-427355-70485LSC 1103 Food mattersLSC 1103 Food matters-131445379730Before ReadingLook at the map below. What does the map show? Discuss with your partner/group. When you are thirsty, what do you drink? How many soft drinks do you consume every day? Every week? Every year?Are soft drinks safe? What are the dangers of soft drink consumption? Discuss your ideas with your partner/group.Now look at the pictures below. What do you think about soft drinks now? Now read the article. As you read, underline all the dangers of soft drink consumption that the article mentions.UAE doctors call for reduction in soft-drink consumptionDoctors have urged consumers to limit their consumption of soft drinks. This will help to reduce extremely dangerous levels of diabetes and obesity.UAE residents each consume an average of 103 litres, or about 300 cans, of soft drinks a year, the fifth highest in the world. The global average is 121 cans and in Indonesia it is only 6.Excessive consumption can cause a wide range of medical conditions, said Dr Maged Shurrab, specialist family physician at Al Tadawi Medical Centre in Dubai."First of all, they'll give you extra calories for nothing, which can lead to weight gain and obesity. These can, in turn, lead to problems with the heart, lungs and rest of the body."At the same time, they will dissolve tooth enamel because they contain acid, which could again lead to heart disease."The high volumes of sugar and fructose in soft drinks increase the risk of developing diabetes and hypertension, and preservatives could trigger asthma attacks, Dr Shurrab said."Some research also shows soft drinks contain phosphoric acid, which is associated with an increased risk of osteoporosis and weak bones."It's advisable to avoid these drinks as they have a negative impact on your health - they can cause damage to your entire body."Recent research has also shown that soft drink consumption is not only associated with obesity, but also with behavioural problems such as aggression. A research paper in the American Journal of Public Health showed that children who consume soft drinks are far more likely to be aggressive, have attention problems, and show withdrawal behaviour. The study recommends limiting or eliminating a child’s soft drink consumption in order to reduce these behavioural problems. The findings suggest that children who drink four or more soft drinks per day are more than twice as likely to destroy things that belong to others, get into fights, and physically attack people. They also had increased behavioural problems compared with those who do not consume soft drinks. Dr Riham Ammar, Medical Director and Specialist Paediatrician at Al Das Medical Clinic in Dubai, said that the content of soft drinks includes caffeine, artificial food colours and high levels of sugar.She said: “Apart from the health problems such as obesity, dental caries and digestive conditions, ingredients in fizzy drinks are known to cause hyperactivity, lack of concentration and difficulty in sleeping. Excessive consumption can be extremely harmful.”Dr Mascha Londermann, a German paediatrician at Medwin Medical Centre in Dubai, says there is a desperate need for education and awareness. “The culture of consuming soft drinks at fast-food outlets and movie theatres as well as the attitude towards soft drink consumption has to change. I know parents who have a difficult time controlling and calming their kids after sugary drinks and foods.”Dr Shurrab said excessive soft drink consumption was symptomatic of a larger problem; people were eating and drinking less healthily in general."If you look at US trends, for example, there's an increased consumption of junk food and soft drinks. Even the orange juice people drink is often unhealthy. As a doctor, I prefer to recommend the optimal diet and especially in these times we should take care of our health. People should eat well and exercise. In the end, your health depends on how you treat your body. If you treat it well, you will be well - if you don't, then you won't."Rashi Chowdhary, a nutritionist in Dubai, said consumers should not make the mistake of thinking diet soft drinks were healthier than regular ones."Switching to diet colas is not the answer. In fact buying anything that says sugar-free, fat-free or diet only guarantees consumption of harmful artificial chemicals that wreak havoc on our digestive tract.”"Consuming diet drinks is downright foolish. Your body is hard-wired to the natural taste of sugar; so when you drink a diet cola, your body will always make up for the sugar it did not receive in other forms.”"They're loaded with high fructose corn syrup, one of the biggest culprits contributing to midsection obesity, high triglyceride levels, high insulin levels and, in some cases, a disturbed sleeping pattern."However, she added, people who exercise regularly, hydrate well and eat healthily 80 per cent of the time were entitled to drink a regular cola "once in a while".A report published in the American Journal of Public Health this year found that soft drink consumption was significantly associated with obesity and diabetes worldwide.Over 1.5 billion people are overweight worldwide and at least 1 in 20 adults have diabetes. Industry analysts expect soft drink consumption to rise by 9.5 per cent worldwide in the next five years. The report said this would lead to 192 million new cases of diabetes and an additional 2.3 billion overweight and 1.1 billion obese adults.Diabetes affects about one in five Emiratis and 30.2 per cent of men and 43 per cent of women in the UAE aged 20 or over are obese. After ReadingUse the link at the bottom of the article to write an APA reference.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________According to the article, how many more soft drinks do UAE residents consume each year than the global average? (Use an appropriate citation and your own words)________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________According to the article, how does soft drink consumption affect child behavior? (Use an appropriate citation and your own words) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What does Dr. Londermann recommend should be done to help reduce soft drink consumption?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Are diet colas any better for your body than regular colas? Why or why not? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________According to Rashi Chowdhary, when is it ok to drink soft drinks? How often?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________In the UAE, are more men or women obese? Can you rewrite these statistics in another way?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________VocabularyA very useful way to develop your vocabulary is to learn all the members of a word family. For example, if you know the word happy, it is useful to know other members of the family like unhappy, happiness, and happily.This article includes the members of the following family: consumption, consumer, consume, consuming. Find and highlight these words in the text. What part of speech is each one? How do you know this?The article also has some other word families. Look at the article again and find other members of the following word families:health____________________________________harm____________________________________behavior____________________________________aggression____________________________________obese____________________________________reduce ____________________________________What part of speech is each member of the word families above? Can you think of other members for these word families that are not in the article? Now look quickly through the article. Highlight all examples of adverbs in the article. What verbs/adjectives do these adverbs describe? What effect does this have on the article? For example, in line 3-4, the article says:“Doctors have urged consumers to reduce their consumption of soft drinks. This will help to reduce extremely dangerous levels of diabetes and obesity.”The adverb ‘extremely’ describes the adjective ‘dangerous’. By using this word, the author increases the strength of the danger of illnesses like diabetes and obesity. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Look at the highlighted words in the text. Can you identify the part of speech for each one? How do you know? Fill out the table below: (You can use to help you)WordPart of SpeechMeaningExample SentenceUrgeExcessiveTrigger Advisable EntireAggression Destroy Harmful Additional ................

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