

NOTE: This date is NOT the due date, it is the LAST

DAY that the project will be accepted.

Extra Credit will be given to those students who turn

in his/her project before the Thanksgiving Break.

Steps to follow for a Science Fact project Purpose

The most difficult part of the science fair project is probably deciding on the topic of the experiment This difficulty can be lessened by examining the following:

How does the__________affect the_________________

Look at the following example

How does the type of chocolate affect its melting rate7

Problem Statement: This is always written as a question The problem statement identifies the specific purpose of the experiment.

What effect does the independent variable ( the thing you are changing) have on the dependent variable ( the thing that changes on its own)?

Example: What type of chocolate will melt faster, white chocolate or dark chocolate7


It is a guess on the results of the experiment. It must be stated in an "If. . ..then" format.

If the independent variable changes the dependent variable, then the effects on the dependent variable will be....

Example. If both dark and white chocolate were left to melt then the white chocolate will melt ' faster.

Materials: List all materials needed for the experiment. Include amount and metric measurement.

Example: 1. One 15 gram dark chocolate bar".. * 2. One 15 gram white chocolate bac 3 . A timer 4. Pen and Paper


The procedure is a step -by-step numbered list of what you will do and how to do it.

Example 1 . Unwrap both candy bars

2 Place both on a table

3 Record initial time on your data table

4 Record firmness of bars

5. After three minutes lightly touch to check for firmness

6 Record data on data table

7 Repeat steps 5 and 6 until both candy bars have completely melted


The data should include both qualitative ( using words and adjective )

and quantitative ( numbers and measurements). :

• Make a data table which includes accurate metric measurements. Give weight in grams, volume in milliliters and distance in centimeters.

• It is better to have too much data than not enough.

• When making observations write down data and time.

• Consider taking photographs to use as part of your data ( should not be your only data!)

• Using you data table creating a graph showing your results.


A graph will provide a fine and easy way to share and read your data. Use either a line or bar graph to display your data

Make sure to title your graph and lable the X axis and Y axis.




Independent (Manipulated): Is the one you choose to change.

Example : the type of chocolate ( white and dark)

Dependent ( Responding) : The one that changes on its own during (he experiment. Example: melting time.

Control: Is the variable to which you do not apply the independent variable. You use it for comparison. Sometimes the control is not possible so you do more than one trial (repeat the experiment several times).

Constant: Everything else in the experiment must be kept the same. Example: Temperature, size and weight of chocolate bars and brand of chocolate.

Time taken for each chocolate to melt

|Time (min) |Dark chocolate |White chocolate |

|0 |Firm |Firm |

|3 |Firm |Less firm |

|6 |Less firm |Sticky on finger |

|9 |Sticky to fingers |Finger goes through |

|12 |Finger will go through |No longer solid |

|15 |Finger will go through |Completely melted |

|18 |No longer solid | |

|21 |Completely melted | |

Time taken for each chocolate to melt






Simply state in words what the data says in numbers. This is exactly what you have observed. Example: it took fifteen minutes for the white chocolate to melt and twenty one minutes for the black to melt.


Interpreting your data.

Example: the white chocolate melted faster than the dark.


What value does your experiment have in every day life?


This is to be written in proper paragraph format. Remember to indent and use proper punctuation. Answer the following questions using complete sentences:

What was investigated?

Was the hypothesis correct or incorrect?

What was learned during the experiment? Explain WHY the results turned out as they did.

How did the experiment go? (Were there any mistakes?)

What could have been done differently to get better results?

Example: The purpose of this experiment was to find out which chocolate, white or black, melts faster. According to the data the hypothesis was correct. The white chocolate melted faster. The white chocolate melted faster because ...

Note: do not use personal pronouns.


Abstract is a summary of the entire project.

• The first paragraph includes the purpose of the experiment and the hypothesis.

• The second paragraph includes the procedures.

• The third paragraph includes the results and the conclusion.

Useful websites



Science Project Record/Schedule

Use these sheets for your project or experiment.

1. Stating the Problem

—The Big Question (What do you want to find out?)

2. Forming a Hypothesis —A Smart Guess

(What do you think will happen?)

Due Date

Due Date



Teacher Signature

Teacher Signature

3. Planning the Procedure


Step-by-Step Description of Experiment:

Due Date


Teacher Signature

4. Results

(What happened when you did your experiment? Make a chart, table or graph to record the

results ot your experiment.)

Due Date ———— Completed:______

Teacher Signature:__________________

5. Drawing a Conclusion

(What did you learn from your scientific investigation?)

Due Date ____ Completed:____

Teacher Signature ________

6. Display

Due Date ____ Completed Teacher Signature _________

1990 Instructional Fair. Inc._________________• _____________IF8512 Science fait Projects


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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