Getting started with Publisher

Getting started with Publisher

Practical workbook

The following hidden text contains instructions for using this template. It can be toggled on and off using a button on the Macro toolbar. If the Macro toolbar is not showing, right click on a tool bar and select ‘Macros’ from the list. Hidden text will not print even if it is showing at the time of printing and does not affect the position of your main text. If you work with formatting marks on, the toggle button will remove them. Click the Show/Hide button to see them again.

Aims and Learning Objectives

By the end of this course you will be able to:

• Create a publication

• Add text and tables

• Work with frames

• Add graphic objects

• Work with multiple pages

Document information

Format conventions

The following format conventions are used in this document:

|Computer input that you type is shown in a bold Courier font | |

|Computer output, menu names and options, buttons, URLs are shown in a |Save, Go to, Refresh |

|Courier font | |

|Text that you must replace is shown in italics |Enter your username |

|Computer keys that you must press are in a bold Courier font and |, , , |

|enclosed in angle brackets | |

|Notes are displayed in a shaded area for example |Example text like this |

|instructions for users of other software versions. | |

Related documentation

Other related documents are available from the web at:


To update the contents list, right click on the list and choose update field and then Update entire table.

To leave out the Heading 3 styles, go to Insert/Index and Tables/Table of Contents, and change the levels box to 2. Then say ‘Yes’ to replace the TOC.

Related documentation

Task 1 The Publisher screen 1

Open Publisher 1

The Catalog screen 1

Differences between Publisher and Word screens 2

Task 2 Looking at a publication 4

Open an existing publication 4

Frames 4

Moving and resizing objects 4

Using the Quick Wizard to change your publication 5

Task 3 Creating a publication from scratch 7

Start a blank publication 7

Using the publication wizard 8

Setup your guides 8

Task 4 Creating a template 10

Create a text frame 10

Format the text 10

Add a logo 10

Create the borders 11

Set up your background 11

Create a re-usable template 12

Use a template for a new publication 12

Task 5 Working with text 13

Copy and paste 13

Importing text 13

Hyphenation 15

Task 6 Further formatting 16

Using text styles 16

Frame styles 17

Task 7 Working with graphics 18

Insert a picture 18

Insert another object 19

Insert a Design Gallery Object 19

Using drawing tools 20

Task 8 Multi-page publications 21

Inserting pages 21

Deleting pages 21

Moving pages 21

Task 9 Creating tables 22

Task 10 Additional exercises 24

Appendix A Sample newsletter A-1


Microsoft Publisher is a desktop publishing application for PCs that allows you to create professional quality newsletters, posters, brochures, fliers, invoices, mailing labels, Web pages and other publications. This course is designed for people new to Publisher 2000 but who are experienced with the design features of Word. It introduces the main functions of Publisher, for example, creating a publication, working with multiple pages and frames, adding text, tables and graphics. It also includes working with templates and styles and importing data from other Microsoft packages. The course does not cover graphic design skills or University style guidelines.


You should have attended the following courses:

Getting started with Word (CC1SWW)

Further Word (CC2NWF)

This course is based on the assumption that you understand and can use the design features of Word covered on the above courses – styles in particular. The course adapts those features for use with Publisher, so a thorough understanding of them is essential. If you wish to refresh your Word skills, further documents from Word courses are available on the web at the URL in the Related Documentation section.

1 The Publisher screen

• To look at the Publisher screen and note differences between Publisher and Word.

Open Publisher

1. From the Windows desktop, click Start/Programs/Publisher.

The Catalog screen

2. When Publisher opens, the Catalog screen is shown by default. It offers you the choice of creating a publication with the help of a Wizard: Publications by Wizard or Publications by Design. Or to start from scratch, choose Blank Publications.

➢ Click on the cross on the top right corner of the Catalog to close it.

➢ To stop it automatically appearing every time you open Publisher, click on Tools/Options/General, and de-select Use Catalog at startup.

➢ To create a new publication using the Catalog (if you have de-selected it on startup) use File/New.

➢ To close the Catalog screen click the Exit Catalog button.

Differences between Publisher and Word screens

The editing area

3. There are two main new elements to the Publisher screen that differ from Word:

On the left

On the left is a Quick Publication Wizard. This enables you to change many design elements of your publication, and your Personal Information once you have created it. To leave more room for your editing area, you can toggle the Quick Wizard off using the Hide Wizard button (below Wizard screen) or on again with the Show Wizard button.

On the right is the main publication page. You cannot type directly onto this page. This is one of the major differences between Publisher and Word - everything you add to the Publisher page has to be placed into a frame of some kind.

Menu bar differences

4. All the menu lists have additional commands.

➢ Click on File, then roll your mouse along the menu bar, stopping on each menu to see the different commands in the dropdown boxes.

Toolbar differences

5. Click on View/Toolbars and you will see that in Publisher only 4 toolbars are listed. Other toolbars will appear depending on the context of what you are doing.

6. The following are the 3 main toolbars, with the additional buttons marked:

N The formatting toolbar only becomes available once you have created something to format.

2 Looking at a publication

• To explore the objects in an existing publication.

• An object is anything that can be moved around and repositioned on your workspace, for example, Text, Clip Art, WordArt, shapes, pictures, tables.

Open an existing publication

7. Open the file C:\User\Publisher\ (Say No to saving the existing publication.) This publication has been created using the Catalog, with the Newsletter\Kids Stuff option, without any other modifications.

N When you open a publication that has been created on another pc, you will probably get a warning similar to the following: The publication has been set up using a different printer and the program resets to printer for the currently installed one. It may make some slight differences to the print area.

➢ Click on Hide Wizard at the bottom of the screen to give more room to look at the publication. We will use the Wizard later.

➢ This publication has 4 pages. Look at the bottom of the screen to see and move between pages.

➢ If you cannot see page 2 and 3 together, click on View/Two-Page Spread. Note that the first and last pages of a publication will only show as single pages.


8. A frame is a container used to hold an object.

• Most objects have to be placed within a frame

• The type of frame used is dependant on the type of object to be placed within it

• Frames are moveable and resizable and can be aligned on a page using guides and /or rulers and /or other objects

Moving and resizing objects

Try out the following:

9. To move an object around:

➢ Move the pointer over the object until you see the removal lorry icon. Click and drag it to another location.

10. To re-size an object:

➢ Select it – square handles appear on the edges and corners of the object.

➢ Hover the mouse over a handle until it becomes a double-ended Resize pointer.

➢ Drag in, out, up or down with the mouse. Using a corner handle will re-size vertically and horizontally at the same time, to maintain proportions.

11. The grey area around your publication is called the scratch area. This can be used as a temporary store for objects you want to move onto other pages. All the above methods can be used in the scratch area. (See Figure 6 - the scratch area showing objects from several pages).

➢ Drag one of the pictures onto the scratch area.

If you copy and paste an object already on the scratch area, the copy will be pasted on top of the existing object, ready to be dragged elsewhere.

One advantage of using the scratch area instead of a straight cut and paste is that you can drag from the scratch area to any position you want.

12. Practice all the above using the publication.

13. Go to File/Close and close the publication without saving it.

N Note that using the ‘(’ in top right corner of screen would completely close the Publisher program, as only one file can be open in Publisher at a time.

Using the Quick Wizard to change your publication

14. Reopen to start again with the original file.

15. Make sure the Wizard is showing (Click the Show Wizard button at the bottom of the screen).

This Wizard can be used to make changes to an existing publication. It will vary according to the type of publication you have open. This one is the Newsletter Wizard.

➢ Click on Design and choose a different design from the list below. Notice how the layout varies, as well as the graphics.

➢ Click on Color Scheme. The highlighted one is the current one. Try out some different schemes.

➢ Click on Inside Page Content. You must be looking at an inside page for this option to be available. Choose Right (or Left) Inside Page. Here you can add an object to your page but Publisher may remove something to fit it in. Try adding different objects on each side to see the effect. Adding a second object may automatically remove another if it doesn’t fit on the page.

➢ Click on Number of Columns. Note that you can change left and right pages separately. Try changing the number of columns on the pages.

➢ The next 3 options give you a chance to Insert Pages, add space for a Customer Address, or choose One or Two Sided Printing.

➢ Click on Update to personalise your Primary Business details. Here, you can edit any contact details you may want to use in your publications. Click on Update again when you have finished.

3 Creating a publication from scratch

• To create a new publication and set up the page and guidelines.

Start a blank publication

16. Click on File/New and then choose the Blank Publications tab from the Catalog screen.

➢ Choose the Book Fold design and click the Create button.

➢ Say No to saving changes.

➢ Click Yes to the next message: Automatically insert pages?

17. Click on File/Page Setup.

➢ Look at the Publication Layout options here with their previews. (They are different to the options in Word.)

➢ End by setting the options to Special Fold, Book Fold and Landscape. The page sizes will depend on the paper your printer is set up to use. For A4 leave them as they are. Click OK.

➢ You should now have a screen like the one below:

Using the publication wizard

18. Still in Foreground view:

➢ Make sure the Quick Wizard is showing on the screen. Notice that the options available may have changed.

➢ While on Page 1, click on Layout in the Wizard box. This allows you to choose a layout for the page you are currently on. Try out the options.

➢ Move on to Page 2. Note that the Design and Layout options are not available here, as these can only be set up from Page 1.

➢ Go back to Page 1 and choose No layout.

➢ Click on Design. Look at some of the designs available from the list below. For this task choose Blank design.

➢ Choose a color scheme. The one used for this publication is Navy. You will not see the colours take effect, though, until we add some content to the publication.

Setup your guides

Guides are lines to help you to place or line up objects accurately. Once set, they will appear with every page, keeping your publication consistent.

They only show on the screen and will not print.

It is useful to set your guides before you begin, although you can change them later.

There are two types of guides:

Layout guides

19. Click on Arrange/Layout Guides.

➢ Set the margins for your guides (shown in pink). For this publication set all margins to 1.5cm.

➢ Under Grid Guides, set the number of columns and/or rows (shown in blue). For this publication use 2 columns and 1 row.

➢ Decide if you want Mirrored Guides. For this publication leave the box ticked and click OK.

N When you check the Mirrored Guides option, the right and left margin options become Inside and Outside. You will only be able to see the mirror effect if you have chosen different inside and outside margin sizes, or uneven column widths (see below).

20. To adjust the Layout Guides when set as above:

➢ Click on View / Go to background. (Layout guides can only be moved in background view).

➢ Hold down the key and drag the middle vertical guide. You will see the line extended to the ruler so it is easy to be exact. Drag it back to the centre, at 7.2cm.

Ruler guides

21. Ruler guides are horizontal or vertical guide lines shown in green. They extend onto the ruler while you are setting them, making it easy to line them up accurately. Ruler guides are set for the page you are currently on and can be set in background or foreground view.

➢ Click on Arrange/Ruler Guides.

➢ Choose Add Horizontal Ruler Guide.

Your screen now shows a green ruler guide.

➢ To adjust this guide, hold down the key and drag it with the mouse. Set it at 2cm from the top.

4 Creating a template

• To create a consistent style to repeat publications.

• In this exercise you will set up all the objects and layouts, and then create a template that can be used again for future publications.

Create a text frame

22. Create a heading:

➢ In Foreground view, start on page 1.

➢ Click on the text box button on the objects toolbar.

➢ Draw a box at the top of your page, starting above the guidelines, and stretch it to about three-quarters of the way across the page.

➢ Type the heading Travel Club News into the text box you have created. Highlight the text and format it to French Script MT, 48 pt italics.

➢ Draw a smaller text box below the first one.

➢ Type January 2004 in this textbox. Highlight the text and format it to French Script MT, 24 pt italics.

➢ Re-size both text boxes to fit the text, and line them up to the right hand guide, placing the heading above and the date below the green ruler guide.

Format the text

23. Highlight and format the text using the usual buttons on the toolbar.

Please note:

• There are two extra buttons (shown above left) for resizing the text quickly

• The Font Color and Fill Color buttons offer you a choice of colours from your chosen scheme first. This will give some consistency of style. Alternatively, you can choose from More Colors or Fill Effects.

➢ Format your font color, choosing one of your scheme colours.

• As all the text is in a frame, you can choose to give it a border, using the Line/Border style button. The Line Color button also offers your Scheme Colors first, or More Colors.

➢ Try changing the color scheme and notice the effect.

Add a logo

24. Make sure you are still on Page 1, with nothing selected.

➢ Click on Insert/Picture/From File and choose: C:\User\Publisher\logo.

➢ Move the picture to the top left corner of the page, and re-size it to fit in the heading area as shown in the example.

➢ Save your publication as Travel, in the folder C:\User\Publisher. Publisher will prompt you to save your document every 15 minutes. You can change this option in Tools/Options/User Assistance.

Create the borders

25. The blue borders in the main heading of this example were created using the Rectangle drawing tool.

➢ Click on the Rectangle Tool and drag a long, thin rectangle right across the width of the page.

➢ Use the Fill button and choose a colour from the Color Schemes. (See 7.4 if you need help).

Set up your background

26. Click on View/Go to Background.

The background is an extra layer in your publication that you can only change in Background view. Everything on the background page will appear throughout your publication, except that:

If you are using mirrored pages, you will need to see a 2-page spread in your background and to set up both the left- and right-hand page. Otherwise, the objects will appear on only the odd, or only the even pages.

➢ If you can only see one page on your background, click on View/Two-Page Spread now.

➢ If you cannot see the layout guides, click on View / Show Boundaries and Guides.

➢ Insert a text box in the bottom left corner of the left-hand page. Click on Insert/Page Numbers. You will see a # sign appear which is the code for an automatic page number. Re-size to fit.

➢ Now click on View/Go to Foreground and notice that you can only see the page number objects on your left hand pages.

➢ Return to background view. Copy and paste the object and drag it across to the right-hand page, in the bottom right hand corner.

➢ On the left-hand page, add text boxes at the top and create headings for Travel Club News and January 2004. Format these to French Script MT, 24pt italics.

➢ To align text, select both text boxes and go to Format/Align Text Vertically. Choose from Top, Centre or Bottom.

➢ You can also Group Objects by clicking the Group button.

➢ Return to foreground view.

Create a re-usable template

27. If you may want to use a design more than once you can create a template that can be used whenever you start a new publication.

➢ Click on File/Save As. Change the Save as type to Publisher Template and give your template a name. Notice that it automatically saves your correct templates folder.

N Everything that is currently in your publication will be in your template, not just the background page. Normally you need to make sure that only objects you want in every publication are showing when you save a template.

Use a template for a new publication

28. Click on File/New to open the Catalog.

➢ Click on the Template button (below the Wizards list) and you will find your template listed.

➢ Select your template and click Open.

➢ Your new publication is now ready to edit, with the existing design and objects already available.

➢ Save the file, giving it your own name, under C:\User\Publisher.

5 Working with text

• To add text objects, format text and link frames together.

• Some pieces of text are too long to fit into one frame. Text frames can be linked to allow the text to flow from one into another - whether on the same page, or to continue onto another page.

29. Use the new document started in 4.7.

30. You can enter text into a text box in several ways:

• Type directly into the box, as you did for the heading in task 4.1

• Copy and paste text from somewhere else in the publication, or from another file or Microsoft application

• Import text – for example from a Word document

Copy and paste

31. To copy and paste text from an existing Word document onto Page 1:

➢ Keep Publisher open.

➢ From the Start button, open Word and open the file: C:\User\Publisher\Page1a_text.

➢ Copy this paragraph and go back to your Publisher document.

➢ On Page 1 create a text box in the first column, starting at the top and stretching to about half way down the page.

➢ Paste your text into it. If you get an Autoflow message, say No.

➢ Re-size the text box to exactly fit the text.

➢ Click anywhere in the paragraph and press + to set 1.5 line spacing.

Importing text

32. To import text from Word you will need to create a text box before you import.

➢ On Page 1 of your publication, create a text box in the second column as per the example.

➢ Click on Insert/Text File, find C:\User\Publisher\Page 1b_text and click OK. The file will import into your text box. Re-size it to fit the text, if necessary.

33. Turn to page 2 of your publication and create another text box in the middle of the first column. Make it about half the length of the column.

➢ Import the file C:\User\Publisher\Page2_text and you should see the following two messages:

➢ Click on Yes to this first message:

➢ Click No to the second message: Do you want Publisher to automatically create text frames?

Notice at the bottom of the text box is an [pic]. This is telling you there is not enough room to show all your text.

If you had said Yes to the second message above, Publisher would have created enough whole-page text boxes to contain all the text.

Having said No, you can create your own text boxes wherever you want them. Use the following method to do this:

➢ Go to page 2 and create another text box at the top of the second column.

➢ Click back in the first text box and then click Tools/Connect text frames. You should see the Connect frames toolbar.

➢ Now click on the first button (the chain link), and then click into your second text box. The mouse pointer changes to a pitcher and your text will flow into the new textbox.

➢ Re-size both text boxes until they are about the same size and you can see all the text, as in the example.

34. Create a text box at the top of page 3, column 1 and Import the file: C:\User\Publisher\Page3_text. Say Yes and then No to the two messages.

35. Create another text box in the lower half of column 2.

➢ Click back in the first text box.

➢ Now click on the first button (the chain link) in the Connect Frames toolbar, and then click into your second text box. The mouse pointer changes to a pitcher and your text will flow into the new textbox. You should still have the overflow sign at the bottom.

36. Turn to page 4 and use the same procedure to add a text box at the top of column 2 and link them together as before.

➢ Right-click in the text box on page 3 column 2 and choose Change Frame/Text Frame Properties.

➢ Put a tick in the the options boxes: Include “Continued on page…” and Include “Continued from page….” Look at the result in the text box.

➢ Repeat this for the text box on page 4.


37. Publisher offers different options for hyphenation of text: None, Automatic hyphenation, or Manual hyphenation (word by word). To access these, right-click on a text box and choose Proofing/Tools/Hyphenation. Experiment with the various options and see how each one affects the space needed for your story. You may need to un-tick Automatic hyphenation to use the Manual option.

N Publisher automatically hyphenates text by default. To change this, go to Tools/Options/Edit.

6 Further formatting

• To look at formatting options in Publisher which differ from those in Word.

• Many formatting options are the same as in Word, but a few differ. Some formatting options are extra and some found in Word are not available at all in Publisher.

Using text styles

38. You will possibly have already used the Styles feature in Word. Styles are available in Publisher but in a slightly different format:

➢ Click on Format/Text Style.

The list of styles (shown above, left) will depend on what you have previously imported. In a new publication where you have just typed in some text, you will only see Normal. In this publication, because you have pasted/imported text that already has a style, the style has been imported with it. You will see a style called Travel_normal on the style list.

➢ Click on the Travel_normal style name, then on Change this Style.

➢ Change the character type and size to Comic sans, size 10. Click OK.

➢ In the Indents and lists options change the alignment to justified. Options here are mainly the same as in Word, but laid out and described slightly differently.

➢ Change the Line spacing/Between lines to 1.25 sp.

➢ To create a new style you will need to give the style a name, then follow the same procedure as above.

➢ Try creating some new styles for your publication, using French Script MT font, as follows:

|Heading 1 |French Script MT |italic |48 pt |Dark Blue |

|Heading 2 |French Script MT |italic |28 pt |Dark Blue |

|Heading 3 |French Script MT |italic |18 pt |Dark Blue |

➢ Format the main heading as Heading 1.

➢ Format the date as Heading 2.

➢ Format the various subheadings on Page 1 as Heading 3.

➢ Highlight any occurences of ‘Travel Club’ or ‘Travel Club News’ in the text (on Pages 1 to 3) and change to French script MT, italic, size 14.

Frame styles

39. Because any text is placed in a frame, in Publisher, you can also format the frames.

➢ Click into one of your text boxes, then click the Fill button on the toolbar. Choose a light scheme color to fill the frame. [pic]

➢ Use the Line/Border Style button on the tool bar to choose a line style as a border for your frame. [pic]

➢ Use the Line color button to choose a colour for your border. [pic]

➢ Remove border if you don’t wish to keep it for this publication.

N In Publisher you cannot put a border on just one side of a frame. To create a line on one edge, use the line drawing tool. (See Drawing tools in 7.4.)

7 Working with graphics

• To insert graphics and other objects into your publication.

• Inserting graphics into your publication is very similar to doing so in Word. In this task you will also see how to incorporate other objects, such as an Excel chart or a PowerPoint slide, as well as built-in Publisher graphic objects.

Insert a picture

Make sure you are on the correct page.

You can insert a picture in several ways:

Insert directly from file

• Click on Insert/Picture and then choose Clip Art or From File

• Move and /or re-size the picture as you wish

Create a picture frame

• Click on the Picture Frame tool

• Draw a frame of the size, and in the position, you want

• Click on Insert/Picture as above and the picture will fit to your frame

Copy and paste

• Copy a picture from somewhere else, for example, the Internet, PowerPoint, Word, or a previously-saved photo file

• Either paste it directly onto your page and then move and re-size it, or create a picture frame first (as above) and paste into it

40. Add pictures to your publication.

➢ Use Clip Art to add a mountain picture to Page 1 of your publication.

➢ On Page 2, insert the following two photos from file, in the appropriate places: C:\User\publisher\westonbirt.bmp and C:\User\publisher\wintertrees.gif.

➢ On Page 3 insert the following four images as shown in the example:

river seine.jpg, notre dame.jpg, eurostar train.jpg

and euro stars.bmp.

➢ Using a text box, add a Eurostar caption on Page 3 as per the example.

➢ On Page 4, insert Clip Art. Search for Paris to find an Eiffel Tower photo.

Insert another object

41. On Page 2 of your publication, create a picture frame across the bottom. Click on Insert/Object and see the list of available objects you can insert.

Figure 9 - available objects

➢ As an example, choose Microsoft Excel Worksheet.

➢ Choose Create from File and browse to the file: C:\User\Publisher\temperatures.xls.

• Create New gives you a blank worksheet that you can create from scratch

• Create from File allows you to browse to a file you have saved

When you choose Create from File, the link option allows you to link to the object. This means that if you edit the object outside Publisher, the link to Publisher will also change and therefore be kept up to date

➢ Whatever method you use, when you double-click on the worksheet you will be able to use the usual Excel tools to edit the worksheet.

➢ A single click on the worksheet allows you to move and re-size as usual.

N You can also add items from other applications using copy and paste, but if you do this they will paste as a picture and will not be editable.

Insert a Design Gallery Object

42. A Design Gallery Object is specific to Publisher. It allows you to add various objects in your chosen style and colour scheme. If you change your design or colour scheme, the object will also change.

➢ On Page 1 click on the Design Gallery Object button at the bottom of the objects toolbar.

Look at the Objects by Category tab. Choose Tables of Contents from the list, scroll down to a suitable style (we chose Voyage) and click on Insert Object. Drag it and re-size as appropriate.

➢ You will need to modify the text and / or page numbers, as they are not updated automatically. To delete surplace rows from the table, select the rows, right click and choose Change table/Delete rows.

N If you click on one of the objects, it has a wizard button at the bottom which allows you to make various changes.

➢ Now try changing the colour scheme and see the result.

Using drawing tools

43. Remember you can also use the drawing tools and WordArt, as shown in the ‘Further Word’ document (document word00-t9) which can be found at the URL in the Related Documentation section.

• The tools are all on the objects toolbar (on the left) in Publisher. There isn’t a separate drawing toolbar

• You have buttons for WordArt, lines, circles, squares and custom shapes

Figure 10 - drawing buttons on the objects toolbar

• Once created, you can format shapes and lines using the Formatting toolbar to change:

Fill color, Line color, Line thickness and Rotation

Figure 11 - fomatting toolbar

8 Multi-page publications

• To manipulate multi-page publications.

• You have already created a multi-page publication because of the design choice you made at the beginning, but there will be occasions when you want to add or delete some pages or move them around.

Inserting pages

44. Turn to where you wish to insert the new page.

➢ Click on Insert /Page.

➢ In the dialog box, choose the options you want.

• If you have a folded page publication as in this exercise, Publisher will automatically try to add 4 pages (that is – one piece of paper, back and front, folded). You can change this option but you will then confuse the final printing order.

➢ Click OK.

Each page you add will have the layout guides you've set and any objects you've placed on the background.

Deleting pages

45. Deleting pages needs to be done carefully, especially in folded multi-page publications. Make sure you save your publication before you delete any pages.

➢ Click within the page you want to delete.

➢ Click on Edit/Delete Page.

If you are looking at a two page spread, you will get the dialog box as shown. If you choose Left or Right page only, you will get a message warning that you need to delete other pages in order to keep your numbering and printing correct.

Moving pages

46. You cannot easily move pages around. To re-arrange your publication you need to move individual objects, for example:

• You can select everything on one page by stretching a ‘rubber-band’ around it. Click the Group Objects button that appears automatically at the bottom

• Then either drag or use cut and paste to move everything together to the scratch area (as in 2.5 on page 4)

• You can then add pages and move items around as you wish

9 Creating tables

• To use tables to create a neat tabular layout.

• Tables can be used in Publisher to help with any kind of tabular layout. They can be moved around and re-sized just like other objects.

47. Create the Booking form on Page 4, as in 9.2, below.

(If you are short of time go to 9.6 and copy and paste it from a Word table.)

48. The Table Frame Tool button on the Objects tool bar is used to insert a table. [pic]

➢ Go to Page 4, click on the Table Frame Tool button and then on the page. You will see the following dialog box:

➢ Choose your Number of rows and Number of columns, in this case: 6 rows and 4 columns.

➢ Click OK. If the table is not in quite the right place or the right size, move and re-size it in the usual way.

➢ See the example on the next page and create the Booking form as shown:

49. To recreate the table layout (as illustrated in 9.5), merge cells where appropriate (Table /Merge Cells).

50. To adjust column width or row height, hover your mouse pointer over the line to the right of, or below, the cell until it becomes an Adjust pointer (as shown) then drag as required.

51. Type text into the cells and format it as shown:


N Tables can be formatted in a similar way to tables in Word, though Publisher is not as versatile. Tables in Word are covered in the ‘Further Word’ document (document word00-t9) which can be found at the URL in the Related Documentation section.

➢ With table selected, look at the Table menu and try out some of the options.

52. If you didn’t have time for exercise 9.2, using Word, open the file: C:\User\Publisher\Booking form.doc

➢ Select and copy the table.

➢ Click on page 4 in Publisher.

➢ Choose Edit/Paste Special/Microsoft Word Document Object.

➢ Move and re-size as necessary.

53. To view your publication as it will print, go to: View/Hide Boundaries and Guides.

10 Additional exercises

• To create your own publication from scratch.

• Choose one or more of the following themes, or use your own ideas, to create new publications of your own.

Try out Insert/Personal Information when you create any of the following:

54. Create an invitation to students to a New Students’ Party.

55. Create your own template for a departmental newsletter.

56. Create a Birthday or Christmas card.

57. Create a publication on the Black Forest using the text and pictures provided in: C:\User\Publisher\Forest.

Sample newsletter




Figure 4 - quick wizard options

Figure 4 - new publication setup

Figure 4 - page setup

Figure 6 - format text styles

Figure 6 - change frame properties

Figure 4 - create a blank publication

Figure 4 - the scratch area showing objects from several pages

Figure 4 - set ruler guides

Figure 4 - set layout guides

Rotate right

Object linking buttons

Zoom buttons

Figure 4 - useful button features

Custom rotate

Bring to front

Send to back

Rotate left

Figure 3 - the objects toolbar

Figure 3 - standard toolbar (top row), formatting toolbar (lower row)

Selector Tool

Figure 1 - the catalog screen

Figure 2 - a new blank publication

Figure 5 - the connect frames toolbar

Figure 7 - formatting options

Figure 8 - insert a picture

Figure 9 - design gallery

Figure 11 - deleting a page

Figure 12 - creating a table

Figure 12 - adjust columns or rows

Figure 4 - create a template

Figure 2 - the toolbar list

Text Box

Create Table

Insert Clipart

Picture Box

Draw Line

Draw Rectangle

Hot spot Control

HTML code object

Form Control

Design Gallery

Create Word Art

Insert Oval

Custom Shapes



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