Welcome to Microsoft Office 2007

Welcome to Microsoft Office 2007

Shown here is Microsoft Word as this will give all of the information you need for other Office programs such as Excel, Power Point...etc...

The first thing to notice is that the menus and the toolbars have disappeared, instead there is a ribbon of toolbars with tabs on it and everything seems to have moved.

You knew where everything was in Word 2003, and now everything's changed.

After a few weeks you should be used to the new format.

If you really can't find something, press F1 or use the Help system [blue question mark,

top right] and search for what you need.

Help Button

"Where's the File menu?"

If you click on the Office button [top left], you get something very similar to the File menu. There is Recent Documents, New, Open, Save, Save As, Print, Send, etc. and Exit Word, these always available to us.


Clicking on the "Word Options" will provide you with the same options as when you used to click on Tools and Options.


By selecting Print, you will find a few print options as shown below.

Please note that the Quick Print will only print one copy to your Default Printer.

By selecting Save As, you will find a few different saving formats as shown below.

Please remember that until all District 15 staff is upgraded to the 2007 version of Microsoft Office, you are to save your documents as the 97-2003 format, if they are going to be forwarded to others.

Quick Access Toolbar

You will notice is that the world's most important button: the

Undo button

, is available near the top left, the

Redo/Repeat button

is available next to it and the second

most important button, Save , is available here as well.

To configure the Quick Access Toolbar

Any of the buttons from the Ribbon, (if you use them an awful lot), you can right-click and Add to the Quick Access Toolbar, to make them appear next to Save, Undo, and Repeat.

Click on the drop-down option next to Quick Access Toolbar and there are other options you can add.

To find and add more commands, click on the More Commands.... This also lets you change the order of the commands. To do this, select an option and click on the up/down buttons found to the right.


These Tabs are organized in the order of use. Many commands are available under each Tab.

Many commands in each Tab have an Expand Button at the bottom right. By clicking on it you will find all of the options available, rather than only the most useful ones.

Additional Tabs

If you insert a picture you'll notice that a new tab appears.

Picture Tools Format is used to amend pictures. If you click away from the picture, it disappears. If you re-select the picture, it re-appears. Similar things will happen when inserting Tables, Charts ...etc...

Additional Information

The bottom of your screen also provides you with extra information about your document.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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