Student Edition

Microsoft® Office Word 2007: Level 1 (Second Edition)

Lesson 1: Creating a Basic Document

Topic 1-A: Explore the User Interface

|1-1 |Multiple Choice |

|( Q ) |How will you view the description of a command button within a group? |

|     A . |Click the command button. |

|     B . |Double-click the command button. |

|     C . |Place the mouse pointer on the command button. |

|     D . |Right-click the command button. |

|1-2 |Performance Based |

|( Q ) |Launch the Word 2007 application and view the default groups on the Home tab. |

Topic 1-B: Open and View a Document

|1-1 |Multiple Choice |

|( Q ) |How will you view a document with only the text, excluding pictures and layouts? |

|     A . |On the Microsoft Office Window Frame, click the Print Layout button. |

|     B . |On the Microsoft Office Window Frame, click the Full Screen Reading button. |

|     C . |On the Microsoft Office Window Frame, click the Web Layout button. |

|     D . |On the Microsoft Office Window Frame, click the Draft button. |

|1-2 |Multiple Choice |

|( Q ) |How will you open a document in Word? |

|     A . |Click the Microsoft Office button and choose Open. |

|     B . |Click the Microsoft Office button and choose New. |

|     C . |Click the Microsoft Office button and choose Prepare. |

|     D . |Click the Microsoft Office button and choose Publish. |

Topic 1-C: Customize the Word Environment

|1-1 |Multiple Choice |

|( Q ) |Which tab in the Word Options dialog box enables you to customize the interface to suit your personal needs? |

|     A . |Popular |

|     B . |Save |

|     C . |Customization |

|     D . |Advanced |

|1-2 |Performance Based |

|( Q ) |Add the Compatibility Checker option to the Quick Access toolbar. |

Topic 1-D: Obtain Help

|1-1 |Multiple Choice |

|( Q ) |How can you search for information on a particular option using Word Help? |

|     A . |By clicking the Search button. |

|     B . |By clicking the Search drop-down arrow and changing the areas of search in Word. |

|     C . |By typing the keyword in the Type Words To Search For text box and clicking Search. |

|     D . |By clicking the Back button and navigating to the page that was accessed previously. |

|1-2 |Performance Based |

|( Q ) |Open the Word Help window without using the keyboard shortcut and search for information on the Ribbon. |

Topic 1-E: Enter Text

|1-1 |Multiple Choice |

|( Q ) |While entering text, which action would enable you to manually end each line? |

|     A . |Pressing Backspace |

|     B . |Pressing Enter |

|     C . |Pressing Tab |

|     D . |Pressing Delete |

|1-2 |Multiple Choice |

|( Q ) |Which key enables you to remove the character or space immediately to the left of the insertion point? |

|     A . |Backspace |

|     B . |Enter |

|     C . |Delete |

|     D . |Esc |

Topic 1-F: Save a Document

|1-1 |Multiple Choice |

|( Q ) |Which feature enables you to update the document saved in an earlier version thus making it compatible? |

|     A . |Convert |

|     B . |Compatibility Checker |

|     C . |Save As |

|     D . |AutoCorrect |

|1-2 |Performance Based |

|( Q ) |Save a copy of the Annual Overview.docx file on the Desktop as My Annual Overview.doc after checking for its |

| |compatibility. |

Lesson 2: Editing a Document

Topic 2-A: Navigate and Select Text in a Document

|2-1 |Multiple Choice |

|( Q ) |Which keyboard navigation technique would you use to move the insertion point to the end of a document? |

|     A . |Press the Left Arrow key. |

|     B . |Press the Right Arrow key. |

|     C . |Hold down Ctrl and press End. |

|     D . |Hold down Ctrl and press Home. |

|2-2 |Multiple Response |

|( Q ) |What are the various keyboard shortcuts that can be used to navigate through different sections in a document? |

|     A . |Ctrl+Home |

|     B . |Ctrl+End |

|     C . |Ctrl+Insert |

|     D . |Ctrl+Right Arrow |

|     E . |Ctrl+Up Arrow |

Topic 2-B: Insert, Delete, or Rearrange Text

|2-1 |Multiple Choice |

|( Q ) |Which option lets you move the text from one location to another without duplicating it? |

|     A . |Press Ctrl+C, position the mouse pointer at the desired location, and press Ctrl+V. |

|     B . |Cut the text and paste it in the desired location. |

|     C . |Copy the text and paste it in the desired location. |

|     D . |Select the text and press Ctrl+P. Position the mouse pointer at the desired location and press Ctrl+V. |

|2-2 |Performance Based |

|( Q ) |Delete the heading, “Our Guarantee,” and also the paragraph below it. |

Topic 2-C: Undo Changes

|2-1 |Multiple Choice |

|( Q ) |How do you undo a change? |

|     A . |Hold down Ctrl and press V. |

|     B . |Hold down Ctrl and press Z. |

|     C . |Hold down Ctrl and press X. |

|     D . |Hold down Ctrl and press Y. |

|2-2 |True/False |

|( Q ) |True or False? All actions can be undone using the Undo command. |

|     A . |True |

|     B . |False |

Lesson 3: Formatting Text

Topic 3-A: Change Font Appearance

|3-1 |Multiple Choice |

|( Q ) |Which option enables you to write letters that are small below the text line? |

|     A . |Subscript button |

|     B . |Superscript button |

|     C . |Grow Font button |

|     D . |Shrink Font button |

|3-2 |Multiple Choice |

|( Q ) |Which Font Case option allows you to change small letters to capital letters and vice-versa? |

|     A . |Toggle Case |

|     B . |Upper Case |

|     C . |Lower Case |

|     D . |Sentence Case |

Topic 3-B: Highlight Text

|3-1 |Multiple Choice |

|( Q ) |Which option enables you to remove the applied text highlight? |

|     A . |Clear Formatting |

|     B . |Stop Highlighting |

|     C . |No Color |

|     D . |Cut |

|3-2 |Performance Based |

|( Q ) |Highlight the text, “Jan Burke,” in the first paragraph with bright green. |

Lesson 4: Formatting Paragraphs

Topic 4-A: Set Tabs to Align Text

|4-1 |Multiple Choice |

|( Q ) |How do you set a tab stop on the horizontal ruler? |

|     A . |Select the tab stop from the tab selector and click at the desired position on the horizontal ruler. |

|     B . |Drag the tab stop from the tab selector. |

|     C . |Double-click the tab selector. |

|     D . |Double-click the tab stop. |

|4-2 |Multiple Choice |

|( Q ) |How do you clear a tab stop from the horizontal ruler? |

|     A . |Select the tab stop and click Cut. |

|     B . |Select the tab stop and press Delete. |

|     C . |Drag the tab stop off the ruler. |

|     D . |Right-click the tab stop and select Clear. |

Topic 4-B: Control Paragraph Layout

|4-1 |Multiple Choice |

|( Q ) |Which group on the Home tab contains options for changing a paragraph's alignment. |

|     A . |Clipboard |

|     B . |Font |

|     C . |Paragraph |

|     D . |Styles |

|4-2 |Performance Based |

|( Q ) |Set the alignment of the entire document to Justify using the options on the Ribbon. |

Topic 4-C: Add Borders and Shading

|4-1 |Multiple Choice |

|( Q ) |Which option would you choose to apply shading to a paragraph? |

|     A . |Place the insertion point at the beginning of the paragraph and click the shading button in the paragraph group of |

| |the Home tab. |

|     B . |Select the paragraph and click the Page Color button in the Page Background group of the Page Layout group. |

|     C . |Select the paragraph and click the shading button in the paragraph group of the Home tab. |

|     D . |Click the shading button in the paragraph group of the Home tab. |

|4-2 |Performance Based |

|( Q ) |Add a box border and Light Green shading to the last paragraph in the document using the Borders And Shading dialog |

| |box. |

Topic 4-D: Apply Styles

|4-1 |Multiple Choice |

|( Q ) |To which element can styles be applied using the Styles group on the Home tab? |

|     A . |Clip Art |

|     B . |Chart |

|     C . |Text |

|     D . |Picture |

|4-2 |Performance Based |

|( Q ) |Apply the Heading 1 style to the heading, DRAFT-Burke Properties, Inc. |

Topic 4-E: Create Lists

|4-1 |Multiple Choice |

|( Q ) |Which statement is true of Word lists? |

|     A . |An existing numbered list cannot be easily converted to a bulleted list. |

|     B . |Existing paragraphs can be changed to a bulleted list. |

|     C . |Existing paragraphs cannot be changed to a numbered list. |

|     D . |Existing paragraphs cannot be changed to a bulleted list. |

|4-2 |True/False |

|( Q ) |True or False? There can be any number of items in a list. |

|     A . |True |

|     B . |False |

Topic 4-F: Manage Formatting

|4-1 |Multiple Choice |

|( Q ) |How do you select all occurrences of a particular style before you clear it using the Reveal Formatting task pane? |

|     A . |Check the Distinguish Style Source check box in the Options section. |

|     B . |Check the Compare To Another Section check box. |

|     C . |From the Selected Text drop-down list, select Apply Formatting Of Surrounding Text. |

|     D . |From the Selected Text drop-down list, select the All Text With Similar Formatting option. |

|4-2 |Multiple Response |

|( Q ) |How can you clear the formatting applied to the selected text? |

|     A . |Select the desired text and click the Clear Formatting button in the Font group of the Home tab. |

|     B . |Select the desired text and click the Cut button from the Clipboard group of the Home tab. |

|     C . |Select the desired text, display the Reveal Formatting task pane, and use the options in the Selected Text drop-down |

| |list in the Reveal Formatting task pane. |

|     D . |Select the desired text and click the Format Painter button in the Clipboard group of the Home tab. |

Lesson 5: Adding Tables

Topic 5-A: Create a Table

|5-1 |Multiple Choice |

|( Q ) |How can you create a new table in a Word document? |

|     A . |Place the insertion point where you want to create the table. On the Insert tab, click the Tables drop-down arrow and|

| |move the mouse pointer over the grids to select the desired number of rows and columns to be displayed in the table. |

|     B . |Place the insertion point where you want to create the table. On the Home tab, click the Tables drop-down arrow and |

| |move the mouse pointer over the grids to select the desired number of rows and columns to be displayed in the table. |

|     C . |Place the insertion point where you want to create the table. On the Insert tab, click the Tables drop-down arrow and|

| |choose Convert Text to Table. |

|     D . |Place the insertion point where you want to create the table. On the Layout Contextual tab, in the Tables group, move|

| |the mouse pointer over the grids to select the desired number of rows and columns to be displayed in the table. |

|5-2 |Multiple Response |

|( Q ) |What are the options that enable you to create a blank table? |

|     A . |Draw Table |

|     B . |Insert Table |

|     C . |Quick Tables |

|     D . |Table Grids |

Topic 5-B: Modify the Table Structure

|5-1 |Multiple Choice |

|( Q ) |Which contextual tab contains options for modifying table structure? |

|     A . |Table Tools Layout Contextual tab |

|     B . |Table Tools Design Contextual tab |

|     C . |Smart Art Tools Design Contextual tab |

|     D . |Smart Art tools Format Contextual tab |

|5-2 |Performance Based |

|( Q ) |Move the Tape Sales column to before the CD Sales column using the options in the Clipboard group. |

Topic 5-C: Format a Table

|5-1 |Multiple Choice |

|( Q ) |Which option in the Table Styles Options group enables you to apply a different shade to alternate rows of the table |

| |based on the style applied? |

|     A . |Banded Rows |

|     B . |Banded Columns |

|     C . |Header Row |

|     D . |Total Row |

|5-2 |Multiple Choice |

|( Q ) |Which option in the Tables group allows you to format a table? |

|     A . |Insert Table |

|     B . |Draw Table |

|     C . |Excel Spreadsheet |

|     D . |Quick Table |

Lesson 6: Inserting Graphic Objects

Topic 6-A: Add Visual Effects Using Symbols and Special Characters

|6-1 |Multiple Choice |

|( Q ) |How can you invoke the Symbol dialog box? |

|     A . |On the Insert tab, in the Symbols gallery, choose Symbol→More Symbols. |

|     B . |On the Insert tab, in the Symbols gallery, choose Special Characters→More Symbols. |

|     C . |On the Insert tab, in the Symbols gallery, click the Dialog Box Launcher button. |

|     D . |On the Insert tab, in the Symbols gallery, click the Special Characters. |

|6-2 |Performance Based |

|( Q ) |Add a trademark symbol after Burke Properties just below the main heading, Rates of Interest using the Symbol |

| |gallery. |

Topic 6-B: Insert Illustrations

|6-1 |Multiple Choice |

|( Q ) |What is the first step in inserting a picture? |

|     A . |On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click the dialog box launcher button. |

|     B . |On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Picture. |

|     C . |On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click ClipArt. |

|     D . |On the Insert Picture dialog box, click Insert. |

|6-2 |Multiple Choice |

|( Q ) |How will you specify the type of ClipArt you require? |

|     A . |Select an option in the Results Should Be drop-down list. |

|     B . |Select an option in the Search In drop-down list. |

|     C . |Specify a piece of ClipArt in the ClipArt gallery. |

|     D . |Specify a piece of ClipArt in the Search For text box. |

Lesson 7: Controlling Page Appearance

Topic 7-A: Control Page Layout

|7-1 |Multiple Choice |

|( Q ) |How will you change the orientation of a particular page in the document? |

|     A . |Apply a section break before the page and, on the Page Layout tab, in the Page Setup group, click Orientation to set |

| |the desired orientation. |

|     B . |On the Page Layout tab, in the Page Setup group, click Orientation and set the desired orientation. |

|     C . |Select the desired page and, on the Page Layout tab, in the Page Setup group, click Orientation to set the desired |

| |orientation. |

|     D . |Orientation can be set only for the entire document. |

|7-2 |Performance Based |

|( Q ) |Change the orientation of the document to Landscape. |

Topic 7-B: Apply a Page Border and Color

|7-1 |Multiple Choice |

|( Q ) |Which option enables you to apply a shade to the entire page including the margin spaces? |

|     A . |Shading option |

|     B . |Page Color option |

|     C . |Font Color option |

|     D . |Text Highlighter option |

|7-2 |Performance Based |

|( Q ) |Apply a red border of width half a point to the pages in the document. |

Topic 7-C: Add Watermarks

|7-1 |Multiple Choice |

|( Q ) |How do you add a watermark to a document? |

|     A . |On the Page Layout tab, in the Page Background group, click Watermark and choose Custom Watermarks. In the Printed |

| |Watermark dialog box, check the desired radio button according to the type of watermark you want and click OK. |

|     B . |On the Insert tab, in the Page Background group, click Watermark and choose Custom Watermarks. In the Printed |

| |Watermark dialog box, check the desired radio button according to the type of watermark you want and click OK. |

|     C . |On the Insert tab, in the Pages group, click Watermark and choose Custom Watermarks. In the Printed Watermark dialog |

| |box, check the desired radio button according to the type of watermark you want and click OK. |

|     D . |On the View tab, in the Page Layout group, click Watermark and choose Custom Watermarks. In the Printed Watermark |

| |dialog box, check the desired radio button according to the type of watermark you want and click OK. |

|7-2 |Multiple Choice |

|( Q ) |Which of the groups on the Page Layout tab allows you to insert a watermark? |

|     A . |Page Background |

|     B . |Themes |

|     C . |Page Setup |

|     D . |Paragraph |

Lesson 8: Proofing a Document

Topic 8-A: Check Spelling, Grammar, and Word Count

|8-1 |Multiple Choice |

|( Q ) |Which option in the Spelling And Grammar dialog box enables you to replace the erroneous word with the selected |

| |correction? |

|     A . |Change |

|     B . |Change All |

|     C . |AutoCorrect |

|     D . |Options |

|8-2 |Performance Based |

|( Q ) |Correct the misspelled words in the About Us.docx file using the Spelling And Grammar dialog box. |

Topic 8-B: Enhance Textual Meaning Using the Thesaurus

|8-1 |Multiple Choice |

|( Q ) |How can you use the Thesaurus to replace the selected word? |

|     A . |In the Research task Pane, place the mouse pointer over the desired word to display the drop-down arrow and, from the|

| |drop-down list, choose Insert. |

|     B . |In the Research task Pane, place the mouse pointer over the desired word to display the drop-down arrow and, from the|

| |drop-down list, choose Copy. |

|     C . |In the Research task Pane, place the mouse pointer over the desired word to display the drop-down arrow and, from the|

| |drop-down list, choose Look Up. |

|     D . |In the document, delete the word that needs to be replaced and type the desired synonym. |

|8-2 |Performance Based |

|( Q ) |Display the Thesaurus for the word, “business,” in Proofing.docx. |

Topic 8-C: Customize AutoCorrect Options

|8-1 |Multiple Choice |

|( Q ) |In the AutoCorrect dialog box, how do you specify the expansion for abbreviations so that as you type them they are |

| |automatically expanded in the document? |

|     A . |In the Replace As You Type section, enter the abbreviation and its expansion. |

|     B . |Check the Show AutoCorrect Options Button check box. |

|     C . |Click Exceptions. |

|     D . |Check the Correct Accidental Usage of Caps Lock Key check box. |

|8-2 |Multiple Choice |

|( Q ) |How will you display the AutoCorrect dialog box? |

|     A . |Click AutoCorrect in the Spelling And Grammar dialog box. |

|     B . |On the Proofing tab of the Word Options dialog box, click AutoCorrect Options. |

|     C . |On the Home tab, select Options from the Editing group. |

|     D . |In the Research task pane, click Options. |


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