Announcing the FY20 charter partners of the Microsoft ...

Microsoft Tech Community Weekly Roundup – August 9, 2019 Check out this week’s issue of Weekly Roundup for an at a glance view of hot topics and conversations. Table of Contents Product News Discussions Handy Resources Interesting Perspectives Upcoming Events Featured Group Member of the Week PRODUCT NEWS DISCUSSIONSAVAILABLE NOWAnnouncing the FY20 charter partners of the Microsoft Content Services Partner ProgramOn Sunday, August 4, Microsoft announced the FY20 charter partners of the Microsoft Content Services Partner Program. Join the conversation in the SharePoint space.Office 365 Home and Personal Licensing and Activation ImprovementsOn Monday, August 5, Microsoft announced Office 365 home and personal licensing and activation improvements that began rolling out in May. Join the conversation in the Office 365 space.Hotfix: JDBC Driver 7.4.1 for SQL Server ReleasedOn Monday, August 5, Microsoft announced the release of JDBC Driver 7.4.1 for SQL Server. Join the conversation in the SQL Server space.Microsoft Teams launches South Korea Data ResidencyOn Monday, August 5, Microsoft announced Microsoft Teams will provide customer data residency for South Korea customers starting July 9th, 2019. Join the conversation in the Microsoft Teams space.Microsoft 365 Business Applications: announcing a new wave of Preferred PartnersOn Tuesday, August 6, Microsoft announced partners have been added as Charter Members to the Microsoft 365 Business Applications Partner Program. Join the conversation in the SharePoint space.Announcing new OneNote and Genially integration to help bring content to lifeOn Tuesday, August 6, Microsoft announced as of today, you can now paste any public Genially URL on to a OneNote page and it will render it as a live interactive embed.?Join the conversation in the Education space.New Microsoft Search Adoption Resources AvailableOn Tuesday, August 6, Microsoft announced a new set of adoption resources for Microsoft Search in Bing to include ready to use, localized adoption kits.?Join the conversation in the Microsoft Search space.New Exact Data Match (EDM) classification helps you better detect and protect sensitive informationOn Wednesday, August 7, Microsoft announced Exact Data Match (EDM) is a new capability that enhances custom sensitive information types to help accurately target detection of your exact and unique sensitive content. Join the conversation in the Security, Privacy & Compliance space.Introducing the Microsoft Intune configuration designer to manage OEMConfig devicesOn Wednesday, August 7, Microsoft announced the release of a new?configuration?designer?experience for?managing?Android Enterprise devices?using the?OEMConfig?application. Join the conversation in the Microsoft Intune space.Samsung chooses OneDrive to sync your photos and files across available devicesOn Thursday, August 8, Microsoft announced?the new Samsung Galaxy Note10 phones will help you get more done right out of the box, natively integrated with best-in-class productivity apps and services from Microsoft including OneDrive, Outlook, Your Phone app with Link to Windows, and access to Word, Excel and PowerPoint. Join the conversation in the OneDrive for Business space.Azure Blob Storage on IoT Edge is now Generally AvailableOn Thursday, August 8, Microsoft announced the Azure IoT blob storage on IoT Edge module is now ready for production. Join the conversation in the Azure IoT space.Custom roles for app registration management is now in public preview!On Thursday, August 8, Microsoft announced the public preview of custom RBAC roles for Azure AD.?Join the conversation in the Azure Active Directory space.HANDY RESOURCESKnown issue for FileVault configuration profiles on macOS devicesWe’ve noticed an issue?with?a?setting?when configuring?FileVault settings?for?macOS?devices?within Device Configuration.?This may cause FileVault profiles to not deploy as intended depending on how the settings are configured. We’re sharing a workaround?here?until this is fixed in a future release.??Evolution of Timekeeping in WindowsDo you ever wonder?how?Windows computers?keep?the?current?time?and?how it is maintained on a day to day basis??Did you know that your computer needs to keep the correct time?for you to access certain resources over the network???Using Teams & Flow in the Government Cloud: Tracking End-User Video TrainingIn this article I thought I'd tackle the following idea: I have a series of training videos for my end users, and I want to track whether or not they've viewed the videos, perhaps as a way to assess completion so I can make them a nice "Congratulations!" certificate. :) In this scenario, I'm trusting my users to tell the me truth (why wouldn't they?) and I don't need to integrate with any learning management systems. Just something simple.AAD Dynamic Groups, Controlled MFA Registration, Intune + Admin Templates and AIP Log AnalyticsHi folks – this morning, I’m taking a little side-trip away from my series about the modern Microsoft productivity platform for a brief?review?of a handful of new or lesser-known gems.Understanding Unified Labeling migrationUnified labeling is here and?it is?the?next step in the Microsoft Information Protection?story.?Each?new?Microsoft?product and?service?that utilizes classification and protection capabilities?(and 3rd?party ones using MIP?SDK?capabilities)?will require?unified labeling. Because of this, now is the?time to execute?a?migration?to this service?as?there is?zero?risk when done properly?following our recommended?steps.Introducing Distributed transaction functionality on SQL Server 2017 on Linux starting with CU16Distributed transactions form a vital member in distributed systems architecture. It provides ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation and Durability) properties to transactions that span across systems using two-phase commit. On Windows operating systems, Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MSDTC) service has provided the capability to perform distributed transactions since Windows NT 4.0 and 2000 servers. SQL Server has used this capability on Windows systems to provide distributed transaction functionality. This allows SQL Servers to enlist in distributed transactions while providing transactional guarantees.How internal influencers can help create company cultureMany organizations aim to have highly engaged employees. They want them to be interested in the success of the company and have a great company culture. So, the question is obvious: How does a company create the best company culture? What role does Yammer play in this?Skype for Business phones (3PIP) support with Microsoft TeamsWe recently?announced?that Skype for Business Online will be retired on?July 31, 2021, and we’re encouraging existing customers to start planning their migrations to Teams. This blog post answers questions about Teams support for Skype for Business phones, also known as 3rd?Party IP or 3PIP phones.Migrate your custom Threat Intelligence (IT) to indicators!A little while ago we introduced?the?unified indicators of compromise?(IOC) experience?in?Microsoft Defender ATP?allowing you?to?define?your organization-specific rules for detection, prevention, and?the exclusion?of entities.??Azure Cloud Shell Tips for SysAdmins: Part III - Using Azure CLIAs an Azure Advocate, one of the things I spend my time doing is learning the easiest ways for beginners to use Microsoft Azure. Today I want to share with you a few ways to utilize some tools that are built right into Azure.Check out the Microsoft Graph Security sample application!It’s easy to build rich security applications using the?Microsoft Graph Security API. We built one to help demo the capabilities and have shared the?sample code on GitHub?so you can use it to kick start development of your own security app!Using Query Store with least privileges instead of db_owner to achieve Separation of DutiesWhen using the Query Store in a production environment, sometimes customers need to delegate very specifically who can do what in terms of Performance Analysis and/or Tuning. In this article we will demonstrate, how customers can segregate the typical activities around the Query Store and delegate minimal sets of permissions to groups of users that are mandated to certain tasks.Collecting Azure PaaS services logs in Azure SentinelAzure Sentinel supports collecting telemetry from a wide array of Microsoft sources. Some of them are listed in the?Sentinel's connector page?and?documentation. However, Sentinel can collect logs from most Azure services, even when not listed above.?Securing Connectivity to Azure Database for PostgreSQLEnsuring secure connectivity to database resource is an important requirement and consideration for customers running in cloud environment. Today customers want to connect to their Azure Database for PostgreSQL from both inside/outside of Azure, and based on the security and compliance requirements, organizations can choose one of the options provided by Azure Database for PostgreSQL. In this blog post, we share the different connectivity options that can be used to connect to your Azure Database for PostgreSQL and reap the benefits of the Azure platform.6 Tips to conquer procrastinationHaving a hard time starting or returning to a project? Don’t worry – it’s not a reflection of your ability to manage time or be productive. In fact, recent research shows that procrastination results from how the brain processes and responds to emotion rather than laziness.??How to manage Office 365 ProPlus Channels for IT ProsMicrosoft recommends enterprise customers include validation as a part of their Office 365 ProPlus deployment processes. Microsoft provides “channels” which control the rate of change in terms of features and quality fixes. For most customer deployments this means a minimum of two channels such as Semi-Annual Channel and Semi-Annual Channel (Targeted). Many IT Pros broadly deploy a single channel (usually Semi-Annual Channel) and leverage group policy to assign validation computers to faster channel such as Semi-Annual Channel (Targeted). In this way, IT Pros can preview what’s coming four months prior to production release.Understanding Office 365 ProPlus Updates for IT Pros (CDN vs SCCM)In supporting customers in the field, we receive many questions about Office 365 ProPlus update process. The objective of this blog is to provide context around end user behavior during update scenario and clarify when and how Office updates are applied.?Four ways Yammer can make your event betterA four-day event is our canvas—that's 96 hours or 5,760 minutes per person. Of that time, let’s say we get seven hours of sleep a night. That leaves 4,080 minutes of awake time. If we spend five hours per day in key notes, sessions, and milling around the expo, we are left with 70% of our awake time to network, catch up with friends, eat, drink, and walk… so much walking at events.Lesson Learned #106 – Azure SQL DB High transaction delay or maybe NOTI got a recent case where a customer was worried with?high transaction delays on an Azure SQL DB around 15sec?and that would be really bad.AZURE SQL DB AND LOG ANALYTICS BETTER TOGETHER – PART #1As a DBA you may want to?query SQL Audit?and?SQL Diagnostics?information. The easiest way to do this is sending to?Log analytics?that is part of?Azure Monitor.AZURE SQL DB AND LOG ANALYTICS BETTER TOGETHER – PART #2 - ALERTSAs you could see on previous post using Azure SQL DB + Log Analytics is quite easy.Let see how can we improve even further with?ALERTS.Infrastructure + Security: Noteworthy News (July, 2019)Hi there! Stanislav Belov here, and you are reading the next issue of the Infrastructure + Security: Noteworthy News series!?As a reminder, the Noteworthy News series covers various areas, to include interesting news, announcements, links, tips and tricks from Windows, Azure, and Security worlds on a monthly basis.UWP AppInstaller: How to switch index.htm display language for UWP side-load appinstallerWhen deploy UWP package as?side-load?and choose auto update, for Win 10 18H1, VS 2017 (15.7) /2019 will auto generate?appinstaller?file and one index.html. This index.html is convenient for Enterprise Users to install and update UWP apps easily.IT Governance: Everyone needs it even when they think they don’tAccelerate. Speed. Velocity. Businesses need to be agile. They need to quickly adopt to new business trends or else they are behind the game. What does everyone do? They start running… Accelerating your business to achieve success is a must but often the need to accelerate causes lapses in controls to meet compliance and regulation standards. With cloud technologies bursting everywhere, it’s quick and easy to deploy. In a matter of minutes, you can be up and running BUT it can be dangerous if you don’t have the right plan in place…How to create a Customer Hyper-V Quick Create VM GalleryYou might have seen that?Hyper-V in Windows 10?got a new Quick Create Feature. This will open up a virtual machine gallery, which allows you to download different virtual machine images, like Windows 10 or Ubuntu. For example, the default image is a Windows 10 dev VM, which enables developers to quickly spin up a development environment with Visual Studio. But you can also add your own virtual machine templates in the?Hyper-V VM Gallery.Azure Service Fabric | Adding Application Certificate to the Linux Cluster.I wanted to add an Application Certificate to the Service Fabric Cluster. I searched online and found that using the command Add-AzServiceFabricApplicationCertificatewe can add a certificate to the Cluster. However, I was getting below error while doing it.Azure CDN – Standard Microsoft: Rules Engine for http to https redirectionWhile we have rules engine features for premium Verizon CDN endpoint, recently we have introduced rules engine feature for Microsoft CDN. While I am writing this blog, it’s in?preview. This blog explains how you can utilize this Rules engine feature in Microsoft Standard Azure CDN to redirect your request URL from http to https using PowerShell.Edge Extension: How to re-connect app-service in case UWP app service is turned downIn Edge Extension, one of typical infrastructures?is using?Centennial to package three parts (Scripts and Content loaded by Edge, UWP run as App Service for receiving commands from Edge?and pass them to backend and vice versa,?backend is?run?as?a?Win32 app?(Desktop Bridge Component) which executes some?hard core tasks.?Run SSIS Package in Azure via SSDTThe feature of Azure-enabled SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) projects on SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) allows you to run packages on?Azure-SSIS Integration Runtime?(IR) in Azure Data Factory (ADF).List Search: Search and share items from a SharePoint List within a chatIt’s no secret that humans love lists. Lists are simple. Lists are everywhere. A bucket list, a grocery list or a to-do list in personal lives; and lists to track customer issues, software bugs or job candidates in our work lives. They scratch the itch our brains have for categorization and processing information. As a?New Yorker journalist puts it?– processing information in list form feels - “a bit like sipping green juice instead of munching on a bundle of kale”. But lists themselves can become overwhelming especially when the number of items in the list and people collaborating on the list becomes larger – two things which are unavoidable in the modern workplace.MVP BLOGS Friday Five: VS Code settings for Web Development, Remote access virtual machines in Azure, and moreCheck out five top MVP blogs for the week!INTERESTING PERSPECTIVES Sorry, you can't create a new item with Quick Edit Contributor Freenit wanted to fill up a list in Quick edit mode but was always receiving the notification of " Sorry, you can't create a new item with Quick Edit because this view is missing one or more required columns. To create a new item, please click "New Item" or add the required columns to this view." Quick edit mode did not give the possibility to do that. Super Contributor Rob Ellis inferred that it was a possibility that they were using a?custom content type. He then instructed him to look at the list columns, rather than the content type columns, and see which are required. After this feedback was given, it was found the problem was in the list columns.Excel: SUM values in a column if matching data in multiple other columnsNew Contributor mandyb385 wanted to sum data in an Excel worksheet and listed out the conditions that needed to be met. However, when they wanted Excel to add the lengths for all identical markers for each sample ID, they were not able to find the winning formula to do so. Valued Contributor Robert Gascon provided the formula to help Mandy solve their issue and it " worked like a charm ". Is it supported to OneDrive of SharePoint On-Premise by using OneDrive App for editing?Contributor Will wanted to use the OneDrive for Business app (iOS, Android ...) for connecting SharePoint On-Premise and wondered if this was possible. However, when he tried this, OneDrive would bring him to a SharePoint Online screen for verifying his username and password to be able to edit documents. He wanted to know how to require the use of this tool to verify in local AD and not online. MVP Chris Webb answered that you could use the link on the sign in screen that says? “have a SharePoint server URL?” . Then you would use that link to put in your URL and then your credentials. After clarifying its location, Chris was able to solve Will's issue.UPCOMING EVENTS[Announcing] a Skype for Business Online to Teams Upgrade AMA![Announcing] a Skype for Business Online to Teams Upgrade 'Ask Microsoft Anything' (AMA)! This AMA will take place on Thursday, August 22nd, 2019 from 9:00 - 10:00 AM PT (12:00 - 1:00 APM ET) in the?Microsoft Teams AMA Space. Add the event to your calendar and view in your time zone?here.FEATURED SPACE Azure SQL Data WarehouseGet answers to your questions in the new Azure SQL Data Warehouse space!MEMBER OF THE WEEK Paul PaschaA member since July 2016, Paul Pascha is a fantastic contributor especially in the SharePoint and Teams spaces. Thanks for being a member of the community! ................

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