Pipkin Middle School Syllabus Template

|[pic] |Course Syllabus and Classroom Procedures |

| |Manvel High School |

| |American Government |

| |Coach Crumedy |

Course Description:

In this course, you will gain the knowledge you need to be an informed, contributing citizen. We will learn about the foundations of our government, and examine the documents that still govern our society today. We will learn about the different branches of our government: Executive, Legislative and Judicial, and the role that each one plays. We will also learn what effect public opinion and interest groups have on our government, as well as create our own. We will learn the difference between state and local governments and how each one works for us. We will also examine the United States’ role in international politics.

General Rules: Be on time, be prepared, be respectful, no food/drinks/personal grooming and be responsible.

Preparation for Class: Students need a pen/pencil, homework, and their spiral notebook for class each day.

Expectations for class: Everyone has the right to, and should expect to, learn.

Each individual is worthy of respect.

Classroom orderliness is necessary for an effective classroom.

Hard work is necessary for learning.

Thinking critically and asking questions creates problem solvers!

Earned consequences: We follow district procedures for discipline. A student will earn a parent phone call and teacher conference for minor infractions. If the behavior persists, the student will receive a referral to his/her assistant principal. Certain disciplinary infractions may result in an immediate office referral.

Late Work:

a) Work turned in late and not associated with an absence will not earn full credit. Depending on the magnitude of the work being turned in late, and the degree of lateness, the teacher may reduce the credit given up to 20% per each day after the deadline.

Missed Work:

a) It is the student’s responsibility to obtain the homework assignments, notes & any other pertinent information that is missed during an absence. This is to be done before school, after school, or during your lunch period.

b) Missed work due to an absence: Additional time (up to five school days) and full credit will be allowed for each day of a verifiable and excused absence. After five school days, credit will be reduced one letter grade for each additional day. Exceptions will be made in unique, deserving situations as determined by the teacher and/or administrator.

Grading Scale:

The District grading scale as applied to points earned by the end of a grading period is as follows:

A = 90-100%

B = 80-90%

C = 79 – 75%

D = 70 – 74%

Weighted Grades:

Homework – 20%

Daily Assignments – 30%

Major Exams/Projects – 50%


Cheating is defined as giving or receiving information on test or quizzes, copying homework assignments, or giving or receiving in other areas that I have specified that you work alone. A grade of zero will be recorded for work on which you have cheated. The incident will then be reported to the appropriate Assistant Principal so that disciplinary action can be taken.

Students are expected to behave in a mature manner to allow for the maximum amount of learning to take place. Students who consistently hinder the learning environment will face disciplinary action.

It is my hope that all of you will be successful in this class and will find that American Government opens new areas of interest and opportunities.

Contact Information:

Please feel free to contact us at any time. You may reach us by calling the school office, or by emailing me.


Coach Crumedy



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