Office 365 Adoption and awareness email templates

End User Awareness Email TemplatesEmail is the most common and effective way to reach a broad or targeted audience. Email enables you to customize your message for specific groups and outline a call-to-action plan, to generate response. This document provides a series of sample and template emails to use throughout each phase of your Office 365 rollout, including a suggested cadence that models best practices. TimingSubjectAudiencePurposeE-mail Template #1 – Introducing Microsoft Office 3651 month before launchIntroducing Microsoft Office 365All usersGenerate awareness of pending Office 365 rollout E-mail Template #2 – Countdown to Office 365 Launch2 weeks before launchReminder about Office 365 launch – call to actionAll usersGenerate call to action for Office 365 launchE-mail Template #3 – Welcome to Office 365Launch dayOffice 365 is here!All usersThanks for attending Office 365 launch. Call to actionE-mail Template #4 – Request for Office 365 Feedback1 month post launchHow’s Office 365 working?All usersCheck in – request initial feedback. Brown bag invite.E-mail Template #5 – Take It Live Instead of TravelingPost launchUsing Office 365 for meetingsAll usersEncourage all employees to conduct meetings online instead of travelingE-mail Template #6 – Message from Executive to Employees Who Travel ExtensivelyPost launchUsing Office 365 for meetingsUsers who travel extensivelyEncourage employees who travel extensively to conduct meetings onlineE-mail Template #1 – Introducing Microsoft Office 365 To all employees: I am pleased to announce that you will soon have access to Microsoft? Office 365. As a company, we have made the decision to standardize on this powerful collaboration and meeting platform because it provides a superior solution for our organization’s needs. No matter what your work responsibilities, I am certain you will find many opportunities to benefit from using Office 365. It will enable you to save time, increase productivity, and raise your efficiency to a new level. In addition, it will allow our company to achieve significant cost savings by reducing business travel and overhead. Over the next few weeks, you will be learning more about the many capabilities Office 365 has to offer. In addition, you will receive details about our launch timeline and the many resources available to you so you can begin using Office 365 right away. If you have questions concerning this service or preparation for the launch, don't hesitate to contact [admin name/phone # or e-mail]. I am confident you will appreciate the new level of efficiency and collaboration Office 365 brings to the table. I encourage you to begin using it as soon as the roll-out is complete. Regards,[Executive E-mail Signature] E-mail Template #2 – Countdown to Office 365 Launch To all employees:Our Microsoft? Office 365 launch is just around the corner. Soon you’ll have the ability to use this powerful collaboration and meeting platform for everything from project and team document collaboration to online meetings. To help with our Office 365 kick-off, we will be holding an Office 365 Launch Event on [date]. This event will showcase Office 365’s capabilities, orient you to available resources and answer your questions as you begin to use Office 365. Look for an invite for our Office 365 Launch event and join us to kick-off Office 365 in our organization. [Or, join us in your cafeteria for special Office 365 demos.]If you have questions, visit the intranet site at [company intranet site URL] or send me an e-mail at [admin e-mail].Regards,[Project Lead or Executive Sponsor Signature] E-mail Template #3 – Welcome to Office 365 Dear Office 365 User:Office 365 is now live! You can immediately begin enjoying all the powerful functionality and features of Microsoft? Office 365. Get started today by viewing online training: [link to the company training site or the Learning Center]. What will be your favorite feature of Office 365? Discover useful features such as:?Adding others to an instant message on-the-fly?Multi-party HD video?Seamlessly moving from IM to an audio/video call to sharing?Streamlined integration with OneNote?Joining meeting and audio with one click?Answering your office phone using Office 365?And so much moreIf you have any technical problems or questions, please feel free to contact our help desk or visit [insert link to Intranet].Regards,[Project Lead or Executive Sponsor Signature] E-mail Template #4 – Request for Office 365 Feedback Dear Office 365 User: I hope you’ve had the opportunity to integrate Office 365 into your daily business activities. If you are using Office 365 today, then you already know that this exciting new tool can be used for everything from increasing team collaboration to more productive meetings. Now that you’ve been using Office 365 for 30 days, we would like to hear from you. Please take a few minutes to complete our Office 365 feedback survey to share your thoughts and input on how Office 365 is working for you. Thanks again for your cooperation and participation. Regards,[Project Manager E-mail Signature]E-mail Template #5 – Take It Live Instead of Traveling To all [department heads or employees]: As you know, our company has recently standardized on Microsoft? Office 365 as a means to reduce travel costs, save time, improve productivity, collaborate more efficiently, and hold more effective meetings. To help us fully realize these and other potential benefits, we need to make a concerted effort to use Office 365 on a regular basis. To this end, I am presenting this company-wide goal. I am asking every employee to make one out of every five meetings an Office 365 meeting, whether a 1:1 chat, team meeting or structured event. I’m confident that once you start using Office 365, you will wonder how you conducted business without it. For those of you who are already using Office 365 regularly – feel free to share your tips and comments on how Office 365 has helped you be more productive. Just go to our Office 365 SharePoint site and click the Feedback form.Regards, [Executive E-mail Signature]E-mail Template #6 – Message from Executive to Employees Who Travel ExtensivelyAttention staff member: As someone who travels extensively for our company, you know firsthand the amount of time and money required to bring together dispersed groups for business meetings. But now that we’ve deployed Microsoft? Office 365, you have a viable alternative to travel. With Office 365, you now have the tools for highly effective conversations and meetings. You can IM on the fly, escalate to a quick call, show presentations, leverage webcams and video, collaborate with shared notes, speak via computer audio, and host training sessions in real time – without leaving your office. Think how much more effective your meetings would be if you had more time to concentrate on content and less on logistics and travel. Equally important, consider how much money it could save our company by reducing travel costs. With these benefits in mind, I encourage you to start using Office 365 on a regular basis for your own meetings – both large and small. In fact, we’re asking everyone in your position to meet our company goal of making one in five meetings an Office 365 meeting Once you begin to use the powerful features and functionality Office 365 has to offer, you’ll wonder how you ever got along without it. So start today. And make your very next meeting an Office 365 meeting. For those of you who are already using Office 365 regularly – thank you for your effort and cooperation. Regards,[Executive E-mail Signature] ................

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