Microsoft Word - Resume Review Checklist.docx

STUDENT: Click or tap here to enter text.Is it READABLE??1-2 pages maximum covering most significant & relevant experiences. Word choices are thoughtful and strategic as space is limited. Click or tap here to enter text.?Balanced use of white space to break up sections and content. Click or tap here to enter text. ?Appropriate and consistent use of bolds, CAPS, or italics to distinguish different elements (ie: Organization Name, Role, Date, Location). Font size is between 10 – 11 point. Click or tap here to enter text. ?Consistent use of a full stop/period (or no period) at end of bullets. Click or tap here to enter text. Is it CLEAR? ?Header includes name, phone number, email, and possibly a URL with relevant information. NO photo, date of birth, or personal statistics are included in the U.S. Click or tap here to enter text.?Education section includes degrees, institutions, (expected) graduation dates. Click or tap here to enter text.?Experiences are listed in reverse-chronological order, with 3-4 bullets per experience. Examples can include internships, projects, community involvement, previous jobs, capstone, professional associations, volunteer experiences. Click or tap here to enter text.?Word choices/terminology is understandable to readers and non-common acronyms are spelled out (ie: IUGA, MSIM). Click or tap here to enter text. Is it CONVINCING? ?Bullets are impactful, describing results and achievements. Click or tap here to enter text.Recommended format for impactful bullets: A-C-R Start with an Action Verb – using past tense unless it is a current task Provide some Context – show the significance, constraints, or scope End with Results – quantitative or qualitative Examples of strong resume bullets: Analyzed four library collections using statistical analysis to construct and test a new program for Impact Survey’s website Created wireframes and 20+ mobile screen mock-ups using Adobe InDesign and Sketch?Transferable skills are apparent, showcasing how previous experiences relate to a desired opportunity the student is applying to. Click or tap here to enter text. (Optional) Additional CommentsClick or tap here to enter text. ................

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