Microsoft Office 2010 – Excel and Access

Microsoft Office 2010 – Excel and Access

Instructor: Mr. Drew

Phone: 336-771-4500 ext. 50836



Course Description:

As a student in this course, you will learn the most important topics of Microsoft Office 2010. You will be presented with an overview Office 2010. From there you’ll move into the applications. First up is Excel, then Access. On the way you’ll have units integrating both applications together. You’ll wrap up the course with an exam and practical knowledge in preparation to sit for certification.



Text: Beskeen/Cram/Duffy/Friedrichsen/Reding, Microsoft Office 2010 – Illustrated Introductory, Second, and Third Course Technology, 2011 Shelly/Cashman/Vermaat Microsoft Office 2007 – Introductory and Advance Concepts and Techniques

Software: Microsoft Office 2010 Suite

Handouts: Additional handouts will be required. Instructor will provide information on obtaining this material.


Teaching Methods:

1.   Lectures: Important material from the text and outside sources will be covered in class. Students should plan to take careful notes as not all material can be found in the texts or readings. Discussion is encouraged as is student-procured outside material relevant to topics being covered.

2.   Assignments: End of chapter activities and online activities will be assigned weekly to reinforce material in the text. These assignments may require the application of various software packages.

3.   Quizzes: Occasional unannounced quizzes will be given to help ensure students stay up with assigned material.

4.   Exams and Projects: The exams will be closed book/notes and will test assigned readings and material discussed in class. The final exam (Vocats) will be comprehensive in nature.

5.   Participation: Student participation will be graded by the level of class participation and attendance – instructor’s prerogative.



A >= 92.5

Activity/Project 50%

B >= 84.5

Exam 25%

C >= 76.5

Quiz/Participation 25%

D >= 69.5

F ................

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