Discovering Microsoft Word 2016

Chapter 9: View Tab in Word 2016Last update: 7/3/2019ESSENTIAL OUTCOMESAnalyze technical writing and apply View tab skill sets to Word scenarios by:Analyze skills sets provided in the handout (Views Ribbon, Page Movement Ribbon, Show Ribbon, Zoom Ribbon, Window Ribbon, Marco Ribbon)Apply various skill set features to Word scenarios. Use the Bookmark to find specific skill sets in the document.Achieve industry-recognized certification, learn the computing skills companies are seeking, boost workforce resume, differentiate student from other applicants, gain valuable experience and confidence, heighten earning potential, and prepare for a successful future.Apply terms in the chapter with applicationThe FocusIn Chapter 9, the focus will be on learning the skill sets that are provided underneath each of the toolbar ribbons for View tab. The focus will be on the skills sets that you need to know for certification in Microsoft Word 2016. There are six ribbons that you will study under the View tab. The View Tab provides you with tools that allow you to alter the view of your document. The ribbons are as follows:ViewsPage MovementZoomWindow097853400-4762526416000Macro HYPERLINK \l "_top" ViewThe Views Toolbar ribbon has five different icons that you can use to view documents. They are:Read Mode: feature that allows you a format that is geared for reading. It also includes some tools that can be used for reading.Print Layout: feature that shows you how a document will be printed.Web Layout: feature that is used for web design.Outline: feature that will set up your document in outline view.Draft: view that allows you to edit a document quickly.952501333500Read ModeIf you use the Read Mode, the document will change the view so that it reads more like a book. Along with the view change, you are also allowed tools for reading such as File, Tools and View.Under the Read Mode’s View drop down menu, you are given tools that you may want to use while in Read Mode. You can even edit the document when you are in read mode.Print LayoutThe default setting for View is the Print Layout. If you want to see how your document will print, is the Print Layout.Web LayoutWhen you use Web Layout, you are seeing how the document will look if you were to put the document on the Internet.291592015938500++Outline ViewThe Outline View allows you to see your document in outline view. The format will look like an outline that displays your document based on levels. If you review the image on the right, you will see that the Heading 1 style is placed first, and then lists secondary levels that are underneath the headings. The headings are in red, and the secondary levels are in black.208813000If you want to change the levels that are listed underneath the headings, you can use the “promote” and “demote” arrows on the toolbar. left4191000Demote Options: by using the demote option you can move text to the right. Demote is most often used when you want to align a bullet or a paragraph underneath a heading.50253901079500Promote Options: by using the promote option you can move text to the left. Promote is most often used when you want to move a heading to the right so that the information underneath the heading is aligned correctly.You can also change the levels of the headings. By selecting the drop-down arrow on the “Body Text” icon, you have the option to change the level of your text.21265530200You can also move text up or down in the outline by using the “Move Up” and “Move Down” icons (see image to the left).-9525514350034575754000500Draft ViewWhen you select the Draft view, all you will see is text (see image to the right). This tool is useful for quick editing because headers/footers and certain objects won’t show up, allowing you to focus on text. HYPERLINK \l "_top" Page Movement36544251206500left1143000The Page Movement ribbon provides options for the page movement of your document. There are two options: you can view the document on vertical (the default setting) or you can change the page movement side to side.The image to the right shows you how a document will look when placed on side-to-side page movement.Show RibbonThe Show Ribbon allows you another way to alter your document. There are three options here:Ruler: turns on the horizontal and vertical rulersGridlines: turns on lines that will allow you to line up objects on a page (see diagram to below to view gridlines in a document).5143504445000518414016256000Navigation Pane: a pane that will let you navigate through a document by heading, page or object. HYPERLINK \l "_top" Zoom Toolbar RibbonThe Zoom toolbar ribbon has features that allow you to set the viewing size of a document. These are the following features that are available on this toolbar:391477533972500Zoom: when you click on the Zoom icon, the Zoom Dialog box will open (see image on the right). This box has different section where you can make specific adjustments:Zoom to: you can select the specific zoom you want for your pagePercent: this box allows you to select a specific zoomPage Width: changes automatically the page width through zoomText width: changes automatically the text width through zoomWhole page: zooms so that you can see the entire pageMany pages: allows you to choose pages (see image below)4180840-24828500100%: sets a page for 100% zoomOne Page: zooms so that you see one pagePage Width: zooms by page widthleft317500Window Toolbar RibbonThe Window toolbar ribbon displays features that provide options for window viewing. You are already familiar with Viewing Side by Side, the Synchronous Scrolling and the Reset Window Position options since we have used them in this class as well as Introduction to Computers. NOTE: the options for View Side by Side, Synchronous Scrolling & Reset Window Position will only be displayed when you have at least two documents opened. The new options are:372300552895500New Window: this option allows you to open a new window using the same document. If you look at the diagram to the right, you will see that the top and bottom windows contain the same information. To exit out of the window, click on the red X in the top, right hand corner.Arrange All: this feature will tile all open documents side by side on the screen. Split: this option allows you to split the screen inside the same document.Switch Windows: see section below.Switch Windows388366086360Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 2: Switch WindowsFigure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 2: Switch WindowsThe Switch Windows icon allows you to switch windows while documents are open. In Figure 1, notice that the open documents are listed; however, the check mark displays the document you are presently viewing.-952512382500MacroYou can use macros in Word 2016 to save time by automating tasks that you perform frequently. A macro is a series of commands grouped together so that you can run the macro whenever you need to perform a specific task.Although you can write your own complex macros in the Visual Basic programming language, the easiest method for creating many macros is to use the macro recorder. When you record a macro, Word stores information about each step you take as you perform a series of commands. You then run the macro to repeat, or play back, the commands.2564765104140Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 3: OptionsFigure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 3: OptionsDisplay the Developer tabThe Developer tab provides access to the macro commands, but this tab does not appear by default. To display the Developer tab, follow these steps:4933950140970Click the File tab and then click Options. The Excel Options dialog box appears.Click Customize Ribbon in the left pane, and then select the Developer check box under Main Tabs on the right side of the dialog box (See Figure 2).Click OK.The Developer tab on the Menu Bar appears after the “View” Tab (see Figure below).Macro Recorder:The macro recorder records every action you complete. Therefore, planning your macro before you begin the recording process is very important so you don't record unnecessary steps. For example, let’s say that you want to create a template for your English paper that has a MLA style header. By creating this macro, you would no longer have to add the header section of a MLA paper every time you go to write a paper. To create a macro to handle this, you would follow these steps:Turn on the Developer Tab.Place your cursor on the first line.Open the Developer Tab and click on “Record Macro.”When the Macro Dialogue box opens, click on the “Button” icon so that the macro will be displayed on the Customized Quick Access Toolbar. Then give the macro a name. In this case, you may give the macro the name, “EnglishTemplate”. NOTE: if you use more than one word for your macro name, do NOT leave any spaces in the name.When the Options box opens, click on the “EnglishTemplate” that you just created and then select, “Add” it to the Customized Quick Access Toolbar. To add an icon to the macro, just select “modify” at the bottom of the section and select the icon for your macro. Then click on “Ok”.You are now ready to record your macro.Place your document on double spacing.Starting on the first line, you would add your name; 2nd line: teacher’s name; 3rd line: the name of the class; and 4th line: the date (3 Oct 2016).Hit Enter onceGo to the “Code” ribbon, and then shut off the macro in the toolbar section.When I look at the Customize Quick Access Toolbar, I should see the EnglishTemplate icon (See Figure 4 below).97155052705Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 5 Customize Quick Access ToolbarFigure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 5 Customize Quick Access Toolbar3686175139065Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 6: Macro DocumentFigure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 6: Macro DocumentTo check to make sure your template works:In the template document that you just created, delete the information. Place your cursor on the first line and then click on the EnglishTemplate icon on the Customized Quick Access Toolbar. It should run.Then close out of the template (Do not save). Then open a new document and run your EnglishTemplate by clicking on the icon. Ate running the macro, the document would look like Figure 5. Then re-save the document under a new name so that you do not lose your English template.Next Step in Chapter 9Chapter 9 Exercises will include new information from the Home tab as well as skill sets learned all the chapters. Throughout each chapter, you will be building on and using skill sets that you have learned in previous chapters. Create a folder on your flash drive called “ISS Word.” Inside that folder create a folder called “Chapter 9”. Inside that folder, create a folder that contains your first and last name. This is the folder that house all your completed Chapter 9 exercises. As you complete each exercise, please make sure you show me your work AS YOU COMPLETE THEM. Do NOT wait to show me more than two exercises at a time. It takes too long to grade exercises if I must grade more than two. When you have finished all exercises, I should be able to give you your final grade. This handout is your guide for helping you complete your Chapter 9 Exercises. When you are working with new features in the exercises, if you are not sure how to use them, you are to come back to this handout and work your way through the examples. It is your job to figure out how to use each feature. Do not expect me to come over and tell you how to do them step-by-step—I will not do this because that is what this handout is for…it is your guide. If your features do not function properly, or you are having difficulties, I am available. My first step will be to ask you to show me the steps you used for the feature. If you have not even attempted to use the feature, or you have not reviewed it in the handout, I will tell you to look it up in your handout and call me back if you still cannot figure it out. Make sure you are doing your own work. If you are caught cheating, regardless if it is one or all exercises, you will receive a “0” for the exercises in the Chapter. For those of you who have friends in the class, be careful…lazy people are not stupid. They know they can make you feel guilty and they will find a way to manipulate you into giving them your work. They will come up with tons of excuses as to why they did not do their work…it all comes down to the fact that they simply choose not to do it. Just remember: they do not care whether you receive a “0” if you are caught; they only care about themselves. If they cared about you, they would not ask to copy your work because the risk to you would be too great. So, be smarter than them and say, “Do you own work and learn the material so that you can pass the MOS exam!” That way, you are demonstrating “true” friendship because you care about their well-being! ................

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