
Activity 3.1.5 Student Resource Sheet Microsoft Excel 2007 InstructionsOpen a new file in Microsoft Excel.Copy and paste Table One from the Activity 3.1.5 handout into the top left corner of the spreadsheet. Make sure the Mike Smith box is located in column A, row 2, as shown below.Highlight the table by holding the mouse and dragging an arrow to form a box around your data.From the Menu heading at the top of the page, click on the “Insert” tab and select the “Scatter” type Chart. Select the chart subtype you wish to use. For our graph, select the scatter graph with “Straight Lines and Markers”.To correctly orient the data, click the button in the Chart Tools menu labeled “Switch Row/Column”. This will ensure that the series at the right side of the chart will be labeled “Gene 1”, “Gene 2” and “Gene 3”.Give your graph a title. In the Chart Tools menu, click on the “Layout” tab, then “Chart Title” and next select the option “Above Chart”. Type the title you have selected in the “Chart Title” box.Note that you will need to label both the X-axis and the Y-axis. Again, in the Chart Tools and in the Layout Tab, you will need to choose “Axis Titles” and “Primary Horizontal Axis Title”. Click on “Title Below Axis” and type in the title “Patients” for the X-axis.Follow the same procedure from Step 8 to label the Y-axis, but choose “Primary Vertical Axis Title.” Type in a title for the Y-axis. When choosing a title, think about the information you plotted on the Y-axis.Move the graph so that it is next to the data table.Set-up a new data table with the same headings as your original data table (Type in Patients 1-3 in the A column and genes 1-3 across the top) in your spreadsheet.Use the formula: =LOG(gene expression ratio, 2) to convert each gene expression ratio into a base 2 logarithm. Do this by clicking on the box for Mike Smith/Gene 1 in the new data table and type in “=LOG(B2,2).” Press enter. You should see the number 0.48542683 in the box. This is the base 2 logarithm of 1.4.Click on the “Mike Smith/Gene 1” cell to highlight it, and copy this formula to the clipboard. Do this by right clicking on the cell and selecting “Copy.” The “Mike Smith/Gene 1” cell should now have dotted lines around it.Paste the formula from the clipboard onto Patient 2/Gene 1. Do this by right clicking on “Patient 2/Gene 1” cell, and selecting “Paste.”Click on the “Patient 3/Gene 1” cell and paste the same formula from the clipboard. Continue to paste this formula for all of the genes for each patient. Excel will automatically adjust the formula so that it is calculating the base 2 logarithm for the appropriate gene expression ratio.Graph this data table now that you have calculated the base 2 logarithms for each gene expression ratio. Do this by following steps 3-11. ................

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