If You "Feel" Threatened

JOHN ADAMS MIDDLE SCHOOL 2002 Presidential DriveCharleston, WV 25314304-348-6652Student/Parent HandbookRevised: June 2019MISSION STATEMENT:The mission of John Adams Middle School is to engage students of all learning styles and backgrounds and to equip those students with the tools they need to achieve academic, personal, physical, and social responsibility. Learners Today…Leaders Tomorrow!JOHN ADAMS MIDDLE SCHOOL EXPECTATIONS:Students must attend school daily in order to achieve academic success.All students must arrive to each class promptly and remain there throughout the class period.Students will practice drug-free responsibilities.Students must actively engage in self-discipline, the responsibility of learning, and the respect of others.Students will make John Adams a safe, clean, and attractive school.Alphabetical Listing of School Information:ABSENCES AND ATTENDANCE POLICYLegitimate absences are defined as illness, professional appointments and serious personal or family problems. Days missed because of illness need physician verification for school record keeping, and must be turned into the office within three days of returning to school. It is to be clearly understood by parents and students that these are authorized days of absences to be used only for illness or emergency. Absences connected with legitimate school activities shall not be counted in the total number of absences.Parents should call the school by telephone before 8:30 a.m. on the day(s) the student is absent. Upon returning to school, a signed parent note is required indicating the reason for the absence. Missed assignments, class notes and tests are the student’s responsibility. When the student is absent, he/she must make arrangements with the teacher to make up work as quickly as possible. Students should contact their teachers via Schoology email to discuss make-up assignments or to schedule a time when the teacher/student can meet to discuss material missed while absent. For each day a student is absent, students are given one day to make-up assignments. Make-up work can be provided after a student has been absent more than 2 days. A parent may call on the third day of absence and request work to be ready for pick up in the office.Excused Absences will include:Illness or injury of the student with physician written verificationMedical or dental appointment with physician or dentist written verificationIllness verified by the parent not to exceed three (3) consecutive or five (5) total days per school yearCalamity, such as an emergency situation, approved by the principalDeath in the family not to exceed three (3) days for each occurrenceSchool approved curricular or extracurricular activitiesLegal obligation with verificationFailure of bus to run or extremely hazardous conditionsObservance of religious holidaysFor further explanation of the Kanawha County Attendance Policy, please see the Kanawha County Schools Handbook.ACCESS TO RECORDSRecords are released to parents at their request. All records are confidential.BUS POLICYAll students are expected to follow all bus policies as described in Kanawha County Schools “Star Player” bus policy pamphlet. Students must ride their assigned bus. Students will not be permitted to ride a different bus without prior written permission requests given to the clerk at the school from all parties involved before 7:55 a.m. A note sent to school from the parent/guardian must include written permission to ride with the student, best contact phone number, and a signature from the parent/guardian. Approval must be given from the bus garage and the school. CELL PHONE POLICYStudents are permitted to bring cell phones to school. Cell phones may only be used prior to 7:50 a.m. and after the bell rings for the end of the day. NO EXCEPTIONS. Cell phones may not be seen, heard, used, or cause a disruption during the school day without teacher permission. ALL STUDENT CELL PHONES MUST BE OFF AND OUT OF SIGHT DURING THE SCHOOL DAY. Students are NOT permitted to have ear bud and listening devices visible. This includes while in hallways, restrooms, and cafeteria during breakfast and lunch. Teachers or administrators will take a student phone if it is out, in use, or makes a sound of any kind during the school day. Teachers may also establish rules for cell phones in their classroom.If applicable, the phone will be kept in the school office until a parent can pick up the student phone. The phone will not be given back to the student.1st offenseConfiscate phone, one (1) day lunch detention2nd offenseConfiscate phone, parent/guardian pick up, two (2) days lunch detention3rd offenseConfiscate phone, parent/guardian pick up, ISS day, loss of privilege to carry a phone at schoolThe school is not responsible for lost or stolen cell phones. The school will not be responsible for the investigation of lost, stolen or damaged cell phones. Any unclaimed cell phones will be recycled at the end of each school year.CHEATINGCheating on classroom assignments, reports, or tests is prohibited. Cheating includes, but is not limited to: taking or using any work that is not the student’s own work, copying assignments, allowing other students to copy an assignment, non-original work (plagiarism), stealing tests or answer sheets, cheat sheets or writing answers on body parts, talking during tests, looking at someone else’s paper, electronically sending any information regarding any type of class or school work with the intent to share with others. 1st offenseOne day of lunch detention, zero on assignment, parent notificationby classroom teacher, Beta Club probation2nd offenseOne day of ISS, parent notification by classroom teacher, zero on assignment, Beta Club removal3rd offenseISS, parent contact by classroom teacher, zero on assignmentCHECK OUT PROCEDURESStudents may be checked out of school early by a parent/guardian due to emergency or doctor/dental appointment. Please provide an appointment card or letter prior to the appointment day. Students will not be permitted to be signed out after 2:30 p.m. unless a doctor’s appointment card is presented. Please plan to pick up your student prior to this time. PARENTS: Please do not pick up your student early on a daily basis for convenience. If it becomes a frequent occurrence, the lead attendance director for Kanawha County Schools will be notified.Please make sure that your child knows their plan for afterschool every day. For example: practices, bus number, appointments, someone else picking them up, etc.Students may not be checked out by another person unless their name appears on the student’s emergency card or the office has received a written note that is verified by phone with a parent/guardian signature. CHILD CUSTODYIf needed, please provide a copy of the child custody court order to the office if there are any limitations that have been made for the safety or well-being of your child. Records will not be withheld if the proper documents are not on file with John Adams Middle PUTER/iPad POLICY All students must have an acceptable use form on file for computer/iPad puter thumb drives are NOT to be brought to school and used on school computers.The mail.kana.k12.wv.us system is specifically for educational use, NOT for games, E-mails, chats and other uses.Each device has a unique address and use can be tracked by the code. All activity can be tracked, including E-mail.Appropriate use of the computer/iPad is required. Improper uses include, but are not limited to: hacking, visiting sites on bomb-making, inappropriate photos, hate mongering, chat sites, intentional exploration of viruses or use, bothering other users, or inappropriate language.Students are to report any problems immediately to their teacher.Students may be held liable for damages or financial damage to computers.Students are not to share accounts or passwords with other students and are responsible for all activity that takes place on their account.Students will have computer privileges revoked for sharing personal information without specific permission by a teacher or administrator. Personal information includes, but is not limited to: real name, address, telephone numbers, mother’s maiden name, social security number, etc. Students are not allowed to download and install programs. Changing the screen or computer settings is not permitted. Storage space is limited. MP3 files and movies are not to be saved. Large presentations are to be deleted soon after used. If needed, student directories will have files removed. All KCS computer/iPad policies must be followed. Private student E-mail is not to be accessed from any school computer or iPad.COUNSELING SERVICESCounselors are available to serve the educational, social and personal needs of the students. Students will be able to either scan a QR Code or sign up for an appointment in the office to request a meeting with the counselor. All counseling services are confidential and may be discussed with a third party only with the student’s permission.Mr. Cadle will work with students whose last names are A-M.Mrs. Silbernagel will work with students whose last names are N-Z. CODE OF CONDUCTGeneral Policy: It is the inherent right of the students, staff and visitors of John Adams Middle School to attend and work at a school that is safe, well-disciplined and drug and alcohol free. The school and the community are responsible for maintaining an atmosphere conducive to learning.School Code of Conduct: John Adams will maintain and make available to all interested parties a copy of this code of conduct, which includes a schedule of offenses, penalties and a description of due process rights and procedures.Scope of Application/Code of Conduct:While on property of Kanawha County Schools.During time periods when a student is scheduled to attend school or other activities conducted under the auspices of Kanawha County Schools, regardless of whether a student is in actual attendance. Students who have been properly excused from attendance are not subject to this paragraph.During any extra-curricular activity or trip conducted under the auspices of Kanawha County Schools in which a student elects to participate.While a student is in transit to or from school or an extra-curricular activity, including transit on a school bus, walking to or from a bus stop from the point of leaving the student’s home and returning to the home at the end of the school day.Offenses against employees of Kanawha County Schools or their property, regardless of time or place.Bomb threats involving Kanawha County School property, regardless of time or place.The consumption of alcoholic beverages or controlled substances, in any amount, prior to any school-related activity regardless of place.VIOLATIONS OF THE STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCTThis policy classifies student violations of the Student Code of Conduct into four levels. For a more detailed listing of violations, please see the Kanawha County Board of Education Policy-Student Behavior Series-J25.Copies of the complete policy will be available in hard copy at the school office.The next pages are an outline of the LEVELS of this policy. Following the outline will be a reference chart for disciplinary actions in response to the aforementioned levels. SUMMARY OF DISCIPLINE LEVELS LEVEL ONE – OFFENSESMINIMALLY DISRUPTIVE BEHAVIORSdisrupt the educational process and the orderly operations of the school but do not pose a direct danger to self or others.LEVEL ONE – INTERVENTIONS/CONSEQUENCES-CELL PHONES AND OTHER ELECTRONIC DEVICES-CHEATING/ACADEMIC MISCONDUCT-DECEIT-DISRUPTIVE/DISRESPECTFUL CONDUCT-FAILURE TO SERVE DETENTION-FALSIFYING IDENTITY-INAPPROPRIATE APPEARANCE-INAPPROPRIATE DISPLAYS OF AFFECTION-INAPPROPRIATE LANGUAGE-POSSESSION OF INAPPROPRIATE PERSONAL PROPERTY-SKIPPING CLASS-TARDINESS-VEHICLE PARKING VIOLATION-ADMINISTRATIVE/STUDENT CONFERENCE OR REPRIMAND-ADMINISTRATOR/TEACHER/PARENT CONFERENCE-REFERRAL TO SUPPORT STAFF OR AGENCIES-DAILY/WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORTS-BEHAVIORAL CONTRACTS-CHANGE IN STUDENT’S SCHEDULE-SCHOOL SERVICE ASSIGNMENT-CONFISCATION OF INAPPROPRIATE ITEM-REVOCATION OF PRIVILAGES-RESTITUTION/RESTORATION-BEFORE AND/OR AFTER SCHOOL DETENTION-DENIAL OF PARTICIPATION IN SCHOOL ACTIVITIES-IMMEDIATE EXCLUSION FROM THE CLASSROOM-VOLUNTARY WEEKEND DETENTION OR SATURDAY SCHOOL-IN-SCHOOL SUSPENSION (NO ACTIVITIES REST OF THE ENTIRE DAY)-OUT-OF-SCHOOL SUSPENSION UP TO THREE (3) DAYSLEVEL TWO – OFFENSESDISRUPTIVE AND POTENTIONALLY HARMFUL BEHAVIORSdisrupt the educational process and/or pose potential harm or danger to self or others. The behavior is committed willfully but not in a manner that is intended maliciously to cause harm or danger to self and/or others.LEVEL TW0 – INTERVENTIONS/CONSEQUENCES-GANG RELATED ACTIVITY -HABITUAL VIOLATION OF SCHOOL RULES OR POLICIES-INSUBORDINATION-LEAVING SCHOOL WITHOUT PERMISSION-PHYSICAL FIGHT WITHOUT INJURY-POSSESSION OF IMITATION WEAPON-POSSESSION OF KNIFE NOT MEETING DANGEROUS WEAPON DEFINITION-PROFANE LANGUAGE/OBSCENE GESTRURE/INDECENT ACT TOWARD AN EMPLOYEE OR STUDENT-TECHNOLOGY MISUSE-ANY LEVEL ONE RESPONSE-OUT OF SCHOOL SUSPENSION UP TO FIVE (5) DAYS-RECOMMENDED PLACEMENT IN AN ALTERNATIVE EDUCATION PROGRAM-EXPULSION-LAW ENFORCEMENT NOTIFICATIONLEVEL THREE – OFFENSESIMMINENTLY DANGEROUS, ILLEGAL AND/OR AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIORSare willfully committed and are known to be illegal and/or harmful to people or property. Report Level three violations immediately to the school principal.LEVEL THREE – INTERVENTIONS/CONSEQUENCESLevel three behaviors are criminal offenses and therefore warrant formal law enforcement intervention.-BATTERY AGAINST A STUDENT-DEFACING SCHOOL PROPERTY/VANDALISM-FALSE FIRE ALARM-FRAUD/FORGERY-GAMBLING-HAZING-INPROPER OR NEGLIGENT OPERATION OF A MOTOR VEHICLE-LARCENY-SEXTING-SEXUAL MISCONDUCT-THREAT OF INJURY/ASSAULT AGAINST AN EMPLOYEE OR STUDENT-TRESPASSING-HARASSMENT/BULLYING/INTIMIDATION---SEXUAL HARASSMENT---RACIAL HARASSMENT---RELIGIOUS/ETHNIC HARASSMENT---SEXUAL VIOLENCE---RACIAL VIOLENCE---RELIGIOUS/ETHNIC VIOLENCE-IMITATION DRUGS: POSSESSION, USE, DISTRIBUTION OR SALE-INHALANT ABUSE-POSSESSION/USE OF SUBSTANCES CONTAINING TOBACCO AND/OR NICOTINE -ANY LEVEL TWO RESPONSE-OUT-OF-SCHOOL SUSPENSION UP TO TEN (10) DAYS-RECOMMEND PLACEMENT IN AN ALTERNATIVE EDUCATION PROGRAM-EXPULSION-LAW ENFORCEMENT NOTIFICATIONLEVEL FOUR – OFFENSESIMMINENTLY DANGEROUS, ILLEGAL AND/OR AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIORSare willfully committed and are known to be illegal and/or harmful to people or property. Report Level Four violations immediately to the school principal.LEVEL FOUR – INTERVENTIONS/CONSEQUENCESRequire that the principal of the school shall address the violations following the procedures outlines in W.Va. Code 18A-5-1a (a) and (b)-BATTERY AGAINST A SCHOOL EMPLOYEE-FELONY-ILLEGAL SUBSTANCE RELATED BEHAVIORS-POSSESSION OF FIREARM OR DEADLY WEAPON-SALE OF NARCOTIC DRUG-REQUIRED EXPULSION FOR BATTERY, DEADLY WEAPON OR SALE OF NARCOTICS-REQUIRED SUSPENSION WITH OPTIONAL REQUEST FOR EXPULSION FOR FELONY AND ILLEGAL SUBSTANCE RELATED BEHAVIORSCONSEQUENCES OF INAPPROPRIATE BEHAVIORThe following is a list of possible consequences for certain inappropriate behaviors. This list is a suggestion and consequences may be increased by John Adams School Administration at any time and without pre-warning and/or prior notification based on the specifics of each individual case. Parents will be notified of the consequence in writing, by telephone or in person during a conference.OFFENSE1ST OFFENSE2ND OFFENSE3RD OFFENSEI-PAD MISUSE(PER CLASSROOM)1 time: Verbal Warning2 times: Classroom confiscation Return at end of class3-6 times: Classroom confiscation, return end of class, assign lunch table detention in café.Cell phones and other electronic devicesConfiscate, parent/guardian pick up only, 1 day d-hallConfiscate, parent/guardian pick up only, 2 days d-hallConfiscate, parent/guardian pick up only, ISS day, loss of privilegeCheating/ Academic Misconduct1 day d-hall, zero on paper, parent notification, Beta Club probationISS day, parent contact, zero on paper, Beta Club removalISS day(s), parent contact, zero on paperDeceit1 day d-hall2 days d-hall, parent notificationISS day, parent notificationDisruptive/Disrespectful ConductAlternate classroom settingAlternate setting or 1 day d-hallAlternate setting, 2 days d-hall or ISSFailure to Serve Lunch Detention2 days d-hall or ISS2 days d-hall or ISS2 days d-hall or ISSFalsifying IdentityI day ISS2 days ISS1-3 days OSSInappropriate AppearanceDress Code ViolationChange inappropriate item of clothing or ISSChange clothing or ISSChange clothing or ISS dayInappropriate Displays of Affection1 day d-hall2 days d-hallISS day for 3rd offense and beyond, possible OSSInappropriate Language to student2 days d-hallISS dayISS day for each time beyond with OSS possibleInappropriate Language to a teacher1-3 OSS days1-5 OSS days3-10 OSS daysPossession of Inappropriate personal propertyReturn Property, 2 days d-hallReturn Property, ISS dayReturn Property, 1-3 days OSSSkipping ClassISS day2 ISS day3 ISS dayTardiness to Class (2 permitted)3rd tardy: 1 d-hall4th tardy: 2 d-hall5th tardy and beyond: ISS Tardiness to school (4 permitted)5th tardy: conference with student10th tardy: conference with student and parent11th-beyond: county level attendance director notificationGang Related Activity1-3 days OSS3-5 days OSS10 days OSS, County SATHabitual Violation of School Rules or Policy1-3 days ISS1-3 days OSS10 days OSS, County SAT or expulsion referralInsubordination1-3 days d-hall or 1-3 days ISS1-3 days ISS or 1-3 days OSS3-10 days OSS, possible expulsion referralLeaving School without permission1-3 days OSS1-5 days OSS10 days OSS, County SATPhysical Fight without Injury1-3 days OSS3-5 days OSS10 days OSS, County SATPossession of Imitation Weapon 5 days OSS10 days OSS, Expulsion Possession of a knife (not meeting dangerous weapon)10 days OSS County SAT10 days OSSExpulsion Profane Language/Obscene Gesture/Indecent Act toward Student or EmployeeLunch detention (student)1-3 days OSS (teacher)1-3 days d-hall or ISS (student)3-5 days OSS (teacher)1-3 days OSS (student)5-10 days OSS (teacher)Expulsion ReferralTechnology Misuse1-3 days d-hall, possible loss of computer privileges1 day ISS, loss of computer privileges for 9 week period3 days OSS, permanent loss of computer privilegesTheft of property valued over 999.991-3 days OSS3-10 days OSS10 days OSS, possible expulsion referralBattery against a Student10 days OSSPolice Notification10 days OSSExpulsion, Police NotificationIntentionally Defacing School Property/Vandalism3 days OSS5-10 days OSSPolice Notification10 days OSS, Expulsion andPolice NotificationFalse Fire Alarm10 days OSSPolice Notification10 days OSS, County SAT10 days OSSExpulsionFraud/Forgery1-3 days OSS3-10 days OSS10 days OSSCounty SATGambling5 days OSS10 days OSSCounty SAT10 days OSS, Expulsion,Police NotificationHazing10 days OSSPolice Notification10 days OSS, Police Notification, ExpulsionLarceny10 days OSS, Police Notification, County SAT10 days OSS, Police Notification, ExpulsionSexting10 days OSS, Police notification10 days OSS, Police notification, ExpulsionSexual Misconduct10 days OSS, Police notification10 days OSS, Police notification, ExpulsionThreat of Injury/Assault Against Employee or Student5 days OSS, Police notification10 days OSS, County SAT, Police notification10 days OSS, Police notification, ExpulsionTrespassing10 days OSS, Police notification10 days OSS, County SAT, Police notification10 days OSS, Police notification, ExpulsionHarassment/Bullying/Intimidation1-3 days OSS if substantiated3-5 days OSS if substantiated 10 days, County SAT or ExpulsionSexual Harassment1-3 days OSS if substantiated3-5 days OSS if substantiated10 days, County SATRacial Harassment1-3 days OSS if substantiated3-5 days OSS if substantiated10 days, County SATReligious/Ethnic Violence10 days OSS, Police notification, County SAT10 days OSS, Police notification, ExpulsionSexual Violence10 days OSS, Police notification, County SAT10 days OSS, Police notification, ExpulsionRacial Violence10 days OSS, Police notification, County SAT10 days OSS, Police notification, ExpulsionReligious/Ethnic Violence10 days OSS, Police notification, County SAT10 days OSS, Police notification, ExpulsionImitation Drugs: Possession, Use, Distribution or Sale10 days OSS, Police notification,10 days OSS, Police notification, County SAT10 days OSS, Police notification, ExpulsionInhalant Abuse10 days OSS, Police notification10 days OSS, Police notification, County SAT10 days OSS, Police notification, ExpulsionPossession/Use of Substances Containing Tobacco and/or Nicotine5 days OSS, KCS mandated program for tobacco or nicotine use10 days OSS, KCS mandated program for tobacco or nicotine use10 days OSS, County SATBattery Against a School Employee10 days OSS, Police notification, ExpulsionFelony10 days OSS, Police notification, County SAT10 days OSS, Police notification, ExpulsionIllegal Substance Related Behaviors 10 days OSS, Police notification10 days OSS, Police notification, County SAT10 days OSS, Police notification, ExpulsionPossession of Firearm or Deadly Weapon10 days OSS, Police notification, ExpulsionSale of Narcotic Drug10 days OSS, Police notification, ExpulsionInappropriate, sexually explicit or pornography on ANY electronic deviceCall for administrators or confiscate and send device to office immediately. Possibly police notification.DANCES Students absent from school will not be permitted to attend the dance that same day. Students may not leave until the dance is over. DRESS: regular school attire is appropriate and must be within the limits of the KCS and JAMS dress code policy. HOURS: dances are 3:06 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. unless otherwise approved by the administration and sponsoring group. Students on the Restricted List are not permitted to attend dances. If needed, the administration may also prohibit the participation of any student. Behavior at DancesYou will be permitted to dance, buy refreshments, use the restrooms, or stand and socialize with your friends. It is too crowded to run and chase one another.You may leave early only if your parent or guardian comes into the building and talks with the sponsor/administrator.Dances are for John Adams Middle School students only; students from other schools are not permitted.Students currently under suspension or having on-going disciplinary problems may not be allowed to attend.DETENTION PERIODDetention will be held during lunch and can be assigned by the teachers in classrooms or administrators. Students will get their lunch tray from the cafeteria or their bag lunch and will report to the detention room for the remainder of the lunch period. The student must eat silently and will be dismissed by the teacher in charge to take their trays back to the cafeteria. Students are required to take work with them to occupy their time after they finish eating.DRESS CODE POLICY (please see Kanawha County Schools policy in addition to the following):Student’s dress, choice of clothing and grooming practices are to be appropriate for the school environment.Students must follow common practices of modesty, cleanliness and neatness. Students must dress within acceptable standards and in such a manner that it does not cause a distraction to the academic atmosphere. Any clothing, accessories, symbols, jewelry or other paraphernalia, which depicts or suggests association with a gang, shall not be brought to school, worn at school, or in any way be present at any school related event.Any question regarding the acceptability of clothing must be obtained BEFORE it is brought/worn to school.Head—No hats, no sunglasses (without doctor orders), head coverings (i.e. hoods in the hallway, gym or cafeteria).Religious wear is s—No drug, sexual innuendos, offensive or derogatory language, or alcohol paraphernalia.No undergarments (including bralettes and sports bras) are allowed to be shown.No halter tops, no tube tops, and no spaghetti straps.Tank tops must have at least a 2-inch strap at the top of the student’s shoulders.No midriffs are to be shown.No large arm holes where you can see the side of the body or undergarments allowed.Bottoms—Shorts—All shorts must have at least a 4-inch inseam.There can be no visible undergarments—this includes through holes in jeans, sagging, see through bottoms, sheer leggings, etc.No pajama pantsNo skin may be visible within the 4-in inseam.Rompers, Skirts and Dresses—Rompers, skirts and dresses must reach mid-thigh.Shoes—All shoes need to have a hard and /or rubber sole.Teachers and administrators are responsible for enforcing the student dress code policy. It is the responsibility of the students and parents that the student adheres to John Adams Middle School Dress Code as follows: Any student who is in violation of the Dress Code for John Adams Middle School will be asked to change or remove the violation of the dress code. Students who refuse to adhere to the dress code will be disciplined according to the school and/or county policy. DUE PROCESS RIGHTSEach student has the right to due process of law. The student shall always be treated with fundamental fairness and be informed fully about an alleged breach of conduct. He/she shall be provided an opportunity to respond to such charges and initiate the grievance and appeal process as outlined in county policies.EXPECTED BEHAVIORS AND ROUTINESBefore School BehaviorEnter the building at the front double doors at the appropriate time. No students are allowed in the building until 7:15 a.m. without prior notification to the office or the administration. Remain in the lobby area, do not go to any other part of the building. At 7:17 a.m., students will be taken into the gym. Students may not leave the gym without permission from the administrator on duty. At 7:35 a.m., students will be dismissed to go to breakfast. Students not eating will remain in the gym and then go to home base at 7:50 a.m.Behavior During the Pledge of Allegiance, Honor Code, and AnnouncementsStudents will stand and pledge the flag and recite the JA Honor Code, or will stand quietly without talking until both are completed.After the JA Honor Code is completed, students will be seated and prepare to listen to announcements; no talking.Behavior During Class ChangeWALK in the hallways.Talk at a normal speaking level; do not speak loudly or yell.Go to the restroom if permitted by classroom teacher and if time allows.Get a drink of water if permitted by classroom teacher or if time allows.Arrive to class on time with all materials needed for the class.Behavior at LockersLocker times will be determined by each grade level teamYou may go to your locker at times specified by the team or with a signed planner/hall pass from the teacher.Get the necessary materials from your locker and deposit any items not needed.The contents of the locker must be arranged so that nothing hangs out of the closed locker.Close the locker door. Do not slam, kick or hit the locker door for any reason.Only magnets may be used for inside decorations. (Too many magnets will not allow the door to close properly.)Behavior After School Observe your teacher’s rules for class dismissal after the administrator’s final announcements. Observe hallway behavior. Observe locker behavior. No students are permitted to leave via the front or side doors of the school, with the exception of sports teams needing to leave earlier than 3:10.Behavior in the GYM, before schoolStay seated in the bleachers until dismissed.DO NOT move from seat to seat.Absolutely no running in the gym.DO NOT scream to another section of the bleachers.Wait for the teacher/administrator on duty to dismiss students by grade level. Behavior during the Absence of the Regular TeacherSubstitute teachers are guests in the building and will be treated with respect.You will follow all standard classroom rules and school rules and procedures when you have a substitute.Substitutes may refer students whose behavior does not follow standard guidelines to the teacher or to the office.You will be responsible for any work assigned to you by the substitute teacher.You will follow the substitute’s instructions in the absence of your teacher.Behavior in the CafeteriaObserve behavior for dismissal.Observe behavior for class change.Observe behavior for lockers.Walk to the far end door to enter the cafeteria and then enter either serving line.Pick up all necessary eating utensils and food while you are in line.You may purchase extra milk from the teacher or staff member taking lunch numbers.Go to the salad bar if needed and walk to the table.When you have finished eating; clean the area where you have eaten, wait for teacher dismissal, walk to the tray return window, dump scraps in the garbage pail, and place your tray on the shelf.Food or liquid is not to be thrown, tossed or passed from person to person.If you drop an item or make a mess, you will be expected to pick up the item dropped or clean up the mess.Return to your table and wait for dismissal instructions.FIRE DRILLSFire drills at regular intervals are required by law and are an important safety precaution. All students leave the building at the first signal with the teacher’s instruction. Fire drill procedures will be posted in every classroomBehaviors for a Fire DrillYou must leave all materials in the room.You will move silently and in a single file through the designated exit from the classroom you are in.You will continue in a single file to the designated area outside.Remain quiet and wait for the teacher to take roll.At the sound of the bell or signal, you will return to the classroom (without talking) using the same route by which you left the building.Teachers will assign the following duties: fire captains in charge of turning off all equipment, turning off lights, and closing doors. Behavior for AssembliesLeave all materials in the room unless instructed to do otherwise.Walk to the gymnasium quietly.Once inside the gymnasium, wait to be directed to your seat by the teacher or administrator in charge.Enter the bleachers by walking in the aisles. Do not climb over seats from one row to another.You may applaud when appropriate.You will be dismissed from the assembly by the teacher or administrator in charge.Return to your classroom quietly.Assemblies are for looking, listening and learning. They are extensions of the classroom and should be considered as such by both teachers and students. The standards of behavior in assemblies are the same as classroom standards with special emphasis on courtesy to the performers, speakers, or guests. This means whistling, booing, stomping, and other rude expressions are unacceptable.EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES AND CLUBSStudents at John Adams are encouraged to participate in extra-curricular activities and clubs. These activities are not part of the regular academic curriculum, do not earn credits, and generally take place after school hours. Each participant in interscholastic sports and cheerleading must maintain a 2.0 grade point average and must pass a physical examination. Eligibility is determined at 1st semester and 2nd semester. In addition, each athlete must have insurance coverage before they are eligible to participate in the sport.If under suspension, a student is not allowed to participate in or attend any school activity. FIELD TRIP GUIDELINESEach group will establish their own specific guidelines and share these expectations with the students and parents through memos sent home with the student and/or by posting on the school website, Schoology, email, or any other venue of their choice. While participating in the field trip, all John Adams Middle Schools and Kanawha County Schools rules apply.FIRE DRILLSFire drills at regular intervals are required by law and are an important safety precaution. All students leave the building at the first signal with the teacher’s instruction. Fire drill procedures will be posted in every classroom. See Behaviors for a Fire Drill for specific information.GRADE COMMUNICATIONParents and students have daily access to grades, assignments, and upcoming events with Schoology. Students and parents will be given a password to monitor the teacher’s grade book and assignments on-line. In addition, students will be given progress reports and reports cards throughout the school PONENTS OF ACADEMIC GRADESThe academic grade reflects what the student knows and is able to accomplish. Student grades are determined by his/her performance in the following areas: daily participation, homework, performance assessment, projects, portfolios, attendance, teacher observations, group work, discussion, problem solving, tests, and quizzes.KANAWHA COUNTY GRADING SCALEThe assignment of letter grades is given based on the following:AThorough mastery of subject matter90 - 100 %BAbove average, good consistent effort80 - 89 % CAverage achievement70 – 79 %DBelow average achievement60 – 69 %FPoor work, lack of comprehension59 % and belowHOMEWORK POLICYThe following set of suggestions and expectations can be used to help decrease tension associated with homework and increase student’s learning. At home, provide a place to complete homework. This should be in an uncluttered, quiet space to study. Establish a schedule for completing homework. Homework should be started soon after arriving at home. Information from class will be fresher at this time rather than later in the evening. Reasonable time expectations for homework in middle school have been established as 60-90 minutes of homework each night. Each teacher will establish his/her grading policy. Check with each teacher to understand what expectations the teacher has, but generally each homework assignment will be graded for content and timeliness. The grade received for a late assignment may reflect that lateness. HONOR ROLLStudents will be recognized for academic achievement at the end of each nine weeks. The criteria for recognition are based on Grade Point Average (GPA) are as follows:PRINCIPAL’S LIST4.0 A HONOR ROLL3.5 – 3.99B HONOR ROLL3.0 – 3.49ILLNESS / CLINICThe clinic is located in the main office. If a student becomes ill, a clinic report will be filled out by the teacher and the student will report to the clinic. You must sign in with the nurse. If the student cannot attend class after discussion with the nurse/administrative staff, the parent or guardian will be called to pick up the student. DO NOT miss class or be late for a class without checking with someone in the office. Failure to notify the office staff or nurse during such illness will be considered skipping class.Students may not go home without permission from the nurse or the administration. Students may NOT use a personal cell phone to make arrangements to be picked up. This will constitute skipping school. Students MUST be signed out in the main office by a parent/guardian.iPAD RULES AND GUIDELINES FOR STUDENT USE DURING THE DAYiPads are property of Kanawha County Schools.iPads are only to be used during the instructional day for educational purposes only.Rules and Guidelines at school:1. Apples Up at all times unless otherwise indicated by the classroom teacher.2. No personal communication of any kind with peers.3. No games of any kind unless educational and given permission by teacher. (Most will be on the school’s acceptable games or apps list.)4. NO SOCIAL MEDIA OF ANY KIND DURING THE SCHOOL DAY. This includes but is not limited to: Facebook, Skype, Facetime, SnapChat, Instagram, Netflix, or any texting app. 5. NO videotaping or photographs of any kind (unless part of a class assignment).LIBRARYOur school library is a branch of the Kanawha County Public Library. All students must have an active KVPL card in order to check out materials. Please see the librarian if you do not have a card.LOCKER POLICYStudents will be provided with lockers by the school. The student may use the locker for the school year, but the locker remains the property of John Adams Middle School. Students must place coats and backpacks in their locker at the beginning of the school day and may not take them to class. A student must keep the combination of the lock private-do not tell anyone your combination. The school is not responsible for items missing from lockers. Lockers may be searched by the administration at any time if there is probable cause that it contains contraband of any kind or any item that is not appropriate for the school day.Students will sign a locker contract at the beginning of the school year.LOST AND FOUNDStudents who find lost articles are asked to bring them to the office. Lost articles that are not claimed within a reasonable time will be donated to charity.LUNCH AND BREAKFAST INFORMATIONEach student is responsible for cleaning up his/her place in the cafeteria. Leaving a mess at the table will be considered littering and subject to disciplinary action. Trays and food are not to be taken into the hallways or into classrooms without written permission from the teacher.Food from fast food restaurants cannot be dropped off or delivered to students due to health and safety policies.Prices:STUDENTBreakfast and lunch are free of charge for studentsEXTRA MILK: .45 CENTS ADULTBREAKFAST: $3.25LUNCH: $4.25MAKE – UP WORK AND EVALUATIONTeachers will allow one day for each day's absence for students to make up missed work assignments and/or tests that are missed due to an excused absence. One or two days: Any student that is absent one or two days may request their makeup work upon their return to school or check Schoology daily. Three days or more: Twenty-four (24) hour notice will be required for make-up work requests due to an excused absence of three days or more.MEDICATION IN SCHOOLThe school is not primarily responsible for the administration of medication to a student, which is the responsibility of the parent. Medication should be administered to the student outside of the school when possible, such as before school and/or after school. If medication is required to be administered during school hours to facilitate the student’s health and regular school attendance, medication can be administered, but specific procedures must be followed. The procedure is as follows:All prescription medication must have a written order and dosage instruction from the student's physician if the medication will be administered for more than 21 days. The student’s physician must complete a form furnished by the school nurse or administration. The written dosage order and form must be given to the school before any medication will be administered.If a prescription medication will be administered for a period of 21 days or less, then the school must receive an order from the student’s physician and note of permission from the parent before any medication will be administered.Prescription medication must be sent to the school in a container clearly and accurately labeled by a pharmacist or physician. Only one kind of medication may be included in a single bottle or container.Medication must be brought to the office where it will be stored in a locked, centrally located cabinet. No medication is allowed outside of the office’s locked cabinet. The student may keep no medication of any kind.Non-prescription medication may be administered for a period of up to three (3) school days. Non-prescription medication must be sent to school in the manufacturer’s container, labeled with the student’s name and a note containing written directions from the parent. The medications are: Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen, Menthol cough drops and Calamine lotion. All requests must be submitted in writing and a signature from the parent/guardian is required.At the end of the school year, all medication-both prescription and non-prescription-must be picked up from the office by the parent. No medication will be sent home with the student. The school will dispose of any medication not picked up by the parent by the last day of school for the students.NON – DISCRIMINATION POLICYAs required by federal laws and regulations, the Kanawha County Board of Education does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, religion, disability, age or national origin in its employment practices of in the administration of any of its education programs and activities. Inquiries may be directed to Jean Ann Herscher, Title IX Coordinator, Kanawha County Board of Education, 200 Elizabeth Street, Charleston, WV 25311, phone 304-348-1379; to Elimination of Sex Discrimination Program Coordinator, 304-348-1379; or the U.S. Department of Education’s Director of the Office for Civil Rights, (215) 596-6795.OFFICE TELEPHONEThe office telephone is for school business, and it may be used by students for emergencies only. The only phone calls received in the office during the school day for students are attendance and/or emergency calls made by the parent/guardian.OFF LIMITS / RESTRICTED AREASThe following areas are off limits to students:Back field without supervisionSitting on the floor in the hallwaysParking lot, front of building and either side of the building at all timesOther "team"/"grade" areas other than your ownBand and chorus hallway before the first bellCustodian and kitchen areasBackstage or the entrance ramp to the stageUpstairs during any lunch period, all gradesTeacher’s lounge/soft drink machineGymnasium equipment roomLocker rooms without permissionFootball field, softball field, any concession areaStudent lockers before 7:50 a.m.Upstairs hallway for any 7th or 8th grader not attending classBack stairwell except during fire drills or other evacuation practicesThe administration reserves the right to impose additional punitive actions for any rule infraction.PARENT – TEACHER CONFERENCESParent-teacher conferences are held in November. A formal request for conference will be sent home with students. Forms must be completed and returned to teachers to schedule an appointment. Check Schoology for other information.PERSONAL PROPERTYThe administration recommends the students should not bring electronic devices to school. Devices include, but are not limited to: iPods, CD/DVD music or video players, handheld games, MP3 players, radios, tape recorders, electronic organizers, expensive watches or jewelry, large sums of money, pagers, playing cards, laser pointers, aerosol cans, lighters, hair dye, perfumes, lotions, aftershave or personal items not directly related to classroom activity are not to be brought to school. Such items will be confiscated and must be picked up within 30 school days by a parent/guardian, or they will be donated to charity. Possession of the above items may result in disciplinary action. John Adams Middle School Faculty and Staff are not responsible for lost or stolen personal property items or for the investigation of the item.PROMOTION OF STUDENTSSemester grades are the grades given at the end of the second nine weeks, in January, and at the end of the fourth nine weeks, in June. In order to be promoted from grades 6th to 7th; grades 7th to 8th; and grades 8th to 9th, a student must pass 6 semester classes in the following classes:EnglishMathematics ScienceSocial StudiesAny student who does not pass the required number of semester classes will be reviewed by the Student Assistance Team for consideration of promotion or retention. Eighth grade students who are retained and have passed the required number of semester classes may be promoted to high school, but must first be reviewed by the Student Assistance Team and a representative of the high school.This step up process will be followed for all John Adams Middle School StudentsRESTRICTED LISTA student will be placed on the Restricted List when he/she has received TWO out of school suspension offenses or THREE in school suspension offenses. They will remain on the Restricted List for NINE school weeks. A student will go back on the Restricted List if they receive ONE more OSS offense or ONE more ISS offense. If a student is out of school suspended for a 10 day period, he/she will go on the Restricted List automatically.While on the Restricted List a student will not be permitted to: attend field trips, school time activities, attend after school events or travel for any purpose. However, athletes, band, chorus or any school related activity will be able to practice. They will not be able to compete or travel to compete. If any after-school activity is part of a curricular grade, the administration will make a decision with the sponsoring teacher if the student will participate.RESTROOM POLICYStudents are expected to go to the restroom between classes. If a student feels that they will need more time for the restroom, they are to report to class first to sign out with their teacher. During lunch, sixth graders may use the upstairs sixth grade restrooms the first five minutes of lunch. No students, 6th, 7th or 8th, are permitted on the second floor during any lunch period, unless they are attending a class. All students may use the restrooms near the cafeteria during lunch. RETURN TO SCHOOL AFTER SUSPENSIONA parent/guardian must return to school with the student if the suspension is longer than five (5) days. The student will not be admitted back to classes unless a conference has been held with the student, parent and an administrator. Failure to attend this conference may result in documentation that could be used at a later date for referral to alternative school.SAFE IDEAS FOR TOUGH DECISIONSSmart PracticesDon't listen to second hand statements such as gossip/rumors.Don't react to what your friends tell you someone said. They may have heard the statement incorrectly.Don't make inflammatory statements to or about others such as, "I can whip Billy." Someone will tell Billy.Don't write notes that are in poor taste about other people. The note or its contents will most certainly get back to the person who was wronged. This includes handwritten notes, text-messages, e-mails, Instant Messages (IM), or comments on SnapChat or other social networking sites.Don't say things on the phone about other people. You never know who is on another phone or listening.Don't deliver notes for others. If you receive a note, bring it to the teacher or office and we will read it together.Mind your own business. Don't take sides when a rumor is started.If you find yourself involved in a conflict, gather all your facts and go to the Principal, Assistant Principal, or Counselor. They will do their best to end it as soon as possible.If You "Feel" ThreatenedGo to the nearest adult and explain what happened.If necessary, have someone walk you to the office or send someone for the Assistant Principal.The administration will bring in both parties and try to resolve the situation as fairly as possible.If necessary, other people (counselor, peer mediation team, witnesses, teachers, or others) will be called in to assist.If Someone Tries to Start a FightIf you hear about it before it happens, come to the office as soon as possible. It will be dealt with immediately.If someone comes after you, go to the nearest adult and explain what is happening.Don't argue with an aggressive student. That does not help resolve the issue.Don't put your hands on any student for any reason, including “just playing.”Do everything in your power to keep from fighting.Students who are involved in the conflict will be brought to the office and dealt with accordingly. If both students were willing participants and neither tried to resolve the conflict, then both will be punished equally.**Threatening other students is not acceptable and will not be tolerated. Aggressive students will be punished. Make sure you are not an aggressive student.SCHOOL INSURANCEStudents who participate as athletes, majorettes, and cheerleaders will be required to have a physical examination and insurance coverage before participating in any phase of these activities, including practices, camps, and tryouts.SEARCHESUnder ordinary circumstances the search of a student by a teacher or other school official is permitted if there are reasonable grounds for suspecting that the search will turn up evidence that the student has violated or is violating either the law or rules of the school. The extent of the search must be reasonably related to the objectives of a search and not excessively intrusive in light of the sex of the student and nature of the infraction. Any searches of students will be conducted in the presence of an adult witness. Any contraband property discovered as a result of a search may be confiscated.A student's locker may be searched if there are reasonable grounds to suspect that the search will turn up evidence that a student has violated or is violating either the law or rules of the school. Such searches will be conducted in the presence of an adult witness. Furthermore, by accepting a locker, a student shall be deemed to have consented to the periodic inspection thereof. The school principal shall retain keys to all lockers in order to affect such inspections.Canine Assisted Locker/Facility Inspections: School principals are authorized to arrange for the use of canines that have been trained in the detection of unlawful drugs or explosives to assist in periodic inspections of student lockers, other school facility areas, or surrounding grounds. Any unlawful drugs or explosives that are discovered as a result of a canine assisted inspection may serve as a basis for student disciplinary action and/or criminal violations.TESTINGAll John Adams Middle School students will participate in state-wide testing. Students may also participate in other types of testing as well. Parents are asked to make sure the student is in attendance on the testing dates. TEXTBOOKS/iPadTextbooks in all subjects are purchased by the Board of Education. Textbooks may be assigned to students. Students are responsible for the books assigned to them and must pay for lost, stolen, or defaced books. When a student transfers to another school or at any time when requested to do so by the principal, the student shall return the books/iPad assigned to them and pay for any books lost, stolen, or damaged.TRANSFERS AND WITHDRAWLSWhen a student withdraws from John Adams Middle School, he/she must:Have a parent/guardian contact the counselor regarding the transfer.Obtain a transfer form from the counselor during Home Base.Return all textbooks/iPad to individual classroom teachers.Pay for any damaged/lost books, pay library fees, etc.Return completed form to the counselor.VISITORSAll visitors to John Adams must first sign in with the Parent Volunteer and then report directly to the office to conduct their business. Visitors are not to be in the hallways or classrooms unless arrangements have been made in advanced. ................

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