Miss Southeast Bulloch Middle School

[pic]Miss Southeast Bulloch [pic]

Middle School

2010 Information

Dear Prospective Contestant,

In just a short time the FOURTH ANNUAL Miss Southeast Bulloch Middle School will be crowned! We graciously welcome you to enter this fine program which will be held on Saturday, March 6 at the Southeast Bulloch High School auditorium as we celebrate this occasion.

A princess will be crowned and prizes will be awarded for each grade level. First and second runners-up will also be awarded for each grade level. The Miss SEBMS title will be given to the contestant with the highest overall score, regardless of grade. A professional photographer will be visiting SEBMS to take headshots of each contestant for their photogenic entry. Each girl will receive one 8x10 from this session—included with entry fees!!

Do you have a great talent? Singing, dancing, gymnastics, dramatic monologue—showcase your talent in the optional talent competition. This score will not be included in the overall score to decide Miss SEBMS. Judges will know who is competing in the talent portion only after the formalwear session of pageant. If the contestant needs music for her talent portion, she must provide this to pageant coordinator. Music should be on CD, should be the only music on the CD and should be no more than 2 minutes in length. (You may have to cut certain songs you wish to use to make them fit this time frame.) CD should be labeled with contestant name and number. You will be given your number at the first rehearsal.

A tentative schedule for the pageant and events taking place prior to that day will be given upon receipt of all forms and fees. Please pay close attention to these dates and be sure to plan accordingly. The contestants will be learning a short opening number, which they will perform as a group to kick off the start of the pageant. During this performance, contestants will introduce themselves to the audience and judges. Don’t worry… no prior dance experience will be required. The choreography will be such that all girls will shine!! This year’s theme is “Gone Country”. For the opening number each contestant will need a white shirt, denim skirt, cowboy boots, and a cowboy hat.

Of course, clothing must be AGE AND SCHOOL APPROPRIATE!!! Casual wear must meet school dress code. Any contestant not following this rule will not be allowed to participate! Formal wear may range from ball gowns to Sunday best.

Miss SEBMS is looking for a queen who is well-rounded. She should be able to represent our great school with poise and grace. In order to see this ability, all girls will answer and be judged in an on-stage interview. A list of possible questions will be provided at rehearsal prior to pageant.

The deadline for entering the pageant is Tuesday February 23, NO EXCEPTIONS. Head shots will be taken after school on Wednesday February 24, so please make plans to stay after school. Please submit your completed packet to Kristy Strickland, director. All entry fees will need to be paid at this time as well. A rehearsal schedule will be announced as soon as dates and times are finalized.

If you should have any questions or would like additional information, please don’t hesitate to contact your contestant coordinator listed below. We would love for you to be the next Miss Southeast Bulloch Middle School!


Kristy Strickland

SEBMS Pageant Coordinator




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