What is the computer

What is the computer?

Computer is the electronic machine, which take as data to the input (keyboard) processing on it (CPU) and information to the output (monitor)

Input ( processing ( Output

( ( (

Data (example) (CPU, ALU, CU Result (Example)

(Keyboard, mouse, RAM & ROM) (Monitor, Printer

Fax, Scanner & D - camera) Speaker& Photocopy

What is the Input device?

The data put in inside the computer known as input device

What is the Output device?

Any result is information come out through computer is known as out put device

What is the stand for abbreviation CPU, CU, RAM, ROM, and UPS?

CPU ( Control Processing Unit, CU ( Control Unit

RAM ( Random Accessories Memory

ROM ( Read Only Memory, UPS ( Unit Power Supply

What are feature of computer?

(a) Computer provided a storage facility.

(b) Computer are not intelligent, they do whatever told them without asking question

(c) Computer can communicate grate distance through satellite

(d) They are available in various sizes from super computer.

What is the window?

Windows is the operating system on your computer they are two types one is hardware and software.

What is the Hardware?

All the part of computer that is called Hardware. (Example) keyboard, mouse, fax, RAM, ROM, Monitor, Printer, scanner D – camera, Speaker & Photocopy

How many type of Hardware?

They are two type of hard ware one is input hardware and output hardware. Input hardware is Keyboard, mouse, etc… and output hardware is monitor, printer, speaker, etc…

Additional Hardware units : Scanner, Touch screen, cartridge, Tape drive, CD ROM drive, DVD ROM, Digital Audio Tap, light pen

What is the software?

Software is the set of instruction which we can do any work that is called software (Example) MS Word, MS Excel, MS PPT, Tally, Internet explore etc…

How many type of the software?

Software are many type there are System software, application software, utility software, abbreviation software, RAM software, ROM software, ALU software, CU software, DOS software tally, C/C++, Java, Script, Photoshop, HTML, Fox Pro, dream weaver, internet, etc…

What is the desktop?

Desktop is the study table; you can put a lot of book Icons, objects, folder, sub folder and graphs.

What is the file?

File is the collection of data.

What is the folder (or) directory?

Folder is collection of files and sub directories.

Explain the concept of computer memory?

(a) Computer is the machine, which computes.

(b) Software group of programs.

(c) In needs instruction to work.

(d) Computer can remember data given to it.

Explained the computer benefits?

(a) Computer faster then human being.

(b) There are more accurate while dealing with large numbers.

(c) They are store a large amount of data.

Describe the logical structure computer memory?

One page full of text, a text contain of sentence, a sentence is made up of word, a word is collection of alphabets

What is the data?

Data is the collection of Alphabets, numbers and other from data like picture, sound etc…

What is the information?

When data worked upon to more useful to give to the information user it is called information.

What is the processor?

Process could be any mathematical (or) logical operating done by ALU

What is the screen containing?

When Word is loaded two window appear one is the outer window and another in document window

What is the Application window?

(a) The outer window is called application window.

(b) The application window of Word has following components, Menu Bar, Standard tool bar, formatting bar, status bar,

(c) The application window is used to communicate with the word programs

What is the document window?

(a) The inner window is called document window.

(b) The document window is used to create edit, cut, copy, spelling and grammar, print etc…

(C) The document window of word has following components

(d) They are showing title bar, menu bar, standard toolbar, formatting toolbar & status toolbar

What you under stand title bar

(a) Title bar appear at the top of the MS Word window

(b) At the left end of title bar is a box open on the application control menu.

(b) At the right end of the title bar are the minimize, maximize (or) Restore and close buttons

What you under stand Menu Bar?

The menu bar appear below the title bar it contain a pull down menu (Example) File, Edit, View, Insert, Format, Tools, Table, Window, Help

What you under stand standard toolbar?

The standard tool bar appear below of the menu bar it contain a pull down menu (Example) new, open, save, E-mail, print, print preview, spell check, cut, copy, paste, format painter, undo, redo, hyperlink, Table and borders, insert table, Work sheet, columns, drawing, document map, show/hide, zoom, and word help also here.

What you under stand formatting toolbar?

The formatting tool bar appear below of the standard tool bar it contain a pull down menu (Example) font style, font face, font size, bold, italic, underline, left align, center align, right align, justified, decrease indent, increase indent, outside tables, highlight, and font color also here

What you understand status bar?

Status bar appear at the bottom of the windows, the left part of the display the various view (example) normal view, web layout view, print layout view, out line view, at the bottom of showing page number, position, line columns.

Where is Computer Research in the field?

(a) In Medical Research

(b) In space Technology

(c) Science and Technology

(d) Industrial Research

How many type of application software package?

There are three packages

Word Package - used to text graphics letter writing, office works alls (Example) Microsoft Word.

Accounting Package - used to Balance sheet (Example) Tally.

Painting Package - used to text drawing is paint (Example) MS Paint.

What you under stand operating system?

(i) Computer is a machine, which can understand only electronic pulses.

(ii) The user given instruction in language not understands to the computer.

(iii) There is gap of bridge.

(iv) The bridge done by special software known as the operating system.

What is the booting?

It conducts a process called as booting

How many type of booting?

Booting are two type (i) cool booting (ii) Warm Booting.

What is the three function of the operating system? (or)Operating system is three

consist of the CPU?

CPU - This unit is storage of data.

ALU - ALU is the electronic circuit in the CPU, with take care of all Mathematical and logical operating don by ALU.

CU - This control unit the whole process of data transfer from one Place to another place.

How many type of Operating System?

(i) Single user Operating System

(ii) Multi User Operating System.

What is the Single user operating system?

It cans an interface for only one user at a time (Ex) Disk Operating System

What is the Multi user operating system?

It cans an interface of many users at a time (Ex) Internet, MS Word

Basic components of the GUI Systems?

(i) Desk top, (ii) Menu Option, (iii) Dialog Box

(iv) List Box (v) Text Box (vi) Radio Button

(vii) Window (viii) Control (ix) Task Bar

(x) Time button

How many type of GUI System?

Graphical User interface systems are five

(i) Window -95 (ii) Windows NT (iii) Open server Unix

(iv) Open server/2 (v) Novell Operating system (NOS)

What you under stand Keyboard?

(i) Key board is an input device just like a typewriter, it contains of different type of key button arranged from alphabets, numbers, special function buttons are arranged

(ii) They are 101 to 108 key button arranged.

(iii) Alphabetical are A to Z

(iv) Numbering are 0 to 9

(v) Special function key are symbols F1 to F10, Insert, Delete, Tab, Cap Locks, Shift, Ctrl, Start symbol, Alt, Spell check, Up arrow key, down arrow key, left arrow key, right arrow key, num lock, page up, page down home, end, print screen, scroll lock, Break, Enter , etc….

What will you understand mouse?

A mouse is an input device, which is used the point and select option on the screen (or) VDU

Mouse button are three (i) Left Button (ii) middle button (iii) right button

(i) Left button used to command,

(ii) Middle button used to scroll (or) support

(iii) Right button used to shortcut

How many types of Mouse?

Mouse are four types there are

(i) Mechanical mouse used to Technology

(ii) Optical mouse

(iii) Serial mouse connected through PC

iv) Bus mouse


What will understand ports?

The motherboard needs to have transmission of data and control information

How many type of Ports?

Ports are two types (i) Serial Port (ii) Peripheral port

Serial port is a single bit of data pass through at a time (Ex)Keyboard, Mouse

Peripherals port has passage of more than one allowed link 8 bits or 16 bits at a time (Ex) Printer

What you understand the monitor (or) screen?

(i) Visual Display Unit known as the monitor it is an output device

(ii) It gives us any result and information.

(iii) Data can be displays are two types

(a) Text mode (b) Graphics mode

In the Text mode: -

The screen dived into Row and Columns

The number of row and columns are 25 & 80 ranging from 0-24 and 0-79.

In the graphics mode: -

The screen dived into pixels.

A pixels is do not screen, picture are image in the screen joining the Dots.

How much type of Monitors?

Monitor are many types 15”, 17’’, 21’’ and etc…

Monitor is black and white, and colors

How many adapters in the market?

MGA _ Monochrome Graphics Adapter - it is text only display adapter.

CGA _ Color Graphics Adapter _ it is text and graphics display adapter.

HGA _ Hercules Graphics Adapter _ a monographic adapter with an additional graphics display mode 750 X350 pixels

SVGA _ Super Video Graphics array Adapter _ it is improvement of MGA

(i) This resolution is 640 X 480 pixels with 256 colors.

(ii) This resolution is 1024 X 480 pixels with 16 colors.

Other Input device?

MICR_ Magnetic Ink Character - Used in banks for scanning the cheque numbers.

BCR _ Bar Code Reader _ used to super market to read code price tags on the items.

OCR _ Optical Character Recognizer _ Used for valid examination paper and application forms for reading any print matter

PC Configuration (or) Part of computers Requirements?

Keyboard, Mouse, Monitor, Printer, Microprocessor P-IV 2.80Ghs, Mother Board (Intel), Power supply unit (SMPS – switch mode power supply), Memory Chips, 128 (or) 256 RAM, CD ROM drive, Floppy drive, Hard disk, ports, add on sound card, DVD ROM, clocks, bus ports, Scanner, Drivers, Digital Audio, Taps

What is the storage?

The storage system inside connected with the PC. The storage are three types (i) Floppy storage (ii) hardware storage (iii) Tape storage with storage it contain of three logical parts

(a) The first logical part is Floppy, Hardware, and tape

(b) The second logical part is Machinist parts.

(c) The third logical parts is electronic parts.

How many type of word processor package?

MS Word, Word star, word perfect, perfect writer, professional writer, multi media writer.

What is the printer?

Printer is output device with output hardware. They are used to produce a hard copy of the data.

How many categories printer?

Printer are two categories (i) Impact Printer (ii) Non Impact Printer

Impact Printer: - used to technology in the printer is that pressing a typeface against a link ribbon prints the characters

Non-Impact Printer: - The print the data without pressing the typeface again the paper.

Some of the impact printer :-Dot matrix printer, drum printer, wheel printer, golf ball printer

Some of the non impact printer: -DeskJet printer, Inkjet printer, LaserJet printer,

DeskJet Printer and Inkjet printer are faster than the normal Dot matrix printer

Laser printer use light beam to from image on the paper using a tuner like as the medium.

What is the Motherboard?

Motherboard is a circuit board is very complex, they are also very delecatated, all the circuit are (PCB) Printer Circuit Board but they cannot hang in the air. They need a support of electronic power, which is specially called Motherboard.

What is the Micro Processor?

The Micro Processor is the most important Chip on the motherboard. It is also called brain of the computer, on large computer called as CPU.

(i) The CPU consists of instruction and storage register

(ii) The ALU (Arithmetic Logical Unit) catch memory and control unit

(iii) It is connected to other parts of the computer through Buses-data-address and control.

How many type of computer?

(i) PC computer (ii) Main frame computer

(iii) Super computer (iv) Portable computer

(v) Laptop Computer (vi) Palm computer

Personal computer is the most common used for electronic in prize and size both also

Main Frame computer The mainframe computer bigger and faster than PC, they are used on-line data processing and large organization, (Ex) Bank, Company, Insurance

Super computer are faster than PC computer, mainframe computer, available till date. They are also expensive machine. They are used to Scientific, weather predication, Aircraft weapons and automobile etc…

Portable computer is the small size other then computer available in the market. The portable computer is also called notebook.

Laptop computer are keyboard, Mouse, Hard disk, Floppy disk, CD Rom drive also run both on batteries and power supply. Lap top computer are Toshiba, IBM, Compaq, Lap top computer Toshiba are called satellites, Lap top IBM are called Think pad Lap top computer Compaq are called Note book

Palm top computer they data fed in the machine keyboard and electronic pen are used, they are small storage disk and they connected to wireless network.

System units are components: -

The system unit is a box filled with a number of useful components, they are Motherboard, Microprocessor, memory, RAM, ROM, Bus, Ports, clock, switch mode power supply, extension slots, storage systems, Hard disk, floppy disk, addition card, sound card, plotter, transformer plate,


(a) Scanner are used to reproduce photograph on the computer screen,

(b) They can be employed programs,

(c) Use scanners for storing documents of the computers

(d) The scanner is input device with the support of text and graphics on the paper

(e) Scanner are two type (i) Flat bed (ii) Hand Held

Touch Screen

(a) Touch screen used in information providing system it is also used in Airline, Railway reservation counter, Stock exchange and office

Light Pen

A light pen is pointing device which can be used to select in option by simply point at it Touch screen used in information providing system it is also used in Airline, Railway reservation counter, Stock exchange and office

How many type of the drive

Drives are six types (a) A Drive, C Drive, D Drive, E, Drive, and F Drive & G Drive

A Drive – Floppy drive

C & D Drive – Read and Write able and deleting

E Drive _ CD ROM Drive

F Drive _ Read and writ able (CD Writer)

G Drive _ Pen Drive

A Drive is a floppy disk drive 31/2 “

(i) Floppy disk drive is a small storage system, they are two type (i) 31/2 “ 51/4 “

(ii) 31/2 floppy disk is also called micro disk they storage capacity are 1.44 MB

(iii) The data carry one place to another place

A Drive 51/4” floppy disk drives is circular in a hole center that is called clamping hole thee storage capacity are 720 KB

C & D Drive are permanent storage this is read and write, delete cut, copy paste doing any thing but, data cannot carry one place to another place

E Drive is a CD ROM Drive this permanent fixed with PC , this is a read only memory cannot write any on it.

F Drive is a CD Read/Writer Drive this permanent fixed with PC , this is a read and write do any thing.

G Drive is a pen drive is a small storage system; the data carry one place to another place

How many type of the memory

Memory are two type (i) Primary Memory (ii) Secondary Memory

Primary Memory It is called main memory the memory is residing on the motherboard. It is two type (1) ROM – Read Only Memory (2) RAM - Random Accessories Memory

Read Only Memory Random Accessories Memory

It is read only memory It is storage system memory

User cannot writer any thing User can write, delete any thing

It is non volatize when switch off the data get lost It is storage permanent

Secondary Memory It is external memory the memory is residing with CPU. It is two type (1) Floppy disk storage, 2) Hard disk storage,

How to open My Computer

Start ( Program ( Click on my computer (or) Double click on my computer on the desktop area ( (or) Right click on the computer ( open (or) ( select drive in ( which you want to use.

How to open floppy drive

Start ( Program ( Click on the my computer (or) Double click on the my computer on the desk top area ( (or) Right click on the computer ( Open select A drive in floppy disk ( (or) Right click on the floppy drive( double click on the folder (or) right Click on the folder (open ( double click on the file (or) right click on the file ( open

How to copy from floppy to Hard Disk

Insert floppy on the floppy drive ( double click on the my computer ( select floppy drive ( double click on the floppy (or) Right click ( open ( edit ( select All ( edit ( copy ( which place you want paste ( edit ( paste

How to installer CD Writer

Connect 1st CD Writer in CPU with SMPS ( Insert installer CD (CD Writer) to CD ROM ( Start ( Run ( Browse ( Look in drop down list ( E Drive ( double click on the CD Writer Burner ( click Eng folder ( setup ( Open ( ok

How to installer CD ROM with CPU

Connect 1st CD ROM in CPU with SMPS ( connect with Hard Disk ( one plug connect with mother board

How to installer Floppy drive

Connect floppy drive with SMPS ( one plug connected with motherboard

How to copy from CD ROM to Hard Disk

Insert CD to CD ROM ( double click on the my computer ( select CD ROM drive ( select MPEG ( select avseq( edit ( copy ( which place you want paste ( edit ( paste

How to create CD data from CPU (In built CD Writer)

Start ( Programs ( Ahead ( Nero Exp (or) Nero Smart ( (or) double click on the Nero Express ( Data ( Data disk ( Add ( select folder (or) file ( Add( finished ( quick copy ( Burn ( ok ( next ( exit.

How to create CD to CD (In built CD Writer)

Start ( Programs ( Ahead ( Nero Exp (or) Nero Smart ( Insert blank CD to CD writer drive ( Insert CD (original) to CD ROM drive ( (or) double click on the Nero Express ( CD to CD click on ( Burn ( ok ( Next ( exit

How to create CD Video/Picture (In built CD Writer)

Start ( Programs ( Ahead ( Nero Exp (or) Nero Smart( Insert blank CD to CD writer drive ( double click on the Nero Express (or) Nero Smart ( Video/Picture ( Video CD ( Add ( select folder (or) picture( finished ( Next ( quick copy ( Burn ( ok ( next ( exit

Multi Media: -

How to installer Multimedia /window media Player

Insert Window 98 installer CD to CD ROM ( Start ( Run ( Browse ( Look in drop down list ( E Drive ( double click Window Media Player folder ( setup ( Open ( ok

1st How to play open from CD ROM with Window media player, multimedia, Xing

Player, & CD player

Start ( Program ( Click on the my computer (or) Double click on the my computer on the desk top area ( (or) Right click on the computer ( Open select E drive in CD ROM ( (or) Right click on the CD ROM ( open ( double click on the Mpegav ( (or) right click on the Mpagav ( open ( double click on the Avseq1 ( (or) right click on the Avseq1( open

2nd way How to open CD ROM from Window Media Player, Multimedia, Xing

Player, & CD player

Start ( Program ( Accessories ( Entertainment ( Window Media Player ( File ( Open ( Browse ( select CD ROM Driver (or) E drive ( mpegav ( all files ( avseq1 ( open

Shortcut Menu

The following table lists the accelerator and shortcut keys for the items on the Skins shortcut menu, which is available only when the player is in compact mode. The Skins shortcut menu provides access to a variety of commands that are available when Windows Media Player is in full mode.

The following table lists the accelerator and shortcut keys to use when you are using a skin file to view Windows Media Player

Short cut function Function Keys

Alt + F File drop drown open

Alt + V View drop down open

Alt + P Play drop down open

Alt +T Tool drop down open

Alt + H Help drop down open

F1 Help topic of window media player/

type any/index and display

Shift + F10,arrow keys, and ENTER Navigation through menu ESC Close Short cut menu Alt + F/ up arrow key and ENTER Exit Short cut menu Shift +F10+O (or) Ctrl +O Open Shift +F10+U (or) Ctrl + U Open URL Ctrl + H Shuffle Ctrl + H Repeat Ctrl + P Play

Ctrl + S Stop

Ctrl + B Skip Back (next song)

Ctrl + F Skip Forward (Previous song)

Ctrl + Shift +B Rewind

Ctrl + Shift +F Fast Forward

Ctrl + 1 Full mode

Ctrl + 2 Compact mode

F8 Volume Mute/On

F9 Volume Decrease

F10 Volume Increase

How to open main programs and how to use explain

Start( Log off ( Run ( Help( search( setting ( document ( programs

How to start computer

Main switch on( CVT (or) UPS Power switch on ( CPU power button on ( Monitor power supply button on( after check go the line all other hardware parts,

How to shut down computer

All application save firstly ( file ( save ( file ( exit ( Start ( shut down ( what do you want the computer to do ( shut down, restart, stand by, cancel ( ok

How to use Log off command to password

Start ( Log Off ( yes ( enter password (ok

How to Remove password from Log off command

Start ( Log Off ( yes ( delete password (ok

How to use Run programs command Installer (Ist way)

Run command use to installer ( start ( Run( Browse ( select CD ROM drive ( setup(open(ok ( automatically installer.

How to use Run programs Installer (2nd way)

Run command use to installer ( start ( Run( Browse ( select CD ROM drive ( setup ( install (Next (Next (setup is checking your system 100% (Next (I accept the agreement ( Next (type the product key ( (Next ( checking your Hard disk problems (India (select time zone of India (Next (close ( finish( copy window files to your computer (19 minute remain)automatically copy progress ( setting of components ( automatically restart

How to use Run to calculator, MS Paint, Notepad, Word Pad, multimedia, game, phone dial, etc….

Start( Run( cacl( ok

How to use Help programs

Start( Help( Millennium me automatically ( Help and support open

How to use Find (or) Search files or folder programs

Start( Find (or) Search ( files or folder ( enter folder or file name ( search now

How to use Find (or) Search using Microsoft Outlook

Start( Find (or) Search ( files or folder ( Microsoft outlook ( enter file name( find now

How to use Find (or) Search People programs

Start( Find (or) Search ( people ( enter name( enter E-mail ( Phone No ( Address ( others ( find now

How to use setting control panel with date and tinme

Start( setting ( control panel ( double click on the date & time ( select date, month, year, ( select Indian time ( ok

What is the control panel?

Control panel is the set of programs (or) installing of programs

Which program in the control panel?

Control panel is the set of programs (or) installing of programs

1. What is the New?

Create blank files

2. How to open blank document?

Start ( Program (MS Word (File(New(General select blank document (OK (or) Ctrl + N

3. What is Open?

Open or find files

4. How to open existing file or document?

Start ( Program (MS Word (File(Open(Look in select drive C or D ( select my document ( select our folder( select file ( Open or OK (or) Ctrl + O

5. What is the close?

Close the active file without exiting program if the file contains any unsaved changes

6. How to close the document?

First save the document file ( close

7. What is the save?

Save the active file with current file name and location.

8. How to save the document?

File ( Save or Ctrl +S

9. What is the save as?

Save the active file with different file name location.

10. How to save as the document with password?

File ( Save as (see save in drop down menu (select one drive C or D ( select my document ( create one blank folder ( enter folder name with enter (or) open (give file name ( click tool ( click security option ( enter password ( ok( reenter password( ok ( save.

11. What is the save as web page?

Save the file in HTML documents so that can be viewed web browser.

12. How to save as web page the document with password?

File ( Save as web page (see save in drop down menu (select one drive C or D ( select my document ( create one blank folder ( enter folder name with enter (or) open (give file name (ex) chandran .HTML( click tool ( click security option ( enter password ( ok( reenter password( ok ( save.

13. How to open existing file from web document?

Start ( Program (Internet Explore (File(Open(Look in select drive C or D ( select my document ( select our folder( select file ( open or OK

14. What is the version?

Saves and manages multiple version of a document in a single file. After you save version of a document, you can go to back and review, open, print, and delete early version.

15. How to set up page?

File ( page setup (select paper size (set the margin of left, 1.5” right, 1” top, 0.5” and bottom, 0.5” gutter, 0” and header and footer 0” ( paper orientation ( portrait ( paper source(select default tray (layout (select new page, select vertical (top ( OK

16. What is the print preview?

Show how a fill will look when you print it.

17. How to use print preview?

File ( print preview and close (or) escape or Ctrl + F2

18. What is the web page preview?

Show how a web page fill will look and you sent Internet.

19. How to use web page preview?

File ( web page preview and close.

20. What is the Print?

Print all active file (or) select items to select print option.

21. How to use Print?

File ( Print ( select printer name (All (or) current page (or) pages ( from – to -- (select No of copies ( check collate (properties (select manual feed ( OK (OK (or) Ctrl + P with same activities

22. What is send to ?

(a) In MS words send to contain of the document in the body of E-mail massage.

(b) In MS Power Point send to contain of the slide in the body of E-mail massage.

(c) In MS Excel send to contain of the work sheet in the body of E-mail massage.

23. How to use sent to?

File ( Sent to E- Mail (or) File ( Floppy disk (or) MS PPT (or) Mail receipt.

24. What is the property?

Display the properties sheet of the active files.

25. How to use properties?

File ( Properties(General (Created day-month-date-year-time-second Modify day-month-date-year-time-second Accessed day-month-date-year-time-second (Statistics( Page-paragraphs–line–word–characters-characters with space

26. What is the undo?

Reversed the last command delete the last entry you typed.

27. How to use Undo?

Edit ( Undo (or) Ctrl + Z.

28. What is the Redo?

Repeat your last command.

29. How to use Redo?

Edit ( Redo (or) Ctrl + Y.

30. What is the cut?

Remove the select from the active file.

31. How to use cut?

Edit ( Cut (or) Ctrl + X.

32. What is the copy?

Copies the select to the clipboard.

33. How to use Copy?

Edit ( Copy (or) Ctrl + C.

34. What is the Paste?

Insert the contain of clipboard and is available cut and copies.

35. How to use Paste?

Edit ( Paste (or) Ctrl + V.

36. What is the Paste special?

Paste, link the clipboard contain the current file.

37. How to use Paste special?

Edit ( Paste special.

38. What is the clear ?

Delete the select object and text without putting it on the clipboard this command only if an object (or) text is selected.

39. How to use clear?

Edit ( Clear (or) Del.

40. What is the select All?

Select all text, graphic object in the active window.

41. How to use select All?

Edit ( Select All (or) Ctrl + A

42. What is the find?

Searching for the specified text (or) formatting.

43. How to use select Find?

Edit ( Find ( find what ( type any text ( find next the contain automatically selected (or) Ctrl + F

44. What is the Replace?

Searching for and replace specified text and formatting.

45. How to use select Replace?

Edit ( Find ( find what ( type any text ( click Replace ( enter replace with ( Replace (Replace one word) Replace All (Replace in all word particular active files. (or) Ctrl + h

46. What is the Go To?

In ms word, moves the insert point to the items, you can move Page No, comment, footnote, bookmark, and other location, line, field, table, graphics, object and text.

47. How to use select Go To?

Edit ( Go To ( enter footer note number ( Go To.

48. What is the normal view?

Switches the active document, which are default document view typing, editing and formatting

49. What you understand normal view?

View ( normal view.

50. What is the web layout view?

Switch the active document to web layout view that display your document as it will appear in a web browser.

51. What you understand web layout view?

View ( web layout view.

52. What is the Print layout view?

Switch the active document to print layout print view layout use more system memory, page setup, margin, header and footer are show horizontal etc…

53. What you understand Print layout view?

View ( print layout.

54. What is the out line view?

Switch the active document to outline view cannot the see the page margin, indent, ruler, etc…

55. What you understand out line view?

View ( Out line view.

56. What is the tool Bar?

Display and hidden tool bar for showing shortcut menu

57. How to display hidden tool bar?

View ( Toolbar ( click on the standard toolbar (or) View ( Toolbar ( click on the formatting tool bar

58. What is the Ruler?

Display and hidden horizontal ruler and change paragraphs indent and page margin

59. How to display Ruler?

View ( click on the Ruler option

60. How to hidden Ruler?

View ( click on the same Ruler option

61. What are the Header and footer?

Add (or) change the text that appears at the top and bottom of every page and every slide.

62. How to insert header and footer?

View ( click on the Header and footer (enter your title name, page No date & time and enter with footer page No, date & time

63. How to remove header and footer?

View ( click on the Header and footer (delete your title name, page No date & time and delete with footer page No, date & time

64. What is the footnote?

Footer note is forgotten sentence, which is connecting sentence.

65. How to use footnotes?

View ( footnotes ( (or) insert ( footnotes ( symbol select one symbol ( ok enter the forget sentence( one symbol is open at the appear bottom of the page ( ok.

66. What is the full screen?

Hide most screen element so that you can view more of your document

67. How to use full screen?

View ( full screen ( to close the full screen view ( hide full screed or ESC button on the keyboard

68. What is the Zoom?

Contain how large (or) small the current file appears on the screen

69. How to use zoom?

View ( Zoom ( select one size zoom to (ok

70. What is the Break?

Insert a page break, column break, or section break at the insertion point.

71. How to use Break?

Insert ( Break ( Page break (ok

72. What is the Page Number and date?

Insert a page Number date that automatically update when you use header and footer command (view menu)

73. How to use page Number and date?

Insert ( Break ( Page break (ok

74. What is the Auto text?

Create (or) Insert auto text only

75. How to use Auto text?

Insert ( Auto text( closing (reference.

76. What is the Field?

Insert a field at the insertion point

77. How to use Field?

Insert ( Field ( ok

78 What is the Symbol?

Insert symbol are special character

79. How to use particular symbol?

Insert ( symbol ( (or) special character (select one symbol ( insert.

80 What is the comment?

Insert a comment at the insertion point

81. How to use comments?

Insert ( comments ( enter comments name

82. How to delete comments?

Insert ( comments ( right click on the comments delete comments

83 What is the caption?

Insert caption for tables, figures, equitation and other items

84. How to use caption?

Insert ( caption ( select text ( font style ( chose caption

85 What is the cross-reference?

Insert a cross-reference to an item in a document

86. How to use caption?

Insert ( cross-reference

87 What is the index and tables?

Create index, labels of contents, tables of fingers table of authjInsert a cross-reference to an item in a document

88. How to use index and table?

Insert ( index and table

89 What is the clip Art?

Open the clip galleries where you can select the clip art image you want to insert in your file

90. How to use clip art?

Insert ( picture ( clip art ( chose one particular picture ( double click one picture ( right click ( insert

91. What is the from file?

Insert an existing picture in the active file at the inserting point.

92. How to use from file?

Insert ( picture ( from file clip art ( select in drive ( select in folder( select in file ( Insert

93. What is the Object?

Insert an object – such as a drawing word Art effect or existing picture in the active file at the inserting point.

94. How to use Object?

Insert ( object ( create new ( select one ( object type ( ok

95. What is the Bookmark?

Create bookmarks, which you can use to make select text, graphic, tables, or other items.

96. How to use bookmarks?

Insert ( bookmarks ( enter bookmark name ( Add ( ok.

97. What is the Hyperlinks?

Insert new hyperlink or edit the selected hyperlinks

98. How to use Hyperlinks?

Insert ( Hyperlinks ( File ( select one file( ok (Hyperlink double click

99. What is the Font?

Change the font and character spacing formats of the select text.

100. How to use Font?

Format ( Font ( Change font face, change font style, change font size, change font color, change underline, change under line color, change effect, shadow, superscript, subscript etc…

101. What is the Paragraph?

Change paragraphs indent, text alignment, line spacing, and other paragraphs

102. How to use Paragraphs?

Format ( Paragraphs ( Indent and spacing, ( select alignment (or) select line spacing ( ok

103. What is the bullet and Numbering?

Add bullet and numbering to select paragraphs and modified and bullet and numbering format

104. How to use bullet and numbering?

Format ( bullet and numbering ( bullet (or) Number ( select one bullet customize (or) change any bullets and bullet colors bullet underline (or) picture ( ok

105. What is the border and shading?

Add border and shading to select text and paragraphs pages, table cell, (or) picture.

106. How to use bullet and numbering?

Format ( border and shading ( border (or) page (or) shading ( setting, select 3D ( style ( color ( width( ok

107. What is the column?

Change the number of the columns in a document (or) section of a document.

108. How to use columns?

Format ( columns ( presets( select number of columns, width, space, equal columns width ( line between (ok

109. What is the Tab?

Formats a letter word (or) select text with a large initial – (or) dropped.

110. How to use tab setting your current document?

Format ( Tab ( enters tab position( set.

111. What is the Drop Cap?

Formats a letter word (or) select text with a large initial – (or) dropped.

112. How to use Drops Caps?

Format ( Drops caps ( select one position ( ok.

113. What is the Text direction?

Rotates select text in a table cell can read it from bottom to top or from top to bottom, Change the Text Direction of the select text.

114. How to change the Text Direction of the select text?

Format ( Text Direction ( select one direction ( ok.

115. What is the Change case?

Change the capitalization of select text

116. How to change the change case?

Format ( change case ( select upper case ( ok.

117. What is the background color?

Change the background color you want

118. How to change background color?

Format ( background ( select one color (or) fills effect ( chose two color, choose texture, choose pattern, choose picture ( ok.

119. What is the Theme?

Apply a new or different Theme or remove a theme in a web page, documents, e-mail massage, design elements, color schemes, background images bullets, fonts, horizontal and other document elements.

120. How to use Theme?

Format ( Theme ( selects one style ( ok.

121. What is the Frame?

Create a new frame page

122. How to use Frame?

Format ( Frame ( selects table content (or) new frame ( ok

123. What is the Style?

Apply to the selection a combination of format called a style

124. How to use Style?

Format ( style ( new format ( ok

125. What is the Auto format?

Analyzes the content of the active file than automatically format the file

126. How to use Auto format?

Format (Auto format( ok

127. What is the spelling and grammar?

Check the active document for possible spelling and grammar and writing style errors and display suggestion for correction them

128. How to use Spell and grammar?

Tools (spelling and grammar ( select suggestion word ( change

129. What is the Language with set as language?

Designate the language of select text in a file that contain more than one language

130. What is the Language with thesaurus?

Replace a word (or) phrase sin the document with a synonym, antonyms (or) related word

131. How to use language?

Tools (Language ( Replace with synonym ( Replace (or) change

132. What is the Word count?

Count the number of pages, word, characters, paragraphs and line in active document.

133. How to use language?

Tools (Word Count ( Close

134. What is the Auto summarizing?

Automatically summarize the key point in the active document you can use auto summarize command to create an execute summary.

135. How to use Auto summarize?

Tools (Auto summarize ( No ( select one ( ok

136. What is the Auto correct?

Set the option used to correct text automatically as you type

137. How to use Auto correct?

Tools (Auto correct ( select all ( type replace ( type with ( ok

138. What is the Track change?

Track change to cell contents in a shared workbook includes moved and paste

139. How to use Track change?

Tools(Track changes(Highlight changes( option( underline, by author ( strikethrough, by author( none, auto(outside border, auto ( ok

140. What is the Marge document?

Marge document Track change from the specified document to the active document.

141. How to use Marge document?

Tools(Marge document ( select one file ( open ( the file merged with current document

142. What is the protact document?

Prevent changes to all parts of on online from or document you also assign a password when a document is protected this command change to unprotect document.

143. How to use protect document?

Tools(Protect document ( enter pass ( ok

144. What is the online collobroation meet now?

Start an online meting by sending an invitation to participant running Microsoft meeting on the computer

145. How to use online collaboration meet now?

Tools(online collaboration ( meet now ( enter first name, last name,

E-mail name, location, server name ( ok

146. What is the online collobroation sehedules meeting?

Schedules as online meeting by using names from the address book of your e mail programs and check the availability of the meeting participation

147. How to use online collaboration meet now?

Tools(online collaboration ( schedule meeting ( enter first name, last name,

148. What is the online collobroation Web disscutions?

Display the discussion toolbar, where you can insert a new discussion about the file.

149. How to use online collaboration Web discussion?

Tools(online collaboration( Web discussion ( connect the telephone( ok

150. What is the Mail marge?

Produce form letter, mailing, table, envelope, and other type of Marge document

151. How to use Mail Marge?

Tools(Mail Marge ( create, form letter ( active window(Get data, create data source ( remove which field don’t ( ok enter field name (ok(tool(Mail Marge ( insert Marge field (click first name, click title, click address, click ( click ABC ( move next (or) previous.

152. What is the Enveops and labels?

Create an envelop a single mailinmg labeld insert the same name and address in the entire sheet on lableds

153. How t creates Enveops and labels?

Tools ( envelops and labels ( enter Delivery address ( Return address ( add to document ( Preview ( envelop option ( select envelop size ( printing option ( select one feed (method) ( Ok ( Print

154. What is the Letter Wizard?

Run the letters wizard, which help you quickly create letter

155. How to creates Letter Wizard?

Tools ( Letter wizard (date line ( including header and footer ( choose a page design ( choose a letter style (Recipient info ( Receptor Name ( Delivery Address ( salutation , Business , format , others ( Other Element ( Reference line ( Mailing instruction ( Attention ( Subject ( Carbon Copy( Sender info ( Delivery Address ( Closing , Job title, company, writer/typist/instars ( ok

156. What is the Macro?

Macro is the dialog Box where you can run, edit, or delete a macro use recorde new macro , Record Macro, Stop Macro.

157. How to Macro?

Tools ( Macro (Macros ( Record New Macro ( Enter Macro Name ( Ok ( Tool ( Macro ( Macro Run

158. What is the Templet and add INS?

Attached a different load add in programe update a document style to active document also load additional templets, you can use

159. How to use Template?

Tools ( Template (Normal ( Attach organization

160. What is the Customize?

Customize toolbar button, Menu command, and shortcut assignment

161. How to use Customize?

Tools ( Customize (Tool bar ( Which toolbar you want click .

162. What is the Option?

Modified setting for Microsoft office Program such as screen appearance printing, editing, spelling and other option.

163. What is the Draw Table?

Insert a table where you drag in the document, after you drag the insert table to add Cell, Columns and Rows

164. How to insert Draw Table?

Table ( Click Draw table ( which place you, want to table drag in the document.

165. What is the Insert Table?

Insert a table in the document with the numbers of columns and rows.

166. How to insert Table?

Table ( Click Insert( table (, which place you, want to insert table in the document ( how much number of columns and rows you want ( ok.

167. What is the Cell?

Insert cell starting at the insert point.

168. How to insert cell?

Table ( Click Insert( cell ( Shift cell right (or) shift cell down.

169. What are the Columns?

Insert columns into the table to selected insertion point.

170. How to insert Columns?

Table ( Click Insert( click columns to the right (or) click Columns to the left.

171. What are the Rows?

Insert Rows into the table in selected insertion point

172. How to insert Rows?

Table ( Click Insert( click row above (or) click row below

173. What is the deelete cell?

Delete from the table the select cell.

174. How to delete cell?

Table ( Click Delete( cell ( Shift cell right (or) shift cell down.

175. What is the delete Columns?

Delete from the table to select columns

176. How to delete Columns?

Table ( Click Delete( click columns

177. What is the delete Rows?

Delete from the table in selected row.

178. How to Delete Rows?

Table ( Click Delete( Row

179. What is the delete Table?

Delete table from the document.

180. How to Delete Table?

Table ( Click Delete( Table

181. What is the select table?

Select table that contains the insert point

182. How to select table?

Table ( Select ( Table

183. What is the select Columns?

Select column that contains the insert point

184. How to select columns?

Table ( Select ( column

185. What is the select Row?

Select row that contains the insert point

186. How to select row?

Table ( Select ( row

187. What is the select cell?

Select cell that contains the insert point

188. How to select cell?

Table ( Select ( cell

189. What is the Marge cell?

In Microsoft word combines the contents of select adjacent cell into a single cell

190. How to insert Marge cell?

Table ( Marge cell

191. What is the Splite cell?

In Microsoft word split the select cell in the number of rows and columns your enter

192. How to insert Split cell?

Table ( Split cell ( select Number of the rows and number of the columns

193. What is the Splite table?

In Microsoft word split the select cell in the number of rows and columns your enter

194. What is the Auto Format?

In Microsoft word automatically appear format including bold, shading, font, color, header and footer

195. How to insert Auto Format?

Table ( Auto Format ( select any one format ( ok

196. What is the convert table to the text?

Converted to the select table to delimited text you convert to the table

197. What is the convert text to the table?

Converted to the select text to delimited table you convert to the text

198. How to convert table to the text?

Table ( Converted table to the text ( select number of columns ( ok

199. How to convert text to the table?

Table ( Converted text to the table ( select number of columns ( ok

200. How to convert table to the text?

Table ( Converted table to the text ( select number of columns ( ok

201. What is the Sort?

Arranges the information in selected rows or lists alphabetically, numerically and by date

202. What is the Sort Asscending?

Sorts the selected items in order from the beginning of the alphabets the lower number the earliest date

203. What is the Sort Decending?

Sorts the selected items in order from end of the alphabets the Highest number the earliest date

204. How to insert Sort Ascending/Descending?

Table ( Sort ( selects sort by( ascending or descending ( ok

203. What is the Formulla?

Performs mathematical calculations on numbers

204. How to use formula?

Table( formula ( =sum (above, below, left, right) if any one ( ok

203. What is the Hide gridlines?

Display or Hide dotted gridlines to help you see if you want to add print table gridlines to your table use the border and shading command

204. How to use Hide Gridlines?

Table( Hide Gridlines ( ok

205. What is the New Window?

Open the window the same contain as the active window so you can view different part of the file at the same time

206. How to insert New Window?

Window(New window

207. What is the arrange Window?

Display all open files in separate window on the screen, the arrange command makes it easier to drag between files.

208. How to insert arrange window?

Window(arrange window

209. What is the Split Window?

Split the active window in the pane or remove the split from the active window

210. How to insert split window?

Window(split window the same command use remove split window


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