Getting prepared..... .uk

Get ready for take-offNHS Fife is moving to a new email platform - Outlook OnlineAs NHS Scotland moves on to the new Microsoft (MS) Office 365 platform, your mail is moving from NHSMail2 (@) to Outlook Online ( aim to ensure the transition to Office 365 is as smooth as possible for you. This newsletter will keep you up to date on important information as we progress through the project.Following the successful roll-out of MS Teams, we are now well underway with the next phase of the transition, where your mail account will move to Outlook Online. Over the next week, we will complete a pilot with 72 users across 3 services, which will allow us to identify any issues before the move. Look out for a progress report on this in our next newsletter. There are 3 phases of migration. The majority of users will migrate in August, with the next phase in September and Community Pharmacists, Dentists, Optometrists, and Care Homes in October.?MS Teams and Outlook Online complement each other and together will allow you to create virtual meetings, connect with NHS Scotland staff, and share information. Overall, this will provide you with better collaboration and communication tools, supporting you in achieving your work goals and objectives.We are grateful for all your help so far in following the information governance guidance to reduce your mailbox size and ask that you continue to keep your mailbox below 1.7 GB throughout the migration, to allow us to successfully move forward with this next phase. For help with managing your mailbox size, you can visit the guide on StaffLink.Getting prepared.....Setting up your Microsoft Teams accountTo ensure your transition to Outlook Online goes as smoothly as possible, please set up your Office 365 account and log into Microsoft Teams, if you have not already done so. You can find helpful guides on how to do this here, and if you require further help in getting set up, or for any issues logging in, please contact the Service Desk. LicensingEvery member of staff across NHS Fife will receive one of three MS Office 365 license types, which will be issued according to your role and frequency of useThe majority of NHS staff will be assigned the default, E1, license. Depending on requirements and role type, users may be allocated either an F3 license, where infrequent use of office tools is required or an E3 license, where frequent use of advanced features is required.TrainingTraining sessions will take place towards the end of July, covering both Outlook Online and MS Teams. Please visit StaffLink to check when these sessions, taking place on MS Teams, will be held. We will also be launching a forum for users to discuss any questions, so watch this space for more information.Mail Migration ChampionsWould you like to support us in the delivery of Office 365?We are looking for members of staff to act as Office 365 Champions. The Champions will be critical for the success of the programme and will work with the Office 365 team, helping users and supporting the delivery of the project.You can find out more about the Champion roles on StaffLink. Please register your interest by contacting the Office365 Team at fife-uhb.office365@.PST filesFollowing mail migration, you will no longer be able to archive mail by creating or saving to a new or existing PST fileIf you have version 2007/2016 of Microsoft Outlook installed on your desktop, you will still be able to access emails saved as PST files. To find out more, please go to?Email Retention Guidance.What next?Staff migration checklist To prepare for migration there are a number of tasks we ask you to carry out to ensure your mailbox is migrated successfully:Continue to delete any old or redundant emails, e.g. any that do not need to be moved to Outlook Online.Delete any calendar appointments no longer required.Delete any out-of-date contacts.Take note of any calendar delegates you have.Take note of any delegates or permissions you have?on?shared mailboxes or other user’s mailboxes.Take note of the details of any?distribution?lists or contact groups you may have.Take note of any frequently used email addresses.Take note of any subscriptions or organisations you have registered your email with e.g. professional bodies.Take note of any systems (e.g. TURAS) that have your email address attached.If you are an owner of a shared mailbox, please review members of the mailbox and remove members no longer required.Keeping you updatedKeep your eyes peeled for all the latest news and updates around migration on the Office 365 section of StaffLink.We will continue to update you, so look out for information on virtual training sessions taking place for MS Teams and Outlook Online. You will soon receive your new email address from Office 365, so keep a look out for that, along with instructions of what you need to do once you have received it. The majority of NHS Fife staff will migrate in August, and we will be in touch nearer the time to let you know exactly when you will migrate. In the meantime, if you have any questions about the mail migration or any other aspect of the programme, please contact the Project Team at?fife-uhb.office365@ or visit the Microsoft Office 365 pages of StaffLink.Thank you for your support....Thank you for your support so far on our Office 365 journey. We will be continuing to update you as we progress through the project, so look out for our regular newsletters. In the meantime, do not hesitate to get in touch with any questions. Office 365 Team ................

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