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WPS E-Mail Signature InstructionsSignature blocks for Wichita Public Schools should be consistent in email communication. The steps to create and insert the recommended signature are below. You will also find a few notes related to the use of signatures at the end of the instructions.Go to and log in as an employee.Navigate to the strategic plan resources by typing in futureready or through the menu by selecting About WPS > WPS Strategic Plan.Under the Strategic Plan – Year 1 Plans and Resources, select Digital Graphic Elements. Download the first item: Tri-Color Email Signature Block.Open Microsoft Outlook.3619501950720Click on File, then selection Options.36195045275542386251605280Click on Mail, then Signatures.12287251504950Once in the Signature area, you’ll select New to create this new signature. Give the new signature a name. Place your cursor in the edit signature space at the bottom to start creating your signature. Change the font from Calibri (the default) to Arial.Type your name in the first line. It should be Arial, Bold, 11 pt. Hit return, then type your title in the second line if desired. This should be in Arial, Italic, 10 pt.Hit return twice to create a blank line.Type in the name of your school, division or department. This should be in Arial, Regular, 11 pt. Hit return.Now it’s time to insert the tri-color block! Click on the Insert Image icon. You’ll need to find the image you downloaded at the beginning. It will be called 1._StratPlan-EmailSignature1-01 and will be in your Downloads folder on This PC (unless you saved it somewhere else when downloading).The image will appear in your Edit Signature block at the intended size. Do not resize this image. Place your cursor to the right of the image, then hit return twice to create a blank line.Type the following in Arial, Regular, 9 pt font. Fax number and building/division website are optional in your email signature.Wichita Public Schools[Your building address] | Wichita, KS | [Your zip code]P: 316-973-[your extension]F: 316-973-[your fax][your website]The final step is to add a hyperlink to the tri-color block so that people can be directed to the Strategic Plan website. Select the tri-color block, then click on the insert hyperlink button . 1952625239077500453390026720800084772572390000Make sure Existing File or Web Page is selected, then copy and paste the following into the Address line: futureready. Then select OK.If you included your website direct link in your signature block, repeat step m above to make that a hyperlink. (If you select the text for the link before you click on the insert hyperlink icon, it will automatically place the website link in the Address line for you.)Your email signature is complete! Click on Save in the dialogue box above to save your creation.2867025678180001895475149479000If you don’t have any existing signatures, the system will automatically select this as your signature for New Messages. If you already have an assigned signature, you will need to click on the New Messages dropdown and select the new signature you created.Create a secondary signature for replies and forwards if desired. This may or may not include all of the elements of the main signature. Keep in mind that every time an image is included in an email, it increases the size of the email and makes it more challenging to read through a series of replies. Our recommendation is that shorter, secondary signatures should always include your name and phone number at minimum. Click OK to save your final creation(s). Then click OK again in the main Options dialogue box.If you want to test out your new signature, return to your main Outlook screen, and click on New Email or press CTRL+N. Your signature should automatically appear. Notes About Email SignaturesThe title is not a required element, but is generally recommended when communicating with people who may not know what role you play in the district ecosystem. Fax number and school or building-specific website can be included as long as there is a direct url that will take them to your desired location (i.e., adams). These should be the final two lines in the address block.You have the option to create a long and a short signature. The long signature should always be used when sending an initial email to internal and external audiences. The short signature with only your name and phone number may be used on additional emails within a chain. If you are replying to an initial email from someone outside the district who you’ve not previously emailed with, it’s recommended to manually change your signature to the long one for your first reply. We do not recommend using more than one graphic in an email. This can create unnecessary attachments being recognized by others’ email servers and dilutes the brand identity. If you have a school-specific signature block or logo, we respectfully request that you choose the tri-color plan identity signature or stick with your current signature. We recommend the decision be on a school or department level, not at the individual level. The tri-color block should never be used on top of background of any color. We strongly recommend discontinuing the use of any background colors or images in emails. The words dream, believe and achieve – on their own – should not be added to an existing email signature without consulting with the Strategic Communications team. ................

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