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First Aid Review Sheet for Final (KEY)

1. Put the EMS System in order: Citizen Responder, EMS Dispatcher, First Responder, EMT, Hospital Provider, Rehabilitation

2. List the situations in which a rescuer may stop CPR (5 of them)?

a. You see an obvious sign of life such as breathing.

b. An AED is ready to use.

c. Another trained responder or EMS personnel take over.

d. You are too exhausted to continue.

e. The scene becomes unsafe.

3. List the Cardiac Chain of Survival:

Early: Early: Early: Early:

Recognition CPR Defibrillation Advanced Care

4. What is the most prominent indicator of a heart attack?

a. Profuse sweating b. Pale skin c. Persistent chest pain d. Difficulty breathing

5. Sucking or taking blood, vomit into the lungs is called?

a. Airway obstruction b. Aspiration c. Epiglottis d. Rescue Breathing

6. Condition in which breathing becomes difficult due to a variety of causes?

a. Heart Attack b. Respiratory Distress c. Cardiovascular disease d. Rescue Breathing

7. Which action is part of the care for an unconscious adult victim with an obstructed airway?

a. Giving 2 rescue breaths

b. Giving chest compressions

c. Calling 9-1-1

d. All of the above

8. If a conscious infant develops an obstructed airway, what should you do?

a. Give 2 breaths and check for a pulse

b. Begin CPR

c. Give 5 back blows and 5 chest thrusts

d. Run out of the house screaming

9. A cycle of CPR on an adult is?

a. 30 comp, finger sweep, 2 breaths

b. 5 comp, 1 breath

c. 15 comp, 2 breaths

d. 30 comp, 2 breaths

10. Before beginning to check an unconscious victim, you should first:

a. Position the victim so that you can open the airway

b. Check the scene for safety

c. Check for consciousness

d. Call EMS professionals for help (911)

11. After checking a victim for consciousness (“hey, hey, are you ok?”), you determine they are unconscious. What should you do next?

a. Call EMS professionals (911) for help

b. Give two slow breaths

c. Check for a pulse and severe bleeding

d. Begin a check for non-life threatening conditions

12. Which of the following is a sign of respiratory distress?

a. Gasping for air

b. Breathing that is slower than normal

c. Wheezing

d. All of the above

13. Care for victims of respiratory distress always includes which of the following?

a. Helping the victim rest in a comfortable position

b. Giving the victim water to drink

c. Giving rescue breathing

d. Delivering abdominal thrusts

14. AED stands for:

a. Automatic Eternal Defibrillator

b. Automated Eternal Defibrillator

c. Automated External Defibrillator

15. Which action is part of the care for an unconscious adult victim with an obstructed airway?

a. Re-tilting the head and repeating 1 slow breath

b. Giving 30 chest compressions

c. Calling EMS personnel (911)

d. All of the above

16. When giving CPR to an adult:

a. Stop after 5 minutes

b. Do not give rescue breaths

c. Move the body only if the scene isn’t safe

d. Give 60 Compressions and 4 breaths

17. People sometimes fail to act in an emergency because of:

a. The presence of bystanders

b. The fear of disease transmission

c. The fear of doing something wrong

d. All of the above

18. What does the “C” in “ABC” stand for?

a. Continue

b. Circulation

c. Compressions

d. Choking

19. What are the differences for CPR in an adult, child, and infant?

*Adult: first compressions, then breaths; compressions at least 2”

*Child: first breaths, then compressions; compressions about 2”

*Infant: first breaths, then compressions; compressions about 1 ½ “

20. What could you do if the victim does NOT give consent?

*Call 911

21. What are some signals that indicate choking?

*Watery eyes, red face, scared look, rocking motion, pointing to chest/throat

*Some sound w/ wheezing, high pitched whistle – no sound

*Universal Distress Sign for choking (hands around throat)

22. Where should you place your hands when compressing an infant's chest during CPR?

*Just below the nipple line in center of chest

23. What care should you give to a conscious adult who is choking and cannot cough, speak or breathe?

a. Get consent, tell them your name and that you are certified (if they are under 18, ask the guardian)

b. Tell the victim to keep coughing

c. Bend the person forward at the waist and give 5 back blows between the shoulder blades with the heel of the hand

d. If the object does not come out, stand the victim up, place your fist with the thumb side against the middle of the person’s abdomen, just above the navel.

e. Cover the fist with the other hand, and give 5 quick upward thrusts.

f. Continue this process until:

i. The object is forced out

ii. The person can breathe

iii. The person becomes unconscious

24. Always check for signs of life for no more than ______second(s).


25. When giving a rescue breath to an adult, you should give the breath over what period of time (how many seconds)?

*1 second

26. Thoroughly express details of the FOUR Emergency Action Steps (4 C’s).

*Stay Calm, you must always keep yourself under control.

*Check the scene, and then check the victim.

*Call 9-1-1 or the local emergency number.

*Care for the victim until professional medical help arrives.

27. When an AED becomes available, what is the first thing you should do with it?

*Turn it on

28. Briefly describe how to set up an AED and what the difference of pad placement is for an adult and infant.

*Turn it on!

* Shave chest if necessary

*Place pads on victim’s upper right chest and lower left chest (infant: can place one on chest and one in middle of back)

*Press Start/Analyze

*Do not touch victim when analyzing

29. Explain an instance when you should call 911, and when you don’t need to call 911.

Call for:


*no breathing or difficulty breathing

*no pulse

*severe bleeding

Don’t call for:

*minor, non-life threatening injuries/illnesses

30. What are the symptoms of a heart attack and how do you care for it?


*Persistent chest pain or discomfort, sometimes confused with indigestion, (a muscle spasms)

*Heart burn to unbearable crushing pain

*Breathes noisily, short of breath, faster than normal

*Skin = ashen, pale, bluish - profuse sweating



*Recognize the signs and symptoms of a heart attack

*Call EMS

*Convince the victim to stop activity and rest

*Help the victim rest comfortably

*Comfort victim

*Assist the victim with medication, if prescribed (Nitroglycerin - vasodilator)

*Be prepared to give CPR if the victim’s heart stops beating.

31. What is the purpose of the Good Samaritan Law?

*To protect the citizen responder, provided that they act reasonable and responsibly.

32. Identify the four signs that an emergency exists and be able to give examples of each.

*Unusual Odor - ex. Gas leak, unidentifiable odor, chemical smell, etc.

*Unusual Sight – ex. Pill bottle knocked over, ladder tipped over, etc.

*Unusual Noise – ex. Gun shot, breaking glass, tires screeching, etc.

*Unusual Appearance/Behavior – ex. Désoriente Person, unconscious person, pale skin, etc.

33. Why should a citizen responder use universal precautions (i.e. breathing barriers, gloves, etc.)?

*Minimize the risk of getting a disease.

34. How do you care for someone that may be in shock and what do you never do for them?

*Call 9-1-1

*Have the person lie down

– Most comfortable position

*Control External Bleeding

*Help maintain normal body temperature

*Do not give the person anything to eat or drink

*Reassure the person

*Continue to monitor Airway, Breathing, & Circulation

35. How do you care for a person who is conscious and choking?

*Get consent, tell them your name and that you are certified (if they are under 18, ask the guardian)

*Tell the victim to keep coughing

*Bend the person forward at the waist and give 5 back blows between the shoulder blades with the heel of the hand

*If the object does not come out, stand the victim up, place your fist with the thumb side against the middle of the *person’s abdomen, just above the navel.

*Cover the fist with the other hand, and give 5 quick upward thrusts.

*Continue this process until:

■ The object is forced out

■ The person can breathe

■ The person becomes unconscious

36. How many cycles of CPR should you be able to complete in two minutes?


37. Why is early CPR and AED use important?

*CPR keeps oxygenated blood circulating to vital organs.

*AED’s saves the lives of more people in cardiac arrest than CPR alone.

38. What are some common causes of cardiac arrest in children and adults?



*Drug Use


*Severe injuries to the chest and/or blood loss



*SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome)

39. What does the AED do?

*It provides an electrical shock to the heart that may help restore an effective rhythm to someone in cardiac arrest.

40. If no shock is advised during a second analysis when using an AED, what should you do?

*Continue CPR until the AED reanalyzes or you find obvious signs of life.

41. Why is it important that no one is touching the victim when the AED is analyzing them?

*It may not analyze the victim’s heart rate correctly.


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