MS. Office consists of group of application developed overtime by MS work together, both in terms of accomplishing things is a similar way and in terms of providing easy of data.

MS. Office includes the following application: MS. Word is an efficient and full feature word processor that provides all the tools to create a tremendous variety document types. MS EXCEL: MS. Excel a spreadsheet program that helps to create worksheet and invoices, it is designed to help to calculate the results using formulae and to analyze numerical data. MS POWERPOINT: Ms Power point is a graphic program that provides overheads for team meeting, animated special effect for video presentation.


AIM:To manipulation a text in ms word the text manipulation includes,

? Deleting text. ? Moving text. ? Undoing text. ? Coping text. ? Inserting text. ? Converting case.

DELETING TEXT:To clear the text, The steps two deleted text form the document are,

STEP 1:Select the text to be deleted. STEP 2:Select the cut option from the Home Tab (or) Press Ctrl+X (or) Press Delete Key. COPYING THE TEXT:-

The steps to be copied text from one part to another part at the same document or in a different document are, STEP 1:Select the text to be copied. STEP 2:Right click on the highlighted text.

STEP 3:Select the copy option from the shortcut menu (or) Press Ctrl+C. STEP 4:Position the cursor option from location where the text is copied. MOVING TEXT:-

The steps to be move the text from one location to another location in a document are, STEP 1:Select the text to the moved. STEP 2:Select the cut option from the Home Tab (or) Press Ctrl+X. STEP 3:Position the insertion point as the location where the text should appears. STEP 4:Select the paste option from the Home Tab (or) Press Ctrl+X. STEP 5:Standard text bar or ctrl+v now the select text is moved. UNDOING EDIT:STEP 1:The undo command is used to reverse option. STEP 2:Select the Undo Icon in Quick Access Toolbar (or) Press Ctrl+Z. STEP 3:Select the desire option and click ok button. INSERTING TEXT:We can insert any text in a document the steps two follows.

STEP 1:Place the cursor at the point where the text has to the inserted. STEP 2:Type the text which is to be inserting, now the text is inserted. RESULT:Hence the manipulation of text using Ms Word is successfully design or created or done. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


AIM:To insert numbers, bullets, header and footer to a document. NUMBERINR OR NUMBERS:It is a use to put number for the text, the step to add numbers are as follows, STEP 1:Select the existing list or type a new list. STEP 2:Select the Numbering option in Home Tab. STEP 3:Select the number style of your choice and click it. STEP 4:Now the number is inserted. BULLETS:-

We can use the bullets to display the main points. STEP 1:Select the existing list or type a new list. STEP 2:Select the Bullets option in Home Tab. STEP 4:Select the bullet style of your choice and click it. STEP 5:Now the bullet is inserted.

HEADER:Header contains text that needs to be displayed on each page of the document header gets

displayed top of the page. The steps to enter the document to be followed as, STEP 1:Select the Header option from Insert Tab. STEP 2:Select Header of your choice. STEP 3:Type the Header text. STEP 4:Click on close button or double click on the main document. Now the header is display. FOOTER:-

Footer is displayed at the button of each page; the steps to add the footer are as follows. STEP 1:Select the Footer option from Insert Tab. STEP 2:Select Footer of your choice. STEP 3:Type the footer text. STEP 4:Click on close button or double click on the main document now the footer is display. RESULT:Thus the usage of numbering, bullets, header and footer are successfully verified. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


AIM:To check for the correctness for the spelling and grammar in the text and to change them in need. STEP 1:Select spelling and grammar in Review Tab (or) Press F7, then the corresponding Dialog Box will appear. STEP 2:Words not found in the dictionary will be flagged. STEP 3:Correct the highlighted word in the text box manually and then click change to correct word in the document. STEP 4:To correct all occurance all the misspell and click change all .Now the spell check is completed. STEP 5:To correct the word and the corrected word automatically and features of the word document. FIND & REPLACE:AIM:To search the word in the text to replace a word by another word in the entire document. STEP 1:Select Find from Home Tab (or) Ctrl + F. STEP 2:Entire the search text in the "FIND WHAT" text to click the "FIND NEXT" button. STEP 3:Select Replace from the Home Tab (or) Ctrl + H.

STEP 4:Enter the new word that is to be replacing in the 'replace with' text box. STEP 5:To 'FIND & REPLACE' special character click the special button. RESULT:Thus the correctness of spelling and replacing the word has been done successfully. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


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