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Harrison Bergeron Copy Master

Vocabulary Study


A. Directions: Listen as your teacher reads each sentence about “Harrison Bergeron.” Together, discuss what you know about the word or how it might be used. Write your ideas on the lines.

1. Citizens were well aware of the government’s constant vigilance, so they seldom broke

laws. They knew that the government was watching.

2. George would wince when a loud noise blasted into his ears.

3. Loud shrieks and shouts of consternation are signs that people may be frightened and


4. Some people become so terrified that they just cowered under a desk.

5. The dancers slowed down and listened to the music so they could synchronize their

breathing to the beat of the music.

6. The dancers smiled at one another, neutralizing the tense atmosphere and allowing

everyone to relax.

B. Directions: Use an X to predict the probable relationship of each word to the literary elements given.

| |plot |character |setting |conflict |theme |

|cowered | | | | | |

|synchronized | | | | | |

|neutralizing | | | | | |

|wince | | | | | |

|vigilance | | | | | |

|consternation | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

Name    Date

Harrison Bergeron Copy Master

Vocabulary Practice

|consternation |neutralize |vigilance |

|cower |synchronize |wince |

A. Directions: Fill in each blank with the correct word from the list.

1. If you were cornered by a wild beast, you might

2. If you burned your finger on a hot stove, you might

3. If a series of burglaries occurred in your neighborhood, you might increase your ___________________

4. If you never found time to eat dinner with your family, you might suggest that you needed to ___________________ your schedule.

5. If you found your mother reading your diary, you might feel

6. If you had a rash from poison ivy, your doctor might suggest that you ______________________ the effect with a special cream.

B. Directions: Think about the meaning of each phrase in the first column. Then find the phrase in the second column that is closest in meaning. Write the letter of that phrase on the blank line.

| 7. yelps of confused amazement | A. unceasing vigilance |

| 8. cringe and conceal | B. cries of consternation |

| 9. unending alertness | C. synchronizing watches |

| 10. flinch from soreness | D. cower and hide |

| 11. coordinating timepieces | E. neutralizing the enemy |

| 12. deactivating the foe | F. wince in pain |

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Harrison Bergeron Copy Master

Vocabulary Strategy


The Greek root syn means “together” or “similar.” Synchronize is one word that contains this root. It means “to bring in line together.” To understand words that contain this prefix, you may need to use context clues as well as your knowledge of the root.

A. Directions: Write a definition for each of the following words. If necessary, consult a dictionary.

1. synergy

2. synod

3. syntax

4. synopsis

5. syndetic

B. Directions: Use each word you defined above in a sentence that shows its meaning.







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