Rubric for Diary Entry - Weebly

Rubric for Diary Entry Name:__________________

|Criteria |5 (A) |4 (B) |3 (C) |2 (D) |1 (E) |

|Structures and Features |Shows creative and |Shows interesting use|Attempts to use at |Uses at least two of |Doesn’t sound like a |

| |sophisticated use of |of all four |least 3 of the |the structures and |diary entry and shows|

| |all four structures |structures and |structures and |features of a diary |none of the |

|/10 |and features of a |features of a diary |features of a diary |entry. Attempts to |structures and |

| |diary entry. |entry. |entry. |make it sound like a |features of one. |

| | | | |diary | |

|Mechanics |There are no spelling|There are very few |There are some errors|There are many |The final draft has |

| |or punctuation errors|spelling and |in spelling and |spelling and |many spelling and |

| |in the final draft. |punctuation errors in|punctuation and a few|punctuation errors in|punctuation errors. |

|/20 |Grammar shows no |the final draft, some|grammar mistakes but |the final draft. Many|Mistakes in grammar |

| |mistakes. |grammar mistakes. |they do not detract |grammar mistakes are |make the diary entry |

| | | |from meaning. |made. |difficult to |

| | | | | |understand. |

|Voice |Shows a complete |Shows some |Attempts to show |There are times when |Does not sound as if |

| |understanding of the |understanding of the |understanding of the|the character’s voice|written by the |

| |person’s voice, |person’s voice. The |person, loses the |comes through but it |character. |

|/20 |sounds as if truly |diary might have been|voice of the |sounds mostly as if | |

| |written by the |written by the |character |written today, by the| |

| |character. |character. |occasionally. |student. | |

|Understanding of the |Shows sophisticated |Shows understanding |Shows some |Shows minimal |Does not show |

|historical phenomena |understanding of the |of the historical |understanding of the|understanding of the|understanding of the |

| |historical figure. |figure. Refers to |historical figure. |historical figure. |historical figure. |

| |Refers to events, |events, facts and |Refers to events, |Refers to events, |makes no accurate |

|/50 |facts and life in the|life in the time |facts and life in the|facts and life in the|reference to facts |

| |time period |period accurately at |time period at least |time period at least |from the time. |

| |accurately at least 5|least 4 times. |3 times. |2 times. Facts are | |

| |times. | | |not always accurate. | |

|Final Mark: |


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