Experience Kissimmee Salary Data as of September 30, 2021

[Pages:2]Experience Kissimmee Salary Data as of September 30, 2021

Experience Kissimmee currently employs 40 regular fulltime team members. Below is a breakdown of the potential salary ranges per specific category of team member and average salary per category.

Administrative Support Staff

Salaries within this category have a range with a base of $33,758 and a cap of $57,808.00. The average salary in the administrative support staff category is $42,711 per year. Below are the employee and job titles within this category.

Durney, Judy Alexander, Linda Kachelmeyer, Brian Cookro, Tiffany Moran, Jamie

Accounting Coordinator Administrative Assistant Administrative Assistant Administrative Assistant Traffic Coordinator

Mid-Level Administrative Staff

Salaries within this category have a range with a base of $44,592.00 and a cap of $67,422.00. The average salary in the mid-level administrative staff is $54,228 per year. Below are the employees and job titles within this category.

Alberto, Jacqueline DiDomenico, Jennifer Toranzo, Grant Sandoval Jr, Herman Lopez, Madelyn Delfino, Camila Perla, Andrea Bello Malabu, Abdul

Industry Partner Relations Representative Media Relations Specialist Multimedia Designer Multimedia Specialist Payroll AR Administrator Social Media Specialist Sports Development Representative Sports Services Representative

Sales & Marketing Staff

Salaries within this category have a range with a base of $50,844.00 and a cap of $76,266.00. The average salary in the sales & marketing staff category is $66,108 per year.

Below are the names and titles within this category.

Worth, Wendy Miller, Abigail Velasquez, Heidi Romano, Nathalia Shives, Jadeine Melendez, Sara Ruelle, Cassandra Weyant, Tyler

Associate Marketing Project Manager Content Producer Human Resources Representative Media Relations Manager Meetings Sales and Services Manager Meetings Sales and Services Manager Meetings Sales and Services Manager Sports Development Manager

Mid-Level Management Salaries within this category have a range with a base of $55.952.00 and a cap of $101,556.00. The average salary in the mid-level management category is $75,400 per year. Below are the employees and job titles within this category.


Siddiqui, Sarah Vallejo, Melissa Onkelinx, Jonas Schmid, Ashley Carvalho, Camila Detering-Chipungu, Lisa Harnage, James

Creative Lead Executive Business and Operations Administrator Research Manager Sr. Event Planner Sr. Manager of Interactive Media Sr. Manager of Marketing Technology Manager


Salaries within this category have a range base of $74,476.00 and a cap of 122,880.00. The average salary in the directors category is $96,717 per year. Below are the employees and job titles within this category.

Dermis, Julie Poche, Robin Devault, Julia Shorrock, Emily Tian, Yinglu Poole, John Leveroni, Juliana Moore, Michelle

Director of Event Management Director of Finance Director of Human Resources Director of Industry Partner Relations Director of International and Domestic Sales Executive Director of Kissimmee Sports Commission Director of Communications Sr. Director of Meeting Sales and Services

Executive Level Staff ? (full disclosure)

Leppanen, Casey Holic, Jason Johantgen, Misty Minich, DT

CMO VP of Business Applications and Insights COO CEO

$150,020 $140,920 $220,454 $326,201



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