Computer Literacy BASICS: A Comprehensive Guide ... - PC\|MAC

Career Orientation2013-2014 SyllabusMrs. NellisInstructor:Jamie Nellis, Room 311 (computer lab) and Room 310 (classroom)Instructor Period:4th period, 11:15 – 12:05. Call 501-337-9293 to schedule a conference.Phone:501-337-9293 (Jr. High office) Course Description:This course is designed to introduce 8th grade students to the world of work. It will help the students get oriented with their personal interests, values, personality type, aptitudes, and learning style, which will help them determine their optimum field of work. Students will learn how to set goals and make plans for high school, college, career, and their desired lifestyle.Textbook:Investigating your Career, 2nd ed., Jorday and Whaley. A textbook will be issued to each student, however most of our curriculum is based on handouts and on-line assessments/projects. The students may leave the textbooks in the C.O. classroom when not being used. Software used:Microsoft Office 2010, Arkansas Kuder online site, and many other reference sitesGrades online: . Grades and attendance will be posted to this site weekly. If you do not have an Edline account to check your grades online, please see Mrs. Cindy Talley in the Jr. High Office, email, phone 501-337-9293.Supplies:3-ring Plastic Cover Binder – at least 1”Pens and pencilsHighlighterFlash Drive (students will want to save their resumes and other important documents so they can be easily accessed for updating in the future.)If for any reason you are unable to purchase any of these supplies, send me a note or call me and I will make arrangements to get the supplies you need.Grading Procedure:Per the Middle School Handbook, 60 percent of the students’ grade will come from tests and assessments, and projects, 40 percent from daily work and quizzes. Computer RulesStudents are expected to adhere to a high standard of ethics as related to the use of computers.?1. An internet-use agreement must be signed and returned before using the internet on any computer on campus. (If agreement was turned in at the beginning of the school year, a new agreement is not required).2. Students are not to share their password with another student for any reason. Any student that is found cheating, plagiarizing or turning in work that is not theirs, could result in disciplinary actions up to expulsion.3. Students are not free to “surf” the net, download files, check e-mail, enter chat rooms, etc.4. Students may not make changes to the setup of the computer.5. Tampering with hardware or software in any way will not be tolerated. 6. Students are not allowed to use any personal CDs, MP3 players, or other electronic devices in the classroom, unless approved by the teacher.Class RulesStudents will conduct themselves in a civil and cooperative manner. Behavior that interferes with my ability to teach effectively or classmates’ effort to learn will not be tolerated. This is a business class. You are expected to conduct yourselves professionally. You are to respect fellow classmates and the teacher.1. Follow the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.2. Show respect to everyone in the classroom through appropriate words and actions. BULLYING IN ANY FORM IS NOT ACCEPTED!!!!!!!!3. Be in your seat and ready to begin when the tardy bell rings.4. Bring all materials, assignments, etc. to class. 5. Look at the board for the daily bell ringer and begin the work when the tardy bell rings.6. Listen carefully and follow directions.7. Interfering with another student’s work at his/her computer is unacceptable.8. Work areas must be cleaned and all materials returned to their proper place before dismissal.9. Teacher will dismiss class, not the bell.10. Absolutely NO FOOD, DRINKS OR GUM allowed in the classroom.Disciplinary ActionsClass will follow all disciplinary actions stated in the student handbook. Assessments Used:Attitude inventoryLeft/right brain orientationLearning styles & study skillsInterest inventoryAptitude and skills assessmentLife values and work values alignmentPersonality traits & typingAssessment Tools Include: Ark Kuder, internet based interest inventory, skills assessment programACT Explore Test, standardized aptitude testClassroom activities Assignments Include:Personality & career postersCareer Action Plan (CAP) portfolio in coordination with CAP/advisoryCareer Orientation class folderDaily assignments & homework projectsUnit tests & end-of-course examE-PortfolioPersonal Career PortfolioResearch IncludingInterviewingOccupational research using computer internet resourcesCareer magazines & career videosPortfolio Includes:Career Action Plan (CAP) with a four-year high school plan & post-secondary planPersonal, educational, and career goalsResume with objectives, education, experience, accomplishments, and honorsAssessments results from benchmark exams, learning styles, ACT Explore Test. Dear Parent/Guardian: I ask that you read and discuss the course syllabus with your child. Your child’s success in career development is important to me. Understanding the rules and guidelines of the course will help eliminate any misunderstandings later. If you have any questions, you may email me at or you may call me at 501-337-9293.Occasionally, projects will require that students either bring pictures of themselves, or have pictures taken of them. For that reason, I have included a release clause on the next page which is to be returned to me. If you are opposed to your child’s work (which includes pictures of them) being displayed in the classroom, in the hallway, or put on the class website, please indicate your choice by checking the appropriate item at the bottom of the form. Your child’s first homework assignment is to return this form. Forms are due by Friday, August 23. After August 23, ten points will be deducted for each school day these forms are not returned. Mrs. Nellis Parents and Students, please sign in the space below to acknowledge that you understand and accept the guidelines of the class. _________________________ ___________________________ _______Student’s Name Student’s SignatureDate_________________________ ____________________________ _______Parent/Guardian NameParent/Guardian SignatureDateDaytime Phone: ______________________________________E-mail Address: _______________________________________Other information you think may be helpful:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Because of the nature of some of my classes, your child may be photographed and/or filmed. Student work with these photographs/videos may also be displayed or shown in the classroom, in the hallway, and/or placed on the class website. -15240015176500? I give permission for my child to be photographed, videoed, and for his/her work to be displayed in the classroom, and displayed on the class website. ? I do not give permission for my child to be photographed, videoed, and for his/her work to displayed in the classroom or on the class website. ? My child may be photographed, but do not display his/her work in the classroom or on the class website.**Parent/Guardian: Please return this page to me by Friday, August 23. ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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