A Guide to Using Spell Check - Weebly

A Guide to Using Spell Check

If a red line appears under a word, that means it is not in the computer’s dictionary:


If a green line appears under a word (or words), that means there is a grammar mistake:


To correct these, you need to use Spell Check. To get to Spell Check go to the Tools Menu and click on Spelling and Grammar:


You will see a Window that looks like this:


You can also Control + Click on the word that is spelled incorrectly:


If you are not sure of the correct spelling, you can select one of the options, and the Control + Click on the correctly spelled word. Now you will have a new menu:


Sometimes Spell Check will be wrong. You will have to tell Word to Ignore the spelling correction. If the computer’s dictionary does not recognize your name, for example:



Sometimes Microsoft Word will changes words or punctuation for you. This is called AutoCorrect.

Try typing a lower-case “i”

Do you see what happens? It automatically becomes a big I. If you want to change it back, you hold the cursor over the letter:


You can change your AutoCorrect settings by going to the Tool Menu:




See the red line? This is because Computer is spelled incorrectly

Here there is a green line because the sentence is not complete.

Click “Ignore” if you are sure that your spelling is correct (if it is your name, for example)

Or “Change All” if you have misspelled it many times

Click “Change” to get the new spelling to appear

Choose the correctly spelled word

Now you get a menu with some options for the correct spelling of the word.

Now you can look up the definition of the word to see if it is the one you want

If you click “Ignore All”, Microsoft Word will not try to correct your name in the future.

Here you can undo the correction

Click here to get more options

Here you can change what gets Automatically Formatted. Ask your teacher about the options if you have questions

Here you can change what Microsoft Word replaces


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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