Discovering Microsoft Word 2016

Chapter 1: Backstage View (File Tab)Last update: 12/26/2017ESSENTIAL OUTCOMESAnalyze technical writing and apply Word skill sets (File Tab) to real-life scenarios (project based).Analyze skills sets provided in the handout (Backstage View, Managing tabs, New Tab, Save Feature, Save As Feature, Print Feature, Share Feature, Export Feature, Options, and Advanced feature)Achieve industry-recognized certification through Microsoft.Apply terms in the chapter with applicationGMetrix -36520298370000 HYPERLINK \l "_top" Chapter 1: The Backstage Viewleft485140002095519367500268482834305600The focus of Chapter I is on the Backstage View. To access the Backstage View, click on the “File” tab, which is the first tab on the menu bar. The Backstage view was introduced in the Word 2010 version and acts as the central place for managing your documents. When the screen opens, the “Info” tab information is automatically displayed as the default setting on the screen.The File tab (or Backstage View) is utilized whenever you want to alter how the computer reads the document. This is an important distinction. There are features that you will use that effect only the document you are working in; however, when you alter the document using the Backstage View, you are normally altering how the computer responds to all documents you open, not just one. HYPERLINK \l "_top" Managing Tabs: 50184056286500The Managing tabs section provides you will all the options for the backstage view. By clicking on each of the options, the backstage screen will change to match the options given for each tab. You have the following options for the backstage view. Back arrow: allows you to return to your : permits you to add various types of protection to your documentNew: allows you to open a new document or new template.Open: lets you open a saved document.Save: lets you save over a “saved” document.Save As: permits you to save an unnamed document.Print: provides you with print options.Share: provides options for sharing a document.Export: lets you export documents. Close: allows you to exit out of document.Account: provides information on your personal account.Feedback: allows you to provide feedback to Microsoft CorporationThe following pages of this handout will break down each option underneath each of the tabs. As you can see, there are twelve tabs under the Managing section of the Backstage OptionThe Info Tab has two sections: the middle tab section lets you manage your document and the right-side section that allows you to adjust your document properties.right17208500Middle Tab Section:The Middle Tab section allows you to protect, inspect and manage your documents. There are three icons underneath this section:Protect DocumentInspect DocumentManage DocumentProtect Document40278051206500Under the protect option, you may mark a document as final, encrypt the document with a password, restrict editing or add a digital signature.Mark as Final: by marking a document as final, you are telling the reader that the document is “read-only”; meaning, that the user may not make any changes to the document until the user has clicked on the “Enable Editing” option of the document. Encrypt with Password: This feature allows you to add a password to protect your document from others making changes. When you encrypt the document with a password it means without the password, the document will not open.Restrict Editing: This feature allows you to add certain restriction when it comes to editing the document. You may restrict so that users may only track changes or make comments. Any other changes a user might attempt to make would be blocked.Add a Digital Signature: In this section, to ensure the integrity of the document, you may add a digital signature to the document. Unfortunately, due to the security measures on our computers, you will not be able to add a digital signature.INSPECT THE DOCUMENTBefore publishing a file or document, the document may contain document properties, author’s name, related dates and cropped out image data; headers and footers; and content that disable people may not be able to read. You will be given the following options when it comes to inspecting a document:30289509271000Inspect Document: This feature allows you to check for hidden properties and personal information within a document. To inspect a document:Click on the icon, “Inspect Document”.Click, “Yes”.Run Inspection.Delete the sections that should be deleted based on the directions.Check Accessibility: This feature checks the document for content that people with disabilities might find difficult to read.Check Comparability: This option checks for features not supported by earlier versions of Word. right1651000Manage DocumentThe “Manage Document” allows you to check out document or recover unsaved changes. It also allows you to see view a listing of the documents that have been modified as well as the date of modification.190501079500Properties Section:The properties section allows you to review the personal information that is within your document. To add or change information in the properties section, simple click on the field of the tab and add information.right635000Properties Drop Down Icon4346575730885When you click on the properties option icon, the “Advanced Properties” option is displayed. If you select the Advance Properties, the dialog box will open providing numerous options. The default setting for the Advanced Properties is the “Summary” tab. However, there are four other tabs at the top that can be utilized.190506985Show All PropertiesAnother option is the “Show All Properties” link at the bottom of the page. By clicking on the “Show All Properties” at the end of the section, you will find additional information such as categories, subject, template name, hyperlink base and company name.Either the Advanced Properties or the Show All Properties may be used to add personal information into a document.0181610CAUTION: Be careful about confusing the properties feature here with the Properties field inserted using Quick Parts. Quick Parts adds fields directly into your document whereas the Backstage Properties section adds personal information to the document that is not directly displayed in the document itself. HYPERLINK \l "_top" New OptionThe New option has two options: you can open a new Word blank document, or you can choose from a variety of templates.36518851333500The New Option allows you to create a new document. By double clicking on the ‘Blank document’ icon, (or use the short cut Ctrl + N), you can open a new document in Word.You may also search for a template by typing in the name of the template under the “Search for Templates online” search box located at the top of the page.30581606921500If you want to see all the available “Letter” templates, you would type in “Letter Templates” in the search box. If you know the specific name of the letter template, simply type in the name of the template. For example, if you are looking for the “Oriel Mail Merge” template letter, just type in the search box, “Oriel Mail Merge Letter”. Double click on the template, and it will open as a Word document.-28575182880Open FeatureIn Word 2016, you will find the documents you have previously opened under the “Open” feature. The date of the last modification of the document, or when it was last opened will also be displayed.If your document is not listed here, click on the “Browse” file folder to search for the document. Make sure you are paying close attention to where you save documents. It is easy to lose a document if you are not paying attention to the folder where you save it. Make sure you keep all documents in folders, so you can easily find your work. HYPERLINK \l "_top" Save FeatureUse the Save feature tab when you have already saved a document and you need to save over the original document quickly. NOTE: if you have not saved the document and you click on the “Save” feature, the Save As dialog box will open prompting you to give it a name and an opportunity to save the document in the correct location.28848051016000“Save As” FeatureThe Save As Feature allows you to save an “unsaved” document to either the PC or flash drive (or in school, to your H drive). If you have already saved your document, this feature provides you with the location of your document on the computer. You may also change the “File Type” here as well.Changing the File Type288607581915000Changing the File Type means that you are changing how the document saves on the computer by changing the file extension. The file extension is the last three letters of a document following the dot (.docx). On our school computers, the file extension is turned off so you do not see the extensions. However, all documents have file extensions depending on the type of software that is used to create and save the document.right2476500To change the file type, click on the drop-down arrow to the right of the “Word Document (.docx) box (see red box). You can also change the file type under the “Export” option.Read-Only Files: you can also save the document as a “read-only” file. A read-only file means that the user can open the document and read it, but cannot edit it. The only way a user may edit the document is by saving it under a new file name. A read-only file protects you work rfrom users altering your document. HYPERLINK \l "_top" Print TabThe Print Tab allows you to not only print a document, but it also permits you to preview your document and change the page settings as well.Print Icon: the print icon allows you to print a document. It will also allow you to print more than just one copy.Printer Icon: use this feature to change the printer that a document will print to. 391604513335000Print Properties: opens a print dialog box with various print options.Settings Icon: this icon gives you a variety of options such as which side to print, changing margins, size, and orientation, etc.Print Icon: click here and the printer will print off your document. To the right, the “Copies” icon allows you to set the number of pages you want printed.Print Printer: allows you to select the printer you want to use.Print All Pages: feature allows you to print on one side or both sides of the paper.Pages: allows you to type in the specific pages that you want. For example, if you want to print, 2-4 pages, you would type in “2-4”Collated: allows you to change the order in which pages print out of the printer.Portrait Orientation: allows you to change the page orientation of a document.Letter: permits you to change the size of a document.Normal Margins: lets you to change your margins.1 Page Per Sheet: allows you to determine how many pages will print on a page.Page Setup: permits you to change margins and orientation; you can add borders or add headers and footers, etc.36182301079500 HYPERLINK \l "_top" Share FeatureThe Share Feature tab allows you to share a document with others through four options:Share with People: If you use your OneDrive Location, you can share with people using this location.Email: you have a variety of options when you share through the email feature.384889717081500Send as Attachment: you can send a copy so that everyone you email receives the copy as an attachment.Send a Link: everyone works on the same copy; everyone can use the latest changes; you can keep the email size small; however, the documents must be saved in a shared location.Send a PDF: everyone gets a PDF attachment. A PDF preserves the layout, formatting, fonts and images within a document. The content cannot be easily changed; however, PDF’s usually open on all computers.Send as XPS: an XPS file is Microsoft's less-compatible version of a PDF file.351472546355000Send as Internet Fax: even though you do not need a fax machine, you need a fax provider to use this feature.Present Online: you will need an online account with Microsoft to use this feature.Post to Blog: you can save a document as a blog post. To save a document as a blog post:Click on the icon, “Post to Blog”. Once you click on the icon, a NEW document will open as a blog post350329523749000You should decide whether to register it now and register later. In all class exercises, you will register later. Then you must give the blog post a name as well as a file name to save the blog post. When you finish with a blog post, you should have two documents: a blog post and the original document. HYPERLINK \l "_top" Export Feature32912051016000The Export Feature allows you to perform two functions: create and publish a pdf or change the file type of a document.Creating a PDF: to create a PDF, click on the “Create PDF/XPS icon. Once you select the icon, the following box will open (see box directly below). You must give the pdf a file name and choose the location to where the pdf should be saved. 3695700000Turning off Document Properties & Structure tags for accessibility: Click on the “Options” box (see box to the left).Once you select the Option box, the box below will open.Deselect the “Document properties and Document structure tags for accessibility” boxes.Then click on “OK”.866775635000051339755397500838200431800033121607874000Changing File Type: you can also change the file type of a document. When you click on the “Change File Type” icon, the following box on the right will open. The most current version of a Word document will always be in the top, left hand corner. Looking at the box to the right, the 2016 version is shaded in gray. You can change it to another file type by simply clicking on the file type that you want and then click on the “Save As” icon. You will need to choose the location where you want to save the document when the Save As Dialog box opens.Close FeatureThe Close feature permits you to exit out of Word document. You can either click on the “Close” option, or go to the top, right hand corner of the document and click on the “X”. HYPERLINK \l "_top" Options Feature:There are many sections listed underneath the Word Options. This feature option allows you to make internal changes to your computer that affect all Word documents that you open, edit, print and save.19431007620000General Tab277114039814500General tab is the default setting. It contains general information about how the computer has been programmed. It is the box that will open whenever you click on the Options icon. 280479512763500You will find the following in this section:283273523939500Enable Live PreviewOffice ThemeOffice Background Opening email attachments other uneditable files in reading view” Display tab29133801270000The Display tab provides you with various options including:Turn on all formatting marks in a document. This turns on all forms of formatting that is normally hidden in a document such as tabs, paragraph markers, etc.Print background colors and images. By default, Word does not print out background, so this feature must be enabled for Word to print out background color and images.348615013208000Proofing tabThe Proofing tab is used whenever you want to change the computer spelling and grammar checking. In this section, all the changes you make to your document are connected to how the computer handles spelling and grammar checks.325755011747500Mark grammar errors as you type: this feature allows you to turn on or off the feature that checks for grammar errors as you type.3476625330835000285750072263000Hide spelling or grammar errors in the document: Every computer has its own default settings for spelling and grammar checks. Even though you can add words to the computer’s dictionary, these additions are not necessarily included on every other computer. So, if you are preparing a resume to send either as an email attachment or online, this feature is vital. If you have uncommon words or grammar spellings, both features need to be selected to stop these words from being displayed as “errors” in your document. For most employers, sending a document that has errors is a real problem, especially if you are sending a resume applying for a position at a company. There is a very high probability that you will not get an interview for a company if you have errors displayed in your document, even if these errors are not errors. Since Word only recognizes words in its own dictionary, it will make mark any word not recognized in its specific computer dictionary as an error. Turning on the “Hide” feature will prevent uncommon words to be displayed in error.356235013074650048767991358890032308801206500AutoCorrect Option Tab: Another very important feature that you need to know is the “AutoCorrect Option” icon that is displayed on the right side of the Proofing Word Options box. This feature provides you with spelling checking options. To access the following exceptions, click on the AutoCorrect Option.3666490114427000Replace Text as You Type: allows the computer to replace misspelled words as you document in a document. By deselecting this feature, the computer will no longer automatically replace misspelled words as you type. After you deselect the feature, click “Ok” to save the change.3705225159385000365760022225000Replace With Option: By using this feature, you can change how the computer reacts to the spelling of a word. For example, let’s say you have the abbreviation, “FBLA.” It is easier to type the word, “FBLA” when you type, then it is to type it in its entirety. However, if you type in the “Replace” box the word, FBLA”, and then in the “With” box, “Future Business Leaders of America”, then every time you type in the abbreviation, FBLA, Word will automatically replace it with “Future Business Leaders of America” in a Word document.3648075531495003609975381000Exceptions: This Exception options allows you to make exception to the default settings for the computer spelling options. When you click on the “Exception” feature, there are three tabs (the third tab is not covered here):4857751143000523876952500First Letter: list the words that end with periods but after which you don't want the next word to start with a capital letter. For example, you want to use in a sentence the word, U.S., but you do not want the next letter following the abbreviation to be capitalized, you can place the abbreviation in here to prevent this. 4686300183515004214834342600Initial Caps: Sometimes you have words that may have the first two letters capitalized in a word. Word will automatically change the second letter to lowercase. For example, you have the word, GMetrix. Word will either automatically change the “M” to lower case (Gmetrix) or it will make it as an error. To prevent this, use the INitial CAps icon to add it to the computer to prevent Word from changing the word.Save TabThe Save tab allows you change how often your computer save documents on your computer. 363633552226500306848217459500Save AutoRecover information every” box: you can change the automatic saving feature to save more or left often.right119201300Embed Fonts: A computer determines that default fonts on the computer. If you complete your work on one computer and then open your document on another computer, the original fonts may not be the fonts you used on the original computer. To prevent this, click on the “Embed font in this file” to prevent losing your original fonts when opening the document on a computer that may not have these types of font used in its font family.40474902857500Advance FeaturesThe Advanced Tab options allows you to do more advanced options in saving work to a computer. Print in Background: you will find this feature underneath the “Print” section. The Print in Background feature allows you to continue working in a document while it is printing. NOTE: when this feature is turned on, printing is slowed down.Print Pages in Reverse Order: this feature allows you to reverse the order of printing the pages of a document.Create Backup Copy: allows you to save a backup copy of your document.Exit Backstage ViewIt is simple to exit from Backstage View. Either click on File tab or press Esc button on the keyboard or select any of the tabs on the menu bar.Next Step in Chapter 1Chapter 1 Exercises will include skill sets learned in Chapter 1, the Backstage View tab. However, throughout each chapter, you will be building on and using skill sets that you have learned in previous chapters. Create a folder on your flash drive called “ISS Word.” Inside that folder create a folder called “Chapter 1”. Inside that folder, create a folder that contains your first and last name. This is the folder that house all your completed Chapter 1 exercises. As you complete each exercise, please make sure you show me your work AS YOU COMPLETE THEM. Do NOT wait to show me more than two exercises at a time. It takes too long to grade exercises if I must grade more than two. When you have finished all exercises, I should be able to give you your final grade. This handout is your guide for helping you complete your Chapter 1 Exercises. When you are working with new features in the exercises, if you are not sure how to use them, you are to come back to this handout and work your way through the examples. It is your job to figure out how to use each feature. Do not expect me to come over and tell you how to do them step-by-step—I will not do this because that is what this handout is for…it is your guide. If your features do not function properly, or you are having difficulties, I am available. My first step will be to ask you to show me the steps you used for the feature. If you have not even attempted to use the feature, or you have not reviewed it in the handout, I will tell you to look it up in your handout and call me back if you still cannot figure it out. Make sure you are doing your own work. If you are caught cheating, regardless if it is one or all exercises, you will receive a “0” for the exercises in the Chapter. For those of you who have friends in the class, be careful…lazy people are not stupid. They know they can make you feel guilty and they will find a way to manipulate you into giving them your work. They will come up with tons of excuses as to why they did not do their work…it all comes down to the fact that they simply choose not to do it. Just remember: they do not care whether you receive a “0” if you are caught; they only care about themselves. If they cared about you, they would not ask to copy your work because the risk to you would be too great. So, be smarter than them and say, “Do you own work and learn the material so that you can pass the MOS exam!” That way, you are demonstrating “true” friendship because you care about their well-being!I wish all of you the best throughout the semester. My teaching goal is to assist everyone so that ALL may past the MOS test. To present date, we have not yet had a class where everyone has honored the learning process so that all may pass the test. Will your class be the class to respect and honor the learning process so that all reach this goal? ................

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