FY2002 Op Assist application

Maryland Department ofHousing and Community DevelopmentMaryland Housing Counseling FundGrant Application for Support ServicesCalendar Year 2021Due Date: September 11, 2020Division of Neighborhood Revitalization7800 Harkins RoadLanham, Maryland 20706301-429-75256356358001000409074625400004091353125730KENNETH HOLT SECRETARY 020000KENNETH HOLT SECRETARY 339725123190LARRY HOGAN BOYD K. RUTHERFORD GOVERNOR LT. GOVERNOR4000020000LARRY HOGAN BOYD K. RUTHERFORD GOVERNOR LT. GOVERNOR86296543815The Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development pledges to foster the letter and spirit of the law for achieving equal housing opportunity in Maryland020000The Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development pledges to foster the letter and spirit of the law for achieving equal housing opportunity in MarylandGRANT APPLICATION FOR SUPPORT SERVICESAPPLICATION INSTRUCTIONSIntroductionThe Housing Counseling and Foreclosure Mediation Fund, also known as the Maryland Housing Counseling Fund (the “Fund”), was established pursuant to Section 7-105.1 of the Real Property Article and Section 4-507 of the Housing and Community Development Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland. The Fund’s purpose is to support non-profit and governmental organizations that provide professional housing counseling, financial counseling and legal services to Maryland consumers. Since 2008, the Department of Housing and Community Development has coordinated the investment of State and federal funding to develop and sustain a statewide network of local, non-profit housing counseling and legal services organizations available to assist Maryland homeowners and renters. The Department seeks proposals to further build and enhance that network. The Department of Housing and Community Development is focused on sustaining homeownership statewide. Assisting homeowners with avoiding foreclosure; assisting renters with avoiding eviction; preparing prospective buyers for homeownership; and helping consumers improve their financial capability are critical components of this goal. Grants will be awarded on a competitive basis to experienced non-profit organizations and local government entities. Final awards are contingent on the amount of available funding and the number of applications received. If your organization is currently funded by this program, your 2021 request should not exceed your total 2020 award. Eligible Applicants and ActivitiesApplicants must be a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization or a government entity. This Request for Proposals (RFP) invites proposals that increase the impact of housing counseling agencies in Maryland, including programs that:Build the capacity of housing counseling agencies;Strengthen partnerships and collaboration among housing counseling agencies to assist homeowners and renters;Raise public awareness of services provided by the Department’s network of housing counseling agencies.Application Sections Community Development & Services (CDS) Universal ApplicationMHCF Program-Specific QuestionsRequired DocumentationCriteria for Determining Awards The Department will consider the following criteria when evaluating proposals:Community Investment Needs, Strategies, Outputs, and Outcomes (20 Points)Experience and Expertise (20 Points)Program Capacity (25 Points)Program Impact (10 points)Partnership, Marketing & Outreach (15 points)Budget Narrative (10 Points)Application Submission ProceduresApplications must be submitted to the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development by Friday, September 11, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. through the DHCD Project Portal. Refer to the instructions below to ensure that your agency’s CY21 MHCF application is completed and submitted as required.Documentation Checklist This checklist is provided to help you ensure that all sections of your application are completed and submitted as required.Required DocumentsOrganization Profile (reviewed and updated in the Project Portal)Application Information (completed in the Project Portal)Application Budget (completed in the Project Portal)Signed Applicant Certifications Page (uploaded to the Project Portal)Program-Specific Questions (uploaded to the Project Portal)DHCD Program Staff For additional assistance contact the program staff for your region:Baltimore Region: Angela Fraser, pangela.fraser@Eastern Shore & Western MD Regions: Michelle Bass, michelle.bass@Capitol Region: Sanam Kalhoro, sanam.kalhoro-escoto@DHCD PROJECT PORTAL APPLICATION FORMSIMPORTANT NOTE: The DHCD Project Portal is fully supported by Internet Explorer 11, Apple Safari and Opera web browsers. The system will not function properly if accessed using Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, or Mozilla Firefox. Training materials for new and current users are available on the Portal’s home page.DHCD Project Portal Organization ProfilePrior to starting an application, review your Organization Profile in the Project Portal. Each DHCD funding program requires certain organization documents are attached and updated, serving as exhibits or supplements to the standard application forms. For that reason, applicants are strongly encouraged to review and update their “My Organization” profile prior to creating or submitting an application. To access the Organization Profile, click on the “My Organization(s)” link in the menu bar.33988514713502004627659458304Review and update the contents of the following pages as needed:1) Organization Information – this page contains the general information about your organization. Some fields can be edited by the applicants, but “grey” fields must be edited by DHCD program staff. 2) Organization Members – this page displays the system user accounts affiliated with your organization. When staff changes occur – new users can register for an account on the DHCD Project Portal login page. If user accounts need to be closed or removed, contact DHCD program staff for assistance.3) Organization Uploads – this page stores organization-related documents, such as the W-9 form, IRS Determination Letter, and Corporate Resolution/Signature Authority. Many of these documents are requirements for several CDS application types. Review the current stored documents. Replace, upload and save any outdated documents.Initiating Your CY21 MHCF ApplicationWhen the MHCF application is open in the Project Portal, you will be able to initiate your application by going to the My Home tab, clicking the “View Opportunities” button, and then selecting the appropriate link to “Apply Now”. 1208433192214501946137349951300Upon successful creation, you will see the application record’s main “Menu” page. Click “View Forms” to begin completing this portion of your MHCF application.683813194707600DHCD Project Portal Application FormsFollow the navigation links found at the bottom of the page to complete the required application forms and to upload and authorize submission of your agency’s application.-19864418097500Application InformationThere are several sections of this form that require responses. See the instructions below for completing each section.Review the Applicant Organization Information and provide information for your organization’s primary point of contact for this application. In the Application Details section of this form, select “Maryland Housing Counseling Fund” as the program for this application. Also provide a brief project name and description. We recommend “MHCF Support Services Program” as the project name and “MHCF support services” as the program description. Do not check the box to indicate this application represents a subsequent phase of a program or project.In the Application Request Amounts section, select Operating/Non-Capital as the funding type and enter the total amount of your CY21 funding request. This is the amount you will use to develop your budget. If your organization currently receives MHCF funds, your CY21 request should not exceed your CY20 award.For the MHCF application, the Program/Project Address Location is the same as your organization’s address. Select “yes” for this question. Also select the county/counties that will be served by your organization during calendar year 2021.Select any Program/Project Address Designations that apply to your organization’s service area. There is also an option to select “none” if none of the designations apply to your organization’s service munity Investment Needs, Strategies, Outputs, and Outcomes (20 Points)The Application Information page includes four universal questions that all organizations are required to complete as part of the application process. For your convenience, these questions are listed below along with brief explanations of the information you should provide. Your responses must be entered on the Application Information page in the Project Portal. Responses are limited to 2,000 characters.1 - Briefly describe the Community Investment Needs that will be addressed by this program or project. (5 Points)Community Investment Needs are problems or issues identified in the community that require action to resolve. Some criteria to focus on when describing the community need(s) are frequency and duration of the need, the amount or scope of the problem, the issue’s severity, where does the issue occur, and who does the issue effect. The answer should include the evidence-based data that was used to identify and evaluate the community needs. The answer should explain the need for providing support to housing counseling agencies through capacity building, partnership and collaboration and raising public awareness.2 - What is your overarching Strategy to address the community need(s)? What specific Activities will be undertaken to address the need(s)? (5 Points)Strategy is your overarching approach to addressing the needs of your clients or community. Activities are specific actions or processes. With respect to activities and strategy, the focus is on the actions of the organization as it pertains to this program/project. Program activities may include, but are not limited to, building organizational capacity, developing partnerships or raising public awareness. The answer should include information or data on how the activities and strategies will be deployed in a successful manner. 3 - What specific Outputs will result from investment in this strategy and set of activities? (5 Points)Outputs are the countable number of units that are a result of the program/project. The outputs measure the number of units associated with the activity and is the basic indicator of the success strategy implemented by the program/project. The answer should identify and define the “unit” that is being measured and provide the predicted number of outputs that you estimate will be a result of the activities. At a minimum, your answer should include the projected number of capacity building, networking and public awareness activities to be undertaken in 2021.4 - What are the broader Outcomes you anticipate will result from this investment? What impact will this investment have on the community need(s) identified above? (5 Points)Outcomes measure the amount of true change that is a result of your activities. The outcomes are associated with the project goals and illustrate how successful your program/project is in producing a positive change for your clients or the community when effectively implemented. The measurement of an outcome should show actual change for clients or community and address how the community needs are being resolved. The answer should identify the outcome targets, outcome indicators, and outcome results. At a minimum, your answer should include the projected number of housing counselors that will receive training and the number of housing counseling agencies that will benefit from activities supported by this grant.IMPORTANT NOTE: Save the information entered on the Application Information form before proceeding to the Application Budget form. Otherwise, the information entered will be lost and you will have to re-enter it.Application BudgetComplete the budget table to represent the annual costs of your organization’s program(s). MHCF funds may only be applied to operating/non-capital costs. List all proposed uses of funds in the “Activity/Use of Funds” column. Do not list any amounts in the “Capital Amount” column of the budget table. In the Additional Source(s) of Funds section of the budget table, provide the amount of funds from other sources that will be applied to each activity/use listed in the first column. The Total Amount Requested and the Total Program/Project Cost must match the amounts entered on the Application Information page.-31805218729749836424792IMPORTANT NOTE: Save the information entered on the Application Budget form before proceeding to the Application Attachments and Authorization form. Otherwise, the information entered will be lost and you will have to re-enter it.Application Attachments and Authorization This form is where you will upload responses to the program-specific questions in this application along with other required documents. Refer to the Documentation Checklist to ensure all required documents are submitted as required.Application AuthorizationAt the bottom of this form, enter the name and title of your agency’s authorized official. IMPORTANT NOTE: Save all information entered and uploaded before clicking submit. Otherwise, this information will be lost, and you will have to re-enter it.The final step to submit your application is to select “Submit Application” on the page pictured below. You also have the option to cancel the application if you need to make changes or no longer want to proceed.Applicant CertificationsThe undersigned applicant hereby makes application to the Department of Housing and Community Development (the “Department”) for a: CY21 Support Services Grant in the amount of $__________________.The applicant agrees it will not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, physical or mental disability or age in any aspect of the project and to comply with all applicable federal, State and local laws regarding discrimination and equal opportunity in employment, housing and credit practices, including Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and regulations pursuant thereto, Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, as amended, and the Governor’s Code of Fair Practices, as amended, and will comply with the Department’s Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) Program, as applicable. Copies of the MBE Program Guidelines are available to the applicant upon request.In accordance with Executive Order 01.01.1983.18, the Department advises you that certain personal information requested by the Department is necessary in determining your eligibility for Maryland Housing Counseling Fund Program (the “Program”) funds. Your failure to disclose this information may result in the denial of grant funds under the Program. Availability of this information for public inspection is governed by the provisions of the Maryland Public Information Act, State Government Article, Sections 10-611 et seq. of the Annotated Code of Maryland. This information will be disclosed to appropriate staff of the Department, the Office of the Attorney General, or public officials, for purposes directly connected with administration of the Program for which its use is intended. Such information is not routinely shared with State, federal or local government agencies. You have the right to inspect, amend, or correct personal records in accordance with the Maryland Public Information Act.The undersigned hereby certifies that the information set forth in this application and any attachments in support hereof, are true, correct and complete to the best of this applicant’s knowledge and belief.In witness whereof, the applicant has caused this document to be duly executed in its name on this _____ day of ________________, 2020.____________________________________(Legal Name of Applicant)By: ____________________________________ (Signature)Name: ____________________________________(Printed Name)Title: ____________________________________(Printed Title)MHCF PROGRAM-SPECIFIC QUESTIONSResponses to the following program-specific questions must be completed and uploaded to the DHCD Project Portal as part of your CY21 MHCF application.Part 1: Experience and Expertise (20 Points)Describe your organization’s mission, experience, and major accomplishments. (5 Points) Describe major accomplishments of your organization’s legal services program; specifically, those that pertain to homebuyer education and counseling, foreclosure counseling, rental counseling and eviction prevention, financial capability counseling, and other relevant consumer issues. (5 Points)List the key leadership and program staff that will be engaged in the proposed program and provide a brief summary of their experience, education and training. (10 Points)Part 2: Program Capacity (25 Points)Describe your organization’s capacity to coordinate and conduct the programs or services for which you are seeking funding. (10 Points) Indicate the number of program staff involved in the program activities described above and the primary focus of each staff member. (5 points) Example: One full-time staff coordinating a marketing campaign for the housing counseling network.What organizational assets do you have in place that will support a successful program (i.e. technology, board leadership, volunteer networks, etc.)? (5 Points)How will the grant you are requesting be leveraged with funds from other sources? (5 Points)Part 3: Program Impact (10 Points)Other than full funding, what are the key challenges to achieving proposed program goals? How will your organization address those challenges? (5 Points)For each ach activity that will be supported by this grant, provide projected goals for 2020 and proposed goals for 2021. (5 Points)ActivityCY20 ProjectedGoalCY21 ProposedGoalTrainings Networking activities completedOutreach activities completesPart 4: Partnership, Marketing & Outreach (15 Points)Describe the marketing tools and outreach methods that will be utilized to promote your organization’s program. Provide examples that illustrate the effectiveness of these methods. (5 Points)Describe the populations that will be the focus of your organization’s marketing and outreach efforts. (5 Points)Describe how your organization will utilize partnerships to expand the reach and impact of your services. (5 Points)Part 5: Budget Narrative (10 Points)In the space below, provide a narrative explanation for budget line items over $10,000. Also, indicate whether other sources of funds listed in your application budget are pending, committed, or received. ................

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