MICROSOFT WORD 2007 CRN 80873SOLANO COMMUNITY COLLEGEFall 2011Professor: John UrrutiaClass Meets:Tuesday/Thursday 3:00 – 4:45 p.m.Dates:August 18 to December 13, 2011Classroom:Vacaville Center, Room 211Office:Fairfield Campus, Room 523Office Hours:Vacaville Center:Tue, Wed, Thu 12:00PM – 1:00PM Fairfield Campus:Mon, Fri 11:00AM – 12:00PM LabVacaville Center, Room 208Friday 1:00 – 2:00 PMPhone:(707) 864-7000 ext. 4376E-mail:John.Urrutia@solano.eduWELCOME TO MICROSOFT WORD 2007! In today’s world of computers, word processing is an essential tool in almost everyone’s life. This course will provide you with the tools to efficiently create professional and impressive documents. Best of all, it’s really fun! I think you’ll be amazed at how many incredible tasks WORD can do, many times automatically. It certainly is a lot more than just typing a letter. I sincerely wish to make the time you spend taking this class, productive time, time well spent. I learn best when learning is fun. Your participation in class and keeping up with the work goes a long way in making our time productive and enjoyable.The class requires commitment and a lot of work on both our parts. As long as you attend class, read the text, and do all the homework, you will be successful. In return, I will be prepared for each day’s lesson, be available to help you, and will return your corrected homework promptly.STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOME:Create professional-looking documents using: tables, charts, diagrams, columns (tabular and newspaper) using advanced formatting features, desktop publishing features that add a variety of graphic elements, styles and macros in an efficient and error free manner.COURSE GOALS:The goal of this course is to familiarize the student with the various tools and features of Microsoft Word 2007. At the conclusion of the course, the student should be able to produce professional appearing documents (formatting tools) in an error free (proofreading tools) and time efficient (shortcuts) manner. COURSE ADVISORIES:CIS 1 or 50 with a “C” or “CR” or better and Keyboarding at 30 wpm or better, Solano Community College minimum English and math standards.COURSE DESCRIPTION:The class provides an in-depth look at the tools and features of Microsoft Word 2007. The class format will be a combination of demonstrations, lectures, and hands-on practice of each Word feature. Assigned homework will directly relate to that day’s discussion. The following is a synopsis of features covered:Printing and Editing DocsLabels & EnvelopesFormatting CharactersSpelling, Grammar, ThesaurusUsing Help & AssistantFind and ReplaceFormatting Docs & ParagraphsTabsFormatting SectionsCutting & PastingColumnsTemplates Headers & FootersFootnotes & EndnotesMail MergeTablesBorders and Clip ArtShapes & WordArtBookmarks, Drop Caps,Quick PartsInserting picturesStylesSorting Text & RecordsOutlinesManaging ListsThemes and StylesSharing DocumentsTable of Contents & IndexesCREDITS:3.0 semester units If a student cannot complete the course, it is the student’s responsibility to drop the course. Any student remaining on the roster at the end of the semester, who has not completed the course satisfactorily, will receive an “F.” The instructor reserves the right to drop a student who has not complied with the attendance or homework policy, but it is not the responsibility of the instructor to do so.Critical dates to remember for dropping:September 18, 2011Last day to drop course without a grade or reported attempt at courseLast day to file for credit/no credit grading October 30, 2011Last day to drop the class and receive a “W” for withdrawing.Failure to drop may result in letter grade “F”Strictly enforced!Credit/No Credit option(see SCC schedule)LAB REQUIREMENT:All enrolled students in CIS 066 must fulfill at least 16 hours of lab for the course. Logging onto the Accounting Computer verifies the time the student spent in the lab to the instructor. More hours are generally required to complete homework assignments and may be completed in the school’s labs or on the student’s home/work computer. Working within the lab is encouraged because instructors and tutors are available to assist students if necessary. Note: students must be prepared (i.e. read the chapter and attended the lecture/demonstration) before going to lab. Instructors and tutors will assist students but they will not “teach” the student.Students may use the labs on the Fairfield campus , Vacaville or Vallejo Centers. Lab hours are posted on all labs.REQUIRED MATERIALS:A flash drive (512 MB or larger)Word 2007 (home, work or use SCC labs)NOTE: Word 2007 looks very different from earlier versions of Word. This course may not be suitable for those using earlier versions.Acrobat Reader (to view homework examples) (Can be downloaded for free from internet)Internet Access (home, work or use SCC labs)4610100102870TEXTBOOK:Microsoft Word 2007, Signature Series, by Rutkosky & Roggenkamp HYPERLINK "" Publisher EMCParadigm, ISBN 978-76383-026-7CD ROM (included) with data files (but not required)461010083820SNAP2007, EMCParadigm (REQUIRED! –either buy separately or make sure it is bundled with your new textbook!) Must be a new access code! Used codes will not work.DATA FILES:Data files are also available on Solano College’s Business Division’s “M” drive, which are accessible in the business division computer labs. This site is now accessible on the web from any location at . Files stored on SCC “H” drive can also be remotely accessed using this address. A copy of this syllabus, assignment schedule, and handouts, PowerPoint presentations, and homework examples for each chapter can viewed and downloaded from the folders H:\jurrutia \Coursework\CIS 66 - Microsoft WordASSIGNMENTS AND LATE POLICY:Assignments are designed to reinforce the class lecture. To learn the material, I highly recommend reading assigned chapters prior to the class lecture and then practicing the concepts in the hands-on assignment after the lecture. Reading the chapter is helpful to do at a computer in order to “walk” through the step-by-step examples given. Each assignment uses techniques used in previous assignments and builds. Therefore, keeping up to date on all assignments is essential.Each chapter assignment consists of two parts:SNAP2007 Exams online (both concepts and skill for each week)You may take the Skill Exams up to 3 times to improve your score. Review the report after you complete your first attempt. Note the questions missed and the page number in your text book where the correct answer can be found. Take the Skill Exam again. No attempts after the beginning of the next class will be counted.Assessments require your production of a particular document. Some you create, however, most are text copied from the text’s CD, saved, and then formatted by you. Each assessment may be attempted 5 times to improve your score.ASSIGNMENT GRADING:“SNAP2007 Quizzes” will receive the points based on the number of questions answered correctly for that chapter. These points add up fast, and failure to do the questions will negatively affect your grade.“Applying Your Skills” assignments will receive a maximum of 10 points each. Points will be deducted for typos, spacing errors, formatting errors, spelling errors etc. Examples of how the finished document should look upon completion are available in on the school computers H:\jurrutia \Coursework\CIS 66 - Microsoft Word\homework solutions.Additional Performance Assessment exercises are assigned at the end of each unit. (After each 5 chapters) and are also given 10 points each.Students who get behind do not catch up and require too much instructor time. Therefore,NO LATE ASSIGNMENTS WILL BE ACCEPTED –NO EXTRA CREDIT!Assignments are before class starts on the following Tuesday. (see attached assignment schedule).Because “life” happens, each student is allowed TWO extensions during the summer session, for late classwork if, at the sole discretion of the instructor (please meet with me to discuss), it is warranted. Additional late work may be accepted, but will receive a maximum of 60% of the total points.If late homework, or missing/tardiness to class becomes a problem, you should drop the class and take it again when you can devote the time needed.NO HOMEWORK MAY BE DONE DURING CLASSThis class requires considerable time outside of class. Students should plan accordingly. Assignment scores will be posted and shown on the spreadsheet each day of class. It is the student’s responsibility to check their scores frequently and report any errors immediately. Errors not reported within 1 week will not be corrected. Students should save their homework until they see correct score posted.ACADEMIC HONESTY:Students are encouraged to help each other and work together outside of class. However, cheating (turning in someone else’s work as your own) is NOT TOLERATED, may result in being dropped from the class and will be reported to appropriate college officials. Digital copies of homework may be requested to accompany homework assignments for verification. Be sure and bring your USB drive to class with you.ATTENDANCE and PUNCTUALITY Students are required to attend every class. Material will be covered that is not in the text; test dates, and revised assignments schedules may be announced during class and all students are responsible for that information. Punctuality is required as respect and courtesy to the other students and the instructor. Class starts on time! There is a great deal of material to cover and time management is an important aspect of this class. Important announcements are generally given at the beginning of class. The instructor will not repeat the information.Missed Classes: The student is responsible for obtaining material distributed on class days when he/she was absent and any announcements, or changes of schedule that the instructor verbally gave to the class. This can be done through contacting a classmate who was present – it’s a good idea to exchange phone numbers or e-mail addresses now! Homework must be turned in at the beginning of the next class meeting or it will not be accepted.Absence from more than 3 classes, or repeated tardiness, may result in you being dropped from the class by the instructor.NEED FOR ASSISTANCE: If you have any condition, such as a physical or learning disability, which will make it difficult for you to carry out the work as I have outlined it, or which will require academic accommodations, please notify me as soon as possible. Free tutoring is available to students who need it. Talk to your instructor for a recommendation for tutoring.GRADING POLICY AND SCALEPoints for Final GradeAssessments (27): 200 (Lowest 7 scores will not count)Skill Exams(7): 400 (Lowest 3 Skill Exams will not count)Concept Exams (7) 200 (Lowest 3 Concept Exams will not count)Final Exam 100Attendance , & Lab Hours 100 (see criteria below)Total Points1000Attendance is required. Points will be lost for not attending or being tardy as follows:Absence or TardyPoints lost(4 meeting/wk)Points lost(2 meeting/wk)1112306036010041005 or more(Summer Session)Laboratory Hours are required. Points will be lost for not completing a minimum of 16 hours as follows:Hours not completedPoints lost112-5306-96010 or more100Letter Grade Scale:900 - 1000 A800 - 899B700 - 799C600 - 699D599 or belowFNOTE: Grades are no longer mailed to your home. Your final grades will be available online at the website.4289898-114935Word 2007left000left000Subject to ChangeAnnouncements will be made at beginning of classTuesday-Thursday 3:00 -4:45 pmFinal Exam: December 20th 1:30 pm39116015811500Take SNAP Concept QuizTake SNAP Skill QuizALL CHAPTERSWeekSessionReading AssignmentLab Assignments/ Activities?18-AugIntroductions?123-AugChap 1-2Assessment: Signature Word 1.1Assessment: Signature Word 1.2Assessment: Signature Word 2.1Assessment: Signature Word 2.2Assessment: Signature Word 2.3230-AugChap 3-4Assessment: Signature Word 3.2Assessment: Signature Word 3.3Assessment: Signature Word 4.1Assessment: Signature Word 4.2Assessment: Signature Word 4.336-SepChap 5-6Assessment: Signature Word 5.1Assessment: Signature Word 5.2Assessment: Signature Word 5.3Assessment: Signature Word 5.4Assessment: Signature Word 6.3413-SepChap 7-8Skill Exam: Exercise 1 Chap 1-5Concept Exam: Chap 01-05 ExamAssessment: Signature Word 7.1Assessment: Signature Word 7.3520-SepChap 9-10Assessment: Signature Word 9.2Assessment: Signature Word 10.2627-SepChap 11-12Skill Exam: Exercise 2 Chap 6-9Concept Exam: Chap 06-09 ExamAssessment: Signature Word 12.574-OctChap 13-14Assessment: Signature Word 13.1Assessment: Signature Word 14.1811-OctChap 15-16Skill Exam: Exercise 3 Chap 10-13Concept Exam: Chap 10-13 Exam918-OctChap 17-18Assessment: Signature Word 17.1Assessment: Signature Word 18.21025-OctChap 19-20Skill Exam: Exercise 4 Chap 14-17Concept Exam: Chap 14-17 Exam111-NovChap 21-22?128-NovChap 23-24Skill Exam: Exercise 5 Chap 18-21Concept Exam: Chap 18-21 ExamAssessment: Signature Word 23.1Assessment: Signature Word 24.21315-NovChap 25-26Assessment: Signature Word 25.11422-NovNo Classes this week?1529-NovChap 27-28Skill Exam: Exercise 6 Chap 22-25Concept Exam: Chap 22-25 Exam166-DecChap 29-30?1713-DecFinal ReviewSkill Exam: Exercise 7 Chap 26-29Concept Exam: Chap 26-29 Exam20-DecFinal Exam 1:30 – 3:30PM? ................

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