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Govern 365 – End User GuideA Product by NetwovenUser GuideDOCUMENT VERSION 1.0NoticesThis document is classified as “Customer Ready” and is intended for use by Govern 365 customers only.This document is subject to change at any time and is contingent on the evolution of the product. Changes shall be made at the sole discretion of Netwoven. This document is included as Govern 365 “SaaS Materials”.This document and the solution it describes are protected by copyrights in accordance with applicable laws. Copyright ? Netwoven Inc 2019. All rights reserved.Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 1Introduction PAGEREF _Toc30421616 \h 41.1Scope PAGEREF _Toc30421617 \h 41.2Target Readership PAGEREF _Toc30421618 \h 41.3Related Documents PAGEREF _Toc30421619 \h 42Overview PAGEREF _Toc30421620 \h 42.1About Govern 365 PAGEREF _Toc30421621 \h 42.2Govern 365 Login PAGEREF _Toc30421622 \h 52.2.1Launch Govern 365 PAGEREF _Toc30421623 \h 52.2.2Log in to Govern 365 PAGEREF _Toc30421624 \h 53Home Page PAGEREF _Toc30421625 \h 63.1Home Page Navigation Menu PAGEREF _Toc30421626 \h 73.2Dashboard PAGEREF _Toc30421627 \h 74Submit a New Request PAGEREF _Toc30421628 \h 94.1Welcome PAGEREF _Toc30421629 \h 104.2Request Details PAGEREF _Toc30421630 \h 114.3Confirm PAGEREF _Toc30421631 \h 125Help PAGEREF _Toc30421632 \h 136Content Lifecycle Management PAGEREF _Toc30421633 \h 146.1Approval Workflow Tasks PAGEREF _Toc30421634 \h 146.1.1Getting to Workflow Tasks PAGEREF _Toc30421635 \h 146.1.2Workflow Tasks Dashboard PAGEREF _Toc30421636 \h 156.1.3Workflow Actions PAGEREF _Toc30421637 \h 156.2Content Lifecycle Management Tasks PAGEREF _Toc30421638 \h 166.2.1Getting to My Content Lifecycle Tasks PAGEREF _Toc30421639 \h 166.2.1My Content Life Cycle Tasks PAGEREF _Toc30421640 \h 176.2.2Ownership Recertification Task PAGEREF _Toc30421641 \h 186.2.3Metadata Recertification Task PAGEREF _Toc30421642 \h 226.2.4User Permission/ membership Recertification Task PAGEREF _Toc30421643 \h 237Appendix: PAGEREF _Toc30421644 \h 267.1List of Figures PAGEREF _Toc30421645 \h 267.2List of Tables PAGEREF _Toc30421646 \h 27IntroductionGovern 365 is a product that supports its subscribers in maintaining the right balance between administrative control and user empowerment within Office 365. To most users (non-admins) however, its main function is to facilitate the process of requesting new Office 365 containers to share content and collaborate within. Govern 365 provides a powerful and customizable provisioning wizard built on Office 365 and Azure to help achieve just this. Additionally, the users will be able to take action against the tasks assigned to them for approving a container or recertification of a container for its users roles, permissions and metadata.ScopeThe scope of this document is to present and describe the user interface and functionality available in Govern 365 for non-admin users.Target ReadershipThis document is primarily addressed to:Office 365 Content Owners & UsersRelated DocumentsGovern 365 Product DatasheetGovern 365 Administrator's GuideOverviewAbout Govern 365Govern 365, aimed at making the most of your Office 365 investment, helps avoid common governance pitfalls such as lack of automation, slow IT turnaround times, inadequate audit trails, proliferation and sprawl.Provisioning is central to the governance process - it is where the enactment of your governance policies begins. You can institute fine-grained governance policies with minimal administrative burden through automation, pre-configured forms and ern 365 makes content finding easier, simplifies the process to clean stale content, helps select the right tool for content management and collaboration and lessens the dependency on IT to make operations more efficient.It also allows users to participate in the business processes of approval and recertification of various containers seamlessly.The key benefits for the end users are:Assistance with the selection of the right tools for the job without requiring the user to have an Office 365 PhDCreation of new containers automatically and seamlessly reducing time and complexityEasy and effective archival and disposal of stale dataTemplate based creation of containers reducing dependency on ITTask based completion of business processes as and when assigned to themGovern 365 LoginGovern 365 is an Office 365 App. It is made available to all users through the Office 365 App Launcher or “Waffle” control in the top left-hand corner of your screen within Office 365.Launch Govern 365If you don’t see the application pinned to your launcher, then click on “All apps”, scroll down to the “Other” section, select the “Provisioning Requests” app, right click on it and pin it to your Office 365 App Launcher. Once pinned to your launcher, you should see REF _Ref2784581 \h Figure 1.1771650258445Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC1: Govern 365 AppStep 1: Click on “Provisioning Requests”.Step 2: This will launch the Provisioning tool and you should see the landing page as Govern 365 Dashboard.N.B: Alternatively, you can directly open the application by clicking on the link given by your administrator as applicable in your installation. As an example, it may typically look like in to Govern 365Step 1: You will see the Welcome Page ( REF _Ref2120506 \h Figure 2) after launching the application. Click on “Log in” Option at the top right corner, furnish your credentials and you will be directed to the Govern 365 Dashboard. If you are already logged in to Office 365, then you should be automatically taken to the Dashboard.0191770Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC2: Welcome ScreenHome PageThe home page contains a simple menu bar and a dashboard showing all existing provisioning requests submitted by you along with their statuses as shown in REF _Ref2201361 \h Figure 3.0186055Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 3: DashboardHome Page Navigation MenuThe menu bar has a short menu hierarchy as given in REF _Ref3997017 \h Table 1Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC1: Home Page MenuMenu ItemSub Menu ItemDescriptionGovern 365This is will take you back to the Provisioning DashboardProvisioning RequestsSubmit a New RequestCreate a new provisioning requestWorkflow TasksIf any provisioning request submitted by any other user requires an approval and you are assigned the role of an approver for that request, then you will see all the workflow tasks associated with you and be able to take action.HelpProvides a link to download this user guideWelcomeLog outWill log you out(shown in REF _Ref2170550 \h Figure 4)RoleDisplays the status of logged in user as a (non-admin) user or an admin userUser NameShows the complete user login ID28575171450Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC4: Account Welcome MenuDashboardThe Dashboard panel ( REF _Ref2201361 \h Figure 3) displays a log of all Provisioning Requests created by you along with a small (+) button for creating a new provisioning request. The dashboard table has the following columns:Title This is the Title of the requested container (e.g. Site Collection/ Sub Site, O365 Group, Yammer Group, Microsoft Team, etc.) to be provisioned.StatusThis field can show different values for the current status of the request as given in REF _Ref4021468 \h Table 2.Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC2: Status ValuesStatusDescriptionDraftIndicates that you chose “Save As Draft” option while creating a new provisioning request without submitting it right away. This allows you to save details of your request so that you can come back and complete it later.SubmittedIndicates that you have submitted a new request. A request in this status is typically going through a pre-provisioning business process, like an approval.PendingIf your organization has not implemented workflows and auto approval is enabled, the request is directly moved from Submitted to Pending Status. If your organization has implemented workflows, the request status is changed from “Submitted” to “Pending” once it is complete. The request will only be picked up by the engine for provisioning when the status is “Pending”.RunningDuring the provisioning process request status is changed to “Running”.ProvisionedWhen the request has been successfully provisioned.FailedWhen the request does not succeed during the provisioning process for any reason, the status changes to “Failed” with an error code. The request will be retried 3 times to work around any situational errors prior to it entering Failed status. If the retries do not fix the issue, the error code can be viewed as shown in REF _Ref2178976 \h Figure 5, by clicking on the “view details” icon under the action column. It is recommended that you raise a support request to your IT department for any persisting errors. Your IT department will troubleshoot the error and reach out to the Govern 365 support team for any additional help.-180975196850Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC5: Provisioning Request in ErrorOwnerThis displays the name of the user who requested for the site provisioning.CreatedThis displays the date and time when the user submitted or created the request. This has a toggle for rearranging the records in ascending or descending order of timestamps.Action On hovering the mouse under the action column, below icon appears.1603375111760 View details On clicking the above icon, depending on the status of the item being draft/ not provisioned/ not approved, a facility for deleting the item will be available as given in REF _Ref3333299 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Figure 6.121285219075Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 6: Delete a RequestSubmit a New RequestThe process of submitting a new request begins either by clicking on “Submit a New Request” under the “Provisioning Requests” tab or by clicking on the (+) button (on the Dashboard Header) as shown in REF _Ref2175804 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Figure 7. Clicking either of these will direct you to the Provisioning Wizard.Please Note: Govern 365 is deployed into each customer environment with a templatized set of forms that the wizard uses to guide users through the provisioning process. Your IT Administrator will tailor the configuration to meet the unique requirements of your business (which questions to ask, in which order, which workloads & templates are available, which fields are required, etc.). The remainder of this section illustrates examples and speaks to the general process, however, expect that your environment will differ in places from this document due to your organization’s unique configuration. The general concept though is that this wizard-based process should be intuitive enough that you should be able to complete the process with the help of the on-screen help and cuesFor the purpose of illustration, we shall describe three sub-sections, namely, Welcome, Request Details and Confirm Submission with some typical screen shots and brief explanations of what you may expect in your own installation.WelcomeThis is the place where you will be asked to answer few simple questions aimed at capturing the intended use of the container that you are requesting. As mentioned in the note above, these questions will be intuitive and self-explanatory and will always be created by your administrator. The following screen shots are given below as an example.13970196215Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC7: New Provisioning RequestFigure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC8: Choose Provisioning Type0143510-142875223520Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC9: Option of engaging with visiting UsersRequest DetailsIn this section, you have to specify certain nominal but essential information so that your desired container can be created. A host of other attributes will automatically be determined by the wizard and will be put in as defaults. The set of details that you need to specify may include the title and description of the site and the site collection, why you need the site, the primary URL, your functional or departmental belonging and may be a few compliance checkboxes in terms of agreement to statutory guidelines.For example, if you chose to share authoritative content with the entire organization or a large portion of it and subsequently chose to not have a conversation medium for engaging with users visiting your site, the Request Details screen as shown in REF _Ref4029186 \h Figure 11, would appear.-21336021971000Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC10: Request DetailsAfter filling up the request details as per your chosen template, you can either Save the form as Draft or proceed with Final Submission (refer to REF _Ref4023484 \h Table 3).Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC3: Request Details action buttonsButtonDescriptionSave as DraftThis button will save the request without actually submitting it for provisioning. On saving, you will be redirected to the Dashboard page with a success message on the top right corner. You can come back to the request to complete it whenever you are ready.NextClicking on this button takes you to the next screen; you will be directed to the Confirm page for final submission of the request.ConfirmThe Confirm step of the provisioning process performs a final set of validations against the information you have provided. If any issues are found, you will be prompted to address them, and will be highlighted with a red cross on your left navigation pane. Otherwise, you will be able to click the submit button to submit the request for processing.Please Note: Depending on the specific configuration for your organization, the request will either go directly to the Provisioning Engine for processing or it may require going through a pre-provisioning business process prior to being submitted. This configuration is template specific. As an example, many organizations will implement an approval process and / or training process that requires department owner approval prior to the creation of an intranet Communications site (used for publishing authoritative information), however a request for a new MS Team for collaboration will typically process immediately.“Submit” Button: On clicking this ( REF _Ref414809225 \h Figure 11) your request will be submitted to the system for provisioning. Please note that once submitted, the request cannot be edited. However, you can view the details of the request submitted. After submission of the request, you will be redirected to the Dashboard. Recently submitted requests will be visible on the top of the Dashboard panel.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC11: Final Confirmation190501513HelpThe Help section provides you with the User Guide. You can directly download it in your preferred format (PDF, DOC etc).29183282102Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC12: HelpContent Lifecycle ManagementGovern 365 allows the end users to take part in content lifecycle management activities based on the assignments made to them by the administrator. A business user may be assigned an approval workflow task during provisioning of a container or a recertification task to authorize ownership, membership, permissions and also may be for validating metadata of a container.Approval Workflow TasksIf your organization has any pre-provisioning business process, then Govern 365 would take care of it by implementing an automated workflow created for your organization. In such cases, for any provisioning request, an appropriate workflow will run and if you were a part of an Approver Group, workflow tasks would be assigned to you for Approval. The Workflow Task dashboard displays the tasks that have been assigned to you.Getting to Workflow TasksYou will find the workflow tasks assigned to you under the Provisioning Request menu in the Dashboard as given REF _Ref414743529 \h Figure 13.0167640Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC13: Workflow TasksWorkflow Tasks DashboardOn clicking the Workflow Task menu from the dropdown under "Provisioning Requests", a task dashboard appears where you can take the requisite actions.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 14: Workflow Tasks-68580236855 DashboardThe Workflow Tasks dashboard displays the tasks that have been assigned to you and includes the following columns to help with processing the requests:Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC4: Workflow Tasks DetailsColumnDescriptionIDThis is the?Id of the task as assigned to you by workflow.TitleThis is the?title of the Provisioning Request by which it may be identified.Assigned ToOnly the tasks assigned to you will be displayed. Hence, you would see only your name in this column all the time. However, the administrator would use the same dashboard to see the tasks assigned to all other users and for him the assigned to column may reflect different approver names.Workflow ActionsOn right clicking the Item under Title, a floating menu would appear containing three?buttons as?"Close",?"Approve"?and "Reject" as shown in REF _Ref414745099 \h Figure 15.(Note: To review the?details of the provisioning?request before approving, you can click on?the "Details"?icon available against each entry on the rightmost column?and decide to approve or reject the task.)109220207645Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC15: Workflow ActionsHere you could take the appropriate action by clicking on “Approve” or “Reject” button based on your decision after reviewing the request details.(Note: There could be multiple parallel tasks for an item and if anyone among the parallel assignees approves the task, the task gets completed as is the nature of parallel workflow tasks.)Content Lifecycle Management TasksAs part of the content lifecycle management activity, Govern 365 supports an automated recertification process to empower organization to be able to validate the sanctity of Office 365 containers such as Site collection, Sub Site, O365 Groups, Teams. During recertification process the containers will be certified for its ownership, provisioning metadata and user permissions periodically at a certain interval of time. This ensures the containers’ maintainability, security and compliance. Once a recertification policy is activated, recertification approval tasks are generated and the containers owners are notified. Thereafter, users as assignee of such tasks, can take requisite actions and complete the given task using Govern 365 interface.Getting to My Content Lifecycle TasksYou will find the content lifecycle tasks assigned to you under the Content Lifecycle Management menu in the top navigation as shown in the following figure.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 16: My Content lifecycle Task MenuMy Content Life Cycle TasksOnce the above menu is clicked, user gets to see all the recertification tasks assigned to him as below.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 17: My content Life cycle TasksEach task includes the following columns to indicate the details of the task.Table 5: Recertification Task DetailsColumnDescriptionTask TitleThis is the?title of the container with a hyperlink to go to Task Details)Due DateDue date by which the task needs to be completed ScopeContainer Type i.e. Teams, O35 Group, SharePoint Site/ subsite Recertification TypeType of the recertification task – Metadata, User Permission, OwnershipDate CreatedTask Creation Date Task Status Recertification Task Status (Currently only “In Progress” is shown)The controls available in this screen are described below.Search textbox enables the user to filter the task list. A text entered in this box will automatically filter and display only the associated tasks by matching the given string across all columns. Select All button on top will select all the displayed tasks for a bulk operation.Recertify button will actually complete all the selected tasks at one go. It is recommended that the user should actually review all the tasks details before clicking this button because this would be bulk operation on all the selected tasks and the action cannot be undone once the tasks are recertified. Clear all Filters button helps user to clear out any filter if applied and shows all the tasks.There could be few types of recertification tasks and are described below. This is based on the values shown under the Recertification Type column in the task table.Ownership Recertification TaskOn clicking the hyperlink under task title column where recertification type is ownership the following task screen will appear. Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 18: Ownership Recertification TaskThe top information bar on each type of task helps the user about the actions that need to be taken on the task. On the ownership recertification task screen it shows the relevant information regarding the targeted container that needs to be recertified. The field items are as follows.Recertification Scope:?Shows the scope of the container i.e. SharePoint Site /Subsite/ Teams/ O365 groupsContainer Name:?Title of the ContainerDate Created:?Task Creation DateView Container: Link to the home page of the container’s SharePoint linked site. Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 19: Task screen top barThe following are the details In the table shown in the screen.Table 6: Ownership recertification task – List of OwnersColumnDescriptionContainer OwnersName of the Owner of the containerOwner EmailEmail address of the container ActionButton to remove any existing owner from owner role. Remember this will not remove the user from the site collection completely. rather will demote the user permission from a owner to a member accessOn clicking Add Owner button a pop-up box will open up where one or more owners can be added to the targeted container. The following figures explain the other details of this task screen.Figure 20: Add Owner Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 21: Task Screen buttonsBack Button: Will take user back to the My Recertification Tasks pageReset Button: Will refresh the current viewReassign Button: On clicking the Reassign button a new popup modal dialog box will open where user can reassign the ownership recertification task to any other user.Figure 22: ReassignRecertify Button: This button will complete the recertification taskMetadata Recertification TaskOn clicking the hyperlink under task title column where recertification type is metadata the following task screen will appear. Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 23: Metadata Recertification TaskOn the metadata recertification task screen again, it shows the relevant information regarding the targeted container that needs to be recertified. The field items are as follows.Recertification Scope:?Shows the scope of the container i.e. SharePoint Site /Subsite/ Teams/ O365 groupsContainer Name:?Title of the ContainerDate Created:?Task Creation DateView Container: Link to the home page of the container’s SharePoint linked site.Within the form section in the screen, all the certifiable provisioning metadata, as may have been configured by the administrator, will appear for recertification.User can change the values of the current metadata if needed and on clicking Update Metadata button all the modified values of the metadata will be updated for the said container.Back Button: Will take user back to the My Recertification Tasks page Reset Button: Will refresh the current view.Reassign Button: On clicking the Reassign button a new popup modal dialog box will open where user can reassign the metadata recertification task to any other user.Recertify Button: This button will complete the task recertification.User Permission/ membership Recertification TaskOn clicking the hyperlink under task title column where recertification type is user permission/membership the following task screen will appear. This is about validating the memberships of the users and associated permissions attached to the said container. It will also show any List or Library if it has been given any unique permission. The following are the details of this task screen.Figure 24: User Permission/ membership Recertification TaskOn the user permission/membership task screen again, it shows the relevant information regarding the targeted container that needs to be recertified. The field items are as follows.Recertification Scope:?Shows the scope of the container i.e. SharePoint Site /Subsite/ Teams/ O365 groupsContainer Name:?Title of the ContainerDate Created:?Task Creation DateView Container: Link to the home page of the container’s SharePoint linked site.Within the form section of the screen, two separate sections will be shown which may be expanded by clicking on them to reveal the corresponding details. These are Review Membership-Permission and Review List/Library Level Permissions.Review Membership-Permission: There will be different screens under this section depending on the container type.For O365 groups and Teams a grid view will appear where all the owners and members are listed. User have the option to remove user.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 25: Membership permissionFor Site and subsite user will be redirected to native SharePoint user permission page which will open in a new browser tab. User can modify permission there directly and then close that tab to comeback to the task page to complete the recertification task. All changes made there will automatically be recorded.Review List/Library Level PermissionsFigure26: List/Library level PermissionsIf any List or Library Level permission is broken from its parent container permission, then that list and library will be displayed under this section with an appropriate link to that list or library permission page. User can visit that list and library permission page and edit any permission that may be required.The buttons on the base task screen are as follows.Add Owner-Member Button: Clicking this button will open a modal window where user can assign a new Owner/Member for containerBack Button: Will take user back to the My Recertification Tasks page Reset Button: Will refresh the current view.Reassign Button: On clicking the Reassign button a new popup modal dialog box will open where user can reassign the task to any other user.Recertify Button: This button will complete the recertification taskAppendix:List of Figures TOC \c "Figure" Figure 1: Govern 365 App PAGEREF _Toc30422430 \h 5Figure 2: Welcome Screen PAGEREF _Toc30422431 \h 5Figure 3: Dashboard PAGEREF _Toc30422432 \h 6Figure 4: Account Welcome Menu PAGEREF _Toc30422433 \h 7Figure 5: Provisioning Request in Error PAGEREF _Toc30422434 \h 8Figure 6: Delete a Request PAGEREF _Toc30422435 \h 9Figure 7: New Provisioning Request PAGEREF _Toc30422436 \h 10Figure 8: Choose Provisioning Type PAGEREF _Toc30422437 \h 10Figure 9: Option of engaging with visiting Users PAGEREF _Toc30422438 \h 11Figure 10: Request Details PAGEREF _Toc30422439 \h 12Figure 11: Final Confirmation PAGEREF _Toc30422440 \h 13Figure 12: Help PAGEREF _Toc30422441 \h 13Figure 13: Workflow Tasks PAGEREF _Toc30422442 \h 14Figure 14: Workflow Tasks Dashboard PAGEREF _Toc30422443 \h 15Figure 15: Workflow Actions PAGEREF _Toc30422444 \h 16Figure 16: My Content lifecycle Task Menu PAGEREF _Toc30422445 \h 17Figure 17: My content Life cycle Tasks PAGEREF _Toc30422446 \h 17Figure 18: Ownership Recertification Task PAGEREF _Toc30422447 \h 19Figure 19: Task screen top bar PAGEREF _Toc30422448 \h 20Figure 21: Task Screen buttons PAGEREF _Toc30422449 \h 21Figure 23: Metadata Recertification Task PAGEREF _Toc30422450 \h 22Figure 25: Membership permission PAGEREF _Toc30422451 \h 24List of Tables TOC \h \z \c "Table" Table 1: Home Page Menu PAGEREF _Toc30422453 \h 7Table 2: Status Values PAGEREF _Toc30422454 \h 8Table 3: Request Details action buttons PAGEREF _Toc30422455 \h 12Table 4: Workflow Tasks Details PAGEREF _Toc30422456 \h 15 ................

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