Discovering Microsoft Word 2016

Chapter 8: Review Tab in Word 2016Last update: 7/3/2019ESSENTIAL OUTCOMESAnalyze technical writing and apply Review tab skill sets to Word scenarios by:Analyze skills sets provided in the handout (Proofing Toolbar ribbon, Language Toolbar ribbon, Comments Toolbar ribbon, Tracking Toolbar ribbon, Changes Toolbar ribbon, and Protect Toolbar ribbon).Apply various skill set features to Word scenarios. To find specific skill sets, look under Bookmarks.Achieve industry-recognized certification, learn the computing skills companies are seeking, boost workforce resume, differentiate student from other applicants, gain valuable experience and confidence, heighten earning potential, and prepare for a successful future.Apply terms in the chapter with applicationThe FocusIn Chapter 8, the focus will be on learning the skill sets that are provided underneath each of the toolbar sections for the Review tab. The focus will be on the skills sets that you need to know for certification in Microsoft Word 2016. There are nine toolbar ribbons listed under the Review tab. The Review toolbar ribbons allow you to proof, translate, and add comments to a document. They are as follows:ProofingAccessibilityLanguageCommentsTrackingChangesCompare (not covered in this Chapter)Protect-52753882526300center26138400OneNoteProofing Toolbar SectionThe Proofing Toolbar ribbon has three icons. They are as follows:Spelling & Grammar: feature that checks for spelling and grammar errors in a document.ThesaurusWord CountThesaurus IconThe Thesaurus icon may also be very familiar. When you use the Thesaurus feature, you will be given both the synonym (word with a similar definition) and antonym (a word with the opposite definition). This feature is often used when you are writing a paper and find that you are using the same words over and over. The Thesaurus allows you to look up a word and look for a word that has a similar meaning.Word Count Icon-1794219274400right19987800The Word Count feature allows you to find the number of words, characters, paragraphs, and lines in a document. Just click on the icon and it will give you a Word Count Dialog box showing you the number of words in your document. You can also look on the status line of your document to count numbers as well. right1692300AccessibilityThe Accessibility Checker tool finds accessibility issues in your Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, and PowerPoint presentations. The tool generates a report of issues that could make your content difficult for people with disabilities to understand. Accessibility Checker also explains why you should fix these issues and how to fix them.When you click on the Check Accessibility icon, a task pane on the right side will open (see image to the right). Language Toolbar RibbonThe Language toolbar ribbon allows you to translate words or paragraphs into another language as well as setting your proofing and language preference. This will not be covered in this Chapter but feel free to explore this ments Toolbar RibbonThe Comments toolbar ribbon is a very useful and often used feature in Word. The purpose of the Comments section is to allow reviewers of the document to add comments when documents are shared between students/teachers, bosses/employees, departments or businesses. The Comments toolbar ribbon is considered an editing tool that allows others to take time with your document and then provide suggestions for improving it. Comments are used to communicate possibly changes that should be made to a document.3062177488810043903901622425003067050133350047625952500To add a comment into a document, simple place your cursor in the document where you want to add the Comment and then select the Comment icon. NOTE: once the comment has been inserted into the document, it will appear in the gray margin area which will expand the document. Once the Comment has been added (see diagram to the right), three features will become activated:Delete: allows you to delete a comment or all comments in a document.Previous: if you click on the “previous” icon it will take you to the comment before the comment you are on.Next: if you click on the “next” icon, you will be taken to the next comment in the document.Tracking Toolbar RibbonThe Tracking toolbar ribbon may be used once a comment has been inserted into a document. There are five features in this section: 393404717712100Track Changes: Keeps track of the changes made in a document. Simple Markup: Lets you choose how you would like to see changes in a document.Show Markup: Lets you choose the type of markup shown in a document.Reviewing Pane: Shows the changes to your document in a list format.There is one dialog box on the Tracking ribbon: Track Changes Option.4251325254000Tracking Dialog BoxWhen you click on the arrow for the Tracking Dialog toolbar arrow, the Track Changes Options box will open.left1501900Advanced OptionsThe Advanced Options allows you to make changes to colors of comments for reviewers, balloons, etc. (See image to the left).Choosing Colors for Trackers: You can choose to display tracked changed in any of 16 colors. But if you want Word to display different reviewers' revisions in different colors (that is, if you choose to display using the "By Author" color), then Word only provides eight colors with which to distinguish authors.502856579311500393382562103000In theory, Word allocates colors to reviewers in the following order: red, blue, green, violet, dark red, teal, dark yellow and grey. For the ninth and subsequent reviewers of a document, Word cycles through the colors again. But in practice, as reviewers come and go (as their revisions are accepted or rejected), the allocation of colors to reviewers ends up, in effect, random.You can test this out by changing the user's name, turning on tracked changes and making some changes to your document. NOTE: you cannot change the color for authors. Word does this automatically. Also, do not rely on any one author's revisions being displayed in a particular color from day to day, or from machine to machine. Word likes to be creative, and you can't control its creative urges!3306445298010037103203896980Change Use NamesBy selecting the Change Use Names, the Word Option Dialog Box will open. It is here where you can change the user name (see image to the right).190509144000Track ChangesTrack Changes is a way for Microsoft Word to keep track of the changes you make to a document. You can then choose to accept or reject those changes.Let's say Javier creates a document and emails it to his colleague, Landon, for feedback. Landon can edit the document with Track Changes on. When Landon sends the document back to Javier, Javier can see what changes Landon had made because Word will keep track of all the changes that were made by Landon.Track Changes is also known as redline, or redlining. This is because some industries traditionally draw a vertical red line (see page 5) in the margin to show that some text has changed.To use Track Changes, there are three entirely separate things that might be going on at any one time:First, at some time in the past (last week, yesterday, one millisecond ago), Word might have kept track of the changes you made. It did this because you turned on Track Changes. Word then remembered the changes you made to your document, and stored the changes in your document.352361555181500Second, if Word has stored information about changes you've made to your document, then you can choose to display those changes, or to hide them. Hiding them doesn't make them go away. It just hides them from view. Third, at this very moment in time, Word may be tracking the changes you make to your document.-64135194945004000500100330There are two options on the drop-down arrow for Track Changes. They are:Track ChangesLock Tracking498157516256000Track Changes4464685952500The image on the right shows that the “Track Changes” feature has been turned on. Notice that the Track Changes is highlighted in gray (see image to right). When you click on the icon again, the Track Changes is turned off.374840540195500One way that you can see whether the document is tracking changes in the 2016 version is to look on the status line. If you can't see "Track Changes" on the status bar, then you need to turn the option on. To do this:Right-click on the status bar and a pop up menu will appear (see image on the left).Then click on “Track Changes”. After you click on Track Changes, the Track Changes: off appears on the status bar.36671258191400To turn on the Track Changes icon, click on the status bar, Track Changes: off”. It will switch to “Track Changes: On”. (see image below). 199072511938064770091440After you have turned them on, look on your status bar and you will see “Track Changes: On” features is now displayed (see diagram on the right). To turn the icon off, just right click again and deselect “Track Changes.”Lock Trackingright7556500You can prevent someone else from turning off Track Changes by turning on Lock Tracking and adding a password. When Tracked Changes is locked, you cannot turn off the feature, and you can’t accept or reject the changes.Simple MarkupThere are three options when you click on the “Simple Markup” icon. They are:4290695508000For Simple Markup: a color-coded bar appears to the left of a paragraph, indicating that some change was made.For All Markup: new text appears in a specific color, depending on who made the changes. Added text appears with a color-coded underline and deleted text appears with color-coded strikethrough. These text highlights are called?revision marks.For No Markup: the changes are tracked but not displayed in the document. This is a great setting to choose for the least amount of distraction. (The revision marks can be seen by choosing All Markup instead of No Markup.)Original: the original document is displayed.Show Markup511477734786100When you click on the drop-down arrow to the right of the Show Markup icon, you will get six different options:Comments: to turn on the comments in a document, make sure that the “Comments” markup is turned on. To turn the Comments markup on or off, click on the word, “Comments”.LnkInsertions and DeletionsFormatting3990975495300031718251079500Balloons: Balloon object will allow you to show the revisions in balloons or inline. 397653253842100The Balloon feature allows you to decide how you want your comments to be viewed in your document. An example of a balloon can be seen by looking at the image on the right. A balloon (see image on right) has a red border, and will show what type of change was made. In the example on the right, the word, “information” was deleted. 299783518351500Inline feature allows you to show the corrects inside your document rather than as a balloon in the margins (see red strikethrough in the image to the right).right139951000right26162000Specific People: If you want to see who has added comments into the document, then you need to select the Specific People option. This will give you a listing of all the people who have reviewed the document. This option allows you to “Turn Off” or “Turn On” reviewers in the document depending on which reviewer comments you want to see. To turn on or off reviewers, simply click on the box to the left of the reviewer’s name. A check mark means that the reviewer’s comments are being displayed. No check mark means that the reviewer comments are not displayed.-1492255969000Reviewing PaneThe Reviewing Pane allows you to decide how you want your comments displayed in the document. This feature gives you two options: Reviewing Pane Vertical or Reviewing Pane Horizontal.7379323982Reviewing Pane VerticalUsing this pane will allow you to display comments in the left margin (see Revision Pane to the left.Reviewing Pane HorizontalUsing this pane will allow you to display comments at the bottom of the document (see Revision Pane below). 10301771732200222254381500Changes Toolbar RibbonThe Changes toolbar ribbon provides you with the ability to accept or reject comments and move back and forth between comments. Accepting & Rejecting Changes-9588517272000right825500As you read through your document, you can either accept or reject changes. In Word 2016, to accept or reject one tracked change, click within the change and on the Review tab, click Accept or Reject.432745167961200Notice that if you have more than one change to make in a document, Word provides you with a feature that allows you to “Accept (Reject) and Move to Next” change. Also note that you can “Accept (Reject) All Changes in Document” by simply clicking on the feature provided.right1011600You are also provided with a feature on the toolbar itself that allows you to go to the previous or next change. This feature allows you to skip comments that you do not want to change. 411534716200Compare Ribbon Drop-Down MenuThe Compare Ribbon Drop Down menu is are revision-tracking tools that help you compare reviewed documents. For example, you have the original copy of your document — the document you wrote. You also have the copy that Brianne, the secretary from the legal department, has worked over. Your job is to compare them to see exactly what’s been changed from the original. Here’s what to do:In the Compare group, choose Compare→Compare.33905017550600The Compare Documents dialog box shows up.Choose the original document from the Original Document drop-down list. The list shows recently opened or saved documents. Choose one, or use the Browse item to summon the Open dialog box and hunt down the document.Choose the edited document from the Revised Document drop-down list.34760059613600Choose the document from the list, or use the Browse item to locate the changed, altered, or mangled document.Click OK.Word compares the two documents. The changes are displayed in a quadruple-split window, as shown here. This presentation is a third document titled Compare Result.Protect Toolbar RibbonThe Protect toolbar ribbon allows you to restrict the editing of your document. There are two options under this ribbon: Block Authors (not covered in this handout) and Restrict Editing.4953011827300Restrict EditingYou have already been introduced to the Restrict Editing option when we worked in the Backstage View. This feature was found under the “Protect Document” icon. Hopefully, this restriction feature makes more sense to you after learning about Comments and Tracking comments. There are two restrictions that you can set: Formatting restrictions and editing restrictions. After you have set your restrictions, you secure these restrictions with a password.3997325254000Formatting RestrictionsBy restricting formatting of your document, you prevent reviewers from modifying styles and applying direct formatting to the document.Formatting restrictions: To restrict your formatting, click on the box below the #1, and then click on “Settings.” The Formatting Restriction box will open and you can scroll through and set your formatting restrictions.Editing Restrictions: you can set the editing restrictions (restrictions on the type of changes that can be made in a document) when you share a document with other reviewers. The three restrictions are:Track changesCommentsFilling in FormsStart Enforcement: Once you have decided on the formatting and editing restrictions, you can “Start enforcement” of the changes by clicking on the “Yes, Start Enforcing Protection” button under 3.20379112954000You secure these restrictions with a password that only you know. After all, if you give out the password, there is no reason to use the restriction feature.left952500Printing Comments-10634124600400After you have comments added into a document, you can print these comments out either separately or on your Word document. By using the Backstage View, select the “Print” option. Under Settings, click the first drop down arrow next to “Print All Pages. Go down to the Document Info section and select “Print Markup” (see image to the left). If you do not want the changes to print, deselect “Print Markup”.-6601127061400If you want to print off a list of the changes, click on “List of Markup” (see diagram on the left).left254000Linked Notes Toolbar RibbonLinked Notes refers to being able to access notes that have taken in OneNote and open them up in a Word document so that you would be able to use them in a Word document. First, if you have never worked or used OneNote, open up the handout on OneNote, read it and then open up OneNote and explore the software.35153609017000So let’s take an example of how you can use your OneNote apps and add them into a Word document.When you have finished researching your document for your paper, you now want to open the OneNote Apps in your Word document.Click on the icon for Linked Notes in your Word document.Once the Search box opens, type in the name of your saved document in OneNote. In the case to the left, the name of my OneNote saved page is “Volcano”. I type in Volcano.To the right of the Search box dialog box, my Volcano OneNote document opens.I now have available in a Word document, not only the quotes I took for my paper, but I also have the links for the quotes that I copied and pasted into the document. By having the links beneath the quotes that I have allows two things. First, I can go back and access the Website whenever I need it; and second, when I am ready to create my citations for my paper, I have access to all of the information I have for my citations simply by clicking on the link and accessing the Website. Question: I’m using both OneNote for Windows 10 and OneNote 2016 on the same computer. How do I get my OneNote files to open in the version I want?There are a few steps to setting or changing the default app, but you'll have to do this only once—unless you decide to change it again later.Click the Windows icon in the lower-left corner of the screen and choose?Settings.On the?Settings?window that appears, choose?System.On the?System?window that appears, choose?Default apps.Choose?Set defaults by app, and on the window that appears, scroll to OneNote.Click?OneNote?or?OneNote (desktop), choose?Set this program as default, and click?OK.Next Step in Chapter 8Chapter 8 Exercises will include new information from the Home tab as well as skill sets learned in Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. Throughout each chapter, you will be building on and using skill sets that you have learned in previous chapters. Create a folder on your flash drive called “ISS Word.” Inside that folder create a folder called “Chapter 8”. Inside that folder, create a folder that contains your first and last name. This is the folder that house all your completed Chapter 8 exercises. As you complete each exercise, please make sure you show me your work AS YOU COMPLETE THEM. Do NOT wait to show me more than two exercises at a time. It takes too long to grade exercises if I must grade more than two. When you have finished all exercises, I should be able to give you your final grade. This handout is your guide for helping you complete your Chapter 8 Exercises. When you are working with new features in the exercises, if you are not sure how to use them, you are to come back to this handout and work your way through the examples. It is your job to figure out how to use each feature. Do not expect me to come over and tell you how to do them step-by-step—I will not do this because that is what this handout is for…it is your guide. If your features do not function properly, or you are having difficulties, I am available. My first step will be to ask you to show me the steps you used for the feature. If you have not even attempted to use the feature, or you have not reviewed it in the handout, I will tell you to look it up in your handout and call me back if you still cannot figure it out. Make sure you are doing your own work. If you are caught cheating, regardless if it is one or all exercises, you will receive a “0” for the exercises in the Chapter. For those of you who have friends in the class, be careful…lazy people are not stupid. They know they can make you feel guilty and they will find a way to manipulate you into giving them your work. They will come up with tons of excuses as to why they did not do their work…it all comes down to the fact that they simply choose not to do it. Just remember: they do not care whether you receive a “0” if you are caught; they only care about themselves. If they cared about you, they would not ask to copy your work because the risk to you would be too great. So, be smarter than them and say, “Do you own work and learn the material so that you can pass the MOS exam!” That way, you are demonstrating “true” friendship because you care about their well-being! ................

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