Bronze 2 Unit 1 - Weebly

Bronze 2 Unit 1

Improving Productivity Using IT


The Apprentice Project

‘Will you be Hired or Fired?’


The Apprentice INGOT Assessment Document

Name: __Qadeer Ali_____________ Class______

Assignment 1 – Plan the Use of IT to meet requirements

|No. |Criteria |

|1.1 |I can identify the advantages of using IT for the task. |

|1.2 |I can plan how to complete the task using appropriate IT systems and software. |

|1.3 |I can identify any safety and security issues affecting the use of IT for the task. |



You have been accepted on ‘The Apprentice Show’ run by Mr Slough in Small Heath School. Mr Slough needs an Apprentice to join him in achieving and improving the best for Small Heath School. If you win you will be given a ‘Life Time Achievement Award’ and will work closely with Mr Slough through out your School Career.

To show your excellence you will need to complete this Project to the best of your ability in order to become the Apprentice of Mr Slough.

1.1 I can identify the advantages of using IT for the task.

Task 1

Three English rooms in Upper School need a re-vamp. It would be a good idea to make a plan of this using the ‘Insert Shapes Menu’ in Microsoft Word.

A new setting would need to be created. Taking your role as a ‘Mini Architect’ you will need to look at the shapes menu below:

Task 2

You need to write an email to Miss Page about the new plans for the English department. Fill in the box below, saying what things you have to do before you email or post the letter:

|Sending an Email to Miss Page |Writing a Letter to Miss Page |

Which statement applies to the above?

Now answer which one is better and why?

Email is better why? Because it’s faster and the person you give it to will receive it quickly. A letter you need to write what you want also you need a stamp and there address. It will take time to come to your house. So for me I will send things on email .

Task 3 – Copy and Paste or Using a Pen and Paper


Copy and Paste the text below:

Small Heath School and Sixth Form Centre

Small Heath School and Sixth Form Centre

Why is Copy and Paste better then using a Pen and Paper?

Copy and paste is better because you can write quickly and you can like get pictures from clip art instead of writing in pen or draw in pencil.

Task 4

Create a Plan for the English room using the ‘insert shapes’ menu. An example of the old English room plan is below:

The New English room Plan:

Create a new plan using the items on the right;

1.2 I can plan how to complete the task using appropriate IT systems and software.

Task 1 – How easy/hard was it to create the Plan

You need to write a brief description of how easy/difficult you found it when creating your plan:

Task 2 – Someone needs to give Feedback

Someone will need to give feedback on the plan you have created below:

What they think of your Plan:

It is really good because it is done nicely and it is easier for the teacher to see what you are doing. But maybe it should be spaced out

Task 3 – What will you do to improve

Looking at the feedback, how will you improve your Plan?

Need more space to make my plan better!

Task 4

It is very important to keep Files organised, you will need to show evidence of how your files are organized in your (009078, H Drive).

An Example is below:


Your example below:

Screenshot below (Remember to use the Print Screen Button on your keyboard and Paste in the box below)


1.3 I can identify any safety and security issues affecting the use of IT for the task.

Small Heath School is very cautious about the use of IT for the safety and security of pupils.

You will need to fill in the blanks:

Small Heath School is a Technology College. The ICT Suites in Upper and Lower School are monitored by_________. This is to prevent any damage to the computer equipment. No student is allowed in __________ without a member of Staff. There are four main ICT Suites in Lower School; IT1, IT2, IT3 and _______. In Upper school there are 3 main ICT Suites; GO5, B1, 117 as well as the Sixth Form IT Suite and DT4. There are four main ICT Teachers; Mr Lahel, Mr _________, Mr Hussain and Mr Ali.

Pupils cannot change any________________, nor can they install any software. This is because untrusted software could contain ________ and damage sensitive information on the school computers. An exe. File is an ______________file which installs a program on a computer. Every pupil is given a username and password. Pupils should not give out their____________.

Pupils can keep a different password for Upper, as it is another___________. The Frog VLE and Student Email are set to the same password. Pupils can log in to Frog VLE at home and access GENDATA and their (009078, H Drive) as well as upload or download work/files.

The school does not allow pupils to go on inappropriate ____________and has blocked certain websites such as Facebook, Youtube. The technicians and ICT Teachers keep a close on what pupils are accessing on computers using a program called_____________. Teachers can block websites and take control of pupil’s computers using this program.

Assignment 2 – Use IT systems to complete planned tasks

|No. |Criteria |

|2.1 |I can use an IT system to complete planned tasks following identified safe practices. |

|2.2 |I can check that the outcome meets requirements. |

|2.3 |I can identify ways to improve the use of IT for the task. |

2.1 I can use an IT system to complete planned tasks following identified safe practices.

Task 1

Drag all the text boxes to the top that apply to the Word Processors below:

|Open Office Writer |

|Microsoft Word |

|Microsoft Works Processor |

Task 2 – Hint:- if you hover over these icons in Word – it tells you what each icon is

Label the Tool bar below:


Task 3

Use the following formatting tools to the text below this sentence:-

➢ Highlight Pink

➢ Font Broadway

➢ Bold

➢ Right Align

Small Heath school

Muntz Street

B10 9RX

Task 3

Centre align the following text

The Apprentice INGOTS Assessment

Task 4

Right Align the following text by using the “Tab” key. Where is the tab key?

Small Heath School

Muntz Street

B10 9RX

Task 5

Drag the correct text box to the correct software:

|Microsoft Word |Open Office Writer |

Hint: Look in Literacy section at the end to find meaning of Open Source and Closed Source Software

2.2 I can check that the outcome meets requirements

You will need to complete a series of tasks for this criterion

Task 1 – Word processor Task

The Following Lower School Picture has been cropped by the road being taking off:


You need to write what program has been used to crop both Pictures:

|What Program: |What Program |

| | |

|[pic] |[pic] |

Task 2 – Spreadsheets (Graphs)

Drag the correct chart name to the charts below:

[pic] [pic] [pic] [pic]

Task 3 – Drawing (Vectors and Bitmap)

Drag the drawing packages from below;

Task 4

Drag the correct meaning against the type of graphic;

Task 5

Which image is Vector and which is Bitmap?

2.3 I can identify ways to improve the use of IT for the task.

Task 1

Fill out the table below which asks you about the easiest and difficult software tools you have used i.e. cropping tool. Some suggestions have been put down;

|Software used |Tool used |Easy/Hard |Why? |

|OpenOffice Writer |Cropping |Hard |Difficult as the pointer cannot be used to crop, |

| | | |you have to insert in numbers i.e. how much |

| | | |centimetres/millimetres you would want to crop. |

|Paint |Using the Pen to draw |easy |It is designed for children so itmakes it easy |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Microsoft Word |Formatting text, bold, or font | | |

| |change etc. | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Movie Maker |Inserting Sound | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Powerpoint |Animations | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

Task 2

Drag the following software packages into the correct category below:


Using the ICT Dictionary and the Collins English Dictionary find meanings of the following words which have been used in the

Bronze 2 Unit 1 Assessment (Assignment 1 and 2).

Click here for ICT Dictionary (Remember to Hold control and click the link)

Click here for Standard Collins English Dictionary (Remember to Hold control and click the link)

1. Apprentice

2. Open Source Software

3. Closed Source Software

4. Excellence

5. Format

6. Re-vamp

7. VLE

8. Email

9. Advantage

10. Feedback

11. Security

12. Prevent

13. Install

14. Bitmap

15. Vector

16. Word processor

17. Network

18. Executable

19. Virus

20. Website

21. Program

22. Requirement

23. Formatting

24. Align

25. Software

26. Suggestion

27. Web browser

28. Desktop Publisher

29. Software Package


What shapes can you select from the menu below?

1. Rectangle

2. Circle

3. Triangle

4. Text box

5. Arrow

6. Heart

7. Cross

8. Diamond

9. Parallelogram

10. Hexagon

11. Octagon

12. Bevel

13. Cube

14. Double Bracket

15. Oval



Student desk

Teacher Desk


ICT Suites




Computer settings






End of Assignment 1

Adobe Photo shop


MS Publisher

Microsoft Word

Open Office Calc


Microsoft Excel




Mozilla Firefox

Internet Explorer



Word Processors

Social Websites


Web Browsers

Desktop Publishers (DTP)

Graphic Packages



Student desks


Teacher’s Desk


Make the text bigger or smaller

Change font size

Change font


Highlight text

Change colour

Justify test

Make text italic

Underline text

Bottom border

Make the text bold

Font painter



Office Button

Increase indent

Delete something

Bar Chart

Pie Chart

Colum Chart

Line Graph

Open office Writer

Corel Draw

Internet Explorer

OpenOffice Draw

Microsoft Word



Mozilla Firefox




Windows Media Player


Drawing Package

Vector Graphic

Bitmap Graphic

is the use of points, lines, curves, and shapes or polygon(s). Picture becomes blurry when zoomed in.

The picture does not change or blur when zoomed in. It is a high quality picture.



You don’t need a stamp

You need the internet

You need the house address

You need the email address

You need a computer

You need an envelope


Crop Pictures

Write Letters

Draw a Picture

Make text bold

Use as a calculator

Play a video

Listen to music

Insert Pictures

Go on a website

Use a Spell Checker

You have to buy

Is a Microsoft Product

Is free to download

It is illegal to download free

You don’t have to pay – its Free

Is Open Source Software

Is Closed Source Software

Is an Open Office Product


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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