USER GUIDE Watchlist State Owned Company Adverse Media ...

[Pages:98]USER GUIDE Watchlist - State Owned Company -

Adverse Media Entity "Combo" XML Feed

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The information contained in this document is confidential and proprietary to Dow Jones and/or its licensors. Dow Jones submits this information with the understanding that you will hold it in strict confidence. The contents are not to be disclosed, duplicated or used, in whole or in part, for any purpose without Dow Jones's permission.

CHAPTER 1: Introduction to Dow Jones WL-SOC-AME XML Feeds


Dow Jones Watchlist-State Owned Company-Adverse Media Entity "combo" feed is a detailed eXtensible Mark-up Language(XML) feed that contains data from our flagship Watchlist, State Owned Companies and Adverse Media Entities datasets as one single file delivery and is designed to assist corporates and financial institutions with due diligence and statutory duties and aid in the fight against money laundering, illicit payments, and other illegal activities.


Correct branding of Dow Jones content is a contractual obligation and customers should refer to the latest Dow Jones Risk & Compliance Branding Guidelines available on the Dow Jones Customer Support Developer Portal


Answers to all your Questions and Issues regarding Dow Jones WL-SOC-AME XML Feeds are available on Dow Jones Customer Support site.

To Connect to Dow Jones Customer Support site you would require Internet Access and a Valid Dow Jones login.

Chapter 2: Dow Jones WL-SOC-AME XML Feeds Details

This section provides information about Dow Jones WL-SOC-AME XML feeds, including feed requirements, distribution schedule; file formats, document retrieval, and processing.


This section describes the various Feed Frequencies currently offered within Dow Jones WLSOC-AME.

Dow Jones WL-SOC-AME Feed Frequencies:

o Dow Jones WL-SOC-AME Daily Full & Split Feed. The Daily Full feed consists of a single XML full feed file provided on a Daily basis that contains a full refresh of profiles within the Dow Jones Watchlist , State Owned Companies and Adverse Media Entities Content.

The Full Refresh of Dow Jones WL-SOC-AME content is also available on a daily basis in a split version in which the full feed is divided into a number of smaller files to facilitate processing.

The Daily Full Feed and Split Feeds are provided everyday, 365 days a year.

o Dow Jones WL-SOC-AME Daily Incremental Feed. The Daily Incremental XML feed files contains delta updates of all changes, additions and deletions made to Dow Jones Watchlist, State Owned Companies and Adverse Media Entities content during the day since the last Daily Incremental Feed.

The Daily Incremental Feed is provided everyday, 365 days a year.


The Dow Jones WL-SOC-AME Feed Files can be downloaded from the below locations:

Dow Jones WL-SOC-AME Feed Files:

Daily Incremental, Daily Full & Split Feed Files are available here:


The Checksums and Feed log files for each of the Dow Jones WL-SOC-AME Feed Files can be downloaded from the below location:


Checksum is a common and most powerful method to ensure the content received from Dow Jones is both secure and downloaded in its entirety and that there have been no content losses during the transfer of the Feed Files from the Dow Jones location to the users Individual storage or processing locations.

For this purpose, a new Checksum text file is posted to the respective Dow Jones locations, which contains the unique MD5 Hash Code associated with each of the Feed files.

The MD5 Hash Code is generated at the point of uploading the files to the Dow Jones locations. Users Can use their own solutions or any one of the freely available MD5 verification tools to check that the MD5 Hash Code of the received File is equal to the MD5 Hash Code of the generated file or not.

If the MD5 Hash Code of the received file is equal to the MD5 Hash Code provided by Dow Jones in the Checksum File, the File has been downloaded without any transmission errors.

Free ware Checksum Tools Available: Below is the list of a few tools that can be used to compare the MD5.

1. Exact File () 2. Microsoft (R) File Checksum Integrity Verifier V2.05 (FCIV)

() 3. EF Checksum () 4. FastSum ? () 5. MD5Checker () 6. MD5 Checksum tool () 7. MD5Sums () 8. FSum 2.5.2 ()

9. MD5 () 10. HashCalc ()

Please note: These tools are to be used at the User's own discretion and Dow Jones would not responsible for the support and maintenance on issues arising due to the use of these tools.


Any implementation of the Dow Jones WL-SOC-AME XML Feeds must meet the Following Criteria:

Requirement Document Retrieval

Rules/Description All Feed Files are delivered

1. Over the Internet. Use Hyper Text Transfer Protocol over Secure Socket Layer (HTTPS) to retrieve files via the Internet.

Document Processing

2. Via File Transfer Methods: Use Secure File Transfer Protocol(SFTP) to retrieve files file this method

1. For Initial Uploads, always Process Full Feed Files before processing Incremental Feed.

2. It is recommended that a Full Refresh is processed once or twice a month.

3. Incremental Feeds should always be processed in ascending order.

All Feed Files are Date time stamped and should be processed in ascending order. If you detect any problems with the Feed Files please contact Dow Jones before attempting to process the Feed File.


This section lists the Feed Distribution Schedules for Dow Jones WL-SOC-AME XML Feeds.

Dow Jones Standard Feed Schedules: Feed Frequency

Feed Schedule

Daily Incremental Daily Full & Split Feed

Available by 01:00 GMT, 365 days per year

Available by 01:00 GMT, 365 days per year

All XML feed files are available for download for up to 60 days. To access to XML feed files that are older than 60 days, please contact Dow Jones Customer Support.


All Dow Jones WL-SOC-AME feed files are supplied in .ZIP file format. The following table identifies the various feed file formats for each feed type:

File Format


Represents daily incremental files, each complete with date and timestamp.

File name ends with the letter "D" (designating each daily incremental file).

Represents the full feed file, complete with date and timestamp.

File name ends in the letter "F" (designating the full feed).

Represents the folder name containing the split files of the full feed.

File name ends as "Splits" (designating the Split Feed)

The naming convention of the Checksum file is similar to the Feed file name with only "checksum_" prefixed to the Feed file naming convention.

The Below Table gives the Details about the Checksum Files Naming Convention for Each Type of Feed Service:

File Format checksum_DJRC_WL-SOCAME_CCYYMMDD2359_D.txt


Represents the Checksum File for the Daily Incremental Feed File, each Complete with date and time stamp.

File name ends with the letter "D" (designating each daily incremental file).



Represents the Checksum File for the Full Feed File, each Complete with date and time stamp.

File name ends in the letter "F" (designating the full feed).

Represents the Checksum File for the Full Split Feed File, each Complete with date and time stamp.

File name ends as "Splits" (designating the Split Feed)

Dow Jones WL-SOC-AME XML Feed Files can be retrieved via the Internet using the Hyper Text Transfer Protocol over Secure socket Layer (HTTPS) or via Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP).

To Retrieve the Files via the Internet

1. Log on to the Dow Jones Feed servers, located at (The Exact Directory Locations have been mentioned under `Locations for WL-SOC-AME XML Feeds')

2. Use the User name and Password provided by your Dow Jones representative. If you do not have a User name and Password contact Dow Jones Customer Support.

3. Passwords are case sensitive and asterisks (*) are displayed in place of the Password. 4. After providing your Username and password, Click OK. A Comma Separated File list

displays all available Feed Files. 5. Retrieve the appropriate File using HTTPS GET:

o For Daily full feed files, retrieve the full feed file that contains a date-time stamp closest to the current date. It is recommended that you retrieve the latest full feed file (to replace those previously processed incremental feeds).

o For Daily Incremental feed files, retrieve all incremental files that contain a date and timestamp that is greater than the previously processed full or daily incremental feed files.

6. To manually download a Dow Jones WL-SOC-AME Feed File after successfully logging on, simply copy the feed file name from the displayed list of feed files and then paste it into the address bar. Example:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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