Middle School Curriculum: Personal Narrative

Middle School Curriculum: Personal Narrative

6th Grade (p.58 standards)

Personal Narrative - Students will write a narrative that is at least 2 pages in length. Students will learn skills that they will use throughout the year such as:

7th Grade

Personal Narrative - Students will continue the narrative writing process and write a narrative that is at least 3-4 pages in length.

8th Grade

Personal Narrative - Students will continue the narrative writing process and write a narrative that is at least 4-5 pages in length.

? Narrative techniques dialogue, pacing, description, organizing events in a logical order, a solid clear introduction, engaging the audience, sensory language & details, showing vs. telling

? Students will continue to refine their skills and understanding to produce more sophisticated writing as they advance through the grades.

? Students will continue

to refine their skills and understanding to produce more sophisticated writing as they advance through the grades.

? Students will learn planning, editing, prewriting, drafting, revising, and proofreading.

? Students will also publish their writing with their classmates by having a publishing party, sharing in class, publishing hard copies within the school, as well as online.

Middle School Curriculum: Arguments/Persuasion

6th Grade

Arguments - Students will write a 4-5 paragraph argumentative essay. Students will use strategies such as:

7th Grade

Arguments - Students will write a 4-5 paragraph argumentative essay. Sophistication of topics will increase as students advance from one grade to the next.

8th Grade

Arguments - Students will write a 5 paragraph argumentative essay. Sophistication of topics will increase as students advance from one grade to the next.

? note-taking ? Graphic Organizers ? Outlining/Planning ? Using supportive

claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence

? analyzing the impact of an event or issue from personal, peer group, and community perspectives

? note-taking ? Graphic Organizers ? Outlining/Planning ? Using supportive

claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence

? analyzing the impact of an event or issue from personal, peer group, and community perspectives

? note-taking ? Graphic Organizers ? Outlining/Planning ? Using supportive

claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence

? analyzing the impact of an event or issue from personal, peer group, and community perspectives

Note: As part of the essay writing process, students will learn and apply their knowledge of essay structure which includes the following:

? Introduction ? Thesis Statement ? Body Paragraphs ? Transitions ? Conclusion

? Students will become more sophisticated by acknowledging the opposition and counter claims within their essay.

? Students will not only acknowledge, but will actually discuss the opposition's view point and refute it in a body paragraph.

Note: As part of the essay writing process, students will learn and apply their knowledge of essay structure which includes the following:

Note: As part of the essay writing process, students will learn and apply their knowledge of essay structure which includes the following:

? Introduction ? Thesis Statement ? Body Paragraphs ? Transitions ? Conclusion

? Introduction ? Thesis Statement ? Body Paragraphs ? Transitions ? Conclusion

Middle School Curriculum: Literature Analysis - Paragraph Level

6th Grade

Literature Analysis - Students will produce a variety of literature analysis writing pieces. They will write a variety of paragraphs and essays, drawing evidence from literature to support reflection and analysis.

Paragraph Level ? Express opinions ? Understanding plot and theme ? Characterization ? Setting ? Compare ? Contrast ? C&C -- Within 1 text -- Between texts ? Poem Analysis using literary devices to determine how they affect meaning. Possible literary devices include: simile, metaphor, personification, symbolism, & flashback

7th Grade

Literature Analysis - Students will produce a variety of literature analysis writing pieces. They will write a variety of paragraphs and essays, drawing evidence from literature to support reflection and analysis. However, during 7th grade students will write longer, more complex pieces.

8th Grade

Literature Analysis - Students will produce a variety of literature analysis writing pieces. They will write a variety of paragraphs and essays, drawing evidence from literature to support reflection and analysis. During 8th grade students will continue to write longer, more complex pieces.

Paragraph Level

? Expressing opinions with specific support

? Characterization ? Description ? Poem Analysis ? Conflict ? Symbolism ? Comparison ? Contrast ? C&C

-- Within 1 text

-- Between texts

? Plot ? Theme

Paragraph Level

? Expressing opinions with specific support

? Characterization ? Description ? Poem Analysis ? Conflict ? Symbolism ? Comparison ? Contrast ? C&C

-- Within 1 text

-- Between texts

? Plot ? Theme

Note: Students will develop paragraphs using the traditional TS - CS structure. This includes the following: A Topic Sentence, Explaining Before Moving to Support, Support, Analysis, Support, Analysis, & a Concluding Sentence.

Note: Students will develop paragraphs using the traditional TS - CS structure. This includes the following: A Topic Sentence, Explaining Before Moving to Support, Support, Analysis, Support, Analysis, & a Concluding Sentence.

Note: Students will develop paragraphs using the traditional TS - CS structure. This includes the following: A Topic Sentence, Explaining Before Moving to Support, Support, Analysis, Support, Analysis, & a Concluding Sentence.

Middle School Curriculum: Literature Analysis - Essay Level

Essay Level - Approximately 2 Essay Level - Approximately 3 Essay Level - Approximately

pages long with 4-5

pages long with 4-5

3-5 pages long with 4-5




? Characterization ? Plot summaries ? Draw conclusions

about the work ? Poem Analysis ? Compare Or Contrast ? Compare & Contrast

Note: As part of the essay writing process, students will learn and apply their knowledge of essay structure which includes the following:

? Introduction ? Thesis Statement ? Body Paragraphs ? Transitions ? Conclusion

? Characterization --Character Traits --How a character changes

? Opinion: Rate the Novel - Students will rate a novel on a scale of 1-10 and develop an essay. Each body paragraph will use a literary element which helped them develop their rating of the text

? Poem Analysis Comparison

? Comparison OR Contrast

? Compare And Contrast

? Characterization --Character Traits --How a character changes

? Opinion: Rate the Novel - Students will rate a novel on a scale of 1-10 and develop an essay. Each body paragraph will use a literary element which helped them develop their rating of the text

? Poem Analysis Comparison

? Comparison OR Contrast

? Compare And Contrast ? Thematic Essay

Note: As part of the essay writing process, students will learn and apply their knowledge of essay structure which includes the following:

Note: As part of the essay writing process, students will learn and apply their knowledge of essay structure which includes the following:

? Introduction ? Thesis Statement ? Body Paragraphs ? Transitions ? Conclusion

? Introduction ? Thesis Statement ? Body Paragraphs ? Transitions ? Conclusion

Middle School Curriculum: Creative Writing

6th Grade

Creative Writing - Students will create and present a text or artwork in response to literary work and develop a perspective or theme supported by relevant details. Students may create a variety of work such as: poetry, stories, plays, and other literary forms (video; art work).

7th Grade

Note: Students will continue to expand upon creative writing skills throughout 7th and 8th grades building upon sophistication from the previous years.

8th Grade

Skills include: ? Using an organizational plan to develop a narrative ? Developing complex characters and creating a setting ? Use literary devices ? Maintaining a consistent POV/voice ? Using conventions specific to the genre such as dialogue, rhythm, and rhyme ? Using creative language

Note: Students will write several creative pieces throughout the year utilizing the writing process as defined.


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