BONHAM MIDDLE SCHOOLMission StatementOur mission is to graduate every student prepared for success beyond high school.2011/2012 School Improvement PlanBROAD TARGET GOALS1.BMS students will demonstrate increased academic performance.2.BMS students will demonstrate appropriate social behaviors in individual and group settings.3.BMS students with special needs will demonstrate increased academic performance.Bonham Mustangs…..No Less Than Your Be successfulExhibit respectStress safetyTake responsibilityTELEPHONESAttendancePrincipal/Asst Principals Nurse326-3102326-3101326-3108 326-3106 326-3107CounselorsCafeteria 326-3110 326-3116Bonham Parents,Welcome to another exciting school year. We have prepared diligently, so that we can provide your child a challenging, interesting and relevant middle school experience. We know that you will be involved and supportive of your child’s efforts and achievements this year.This handbook will attempt to familiarize you and your child with goals, guidelines, and procedures at Bonham Middle School. Many questions about Bonham will be answered as you read through its contents. Your child’s sixth period teacher will be discussing the contents of the handbook and answering student questions this week. Please call us if you have any questions, or if you just need to share a positive thought! Your input is welcomed and valued.Please have your student return the enclosed Acknowledgement of Receipt (back page) to his/her sixth period teacher by Friday, September 2nd. Thank you for your continued support of your child and our school and its staff. Bonham is a wonderful place to be, and we appreciate the overwhelming support we consistently receive from you.Sincerely,Curtis CrumpPrincipalI. ARRIVAL AT SCHOOLWhen students arrive at school in the morning, they may go to the cafeteria or wait outside in front of the building. Students who enter the building before 8:05 a.m. must have a pass to a teacher or report to the cafeteria. Students who choose to enter the cafeteria in the mornings must remain seated. Students are not permitted to roam the hallways or go to lockers before the 8:05 bell.Students are supervised in the cafeteria after 7:45 am.II. ATTENDANCETo enhance learning and encourage responsibility, students should be in school and on time each day. The tardy bell rings at 8:10 a.m. Absences should be reported by calling the attendance clerk, 326-3102, before 8:30 a.m.Students who miss a portion of the day for doctor or dentist appointments will still be counted present if a note from the health professional’s office is presented to the attendance clerk upon return to school.When it is necessary for a student to be absent from school for reasons other than personal illness or illness or death in the family, the parent should write a note at least one week prior to the absence explaining the need for the absence. Failure to provide such notice five days in advance may result in an unexcused absence for the student. Teachers will be notified by the student prior to the absence so that assignments may be given.State law requires students to be present 90% of the days to receive credit for the school year. Petition for credit due to extenuating circumstances will be heard by a school attendance committee.TEC 25.095 Warning Notices(a) A school district or open-enrollment charter school shall notify a student’s parent in writing at the beginning of the school year that if the student is absent from school on 10 or more days or parts of days within a six-month period in the same school year or on three or more days or parts of days within a four-week period:the student’s parent is subject to prosecution under Section 25.093; andthe student is subject to prosecution under Section 25.094 or to referral to a juvenile court in a county with a population of less than 100,000 for conduct that violates that section.(b) A school district shall notify a student’s parent if the student has been absent from school, without excuse under Section 25.087, on three days or parts of days within a four-week period. The notice must:inform the parent that:it is the parent’s duty to monitor the student’s school attendance and require the student to attend school; andthe parent is subject to prosecution under Section 25.093; andrequest a conference between school officials and the parent to discuss the absences.(c) The fact that a parent did not receive a notice under Subsection (a) or (b) does not create a defense to prosecution under Section 25.093 or 25.094.(d) In this section, “parent” includes a person standing in parental relation.If a student is tardy for any period during the day, without a pass, the teacher will send a tardy referral to the office. After three tardies per semester, school detentions will be assigned by the office. A student is tardy if he is not in his/her seat by the tardy bell. Excessive tardiness is viewed as persistent misconduct.Check-in and check-out procedures: Students must check in and out through the attendance clerk in the office. During school hours, students will only be allowed to leave school with their parent or guardian and/or those persons listed on the student’s registration card. Should other arrangements be necessary, written notification to the principal must be given.III. AWARDS & RECOGNITIONBonham has many programs designed to recognize and reward students who regularly behave in an acceptable or exemplary manner. Each team of teachers selects one boy and one girl each six weeks to receive the Magnificent Mustang Award. This is a citizenship award. The criteria are regular attendance, all assignments turned in on time, all citizenship grades satisfactory, best effort on work, and having a positive attitude by being supportive to classmates and school. Students who receive this award are recognized by teachers, announcements on the PA, receiving a Mustang pin and shirt, and recognition at the year-end awards assembly.Many teachers provide other recognitions by posting the names of students who do well or who have shown improvement. Our staff is committed to recognizing and awarding students who are “striving for excellence”.During the year, TADA bags are presented by each teacher to students who have been selected from a group who have no tardies, absences, or discipline problems and have turned in all work.Bonham Bucks also recognize students’ positive work ethic and achievement and are given to students who then can spend them to purchase snacks in the hot food lines in the cafeteria or to purchase tickets for school plays and other pay assemblies.At the end of the year awards assemblies, other honors are given to those students who maintained their Magnificent Mustang attitude for the whole year. Sixth and seventh grade teams select one boy and one girl to receive these awards. Eighth grade students have the opportunity to receive additional leadership awards. The Lamar Lively Award is given to the 8th grade boy and girl who have shown academic dedication and citizenship of the highest degree. The 8th grade Mustang of the Year, a boy and girl, are also awarded at the assembly. In addition to these awards, students can be recognized by various subject area teachers for outstanding achievement or effort by receiving certificates. The school awards an academic certificate to students who earn A’s and B’s for every six weeks marking period. Honor roll mementos are also awarded during the year. Various tokens like pencils, bumper stickers, buttons, and magnets are given to honor roll recipients at the end of each marking period. To be on the six weeks honor roll, a student must have A’s or B’s in every subject. Students who maintain all A’s are recognized each six weeks. Perfect attendance is recognized each six weeks and with a certificate at the end of the year.IV. BEHAVIOR EXPECTATIONSBonham Middle School Expects Students to:1.Be Respectful of Others, Property, and Self2.Be ResponsibleTo clarify the expectations, the following procedures are in place on campus:HallwaysClassroomsCafeteriaAuditoriumBathroomsOutsideRespect Others+Keep hands, feet, and object to self+Keep Moving+Walk to the right without pushing or shoving+Talk in a polite, “inside” voice+Help others in need+Have a pass during class times+Listen when others are talking+Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself+Follow teachers’ directions+Use encouraging, positive language+Allow others to do their work+Wait your turn patiently+Use appropriate language and “inside” voice+Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself+Eat your own food+Look at and listen to the presenter+Respond appropriately (clapping)+Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself+Be quick+Be accurate+Allow others privacy+Keep hands, feet, objects to yourself+Maintain personal space+Be safeRespect Property+Keep your locker organized so that it will open and close properly+Take care of your books and other school property+Keep walls and other surfaces free of writing+Put trash in trashcans+Return supplies and equipment+Recycle paper+Keep desks and walls free of writing+Handle equipment and supplies according to instructions+Take good care of books and other equipment+Food and drinks must remain in the cafeteria+Throw away trash and return tray to window+Keep chairs and walls free of writing+Keep walls and stalls free of writing+Place paper towels in trash can+Turn off water after washing+Take care of equipment and structuresRespect Self+Use appropriate language and “inside” voice+Avoid public displays of affection+Do your best+Be prepared+Follow school dress code+Wash your hands+Use good table manners+Use appropriate language+Participate appropriately+Be appreciative of the speakers+Wash your hands+Use appropriate languageBe Responsible+Get to class on time with your supplies+Go only where you have a pass to go during class times+Pick up after yourself+Before 8:05, you must be in the cafeteria or with a teacher+Put your backpack in your locker before 1st period+Be out of the building or with a teacher by 3:30+Be in your seat, ready to work, when the bell rings+Bring materials to class+Clean up after yourself+Turn in work, complete and on time+Use class time wisely+Remain seated unless in line+Clean up your area+Pay for your lunch+Return to class in a quiet, orderly manner+Clean up after yourself+Enter/Exit quickly and orderly+Sit where instructed to sit+Clean up after yourself+Put trash in trash cans+Turn off faucets after washing+Flush toilets after use+Report problems to teacher or administrator+Throw trash in trash cans+Return to class quickly and orderly when the bell rings+Play fair+Include othersV. DISCIPLINE PLANThe purpose of Bonham’s school-wide discipline plan is to insure that an organized, safe, and productive learning environment is maintained. For this to be accomplished, it is important that each student, parent, teacher, and administrator work diligently and cooperatively. The District Student and Parent Handbook, the Bonham Student and Parent Handbook and teacher communication clearly define acceptable and unacceptable behaviors for students. Definition of TermsAdapted Curriculum Class (ACC) – educational placement at Bonham for students with mental retardation.Campus Service – service performed at Bonham as a form of disciplineContent Mastery (CM) – classroom in which special education students may go after hearing instruction from the teacher to complete assignments. CM offers a quieter area with more individualized assistance. Students must have been qualified through an ARD to go to this class.Disciplinary Alternative Education Program (DAEP) – Educational placement at location off campus Emergency Expulsion (EE) – Removal from school for protection of that or other students.Emergency Placement (EP) – Removal from school for protection of that or other students.Expulsion – Denial of district educational servicesIn School Suspension (ISS) -- Educational placement at Bonham in which the student is isolated from student body. Students who are placed in ISS, suspended, expelled, removed or placed on an emergency basis, or placed in an alternative educational program will not be eligible for participation in extra-curricular or co-curricular activities on those days.Office Detention – Assigned by administrative staff for student misconduct. Location will be in the school cafeteria beginning at 3:30 p.m. until 4 p.m. Parent will be notified.Student Support Team (SST) – Collaborative team which has authority to implement accommodations and supports for students outside of the special education programSuspension – 1-3 day removal from school.Out of School Suspension (OSS) – educational placement @ Bonham in which the student is isolated from student body by being sent home for a specified length of time.Individual Education Plan (IEP) – individualized curriculum which special education students follow. Includes class schedule as well as any modifications or supports a student may have.Sight Based Decision Making Team (SBDMT) – decision making body of the school consisting of faculty members designed to make decisions on matters presented by the principal on key campus issues.Admission Review and Dismissal (ARD) – meetings held to determine placement of special education students. ARD committees consist of an administrator, a teacher, a special education teacher, the parents of the student, the diagnostician, and sometimes the student.Positive Behavior Supports (PBS) – Curriculum, philosophy, and strategies which utilize positive reinforcement and instruction for campus-wide behavioral goalsSuccessful Learning Class (SLC) – special education classroom for students with emotional difficulties such as, but not limited to, emotional disturbance. Education Support Center (ESC) – administrative building for Amarillo Independent School District (AISD). Superintendent and Cluster Directors office here, as well as, directors, administrators, and support staff for all departments of the school district.Teacher Retirement System (TRS) – state retirement system of which Texas school districts are part.SCHOOL-WIDE DISCIPLINE PLANOFFENSES1ST2ND3RD Alcohol (Possession)3 days OSS11 days AEP3 days OSS30 days AEP3 days OSSDisciplinary H.Alcohol (Delivery)3 days OSSDisciplinary H.3 days OSSDisciplinary H.3 days OSSDisciplinary H.Assault on Student Physical (Non injury) Physical (Injury)3 OSS10 ISS3 OSS20 AEP3 OSS11 AEP3 OSSDisciplinary H.3 OSS20 AEP3 OSSDisciplinary H.Assault onStaff Verbal Physical (No injury) Physical (Injury)OSS remainderof day plus one full day3 OSS20 AEP3 OSSDisciplinary H.3 OSS5 ISS3 OSSDisciplinary H.3 OSSDisciplinary H.3 OSS11 AEP3 OSSDisciplinary H.3 OSSDisciplinary H.AcademicDishonestyTeacher DiscretionAcademicPenaltyParent Conference3 ISSParentConference5 ISSBullyingParentConferenceCounselorReferralParentConferenceCounselorReferral5 ISSParentConferenceCounselorReferral3 OSS10 ISSCafeteriaMisbehaviorLunchDetentionCampusService1 day ISS3 day ISSClassDisruptions Minor MajorParent Conference3 detentionsParentConference1 day ISSISS remainder of the day plus one full day3 days ISS3 days ISS5 days ISSDeadly Conduct3 OSSDisciplinaryHearing3 OSSDisciplinaryHearing3 OSSDisciplinaryHearingDefianceParentConference3 detentions2 days ISS3 days ISSDisrespectfulBehaviorParentConference3 detentions2 days ISS3 days ISSDrugs Title 5 FelonyNon Felony3 OSSDH3 OSS20 AEP3 OSSDH3 OSS30 AEP3 OSSDH3 OSSDHFelony off campus-non title 5Principal decision based on disruption of education.Principal decision based on disruption of education.Principal decision based on disruption of education.Fighting3 OSS5 ISSCitation3 OSS11 AEPCitation3 OSS20 AEPCitationGangActivityParent Conference3 ISS3 OSS11 AEP3 OSSDisciplinaryHearingGangViolence3 OSSDisciplinaryHearing3 OSSDisciplinaryHearing3 OSSDisciplinaryHearingIllegalKnife3 OSSDisciplinaryHearing3 OSSDisciplinaryHearing3 OSSDisciplinaryHearingNon IllegalKnifePossessionThreatens1 ISSTake up3 OSSDisciplinaryHearing3 ISSTake up3 OSSDisciplinaryHearing5 ISSTake up3 OSSDisciplinaryHearingLeft classwithoutpermission2 ISS 3 ISS 5 ISSProfanity 3 detentions 2 ISS 5 ISS CitationRefusal ofPunishment1 OSSParentConference3 OSS11 AEP3 OSS20 AEPRemovedfrom ISSOSSremainderof the day2 OSS3 OSS11 AEPRowdyBehavior 1 detention 3 ISS 5 ISSSexualAssaultOSSDisciplinaryHearingOSSDisciplinaryHearingOSSDisciplinaryHearingSexualHarassmentParentConferenceCounselorReferral2 ISS3 OSS11 AEP3 OSSDisciplinaryHearingTardiesCampus basedpolicy Theft 5 ISS3 OSS5 ISS3 OSS11 AEPTerroristicThreatOSSDisciplinaryHearingOSSDisciplinaryHearingOSSDisciplinaryHearingThrowingObjects3 detentions forminor objects 2 ISS 3 ISSTobaccoPossessionUse3 ISSCitation 5 ISSCitation3 OSS11 AEPTruancyDistrict PolicyDistrict PolicyDistrict PolicyVandalism3 ISSCost of replacement5 ISSCost of replacement3 OSS11 AEPWeapons3 OSSDisciplinaryHearing3 OSSDisciplinaryHearing3 OSSDisciplinaryHearingCELL PHONE: For each offense, the student’s parent will be notified that a device has been confiscated.On the first and second offenses during a semester, a $15.00 fee will be charged to return the device. If the fee is not paid, the device will be kept by the school until the end of the school year.On the third offense during a semester, a confiscated device will be kept until the end of the school year unless the principal or assistant principal determines that an emergency or other extenuating circumstances exists, and the $15.00 fee is paid.On the fourth offense during a semester, the confiscated device will be kept until the end of the school year.** No set of guidelines can take into account every discipline situation. The administration reserves the right to make discipline judgments based on the circumstances surrounding each offense. **An appeal to the discipline procedures listed above may be made by following the proper chain of command. (i.e. Assistant principal, principal, cluster director, superintendent). VI. CAFETERIALunch credits may be purchased in the cafeteria before school any day. Please provide your student’s computer number when you submit money. Bonham has three lunch periods. Sixth graders eat during first lunch. Seventh and eighth graders are dispersed throughout second and third lunches. There are two hot food lines and a snack bar line available to all students. Prices below are for hot lunches. The A La Carte items vary in price. Breakfast of the DayLunch of the DayPaid$1.00Paid$2.00Reduced.30Reduced.40VII. CLOSED CAMPUSBonham Middle School maintains a closed campus, which means students are not allowed to leave campus during the school day. Students have only 30 minutes for lunch which is too short a time period to leave campus without missing valuable class time. Therefore, we ask that all students remain on campus for lunch. Students whose lunch extends beyond their assigned lunch period will be counted tardy. Our cafeteria provides extensive lunch selections for our students. Parents are welcomed and encouraged to check in through the office and join their child in the cafeteria for lunch. Visiting students from other schools will not be allowed into the cafeteria without parental supervision. If you have a specific question regarding closed campus policies, please contact Mr. Crump, Mr. Shipman, or Mrs. Stewart State regulations prohibit parents from providing students other than their own with Food of Minimal Nutritional Value (FMNV) such as soda water, chewing gum, water ices, and candies. If a parent brings prohibited items to distribute to other students during the lunch period, those items must be confiscated. PLEASE DO NOT BRING FOOD OR DRINKS FOR ANY CHILD OTHER THAN YOUR OWN.VIII. COMMUNICATION*Open House * Progress Reports * Newsletters * Report Cards * Conferences * Surveys*It is our goal for you to stay informed of activities, events, and opportunities at Bonham. Our Open House will be held Tuesday, September 7th, beginning at 7:00 pm. This is a great way to become familiar with your child’s daily routine. Progress Reports are sent home with students at the approximate mid-point of each six week period. The dates for this year are:September 13January 31October 25March 20December 6May 1The report should be signed and returned the next day to the sixth period teacher. School newsletters will be sent home with each progress report.Report Cards are sent home with students each six weeks. These should be signed and returned to the sixth period teacher.Parent-teacher conferences are important in establishing expectations and goals and in rewarding successes. Our counselors will be glad to assist you in scheduling a conference with one or all of your child’s teachers.Occasionally, we will send home surveys or questionnaires asking for your input regarding our overall effectiveness. Please respond honestly and quickly as we are always seeking to improve both delivery of instruction and overall school climate.IX. GIFTED AND TALENTEDAISD and Bonham Middle School offer special services for students identified as gifted or talented. The program goals include:? Gifted/talented students will develop healthy self-concepts relative to their giftedness and interact effectively with other gifted students, peers and society.? Using in-depth content, gifted/talented students will employ advanced critical and creative thinking skills to generate complex and intricate products appropriate to their giftedness.? Gifted/talented students will acquire the necessary advanced thinking and self-directed learning skills to become independent creative producers.Identified G/T students at Bonham are served through the Pre-AP classes that are offered in various subjects through differentiation in content, product, and process. These classes afford our students the opportunity to achieve the above stated program goals.Should you have a question regarding the nomination, screening, and selection process, contact your student’s counselor. You should contact the subject area teacher with specific questions about curriculum implementation. X. GRADING AND HOMEWORKThe daily grade is the most important factor in evaluating a student’s progress. A six weeks examination will be required as part of the six-weeks grade for math, science, social studies, and language arts. The six weeks test grade will comprise 25% of a student’s overall average. No more than 30% of the daily grade should be based on homework.Homework designed to achieve identified educational goals can become an intrinsic part of the teaching-learning process and can serve to build a positive dimension to the total education of students. The general purposes of homework are two-fold:1.To enrich learning experiences and to reinforce and practice skills that have been presented in school.2.To stimulate initiative, independence, responsibility, and self-direction. Homework can also serve to help keep parents apprised of school instructional programs, thus creating a close bond between home and school. At the secondary school level, the homework policy is explained to students by their subject matter teachers. Homework becomes a part of the daily grade and daily grades comprise three-fourths of the course grade. NOTE: Pre-AP classes and classes taken for high school credit will require additional homework beyond normal expectations. MAKE-UP WORK1.All schoolwork missed must be made up. Students with absences shall be given one day for each day’s absence from school to make up work missed. For absences of more than one week, students shall be given a maximum of one week to make up their work. In case of extended absence from school, provisions for make-up work shall be made with the student’s teacher(s). The responsibility for make-up work is that of the student. When the student returns to school, the teacher should provide an opportunity for the students to complete assignments or take examinations.2.Religious Holidays and School Activity Absences will not be counted as absences. All work must be made up according to time frame #1 for credit.3.Make-up work for Suspensions and Truancy: All work must be made up within time frame in #1 above for credit to be given. Responsibility for obtaining work is the student’s.ACHIEVE ProgramAchieve is a campus based program which helps students complete assignments and receive partial credit in the grade book. Teachers will provide the Achieve instructor a list of students who have missing assignments at the end of each school day. Students will also receive a written notice from each teacher that is assigning students to Achieve. A list of students will be sent to all teachers informing them that during advisory period, each listed student needs to report to the cafeteria to work and complete all missing assignments. Once completed, students will turn their work into the Achieve teacher to then be distributed to the assigned teacher. Students will be given one opportunity to complete the assignment and receive a grade determined by the classroom teacher. Failure of the student to show up to Achieve, results in the student receiving a grade of zero on each missing assignment. XI. LOCKERSBonham Middle School is a locker free campus. Students will not be issued a locker at the beginning of the school year. Students are allowed to carry their textbooks and personal belongings in a backpack. Items in students’ backpacks can and will be searched if at any time school officials have reasonable belief that there is a safety concern.At parent request, school officials can issue a locker to any student that chooses to have one. Parents must contact the school personnel to request a locker. XII. LOST AND FOUNDEach day all items left in classrooms should be sent to the office. These students will be sent for by the office to claim their belongings. Textbooks will also be sent to the office so that they can be promptly returned to students. Lost and Found items left at the end of each semester will be donated to charity.XIII. POLICY FOR ACCEPTABLE USE OF COMPUTERS AND NETWORKSRefer to Amarillo Independent School District 2011-2012 Middle School Handbook posted on the district’s website. XIV. PTABonham has a very active PTA. Information about the purpose, budget, meeting dates, and special projects will be discussed at the Open House, September 7th.XV. STUDENT DRESSStudent dress and grooming is primarily the responsibility of students and their parents. However, a proper atmosphere for learning in the school is the responsibility of the school. Personal appearance is an important factor in developing and maintaining an attitude and atmosphere conducive to learning on the part of the students in school.Style is very important, but there are some types of dress and grooming which are more appropriate for specific types of activities and/or locations than others. Experience has shown that there are extremes in dress and grooming that lead to disruption of the learning process in school.The principal of each school has the authority to make the decision on questions of dress and grooming. Any student not adhering to the guidelines presented herewith will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action. Detailed dress code guidelines can be found in the AISD Middle School Student Handbook (pgs 12-13).XVI. STUDENT LEARNING SERVICESStudents with special learning needs are served well at Bonham Middle School. Teachers, counselors, and parents working collaboratively can meet the needs of all Bonham students. Occasionally, students may have special needs that would require 504 modifications, dyslexia services, or special education intervention. The campus 504 and Dyslexia coordinator is Misty Renegar, 326-3115. Bonham Middle School has an educational diagnostician who works with other professionals to determine students’ special learning needs and eligibility for special education services. The diagnostician, Misty Renegar, can be reached at 326-3115. XVII. VISITORSParents are always welcome at Bonham. Visiting a classroom, volunteering on a regular basis, or supervising a special event can help you become familiar with your child’s progress and comfortable with our school. Children or students from other schools or states (visiting relatives, friends, etc.) may not visit. All visitors are to sign in at the office and wear the visitor name sticker while on campus.Lunch Drop-offIf you are dropping off lunch to your child, you are required to sign in using the sign in sheet located in the cafeteria. You do not have to report to the front office. Acknowledgment of ReceiptPlease check how you wish to access the Bonham Student Handbook.I will access by home computer.I will request a copy of the Student Handbook from the office.Bonham Middle SchoolDate: Student’s grade level: Sixth Period Teacher: Student’s Name (PLEASE PRINT): Student’s Signature: Parent’s Signature: PLEASE COMPLETE & RETURN THIS PAGE BY SEPTEMBER 2, 2011 ................

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