Dynamics 365 Nonprofit Accelerator v2.3 Release Notes Published: June 2020Accelerator Release Version: v2.3Document PurposeThis document details the enhancements and scope delivered as part of Microsoft Tech for Social Impact’s June 2020 (v2.3) release of the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Nonprofit Accelerator (“Accelerator”).Capabilities Included in this June 2020 release:Case Management data schema extensions, sample application, and related sample dataProject Management & Program Design data schema extensions, sample application, and related sample dataNonprofit Operations Toolkit, a model-driven Power Platform application. INonprofit Operations Toolkit Time & Expense Mobile ApplicationField Services Guidance to NonprofitsArchitectural enhancements to scale and simplify the solution layers included in the Nonprofit AcceleratorValue to Nonprofits Delivered in v2.3We measure our success at Tech for Social Impact by the specific value we deliver to the nonprofit sector. Key value drivers for this June 2020 release include:ValueDescriptionCase Management?Our partners will save valuable development time by extending our Case Management sample application to aid nonprofit program staff in tracking clients, every stage of their case(s) and individually-tailored program goals.These extensions come at a critical time when nonprofits are under increasing pressure to handle larger volumes of beneficiaries and cases while at the same time pivoting to delivering services remotely or via supply chain automation.Project Management & Program Design (PMPD)Our Project Management & Program Design sample application and sample data provide nonprofits and partners with a foundation to enable project management across the entire nonprofit organization at a time when budgets and operations are under increased scrutiny. Leveraging program items and relationships, stakeholders, and theories of change alongside existing program delivery framework schema like objective, budget, result, etc., means that nonprofits can design programs, align budgets, deliver impact, and relate and track that back to beneficiaries, constituents and funders. Nonprofit Operations ToolkitSmall nonprofits rejoice! At a time of deep budget scrutiny and shifting budgets and operations, our partners will help you leverage this modern Power Platform application aimed at automating your project, award, budget, and time & expense management. Leave the spreadsheets behind and save precious hours and dollars managing your local or global operations. Arm your staff with an integrated mobile application to take the burden out of time and expense management Architecture EnhancementsWe continue to look for ways to scale our CDM for Nonprofits and Nonprofit Accelerator architecture for rapid adoption. Over our next several releases, we’ll be reducing the data schema packages from their current eight layers and will enhance the architecture to give developers the power to rapidly launch Power Platform applications, end-to-end Dynamics solutions, and cross-cloud solutions that leverage Azure and Modern Work technologies. In this v2.3 release, Case Management and Project Management & Program Design data schema extensions are delivered via the Core schema package. We have pulled our nine sample applications and related data into their own demo package that sits dependent on the CDM Core layer.Field Services GuideWe’ve developed a guide for partners and nonprofit developing Field Services solutions to advise on design thinking and implementation considerations. Please reach out to Tech for Social Impact to receive a copy of this guide and to engage with our team. Additional Benefits:Additional Program Delivery InvestmentsProvide nonprofits across the globe with Case Management, Project Management & Program Design, and Operations building blocks to modernize and automate program delivery and operations workstreams during a time when nonprofits are under increased pressure to deliver programs with greater efficiency Two sample apps (Case Management & PMPD) and supporting sample dataNonprofit Operations Toolkit, a model-driven Power Application for small nonprofits looking to evolve from managing their business via spreadsheets.?Nonprofit efficiency gains:Help nonprofits evolve from homegrown legacy systems and spreadsheets used to manage critical areas of finance, operations, and program deliveryAutomate workloads and tasks that were highly manual and duplicative in the pastResource savings and data interoperability:Save nonprofits money on overall data management costs by helping them to the leverage the Common Data Model for Nonprofits, thus ensuring that data in disparate systems is relatable and share in common a standard definition set.Drive more trustworthy and accurate reporting, business intelligence, and data discovery by leveraging the CDM for Nonprofits to enforce standard data definitions across systems.Platform acceleration to benefit partners:Accelerate development and sustainability of partner solutions aligned to the Common Data Model for Nonprofits and Nonprofit Accelerator in the areas of nonprofit case management, project management, program design, and operations.Increase access of Common Data Model for Nonprofits and Nonprofit Accelerator to global nonprofits of all sizes. Streamline, simplify, and scale the existing Nonprofit Accelerator building blocks, ensuring that partners have all the tools needed to publish finished product to AppSource.Table of ContentsCommon Data Model EnhancementsCase Management Sample App & Sample DataProject Management & Program Design Sample App & Sample DataNonprofit Operations ToolkitNonprofit Accelerator Architecture EnhancementsField Services GuideRelease AssetsMapping GuideCOMMON DATA MODEL ENHANCEMENTS This release includes important extensions to the Common Data Model for Nonprofits in the areas of case management and project management & program design. New attributes and entities are detailed below, along with functional requirements, use cases, and “How to” guidance on how leverage and extend the CDM for Nonprofits data schema.Case Management Sample Application & SAmple DataA priority goal of the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Nonprofit Accelerator is to aid nonprofit program staff in delivering high quality services by providing tools for automating and standardizing beneficiary case management. The Nonprofit Accelerator v2.3 release enables this through the addition of four new case-oriented entities and related attributes.The Case Management Society of America defines case management as, “a collaborative process of assessment, planning, facilitation, care coordination, evaluation and advocacy for options and services to meet an individual’s and family’s comprehensive needs through communication and available resources to promote beneficiary safety, quality of care, and cost effective outcomes.”Many nonprofit solutions do not have integrated case management systems, resulting in low optics into service delivery outcomes and an increase in costly human error and repeatable work.There is perhaps no greater time than Summer 2020 to arm our service-oriented nonprofit organizations and partners with strong building blocks to deliver repeatable services and quality of care for every client who needs their support. Personas Served:Case Manager: these individuals are the primary liaison between the nonprofit organization and the service beneficiaries they serve. They log basic information about clients served, need to quickly access a client’s history and existing case(s), must be able to log incidents and share information with cooperating external parties.Supervisor: these roles are responsible for managing case managers and primarily interface with the case system in order to assign access and viewing privileges to their case managers.Use Cases covered in this release:We extended the Common Data Model for Nonprofits data schema to generally handle the following use cases common to most nonprofits managing beneficiaries and cases:#As a…<type of user>I want to…<some goal>…so that <some reason>1Case ManagerEnter and access basic information about the clientI have the minimal information I need to begin working with the client 2Case ManagerEnter and access basic information about the caseI have the minimal information I need to begin working with the client 3Case ManagerHave access to information about a client's full historyI have context for my client's current situation and will be able to assist them in the best way possibleI can contact past program or agencies they've dealt with for additional information about them, if necessary4Case ManagerEasily share/export case information with external organizationsIt's easier and quicker to work with our many external partner organizations5Case ManagerLog incidents as part of casesI have access to a holistic picture of a client in one place6Case ManagerDenote separate stages or create separate (but related) cases for intake, adoption, etc.I can identify a client's status at a high level without digging through the case file7SupervisorEasily assign case access privileges for my case managersI can ensure case data is appropriately safeguardedKey Concepts and Entities Leveraged for Case ManagementThe following are the dependent CDM for Nonprofits entities leveraged by the case management sample application:#CategoryRequirement1AccountBusiness that represents a customer or potential customer. The company that is billed in business transactions. Can also represent a more informal group of people such as a family.2ContactA single individual.3Work ItemA process of work that can be assigned created at the presentation of an addressable need to track the steps to resolve the need. 4Work Item ActionA unit of work that can be assigned that tracks an action or service that is provide to the person/place/thing that is in need. 5NeedA need that is discovered during the case. May or may not be resolved during the process of work. 6Indicator Value UsageA mapping entity to allow the tracking which indicators are related to the various case management entities. How to Model Case ManagementNew Common Data Model for Nonprofits Case Management attributes The following are attributes related to each of the new Case Management entities added in this releaseWork Item (msnfp_workitem)Schema Name?Type?Description?msnfp_parentworkitemidLookupThis field contains the unique id of the parent Work Item. msnfp_nameStringThis field displays the title of the Work Item.msnfp_benefitrecipientidCustomerThis field contains the unique id of the recipient of services from the Work Item. statuscodeOptionsetThis field tracks the state of the work item. (New, Intake, Assessment, Done)OptionsetThis field denotes the category of work item. (Registration, Incident, Service Case, Record)ownerLookupThis field is the person responsible for the work item. LookupThis field tracks the delivery framework that the work item is under. OptionsetThis field denotes the criticality of the work item (Low, Normal, Critical)Work Item Action (msnfp_workitemaction)Field NameSchema Name TypeDescriptionWork Itemmsnfp_workitemidLookupThis field contains the unique identifier for the overarching Work Item. Work Item Action Titlemsnfp_nameStringThis field displays the title of the Work Item Action.Beneficiarymsnfp_benefitrecipientidCustomerThis field contains the unique identifier of the recipient of services from the Work Item Action. Referral ToLookupThis field contains the unique identifier for the account that a Beneficiary is referred to for services not offered natively.Work Item Action TypeOptionSetThis field denotes the category of work item. (Appointment, Information, Incident, Discharge, Referral)Work Item Action StatusstatusreasonOptionSetThis field tracks the state of the work item. (New, In Progress, Done)Education InformationLookupThis field contains the unique identifier for the related Education information used or gathered in the Work Item Action. Employment History InformationLookupThis field contains the unique identifier for the related Employment History information used or gathered in the Work Item Action. Description StringThis field provides a place for additional details. Work Item Action Due DateDateTimeThis field has the Date that work item action is due. Need (msnfp_need)Field NameSchema Name TypeDescriptionWork Itemmsnfp_workitemidLookupThis field contains the unique identitfier for determin the overarching Work Item. Need Namemsnfp_nameStringThis field tracks the name of the need. Need TypeOptionSetThis field provides a categorization of the need. (Medical, Humanitarian, Psycho-Social, Environmental)SeverityOptionSetThis field tracks the severity of a need. (Low, Medium, High)DescriptionStringAn open ended field that provides details regarding the need such as how it presents itself or how it was identified. BeneficiaryLookupThis field hold the unique identifier for the entity in need. Indicator Value Usage (msnfp_indicatorvalueusage)Field NameSchema Name TypeDescriptionUsage Descriptionmsnfp_nameStringThis field conatains the primary name of the indicator value usage.Indicator Valuemsnfp_indicatorvalueidLookupThis field contains the unique identifier for the indicator value.Work ItemLookupThis field contains the unique identifier for the work item.Work Item ActionLookupThis field contains the unique identifier for the work item action.NeedLookupThis field contains the unique identifier for the need.Usage TypeOptionSetThis field delineates which entity the indicator is being mapped to. (Work Item, Work Item Action, Need)Project Management & Program Design Sample Application & SAmple DataA priority goal of the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Nonprofit Accelerator June 2020 release is to improve nonprofit service delivery by enabling nonprofit staff to plan, execute, and track work in context. The Nonprofit Accelerator v2.3 release enables this by extending the Common Data Model for Nonprofits to include commonly applicable Project Management & Program Design use cases, anchored by five new entities and related attributes.In addition, our goal is to provide Tech for Social Impact partners and nonprofits with guidance about how best to extend CDM for Nonprofits/Accelerator’s existing Program Delivery Framework (Existing entities: Objective, Budget, Delivery Framework, Result, Indicator, Indicator Value, Benefit Recipient) to cover additional required use cases around?project budgeting, requirements/milestones definition, and tracking or task management.? Microsoft technologies include several project and task management solutions that are not currently mapped to the CDM for Nonprofits or Nonprofit Accelerator but are uniquely positioned to improve nonprofits’ ability to plan and execute work because they are integrated/interoperable with other Microsoft solutions (including the CDM/Accelerator) and accessible to nonprofits via Microsoft’s nonprofit licensing offers. Examples include Project Online, To Do, Planner and components of Project Service, Customer Service, Field Service and Finance. Program Design & Project Management are broad concepts in the nonprofit market. For the purposes of this effort, the term “Program” is used to describe an integrated set of activities and resources intended to achieve a nonprofit’s mission. The term “Project Management” is used to describe the method(s) used to deliver a Program. Nonprofit Programs and Project Management use cases enabled through our Common Data Model for Nonprofits and Nonprofit Accelerator enhancements include: Personas Served:Program Designer: this role includes a critical and complex balancing act between designing effective programs that attract funding, can be aligned to indicators and are structured for outcome measurement, and consider the needs and requirements of funders and donors.Program Analyst: this role is responsible for collecting and aggregating data related to a program, often across geographies, time zones, collaborating organizations, and funders. This individual is a data expert who is accountable to understand the context of multiple data sets, be able to speak to the status and timing of various reporting checkpoints. Use Cases covered in this release:#As a…<type of user>I want to…<some goal>…so that <some reason>1Program DesignerRecord donor requirements for a programUnderstand the objectives and expectations of the donor providing support for the program.2Program DesignerAssess, record, and prioritize participant needsThe program can be designed to fulfill the participant needs.3Program DesignerSearch for and assign a teamThe right resources are assigned to successfully deliver the program.Partner organizations and resources are aligned.4Program DesignerClearly understand and record dependenciesInterdependencies between process, tasks, and resources can be understood, managed, and adapted.5Program DesignerCleary understand and record decisionsProgress and changes to the program can be recorded and shared.6Program DesignerClearly understand and record milestonesProcess and changes in the state of the program can be recorded and shared.7Program DesignerClearly understand and record prioritiesProcesses and activities are executed in the correct order.8Program DesignerCapture and record feedback from program participantsThe efficacy of the program can be evaluated.9Program DesignerBe able to adapt design as circumstances changeThe program can change as required over time.10Program DesignerDefine results and indicatorsI can effectively and transparently record the results of the program11Program DesignerTrack resultsThe results of the program can be recorded and shared.The efficacy of the program can be evaluated and learned.12Program DesignerContribute to a culture of learningMy organization can continually improve.13Program DesignerRequest support when gaps need to be filledProgram success is not at risk due to lack of governance or collaboration.14Program DesignerUnderstand program rules and standardsI can understand if my program is planned to operate or operating within or outside program rules and standards.Design programs that adhere to standards and rules.15Program DesignerShare the interim and final results of my programOthers can learn from my program.16Program DesignerUnderstand, communicate, and manage risks and issuesI can ensure transparency.I can solicit and obtain support.I can improve the likelihood of program success.17Program DesignerSource funds for a program from one of multiple sourcesI can ensure a program is resourced.19Program AnalystHave access to consistent and accurate data and informationI can derive and share trusted program insights and enable learning both within and outside my organization. 20Program AnalystBe able to aggregate data and informationI can easily and quickly assimilate data from multiple programs to perform analysis.21Program AnalystUnderstand the context of dataIncorporate context into analysis and learning.22Program AnalystBe able to answer questions based on reliable dataI can improve accuracy for decision support and learning.Track and evaluate programs in a way that informs decisions at program, country, and agency levels.23Program AnalystUnderstand the status and expected timing of data inputsReliably understand and communicate information and/or evidence gaps.24LeadershipView all details about an individual programI can understand the state of the program.25LeadershipView a summary of a portfolio of programsI can understand the state of a group of programs.I can prioritize resources and assets in support of programs.26LeadershipUnderstand and be able to act upon risks and issuesI can improve outcomes for benefit recipients.I can support program staff.I can make decisions about programs.27LeadershipBe able to clearly and accurately understand a program or portfolio of programsI can understand and communicate results to stakeholders.I can understand how a program or portfolio of programs relate to other parties (i.e. at other stages of a results chain)Key Concepts Leveraged for Project Management & Program DesignThe following are the dependent concepts leveraged by the PMPD sample application:#CategoryRequirement1Need for ProgramAssesses needs of subject, availability of support and gaps2Objectives & OutcomesDefine what the program is intended to accomplish for the particular subject(s) and how that relates to high-level objectives3PrinciplesDefine the fundamental norms, rules and values that guide the program 4ActivitiesDefine the specific set of inter-connected things that are to be done 5Budget/CostsDefine what it will cost to implement the program and manage flows of funds6Resource StrategyDefine what resources (human or material) will be required to implement the program (internal, external and/or third-party)Key Entities Leveraged for Project Management & Program DesignThe following are the new CDM for Nonprofits entities showcased by the PMPD sample application:#EntityDefinition1Program ItemRecords various types of program elements such as assumptions, deliverables, decisions, milestones, obligations, or observations2Program Item RelationshipsRecords the details regarding the relationships between program items.3StakeholderA person or entity with an interest or concern in something.4Theory of ChangeAn expression of the sequence of cause-and-effect actions or occurrences by which resources are assumed to be converted into the desired social results.5Theory of Change RelationshipRecords the details regarding the relationships between theories of change program design entitiesHow to Model Project Management & Program Design64858901737360New Common Data Model for Nonprofits Project Management & Program Design attributes The following are attributes related to each of the new PMPD entities added in this releaseProgram ITEM (msnfp_programitem):Logical NameSchema NameDisplay NameAttribute TypeDescriptionmsnfp_datefulfilledmsnfp_datefulfilledDate FulfilledDateTimeThe program item date fulfilled.msnfp_descriptionmsnfp_descriptionDescriptionMemoThe description of the program item.msnfp_duedatemsnfp_duedateDue DateDateTimeThe program item due date.msnfp_enddatemsnfp_enddateEnd DateDateTimeThe program item end date.msnfp_namemsnfp_nameNameStringThe name of the custom entity.msnfp_obligationtypemsnfp_obligationtypeObligation TypePicklistThe obligation type of program items.msnfp_obligationtypenamemsnfp_obligationtypeNameN/AVirtualN/Amsnfp_observationtypemsnfp_observationtypeObservation TypePicklistThe observation type of the program item.msnfp_observationtypenamemsnfp_observationtypeNameN/AVirtualN/Amsnfp_programitemidmsnfp_programitemIdProgram ItemUniqueidentifierUnique identifier for entity instancesmsnfp_ratingtypemsnfp_ratingtypeRatingPicklistThe rating of the program item.msnfp_ratingtypenamemsnfp_ratingtypeNameN/AVirtualN/Amsnfp_startdatemsnfp_startdateStart DateDateTimeThe date that the program item starts.msnfp_subtypemsnfp_subtypeSubTypePicklistThe subtype of program item.msnfp_subtypenamemsnfp_subtypeNameN/AVirtualN/Amsnfp_theoryofchangeidmsnfp_theoryofchangeidTheory of ChangeLookupThe unique identifier for the related theory of change.msnfp_theoryofchangeidnamemsnfp_theoryofchangeidNameN/AStringN/Amsnfp_typemsnfp_typeTypePicklistThe type of program item.msnfp_typenamemsnfp_typeNameN/AVirtualN/AProgram Item Relationship (msnfp_programitemrelationship)Logical NameSchema NameDisplay NameAttribute TypeDescriptionmsnfp_budgetidmsnfp_budgetidBudgetLookupThe budget unique identifier related to the program item.msnfp_budgetidnamemsnfp_budgetidNameN/AStringN/Amsnfp_deliveryframeworkidmsnfp_deliveryframeworkidDelivery FrameworkLookupThe unique identifier for the related delivery framework.msnfp_deliveryframeworkidnamemsnfp_deliveryframeworkidNameN/AStringN/Amsnfp_indicatoridmsnfp_indicatoridIndicatorLookupThe unique identifier of the related indicator.msnfp_indicatoridnamemsnfp_indicatoridNameN/AStringN/Amsnfp_namemsnfp_nameNameStringThe name of the custom entity.msnfp_objectiveidmsnfp_objectiveidObjectiveLookupThe objective related to the program item.msnfp_objectiveidnamemsnfp_objectiveidNameN/AStringN/Amsnfp_programitemrelationshipidmsnfp_programitemrelationshipIdProgram Item RelationshipUniqueidentifierUnique identifier for entity instancesmsnfp_relatedfromprogramitemidmsnfp_relatedfromprogramitemidRelated From Program ItemLookupThe unique identifier for the related program item.msnfp_relatedfromprogramitemidnamemsnfp_relatedfromprogramitemidNameN/AStringN/Amsnfp_relatedtoprogramitemidmsnfp_relatedtoprogramitemidRelated To Program ItemLookupThe unique identifier for the related program item.msnfp_relatedtoprogramitemidnamemsnfp_relatedtoprogramitemidNameN/AStringN/Amsnfp_resultidmsnfp_resultidResultLookupThe unique identifier for the related result.msnfp_resultidnamemsnfp_resultidNameN/AStringN/Amsnfp_typemsnfp_typeTypePicklistThe type of the program item relationship.msnfp_typenamemsnfp_typeNameN/AVirtualN/AStakeholder (msnfp_x)Logical NameSchema NameDisplay NameAttribute TypeDescriptionmsnfp_descriptionmsnfp_descriptionDescriptionMemoThe description of the stakeholder.msnfp_enddatemsnfp_enddateEnd DateDateTimeThe end date of the stakeholder.msnfp_namemsnfp_nameNameStringThe name of the custom entity.msnfp_programitemidmsnfp_programitemidProgram ItemLookupThe program item that the stakeholder is related to.msnfp_programitemidnamemsnfp_programitemidNameN/AStringN/Amsnfp_stakeholderidmsnfp_stakeholderIdStakeholderUniqueidentifierUnique identifier for entity instancesmsnfp_stakeholdernameidmsnfp_stakeholdernameidStakeholder NameCustomerThe name of the stakeholder.msnfp_stakeholdernameididtypemsnfp_stakeholdernameidIdTypeN/AEntityNameN/Amsnfp_stakeholdernameidnamemsnfp_stakeholdernameidNameN/AStringN/Amsnfp_stakeholdernameidyominamemsnfp_stakeholdernameidYomiNameN/AStringN/Amsnfp_startdatemsnfp_startdateStart DateDateTimeThe start date of the stakeholder.msnfp_typemsnfp_typeTypePicklistThe type of stakeholder.msnfp_typenamemsnfp_typeNameN/AVirtualN/ATheory of Change (msnfp_x)Logical NameSchema NameDisplay NameAttribute TypeDescriptionmsnfp_descriptionmsnfp_descriptionDescriptionMemoDescription of the theory of change.msnfp_namemsnfp_nameNameStringThe name of the custom entity.msnfp_parenttheoryofchangeidmsnfp_parenttheoryofchangeidParent Theory of ChangeLookupThe parent Theory Of Change associated with this Theory of Change to show parent and child records.msnfp_parenttheoryofchangeidnamemsnfp_parenttheoryofchangeidNameN/AStringN/Amsnfp_theoryofchangeidmsnfp_theoryofchangeIdTheory of ChangeUniqueidentifierUnique identifier for entity instancesmsnfp_typemsnfp_typeTypePicklistType of theory of change.msnfp_typenamemsnfp_typeNameN/AVirtualN/ATheory of Change Relationship (msnfp_x)Logical NameSchema NameDisplay NameAttribute TypeDescriptionmsnfp_budgetidmsnfp_budgetidBudgetLookupThe unique identifier for the related budget.msnfp_budgetidnamemsnfp_budgetidNameN/AStringN/Amsnfp_deliveryframeworkidmsnfp_deliveryframeworkidDelivery FrameworkLookupThe unique identifier for the related delivery framework.msnfp_deliveryframeworkidnamemsnfp_deliveryframeworkidNameN/AStringN/Amsnfp_indicatoridmsnfp_indicatoridIndicatorLookupThe unique identifier for the related indicator.msnfp_indicatoridnamemsnfp_indicatoridNameN/AStringN/Amsnfp_namemsnfp_nameNameStringThe name of the custom entity.msnfp_objectiveidmsnfp_objectiveidObjectiveLookupThe unique identifier of the related objective.msnfp_objectiveidnamemsnfp_objectiveidNameN/AStringN/Amsnfp_resultidmsnfp_resultidResultLookupThe unique identifier for the related result.msnfp_resultidnamemsnfp_resultidNameN/AStringN/Amsnfp_theoryofchangeidmsnfp_theoryofchangeidTheory of ChangeLookupThe unique identifier for the related theory of change.msnfp_theoryofchangeidnamemsnfp_theoryofchangeidNameN/AStringN/Amsnfp_theoryofchangerelationshipidmsnfp_theoryofchangerelationshipIdTheory of Change RelationshipUniqueidentifierUnique identifier for entity instancesmsnfp_typemsnfp_typeTypePicklistType of theory of change relationship.msnfp_typenamemsnfp_typeNameN/AVirtualN/ANonprofit Operations Toolkit OverviewModel-driven Power Platform ApplicationThe?Nonprofit Operations?Toolkit?helps small nonprofits implement effective project and awards management processes that reduce costs and build trust with funders.?The?toolkit?consists of?Power?Apps that use familiar tools such Excel and SharePoint to?keep?critical?information accurate and accessible.?This?toolkit?is built on Microsoft’s Power Platform and integrates seamlessly with Office 365 capabilities.? Though the solution does not depend directly on Microsoft Dynamics?and does not require a Dynamics license, certain?Power?Apps?functionality is?made possible?by the?underlying technology of?Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement?and therefore?shares documentation?referenced throughout this material.?The?toolkit?makes use of?key?entities?included in?the?Dynamics 365 Nonprofit Accelerator?including:??Award, Budget, Designation and Delivery Framework.?For set-up instructions and a guided walk-through of the Nonprofit Operations Toolkit application and related Time & Expense mobile application, please reference the Nonprofit Operations Toolkit Admin Guide published to GitHub. Personas Served through this solution:Finance Administrator?Human Resources Administrator?Project Manager?Project team member?Operations Director or Executive DirectorValue provided to Nonprofits:Functionality delivered:Financial Planning: basic features covering grants, agreements, cost centers, budgeting, and planning.Funding: basic features covering funder management, donor reporting, and award management.Project Management: basic features covering work breakdown, project budgeting, approvals, and T&E management.Cost Management: basic features covering cost schedules, effort planning, and vendor management.Additional Capabilities: basic features covering security, document management, multi-currency support, and localized language support.Scenarios covered:Project & Cost Center Management: project work breakdown with master records for workers, vendors, funders, awards, projects, and agreements – using language and relationships familiar to the nonprofit community.Budgeting & Effort Planning: create budgets for proposals, implementation, and internal initiatives. Cost center budgeting to manage administrative and other indirect costs.Time & Expense Tracking: capture time and expenses via a rich mobile interface and load the data directly to projects with approval routing.Funder Reporting: ensures timely reimbursement and minimal manual preparation of progress reports to funders.Nonprofit Operations Toolkit Solution ElementsNonprofit Operations Toolkit: Powered by the Common Data Model for NonprofitsNonprofit Accelerator Architectural Enhancements Scale for growth and deliver simplicityAs the Common Data Model for Nonprofits and Nonprofit Accelerator evolve, we will continue to look for ways to scale these resources for maximum value and use by nonprofits of all sizes and mission types. Beginning with this v2.3 release, we are reducing the number of data schema packages that make up the CDM for Nonprofits (with a goal of most schema living at the CDM for Nonprofits layer by late 2020). To this end, both the Case Management and PMPD extensions are being delivered in the Core layer. In addition, we’ve created a new package where all Sample Apps and related sample data live. Today, the Nonprofit Accelerator includes the following nine sample applications:Our goals in scaling and streamlining the CDM for Nonprofits and Nonprofit Accelerator architecture include:Providing partners and nonprofit developers with as much flexibility as possible to extend and build from the architecture, whether in the form of lightweight Power Platform applications, end-to-end Dynamics solutions, and/or cross-cloud solutions that leverage Azure and Modern Work technologies. Serve small, medium, large, and enterprise nonprofits with schema and solutions purpose-built to fuel their fundraising, program, operations, finance, IT, and analyst staff forwardReduce the overall footprint of the Accelerator architecture to aid with seamless upgrades, forward and backward compatibility and extensibility.Serve as a standard across all Microsoft Industry Accelerators for continue to add value to our Nonprofit Accelerator at a rapid pace.Field Services GUidanceLeverage Dynamics 365 Field Service alongside CDM for Nonprofits and/or Nonprofit AcceleratorMicrosoft’s Dynamics 365 Field Service business application (“Field Service”) helps organizations deliver onsite service to?constituent locations. The application combines workflow automation, scheduling algorithms, and mobility to set mobile?workers up for success when?they're?onsite with constituents fixing issues.??Field Service is a discreet function within the broader constituent service and support function.? Field Service is typically?associated with dispatch of resources to a location to provide service or support.????During this release cycle, Tech for Social Impact engaged with our Customer Steering Team, Partners, Customers?and Prospective?Customers and performed broad nonprofit and commercial sector product research to assess whether the CDM for Nonprofits and Nonprofit Accelerator should be extended to accommodate Field Services entities and attributes. Due to the maturity and completeness of the Dynamics 365 Field Service solution, we concluded that there would not be a significant benefit to extending the CDM or launching a complimentary sample application to accelerate partner development. ??Instead,?we recommend nonprofit organizations and partners intending to leverage Dynamics 365 Field Service should install?the solution in concert with the Nonprofit Common Data Model and/or Dynamics 365 Nonprofit Accelerator and?configure Dynamics 365 Field Service to meet their intended use case(s).??For detailed recommendations on leveraging?Dynamics 365 Field Service capabilities, please contact Tech for Social Impact to request a copy of our Field Services Guidance.Release Assets (Documentation, Administrative Guides, Sample Data, and Solutions)This release includes the following assets to aid partners and nonprofits as they adopt and extend these capabilities. All release documentation is available on GitHub here: TypeDescriptionNonprofitCore_2_3_3_0_managed.zipSolutionv2.3 Core Solution Layer - ManagedNonprofitMeasurement_2_3_3_0_managed.zipSolutionv2.3 Measurement Solution Layer - ManagedNonprofitAccelerator_MicrosoftDynamics365CE_2_3_3_0_managed.zipSolutionv2.3 Anchor Solution Layer - ManagedMicrosoftDynamics365IATI_2_3_3_0_managed.zipSolutionv2.3 IATI Solution Layer-ManagedMicrosoftDynamics365VolunteerManagement_2_3_3_0_managed.zipSolutionv2.3 Volunteer Management Layer - ManagedProgramDesign-v2_3_3_0.zipSolutionv2.3 Program Design appNFP.Accelerator.2.3.-.Package.Deployer.Solution.zipSolutionThis zip file contains the components that can be used by administrators to install the Nonprofit Accelerator in conjunction with the Microsoft Package Deployer tool.NonprofitAccelerator_CDS_ProgramDesign_Flow_msnfp_CreateSummaryDocument_Template.docxSolutionv2.3 Template to set up documents in Program Design appNonprofitSale_2_3_3_0_managed.zipSolutionv2.3 Sale Solution Layer - ManagedCommonDataModelNonprofitSampleApps_2_3_3_0_managed.zipSolutionThis extension contains the sample applications that compliment and showcase Nonprofit Core monDataModelNonprofitSampleAppsBase_2_3_3_0_managed.zipSolutionA supporting layer to assist with moving Sample Apps during the upgrade process.NonprofitOperationsToolkit_1_1_3_4_managed.zipSolutionv2.3 Nonprofit Operations Toolkit Layer - ManagedNonprofitOperationsToolkitFlows_1_1_3_4_managed.zipSolutionv2.3 Nonprofit Operations Toolkit Flows – Managed imported after NonprofitOperationsToolkit_1_1_3_4_managed.zipNonprofitAccelerator_NonprofitCore_DataPackage_2_3_3_0.zipSample DataSample data package supporting the Core solution layerNonprofitAccelerator_Measurement_DataPackage_2_3_3_0.zipSample DataSample data package supporting the Measurement solution layerNonprofitAccelerator_MicrosoftDynamics365_IATI_DataPackage_2_3_3_0.zipSample DataSample data package supporting the IATI solution layerNonprofitAccelerator_MicrosoftDynamics365_VolunteerManagement_DataPackage_2_3_3_0.zipSample DataSample data package supporting the Volunteer solution layerNonprofitAccelerator_MicrosoftDynamics365_Sale_DataPackage_2_3_3_0.zipSample DataSample data package supporting the Sales solution layerNonprofitAccelerator_MicrosoftDynamics365_CE_DataPackage_2_3_3_0.zipSample DataSample data package supporting the anchor solution layerNonprofitOperationsToolkit_DataPackage_1_1_3_4.zipSample DataSample data package supporting the Nonprofit Operations Toolkit solution layerNFP.Accelerator.2.3.-Core.Upgrade.Guide.docxReferenceOutlines important steps that must be taken to avoid the potential loss of customizations when upgrading to the latest version of the accelerator.NFP.Accelerator.2.3.-.Core.Metadata.Reference.xlsxReferenceCore layer entity and attribute reference documentationNFP.Accelerator.2.3.-.Entitiy.Matrix.xlsxReferenceVersion to version matrixNFP.Accelerator.2.3.-.PowerApps.Data.Integration.Templates.zipReferenceNonprofit Accelerator to Dynamics 365 Finance data integrator guide for installing Dynamics 365 to Finance data integrator templatesNFP.Accelerator.2.3.-.Frequently.Asked.Questions.docxReferenceQuestion knowledge base for the Nonprofit Accelerator v2.3NFP.Accelerator.2.3.-.How.To.Import.Sample.Data.Packages.docxReferenceAdministrative guide for installing Dynamics 365 to Finance data integrator templatesNFP.Accelerator.2.3.-Measurement.Metadata.Reference.xlsxReferenceMeasurement layer entity and attribute reference documentationNFP.Accelerator.2.3.-.Measurement.SDG.Icons.zipReferenceIcons used in the CDS to highlight the SDG goals, indicators, and mon.Data.Model.Folder.Setup.Instructions.pdfReferenceAzure Datalake Gen2 setup instructionsNonprofitAccelerator_MicrosoftDynamics365_CE_Metadata_Reference_2_3_3_0.xlsxReferenceMeasurement entity and attribute reference documentationNFP.Accelerator.2.3.-IATICodelistSync.zipReferenceComponents needed for the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) codelist syncNFP.Accelerator.2.3.-.IATI.Metadata.Reference.xlsxReferenceMeasurement entity and attribute reference documentationNFP.Accelerator.2.3.-.IATI.User.Guide.docxReferenceIATI solution layer entity and attribute reference documentationNFP.Accelerator.-.Volunteer.Management.Metadata.Reference.xlsxReferenceVolunteer solution layer entity and attribute reference Accelerator to Dynamics 365 Finance entity/attribute mapping referenceNFP.Accelerator.2.3.-.Package.Deployer.Guide.docxReferenceAdministrative guide for installing GitHub solutions with Dynamics 365 Package DeployerNFP Accelerator v2.3.3.0-Program.Design.Walkthrough.Guide.docx.Referencev2.3 Program Design app user walk through guideNFP Accelerator-v2.3.3.0 ProgramDesignDataMap.xlsxReferencev2.3 Program Design app user walk through guideNonprofitAccelerator_Release.Notes_2_3_3_0.docxReferencev2.3 Release notesNPF.Accelerator.2.3.-.Sales.Metadata.Reference.xlsxReferenceSales layer entity and attribute reference documentationNFP.Accelerator.2.3.-.Setup.Trial.Nonprofit.Accelerator.Environment.docxReferenceEnd user/partner guide that walks through the steps necessary for a successful 30-day Dynamics 365 trialNFP.Accelerator.2.3.-.Walk.Through.docxReferencev2.3 Nonprofit Accelerator user walk through guideNFP.Accelerator.2.3.-.Nonprofit.Reference.docxReferenceMeasurement entity and attribute reference documentationNFP.Accelerator.2.3.-.Measurement.Admin.Guide.docxReferenceAdministrative guide for installing logframes and automated workflows for measurement librariesNonprofitOperationsToolkit_AdminGuide_1_1_3_4.docxReferenceAdministrative guide for installing Nonprofit Operations ToolkitNonprofitOperationsToolkit_DemoGuide_1_1_3_4.pptxReferenceDemo guide for Nonprofit Operations ToolkitMapping GuideThe mapping guide originally released with V2.0 has been updated to include the CDM enhancements included in V2.3. This guide facilitates creation of data element mapping between the CDM and distinct data models and creation of connectors between the CDM and external applications, services, and data sources.The document is available on GitHub here: ................

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