Texas Bar Foundation - Augsburg University


Dear student,

You are cordially invited to the tenth annual Minnesota Debate & Advocacy Workshop (MDAW) at Augsburg College. We welcome you to our middle school camp (5th – 8th graders) and are excited to introduce you to debate!

The staff of the Workshop draws from extensive and diverse experience. This year’s faculty includes former and current debaters as well as high school and college debate coaches, among others. Chosen for their dynamic teaching abilities and passion for policy debate, the staff was specifically chosen to provide the best and most educational experience possible for participating students.

The lead teacher for our middle school group is David Song – who is currently the Program Manager for the MN Urban Debate League. David comes to the MNUDL after five years of programming experience managing debate competitions and teacher training with the Chicago Debate League, during which the nation's largest urban debate league doubled in size. David has over a decade of debate teaching experience, and it will be his first time as the lead teacher for our middle school group. We are excited to have him on board!

Included with this introduction are three forms to complete and return. The middle school program runs from June 16th – June 20th from 9am – 5pm. Registration and check-in for the first day of camp will take place in the Foss Hall Atrium (please see the enclosed map) at 9am. Students can be picked up and dropped off at this location.

Students will eat lunch in the cafeteria at Augsburg and it will include a variety of food options. Please let us know if your child has any special needs for meals so that we can take care of them.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any additional questions.

Very sincerely,

Dave Cram Helwich Amy Cram Helwich

Camp Director MNUDL Executive Director

Director of Debate, University of Minnesota cramhe@augsburg.edu

cramhelwich@ 612-359-6467

Camp Overview

Dates and Location

June 16th – June 20th from 9am – 5pm. Students can be picked up and dropped off at Foss Center Atrium.


The expected student-to-staff ratio at this year’s workshop is 10:1. In addition to institute faculty, there are also administrators and assistant instructors on staff.


Middle School Camp: $225* or $200* if registered by May 7th. This includes lunch, snacks and supplies. There is a $50 deposit due by June 1st, 2014. The remaining tuition is due at camp registration, June 16th, 2014.

*Additional fees for students who request Mass Transit assistant.

Augsburg College Map

To get to Augsburg College, exit Riverside Avenue from I-94 on the West Bank of the Mississippi River in Minneapolis. From Riverside, turn south on 22nd Avenue. Foss Hall is #8 on the campus map below. When dropping students off, you may park in Lot B or in temporary parking adjacent to the quad (#17)


Student Information Form

Please type or write legibly and return the following three forms by email or post to:

Mai Yer Vang

2211 Riverside Ave CB 26

Minneapolis, MN 55454

vangmy@augsburg.edu - augsburg.edu/urbandebateleague/mdaw/

Early application deadline is Wednesday, May 7th, 2014.

Student Name: __________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Name(s):__________________________________________________

Parent Email: ______________________ Student Email: _________________________

Parent Phone: ______________________ Student Phone: _________________________

Address: ________________________________________________________________

City: ______________________________ State: ________________ Zip: ___________

School: __________________________________________ Grade (2013-14): ________

T-Shirt Size S ___ M ___ L ___ XL ___

Please circle yes if your child needs Mass Transit assistant: Yes or No (please circle)

How much debate experience do you have? 0 years 1 year 2 years 3+ years

How many tournaments did you participate in during the past year? _________________

In which division did you primarily compete during the past year? __________________

What do you most want to accomplish during the workshop?

Permission for Medical Care

If you are under 18 years of age it is necessary for a parent or guardian to sign the permission slip below for you to receive medical care should it become necessary.

I grant permission for _____________________________ (name of student) to receive medical care from Minnesota Debate & Advocacy Workshop staff or any off-campus medical care provider while he/she is enrolled as a student in the 2014 Minnesota Debate & Advocacy Workshop. I also authorize such treatment, x-rays or other diagnostic studies as, in the judgment of the attending physician, may reasonably be necessary to preserve and protect the student’s health.

Signature of parent or guardian: __________________________ Date: ______________

Relationship to student: ____________________________________________________

Address: ________________________________________________________________


Student Health Information

Date of birth: _______________ Allergies: ____________________________________

Description of allergic reaction: _____________________________________________

Other medical condition to be aware of: _______________________________________

Billing Information

Person responsible for payment: _______________________ Phone: ________________

Billing address: __________________________________________________________

Insurance information: _____________________________________________________

Professional services are charged to you, not the insurance company. Please understand that any agreement between you and your insurance company to provide services is your responsibility. Upon request, we will provide you with a copy of the claim so that you can submit it to your insurance company if necessary.

Code of Conduct

In order that all participants have a beneficial and enjoyable experience, the Minnesota Debate & Advocacy Workshop has developed the following code of conduct. Please read the items below and sign in the spaces provided.

1. Students are expected to attend all sessions of the institute, including lectures, labs, meals, and scheduled social events. Program staff must approve any absences.

2. Students are not permitted to leave campus except as part of camp activities or unless they have received written parental consent approved by program staff.

3. Alcoholic beverages, controlled substances, weapons, threatening behavior, or any illegal activity are not permitted. Students in possession of these items or engaging in these behaviors will be expelled immediately from the institute without a refund of camp fees.

These elements of the code of conduct are not exhaustive. Individuals or groups of students may be assigned additional rules including exceptions for conduct in the library, and classroom activities. Violation of any of these rules may result in expulsion from the institute without a refund of camp fees. Parents or guardians will be responsible for transporting expelled students home.

Please sign and date below to state your understanding and acceptance of the code of conduct. Please make a copy to keep for your own records and return the original signed letter.

Parent or guardian signature: ________________________________ Date: ___________

Student signature: _________________________________________ Date: __________




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