Bronze 1 Unit 1 - Weebly

Bronze 1 Unit 1

Improving Productivity Using IT


INGOT Assessment Document

Bronze 1 Unit 1

Name:___Qadeer ____________ Class__7p____

Assignment 1 – Plan the Use of IT for a Task

|No. |Criteria |

|1.1 |I can identify the advantages of using IT for the task |

|1.2 |I can  plan how to complete the task using IT |

|1.3 |I can identify the main safety and security issues affecting the use of IT for the task |


1. I can identify the advantages of using IT for the task

Task 1

Think about all the ways in which IT could be used to advertise something i.e. Faraz’s Fried Chicken. Select the correct statements for IT and NONE IT

Task 2

You will need to make phone calls from your mobile as you will be out advertising and will not always be using the Land line.

What are the advantages of mobile phones over land lines; choose the correct statement for each one below?

[pic] [pic] [pic]


Task 3

You need to buy a car and you will use the most popular car seller company: Autotrader

Autotrader Website: Autotrader Magazine

[pic] [pic]

It is easier to select from a menu and find a car rather than using a magazine. (Match the correct statements to each picture above)

Task 4

You task is to use the Autotrader the website. (Hold CTRL and click)

Car found on Auto trader Example below:


You need to find a car with the following attributes:


• Price between £10,000 to £17,000

• Convertible

• Diesel

• Black

• Age – Up to 5 years old

Print Screen and paste the car below with the price: (Remember to use the Print Screen Button on your keyboard and Paste in the box below)



It is very important you make plans when you are about to do something. This is important for you to have something to follow encase you have problems.

1.2 I can plan how to complete the task using IT

You need to log into your Email

Make a Plan of what you will do to log in to your email. The first one has been done for you. Put them in correct order

Safety and Security

When using Digital resources, it is very important how you handle digital media i.e. pictures/video/text.

1.3 I can identify the main safety and security issues affecting the use of IT for the task

Task 1

Match the correct answer to the following laws; use the arrows to draw to the correct law:

Task 3

Match the correct sentences to the appropriate safety and security aspect:

Personal Data


Co-operative behaviour

Task 4

When working with electronic equipment you will need to make sure there are no hazards. (Hint – Look at the Literacy document at the end to find out what hazard means)

Find and fill in the text boxes on the Hazards in the picture below:

End of Assignment 1

Assignment 2 – Use IT to complete a practical task

|No. |Criteria |

|2.1 |I can use IT to complete a task following identified safe practices |

|2.2 |I can identify and correct errors |

|2.3 |I can identify any improvements that can be made |

In assignment 1 you looked at some safe practices and laws that need to be followed when working with computer equipment.

2.1 I can use IT to complete a task following identified safe practices

Task 1 - You will need to familiarise yourself with some computer peripherals (components/equipment/parts).

Label the diagram with the correct component name, choose from the labels below:

Tower : Screen : Monitor : Speaker : Microphone : Mouse : Keyboard


Task 2

You will need to familiarise yourself with some computer software:

Drag the following words to the correct icon







Task 3

What is Hardware and Software?

Drag the correct meaning:

Task 4

The YouTube website would need to be set as the Homepage, you will need to describe how you would do this in Internet Explorer.

Drag the correct text box to the correct number; the first one has been done for you.








2.2 I can identify and correct errors

Drag the correct pictures in order to show how to open the Spell Checker

Task 2

Looking at the picture below, explain in the text box what the Microsoft Spell Checker can do:


Is the computer turned On or Off by looking at the picture below?

[pic] On

2.3 I can identify any improvements that can be made

Task 1

Finally you will need to identify how improvements can be made to all the planning you have completed in these 2 assignments.

Give a list of some of the symbols that could be created using the SHIFT KEY:

(2 have been done for you)


2. “

3. £

4. $

5. %

6. ^

7. &


9. (


11. /



Task 2

What keys is used to create a Capital Letter? Drag the circles


Hint:- Remember SHIFT Key allows you to create a capital letter only when SHIFT Key is pressed and anther Letter key is pressed at the same time

Task 2

How to sit at a Computer

Fill in the Blanks

You will have ____________ if you do not adjust your chair so that your lower back is properly supported. A correctly ____________chair will not put strain on your back. Adjust your chair height so that you can use the keyboard with your wrists and forearms straight and level with the floor. This will not allow you to have_______________________.

Your feet should be_______ on the floor. If they’re not, ask if you can have a footrest, which lets you rest your feet at a level that’s comfortable. Don't cross your legs, as this can cut off_______________and cause hip problems. Your screen should be directly in front of you. A good guide is to place the____________ about an arm's length away, with the top of the screen roughly at eye level.

Your wrists should be _________ when using a keyboard. Position and use the mouse as close to you as possible. A mouse mat with a wrist pad may help to keep your wrist straight and stop___________.

Your screen should be as__________as possible. If there’s glare on your screen, hold a mirror in front of it to identify the cause. Position the monitor to avoid ____________from overhead lighting and sunlight. Position frequently used objects, such as your telephone or stapler, within easy reach. Stop repeatedly _____________or twisting to reach things. 


Using the ICT Dictionary and the Collins English Dictionary find meanings of the following words which have been used in the Bronze 1 Unit 1 Assessment (Assignment 1 and 2).

Click here for ICT Dictionary (Remember to Hold control and click the link)

Click here for Standard Collins English Dictionary (Remember to Hold control and click the link)

1. Hardware; describe physical parts of a computer

2. Software; includes all computer applications

3. Peripheral; sends and receives data from CPU

4. Component; Another general name for the parts

5. Hazard; something that will affect you in a bad way

6. Website; a website is a set of web pages that belong to each other as one group

7. Website Favourite; a website that u can save

8. Website Homepage; a website which is yours

9. Advantage; good things about information

10. Disadvantage; bad things

11. Improvement; to make something better

12. Personal; things that are yours

13. Security; things that stop people getting to you

14. Safety; staying safe online

15. Advertise; to promote something on TV

16. Promote ; to persuade someone

17. Distribute; to give something out

18. Error; is a mistake


It comes out every Tuesday and Friday

You have to buy a new one for each city

You can check new cars 24/7

You should always be able to work as a team member and behave appropriately.

You should never give this out, as people may be able log in to the computer and access your information

This is your personal information. It has sensitive data such as your name, address, telephone no. etc.

Login using your username and password

Click on Start

Click on Internet Explorer

Go to .uk

Click on resources

Turn on computer

Copyright Law

Data Protection Act

Computer Misuse Act

Hazard 1:

The drink is leaking and will wreck up the computer.

End of Assignment 2

Hazard 2:

This fish tank can drop and kill the fish.

Hazard 3:

There’s too much plugs which will damage the wires

Hazard 4:

The cat is on the floor pulling the wires.

Hazard 6:

Will drop and hit the cat and might go to the wires.

Hazard 7:

The papers are falling out and are coursing a lot of mess.

You cannot copy or amend someone’s work, musical or film recording without their permission

You cannot use someone’s personal details such as name, address etc. without their permission

You are not allowed to access people’s information on a computer or damage computer equipment.

Mozilla Firefox

Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Word








Microsoft Powerpoint

Microsoft Publisher

Internet Explorer



Select Internet Options

Go to Tools

Click on Start and find Internet Explorer or if there is an Internet Explorer icon on your desktop double click it

Are the programs and related data that provide the instructions for telling a computer what to do.

Are the physical parts of the computer that you can touch and see?

Computer Software

Select ‘General Tab’

Click in the Homepage text box

Type in the website address you want ‘’

Click Apply or OK

It can help you with your work and also it can ignore files if you don’t want them.

You can check the grammar spelling.

Back Pain




Repetitive strain injury






What can you do with a mobile phone?

What can you do with a Land line?

You can make videos and photos

You can use it as a calculator

You can watch youtube videos

You can send text messages

You can check the weather

You can take it anywhere and make calls

You can go on the internet

You can check your email

You can use a menu and easily find the car you are looking for

It tells you how many cars available

It runs out of date

It finds cars new you when you put in the Postcode

Click on Email



Telephoning people

Speaking to People



Posting Leaflets

Texting people


Log in to Email using your username, Password















In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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