Middle School Science Syllabus

Middle School Science Syllabus

|Instructor |Ms. Epps |Phone |Given upon request |

|Office |773-534-6811 |E-mail |slepps@cps.edu |

|Office Hours |8:30-8:45 | | |


Seventh Grade Text: (SALI) – Science and Life Issues.

Eight Grade Text: (IEY) – Issues, Evidence and You.


As we enter another exciting year of Science we will look closer at the preliminary stages of each branch of science. Each class will cover a specific branch and by the end of middle school, our graduates should have a deeper understanding of each discipline of science. Our seventh graders will study Life Science this year and discuss subjects that are prevalent to what’s going on in the news today like cloning and cell structure. Finally our eighth graders will focus on Physical science where our first unit is all about water treatment.


T he Common goals stretch across each curriculum.

• Investigate problems and find a solution supported by data and evidence.

• Interpret and communicate scientific information.

• Learn how to solve problems in a team atmosphere.

• Learn how manipulate technology to express scientific results.

• Connect science to other core subjects and the real world and see how different disciplines of science are related to the issues in everyday life.


Students are required to come class prepared and on time everyday. Students that misbehave during instructional time receive the following:

• Verbal warning

• Loss of Science Privileges (this could mean the student watches his/her team on the next experiment)

• Phone call /email to parent

• Detention

• Serious violations will result in a student being written up and sent to the Assistant Principal, these violations could result in parental conferences or even suspension.


Homework is a vital part of your student’s education, each assignment will correlate with what were doing in class, and that’s why it is imperative that your child submits homework in my class on time, this gives them extra practice in a particular area. Homework submitted late will result in one letter grade drop unless student brings in an excused note from parent or guardian. Homework assignments are not accepted after five days.

Make- Up Work:

Make- up work will be in a designated area in my classroom. Each grade level will have a bin that has the make up work from the past and current week. Anything beyond two weeks will be thrown out. I will not be responsible for keeping track of work from previous units that took place months ago.

Extra Support:

If your child is struggling in science, please contact me and we can arrange some allotted times after school where I can tutor and help your student with their deficiencies. I usually stay late on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s.


• Composition/Notebook is mandatory for science class; assignments CAN NOT be completed on loose sheets of papers.

• Pencil

• Homework

Grading Scale:


|A |100 - 93 |

|B |92-85 |

|C |84-78 |

|D |77-70 |

|F |69 |

|Did not turn in the assignment |50 |

| | |

* A 50 will only be given to students that do not complete work.


|Formative assessments: class work, bell ringers, |15% |Approximately 5 per week |

|discussions, | | |

|Homework |10% |Approximately 2-3 times per week |

|Class participation |10% |Opportunities for Success ( Must Participate) |

|Quizzes |15% |1 per week |

|Summative Assessments: End of unit Exams, |15% |Minimum 1 per quarter |

|Experiments |20% |1-2 per week |

|Classroom work |30% |5 days a week |

Remember I’m here to make sure that your child has a successful year. If you have any questions or concerns about the requirements, policies, or how your student is doing in class please contact me at any time. This page is proof that you have read and understand the goals and procedures of Ms. Epps 6-8 science class. Please sign below and return this portion only.


Student Name


Student Signature




Parent/Guardian Name


Parent/Guardian Signature


Parent/Guardian Daytime Phone #


Parent/Guardian e- mail address


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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