________________

3. Gender



4. U.S. Social Security number (If available)



5. Other name(s) by which you have been known or appear on academic records

6. Date of birth (month, day, year)

7. Permanent mailing address (number and street) Notify the university of address changes in writing.


Telephone (include country/city/area code)




Zip Code/Postal Code

8. Current mailing address (number and street) Notify the university of address changes in writing.


Telephone (include country/city/area code)




Zip Code/Postal Code

Current mailing address valid until (month, day, year)

E-Mail address Notify the university of address changes in writing.

INTERNATIONAL APPLICANTS ONLY 9. Permanent non-U.S. address (number and street) Notify the university of address changes in writing.


Province (Canada Only)


Telephone (include country/city/area code) Zip Code/Postal Code


10. Ethnic/Racial Group In compliance with federal reporting requirements, Michigan State University must seek to identify the ethnic/racial background of applicants for admission. You are encouraged to supply this information but may decline without in any way prejudicing your application.

Record appropriate number in box - or I choose not to provide this information

1. White/Caucasian Non-Hispanic 4. Hispanic/Latino

2. Black/African American Non-Hispanic

3. Chicano/Mexican American

5. American Indian/Alaskan Native

6. Asian/Pacific Islander (Asian American)

Tribal Affiliation ______________________________________

NOTE: If you are multiracial, please complete this item by indicating either the ethnic/racial group you identify with most or the ethnic/racial group to which you are usually regarded in the community as belonging.

Are you multiracial? Yes No If you answer "Yes," Please check the categories that correspond to the races of your birth parents.

White/Caucasian Non-Hispanic

Black/African American Non-Hispanic

Chicano/Mexican American


American Indian/Alaskan Native

Asian/Pacific Islander (Asian American)

Note: For purposes of this question, you are multiracial if you have parents from more than one of the categories listed above.

11. a. State of legal residence ______________________________________________________________b. How long have you lived here? _______Years ________Months

12. a. Place of birth

b. U.S. citizen

c. Permanent resident alien

(state or country)_______________________________________________________________

Yes No

Yes No #____________________________________________________

13. a. Country of present citizenship b. If you are not a U.S. citizen or permanent resident alienc. Intended visa status for study at MSU

If non-U.S. citizen_______________________________________________ indicate current visa status________________________________________


14. Name of parent or guardian (first and last name)

Address, City, State, Country, Zip Code/Postal Code

E-mail address

Name of second parent or guardian (first and last name)

Address, City, State, Country, Zip Code/Postal Code

E-mail address

15. Major preference


(list code and major)


16. Do you plan to earn a

teaching certificate


at MSU?

17. Do you authorize the release of academic, financial, and additional pertinent information to alumni clubs and other Yes organizations for scholarship consideration?

18. a. If you previously applied for admission

b. If you previously attended any MSU classes including

to MSU, indicate English Language Center, indicate

c. MSU student number/PID

Year _______ Term/Semester____________________________ Year _______ Term/Semester ____________________________ ______________________________________________

19. Are you a 1st generation Yes 20. Are you currently

Yes No

21. Do you have a Yes 22. Have you participated in

Yes No

college student (no parent or guardian has earned a


4-year college degree)?

employed outside the home to help support your family?

If so, how many hours per week?


dependent child or children?


"Upward Bound" or a similar Please Specify: college preparatory program while in high school?

23. In the past, have you


qualified for the federallyfunded free or reduced


lunch program?

24. Educational level (check highest level completed)

currently in high school high school graduate

some college/university credits bachelor's degree

25. List the most recent high school and all colleges and universities you have attended. Failure to comply can result in cancellation of admission or disciplinary action by the university.

Dates Attended


Name of School or Institution


Mo. Yr.

Mo. Yr.



applicant - do not write below this line






26. a. Have you taken, or do you plan to take, courses at any university or college before entering MSU? Yes b. If yes, when?

No c. W here?

d. How many total university or college credits will you have attempted before enrolling at MSU?

e. Academic calendar (check one)

Official transcripts of all university or college-level work from each institution attended must be submitted to the MSU Office of Admissions.



27.If currently enrolled in high school or a university/college, list all courses to be completed this year. Your courses and performance this year are considered in the final admission decision. The schedule listed below should be final. Changes to your schedule may jeopardize your admissibility or offer of admission.

Current term/semester ending month Exact Course Name


Prefix and Course No. (University/ College only)

Number of Credits

Next term/semester ending month Exact Course Name


Prefix and Course No. (University/ College only)

Number of Credits

28. For scholarship purposes, has your mother or father or legal guardian ever attended MSU? Yes


required Personal Statement

29. Michigan State University is interested in learning more about your background, talents, and experiences and how you plan to apply them to your MSU education and future. Your statement may be considered as a positive factor to enhance your admissibility, as well as for scholarship consideration. Choose one of the personal essay topics below and write a short essay of up to 400 words.

? Based on your life experiences, how do you anticipate contributing to the cultural life of Michigan State University? ? In view of your educational experiences and the socio-economic environment in which you grew up, provide an example of a challenge you faced. How did

you overcome or strive to overcome this challenge? ? Describe a specific experience when you learned about a culture different from your own and how it affected or did not affect your worldview. ? Describe your experiences promoting global understanding and/or the value of diversity in society.

30.ADDITIONAL REQUIRED INFORMATION Michigan State University seeks to admit students who provide evidence of intellectual performance, good character, and potential that will permit them to profit from the programs offered by Michigan State. The university recognizes that learning opportunities are enhanced by a secure environment. As part of the admissions process, we require applicants to respond to the following questions. Information provided in response to these questions needs to be reviewed, but rarely results in denial of admission.

a. Have you ever been expelled, suspended, disciplined, or placed on probation by any secondary school or college you have attended because of ? academic dishonesty, ? financial impropriety, or ? an offense that harmed or had the potential to harm others?



b. Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offense (including in juvenile court) other than a minor traffic violation, or are there criminal charges pending against you at this time?



If you answer yes to either of these questions, please submit a letter of explanation. If circumstances arise in the future (until the time you begin attending classes) that make your answers to the above questions inaccurate, misleading, or incomplete, you must provide the Office of Admissions with updated information.


31.List all activities (e.g., employment, military service, travel) that account for your time since attending high school until your intended enrollment at MSU. List the most recent activity first (use separate sheet if necessary)

Name of Employer/Activity

City and State

Type of Activity

Inclusive Dates








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