Ohio State University

IntroductionThese recommendations cover computer hardware and software that you will need toparticipate in courses and view course materials. It also describes the minimum technical skills that you need to participate successfully in your nursing courses.The recommended systems, devices, and software are intended to meet your needs throughout your time in the program. If you have any questions about the recommendationsin this document or if you need technical support, contact con-s-help@osu.edu. If you are on campus, you can also visit the Student Computer Lab in the College of Nursing (Newton Hall, Room 220, open 8 a.m.-8 p.m. Monday-Friday).Computer RecommendationsThe College of Nursing operates with Windows and Macintosh platforms. In order to facilitatesupport, course software planning, and other compatibility issues, we recommend that students use whichever system they are more comfortable in. We also have a Windows-based and Mac-based Student Computer Lab (Newton Hall, Room 220, open 8 a.m.-8 p.m.,Monday-Friday).?RecommendedMinimumMac RecommendedMinimumOperating SystemWindows 10Windows 8.1MacOS 10.15 or newer?MacOS 10.13Memory8GB 4 GB8 GB4 GBAvailable Storage256 GB or higher, solid state hard drive128 GB256 GB or higher, solid state hard drive128 GBConnection Speed15 Mbps or faster6 Mbps15 Mbps or faster6 MbpsSoftware RequirementsStudents should prepare their computer in advance to handle a variety of media and documentformats. The required software follows. If students have any questions about meeting these guidelines, they should contact con-s-help@osu.edu for support.Software NameRecommended VersionMinimum VersionMac RecommendationOffice Suite*Microsoft Office 365*Microsoft Office 2016Microsoft Office 365*Web BrowserCurrent Edge, Chrome, or FirefoxCurrent Chrome or FirefoxCurrent Safari, Chrome, or FirefoxMedia PlayersCurrent Versions of:VLC Media PlayerAdobe Flash PlayerCurrent Versions of:VLC Media PlayerAdobe Flash PlayerCurrent Versions of:QuickTimeVLC Media PlayerAdobe Flash PlayerVirus ScanMicrosoft SecurityEssentials or Windows DefenderMicrosoft SecurityEssentials or Windows DefenderSophos Antivirus or Avast Free Antivirus for MacJavaCurrent version()Current version()Current version()Adobe PDF ReaderCurrent Version()Current Version()Preview (Part of OS X) orCurrent Version()Zoom Client for MeetingsCurrent Version(zoom.us/download)Current Version(zoom.us/download)Current Version(zoom.us/download)*Microsoft Office 365 is free for students. See for more information.Minimum Technical Skills (for success in the program)Recommended technology skills include the following Internet and computer competencies:?ability to use a Web browser—such as Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox?knowledge of search engines and how to search efficiently?ability to download and view files in Adobe PDF format?competence with using e-mail and protecting against viruses?competence with Microsoft Word and PowerPoint?competence with Ohio State's Carmen Courses platform. If you need basic instruction and troubleshooting assistance with using Carmen, please refer to Carmen Help for Students.Configuration and testingBelow are a few links to examples of various types of media that you will probably use at somepoint during your nursing program.Click on these links to access the media and test your playback performance on your computer.Test your Java (only in Internet Explorer 11): your Flash player: resource center: test meeting:’ll need a headset for Zoom meetings. Headset information: ................

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