Document-to-Help procedure

Implementation Phases for Online Help

Release 5.2

[Priorities: 1=high, 2=medium, 3=low. (=Want to do, (=Can do, (=Have done , (=will do]

Phase 1: On par with previous help file

( 1 Contents Page

( 1 Color (16) graphics

( 1 Context-sensitive help

( 2 Hotspot graphics

( 2 Large graphics

( 3 Glossary

( 3 Pop-ups

Phase 2: On par with current competitor help systems

( 1 High-quality graphics tested on multiple systems

( 1 Custom copyright notices

( 2 Anti-aliased graphics for large screens

( 2 Installed as icon separate from ViewPoint

( 2 Create ROBOCHRY.DOT template with macros & such.

( 2 Put into HyperViewer format (as an option)

( 3 Diagrams, if available (WMF or BMP format)

( 3 Linked index

Phase 3: A Leap Ahead

( 1 New color scheme in non-scrolling region

( 1 More context-sensitive help

( 1 Book schema for chapters

( 2 Original icons for Tip, Caution, Note, Screen Path.

( 2 Customized button bar

( 2 Legal statement

( 2 Make master pages for About, Internet, Style, and HyperViewer info

( 2 Few buttons on button bar

( 3 Internet access: Web link to CallWare’s home page

( 3 Internet access: Web link to Lycos, InfoSeek, AltaVista, etc. searches for CallWare.

?( 3 Watermark or end graphic in client area

( 3 Color (256) graphics

( 3 Add Windows95-look full-text search capability

( 3 Secondary windows (not topics) stay on top for tutorial-type instructions

( 3 Make shortcuts for ViewPoint commands, summaries of tutorials.

( 3 3-D buttons on button bar (in client area)

( 3 Custom Help Icon

( 3 Delete browse, hyperfind, and hyperviewer buttons from menu bar.

( 3 Make directory “include” for all common files to include in a help system (bitmaps & docs).

( 3 Make directory “ship” for all files to ship with the product.

Phase 4: The entire User Manual

( 1 Make telephone keypad topic

( 1 Make Keypad icon

Phase 5: CallWare’s Online Document Library

( 1 All documents available as online help files

( 2 All Contents pages show option for printing little “cheat sheet” for keypad interface.

( 3 Company history

( 3 Maximized help window

( 3 Printable forms

Phase 6: CallWare’s Online Document Library (single source)

( 1 Single library “bookshelf” schema (branch to all HLP files)

( 1 Macro in a main screen launches the different manuals

( 1 Diagram gallery

( 2 Different icons for different manuals (thin v. thick)

( 2 Master glossary

( 2 Other graphics gallery (with captions as descriptions)

( 3 Internet access: E-mail links (via web browsers) to writers and editors of the “doc”

Converting Word Documentation

to Online Help

Prepping the .DOC File

(You may wish to create a preliminary template, “robochry,” to facilitate this preparation)


1. Make a doc-specific check sheet, and perform steps additional to those below.

2. Apply the template ROBOCHRY.DOT to the document.

3. Remove section breaks!

4. Remove Index, irrelevent front matter (conventions), and irrelevant sections.

5. Make Heading 2, 3, or 4 for all headings you want to be topics.

6. Rename some sections (and the cross-references to them)

7. Select the whole doc and unmark the “keep with next.”

8. Add style page and other pages in the Add document.

9. Add shortcut info for all ViewPoint commands.


1. Make all text black

2. Replace all Keycaps fonts with standard characters in Courier bold. [macro?]

3. Delete all double spaces [macro?]

4. Search & replace ¶¶ with ¶ [macro?]

5. Delete spaces before heading text

6. Remove (or decrease) indents

7. Change “Figure x-x” format to “Figure x”

8. Remove Headers


1. Change graphics to reference color images

2. Place all “include” bitmaps into the project directory.

3. Delete all,, [screen path], [caution].

4. Search & add note bitmaps for each type of note [macro?]

5. Delete chapter graphics

6. Simplify all table formatting

Building the Help File

1. Begin a new help project (File, New, Robohelp)

2. Specify a project title, HPJ filename, and network location.

3. For the project HPJ filename, specify a base name that could be used for hpj, doc, and hlp.

4. Either select Tools, then Import Documentation, or select Insert, then File.

5. Specify the prepped DOC file, and specify the following styles:

Chapt. Title

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Note/Tip Head

The following styles have been modified in the ROBOHELP.DOT template.

Body Text


Chapt. Title

Glos Heading

Glos Text


Heading 1-4


List Bullet

List Number

Menu Path List

Note/Tip Graphic

Note/Tip Head

Note/Tip Text

6. Select “Do not prompt for each graphic filename”

7. Select “Use {bmc bullet.bmp}”

8. After the conversion finishes, link the Contents pages.

Project Setup

9. In the Setup, make custom copyright notices (1) c Copyright 1996, CallWare Technologies, Inc. (2) Contents c Copyright 1996, CallWare Technologies, Inc.

10. In the Setup, delete the Create Buttons macros and the Browse Buttons macro.

11. In the Setup, add the Internet Access macro (or to internet topic only?)

Additional Pages

12. Add to Contents Page: Graphics Library, Legal Notice.

13. Add page for About (tools used), Internet links,

14. To create a jump to a topic: place the insertion point where you want the jump text to appear, then click the Jump button on the pallette. Select the topic you wish to jump to, insert the text you want to appear as linked text, then click OK.

15. To edit a topic: click the Edit button on the tool pallette.

16. To create a jump to a topic, and create that topic “on-the-fly,” do the above, but don’t select the topic, and before you click “OK,” click the Topic New button.

17. To insert pop-ups (like for definitions, menu lists? [or secondary window instead?], etc.: Select the text you wish to link to a pop-up, then click the Popup button on the tool pallette.

18. To insert a graphic, position the insertion point where you want the graphic inserted into a topic, then click the Graphic button on the tool pallette (looks like a crayon). Choose the alignment type, then click OK.

19. Delete Include picture format field codes

20. Check for unlinked topics by running the Hyperviewer on the help file and choose “View unlinked topics.”

21. Make shortcut headings small.

Customizing the Look

Setup Project Settings

Set up the following secondary windows:

“shortcut”: “Shortcut” (narrow & tall, always on top, upper right, yellow back small gray top)

“gloss”: “Glossary (short & wide, not on top, center page, yellow back) popup?

“diagram”: “Diagram” (full screen, not on top, white back gray top) popup?

“main” 750x800 (not on top, white back gray top)

Run the HyperViewer Wizard, say no to add buttons.

Delete the BrowseButtons() macro in Setup.

Make Non-scrolling text (headings) cyan italic, make non-scrolling regions dark gray.

Add chord.bmp to end of each main topic [macro?]

The Custom Button Bar

Insert the hotspot graphic as BMR at first of heading, just before the text. [macro?]

Manually break Heading 1 text to flow smoothly around the bar, if you have to.


In Setup Project, delete the BrowseButtons macro and the create buttns macros for hyperstuff.

Paste in all shortcut topics the bitmap and text for “click on the pin to keep the shortcut instruction window visible as you follow the instructions” {bitmap.nam}, or just bitmap and explain in style sheet.

Paste before all tip paragraphs the bitmap and word [as bmc] [macro?]

Paste before all caution paragraphs the bitmap and word [as bmc] [macro?]

Paste before all note paragraphs the bitmap and word [as bmc] [macro?]


Add chord.bmp to end of each main topic [macro?]

Add chord2.bmp to end of each shortcut [macro?]

Files to Include in Online Help Installation (and CallWare Installation)

Files are located in \xfr\msawyer\help\

|File |Target Destination |File Size |File Description |

|cwview.hlp |ViewPoint directory |@1,061,000 |Online help for CallWare ViewPoint |

|tutorial.hlp |ViewPoint directory |@10,000 |Tutorial help file for WinHelp Compatibility wizard (win95 look). |

|t |ViewPoint directory |@1,000 |Contents tab file for WinHelp Compatibility wizard help file |

|ctl3dv2.dll |c:\windows\system |@27,000 |For both WinHelp Find+ and WinHelp HyperViewer, to provide 3D look |

| | | |and Gray dialog boxes. Also used by INETWIZX.EXE to add basic |

| | | |functionality. It’s a common Microsoft DLL that users may already |

| | | |have on their system. It’s safe to overwrite the user’s version |

| | | |with this version, because this is the “latest.” |

|hyprfind.dll |c:\windows\system ** |@102,000 |WinHelp Find+ |

|hyprview.dll |c:\windows\system ** |@112,000 |WinHelp HyperViewer |

|hyprview.hlp |c:\windows or c:\windows\system |@10,000 |WinHelp HyperViewer Help system. Single page only, may end up just |

| | | |including it in my own help files. |

|setbrows.exe |ViewPoint directory or in |@5,000 |Redistributable executable that allows users to specify the browse |

| |c:\windows\system. | |path for an Internet browser or navigator, in case the user has |

| | | |more than one browser installed. |

|inetwh16.dll |c:\windows\system |@9,000 |Registered by INETWIZX.EXE, adds the functionality for adding |

| | | |Internet access to Help systems using HC31.EXE or HCP.EXE Help |

| | | |Compiler |

|inetwh32.dll |c:\windows\system |@35,000 |Registered by INETWIZX.EXE, adds the functionality for adding |

| | | |Internet access to Help systems using the HCW.EXE. Help Compiler |

|cnt31.dll |c:\windows\system |@80,000 |Provides Contents, Index, and Find+ tabs for Compatibility wizard |

|hypertop.dll |c:\windows\system |@148,000 |Provides Contents, Index, and Find+ tabs for Compatibility wizard |

|rhmmplay.dll |either c:\windows\system |@11,000 |video & sound files |

| |or ViewPoint directory. | | |

|WAV |ViewPoint directory |@589,000 |WAV files for the online help ViewPoint demo. |

|[multiple files] | | | |

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Specific Document Guidelines

CallWare User’s Manual


CallWare Installation Guide

CallWare System Administrator’s Manual

CallWare CNTE Course


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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