Welcome to Middle School Math

Welcome to Middle School Math!

Ms. Tatsak

Rm. 211

Scope and Sequence:

• Ratios and Proportional Relationships

• The Number System

• Expressions and Equations

• Geometry

• Statistics and Probability

• Functions (8th)

• Algebra


• All work is to be done in pencil and neatly. Proper heading should be used.

• All work should be shown either on the paper next to the number or neatly on a separate sheet of paper stapled to answers.

• Homework is given almost every night and should be completed for the next day.

• If student is absent, work will be accepted the number of days the student was gone. For example, if the student is gone 2 days then the student has two days to make up the assignments. The student is responsible for getting work and assignment.

• Students are silent when others are speaking including the teacher. When wanting to speak, students should raise their hands.

• Bring all necessary supplies to class…check reminder outside of door before entering.

• Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. This is a good learning opportunity.

• Get late work in even though points will be taken off assignment.

• Be ready to work right away. We will usually correct homework first.

• Be respectful of your peers and the teacher.

• Follow directions the first time they are given.

Supplies for the year (* = bring everyday):

• Pencils!!! *

• Colored pen/pencil to correct HW with *

• Notebook or looseleaf paper for taking notes *

• Calculator

• Silent reading book for test days

• Math textbook

• Graph paper (* if in classes 7-2 or 8-2)

• Protractor

• Compass

• Ruler

Grading and Extra Credit:

• Student work will be weighted as follows:

~ Tests - 35% of overall grade

**Students may be allowed to do test corrections for ½ a point back on test at the discretion of the teacher. Corrections must be done on separate sheet of looseleaf with all work shown to receive credit and turned in the next day.

~ Quizzes/Projects - 30% of overall grade

~ Homework - 25% of overall grade

~ Notebook – 10%

• There will be opportunities to receive Extra Credit on various homework assignments and/or tests at the discretion of the teacher. No individual extra credit will be given out.

Late Policy:

• Late work will not be accepted after three days and will be entered as a U. Every day that the assignment is late the grade will drop. All assignments are counted out of 100 points. If not done for class/one day late-10 points will be taken off assignment, two days late-20 points taken off assignment, three days late-50 points taken off making the grade a U.

• The ZAP (Zeros Aren't Permitted) Program will be in place again this school year. Students not doing an assignment will be sent to ZAP that day or the next depending on when class is. ZAP will be done at lunch time at a separate table in the cafeteria. Students will eat lunch and do their work at this table for the entire lunch period, including recess.

• If a test date is missed, the test must be made up as soon as possible. An alternate version of the test may be given.


• The best way to communicate with me is email. My email address is tatsakl@. I will try to respond back to you the same day, if not the following day.

• You can call the school and leave a message. Call the school at 453-5830 between 7:30 am and 3:30 pm. Again I will try to call you back the same day if not the next day.

• Website: Homework assignments, projects, upcoming tests, and other notes will be posted on the schoolnotes website. The website address is Type in Tatsak for the teacher and the zip code of the school (53208).

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to having another great school year!

Ms. Tatsak ϑ


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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