UDOT D001 OMS Project Mgt Procedures


CPA Texas Fleet System (TxFS)

Batching Specifications

January 12, 2011


Revision History

|Date |Revision Number |Deliverable Manager |Revision Purpose |

|07/06/09 |V1.0 |Pascal Laumet |Initial document for CPA comment |

|07/06/09 |V2.0 |Himanshu Waikar |Addition of Appendix A tables |

|07/08/09 |V2.1 |Pascal Laumet |Addition of GVW to Insert/Update Inventory Batch types |

|07/09/09 |V2.2 |Pascal Laumet |Added out-of-service to Update Inventory Batch |

|07/14/09 |V2.3 |Pascal Laumet |Modified to include comments from Dee Dee Evans |

|09/4/09 |V2.4 |Pascal Laumet |Final Revision: |

| | | |Additional column in Inventory Batch types (Certified for Home |

| | | |Commute) + All lookups moved to UPPERCASE |

| | | |New lookup table 23 |

|9/22/09 |V2.5 |Pascal Laumet |Revision: GVW modified to GVWR for consistency with Equipment |

| | | |Inventory Labels in tables 2 and 3 |

| | | |Mapping for Engine Oil modified to be ENGOIL in table 21 |

|10/12/09 |V.2.6 |Pascal Laumet |Modified Table 9: lookup values Equipment Color as imported from |

| | | |FleetFocus |

|10/16/09 |V2.7 |Melissa Hernandez |Date and footer corrections |

|10/26/09 |V2.8 |Ron Merz |Correction to Table 7: Internal tank name is not a required field; |

| | | |Updated all tables for batch scenarios to correct sample data value |

| | | |for agency from 3-digit to 6-digit consistent w/ assigned mgmt. unit |

| | | |value; |

| | | |Added bookmarks for batch type tables and repaginated; |

|12/11/09 |V2.9 |Ron Merz |Mapping table 2.3 column sequence corrected to match TxFS Import |

| | | |Runner |

| | | |Footer updated to reflect 2.9 version; title & footer changed to |

| | | |reflect TxFS instead of TXFS |

|10/21/10 |V3.0 |Ron Merz |Equipment purchase insert and equipment update batches changed to |

| | | |include two new columns for tier and bin |

| | | |Mapping tables updated; certain tables periodically updated have been |

| | | |displayed to show only a sample subset with user directed to get table|

| | | |values from TxFS (using Export to Excel command) |

|1/12/11 |V3.1 |Ron Merz |Greenhouse Gas Score field changed to a required field per TPASS |

| | | |business need requiring reporting on this item. |

Table of Contents

1 Introduction 5

1.1 Introduction 5

2 Batch types 7

2.1 Inventory Purchase (Inserts) 7

2.2 Inventory Updates (Update) 11

2.3 Repair Orders (Inserts) 14

2.4 End-of-Month Odometer (Inserts) 16

2.5 Consolidated Fuel Transactions and incidentals (Inserts) 17

2.6 Hit-by-hit Fuel Transactions and incidentals (Inserts) 19

3 Appendix A – Values for Table Driven Fields 21

3.1 Table 1: List of Agencies 21

3.2 Table 2: List of Manufacturers 22

3.3 Table 3: List of Models 22

3.4 Table 4: Assigned Code 22

3.5 Table 5: Purpose 23

3.6 Table 6: Equipment Life Status 24

3.7 Table 7: Procurement Funding Source 24

3.8 Table 8: Vehicle Class 25

3.9 Table 9: Color 26

3.10 Table 10: Fuel Type 28

3.11 Table 11: Meter Type 30

3.12 Table 12: Drive Type 31

3.13 Table 13: Transmission 32

3.14 Table 14: Engine Size 32

3.15 Table 15: Tire Size 32

3.16 Table 16: Term Contract Series Code 33

3.17 Table 17: Vehicle Acquire Term Contract 36

3.18 Table 18: Disposal Method 37

3.19 Table 19: Activity Name 37

3.20 Table 20: Vendor 38

3.21 Table 21: Fuel Product Code 38

3.22 Table 22: Internal Tank Name 39

3.23 Table 23: Yes/No 39

3.24 Table 24: Greenhouse Gas Score 39


This section describes the purpose, contents, and acceptance criteria for this document.

1 Introduction

The TXFS allows for capture of Fleet information through the front end. Information such as Inventory purchase, inventory updates, repair orders, end-of-month odometers or fuel transaction can be captured directly through the front end.

Certain agencies use their legacy system to capture this information and do not want to replicate or double-entry this in the TXFS system. In order to facilitate their end-of-month reporting, a batching functionality is provided in the TXFS system, allowing for these agencies to be able to batch their data massively in the system.

This document describes the types of batching procedures, the appropriate mapping for each batching type, as well as the validation rules and lookup tables for data driven fields.

2 types of batching categories:

1. Inventory/Repair Orders and PM: Agencies of this type will not use the front-end capabilities for repair orders (PM will not be calculated for these agencies), these agencies are identified in the Management Units window (System > Setup > Management Units) and for the parent agency (i.e. the batching agency), the flag “Agency Batching Inventory” needs to be checked (OWNER_BATCHING = 1 in SETUP_OWNER table) as shown on the screenshot below.


2. Odometers/Fuel Transactions : Any agency that is given the access to the Import runner window can use the batch upload functionality to upload their end-of-month odometers or their fuel transactions.

Agencies can be both 1 and 2 above. A summary of which batch type can be used by the agencies of type 1 or 2 is shown in the following table.

|List of Batching Types |Agency type 1 can use |Agency type 2 can use |

|Inventory Purchase (Inserts) |Yes |No |

|Inventory Updates |Yes |No |

|Repair Orders (in-house, commercial and PM) – Inserts |Yes |No |

|End-of-Month Odometers – Inserts |Yes |Yes |

|Consolidated Fuel Transactions - Inserts |Yes |Yes |

|Hit-by-hit Fuel Transactions - Inserts |Yes |yes |

The following sections describe in details each batch type.

Batch types

Each section below describes in detail the mapping and validation rules for each batch type.

1 Inventory Purchase (Inserts)

This batch type will be used by agencies to add newly-acquired vehicles (aka equipment insert) to their inventory.

Only parent agencies that are indicated in the Agency Batching Inventory column in the Management Unit Details pane (under SYSTEM > SETUP > MANAGEMENT UNITS) will be allowed to import records using this batch template. Any agency attempting to insert equipment without this checkbox selected will have all their records rejected.

Table 2 below specifies the column order.

Table 2, Mapping and validation for Batching Type 1: Inventory Inserts

|Order |Column Name |Data Type |Mapping Type |Lookup table |Column in look-up|Required |Example |

| | | | |in Appendix |table | | |

|55 |Bin |Number |Table Driven |Table 26 |Comment |Yes |3 |

Important Notes:

1. The Agency field determines if the batched records will be processed. It is matched to the Management Units list and the flag “Agency Batching Inventory” will be verified”. For the Agency in the batch file, if the flag is not checked, all the records will be rejected.

2. The fields identified as required will be validated and the records containing NULL values for the required fields will be rejected.

3. For all the table driven fields, if the data in the batch files cannot be matched to the list of value), then the records will be rejected.

4. Certain values in the Inventory table (target table) will be filled with the following values:

a. Current Odometer: Meter at Delivery (from source file)

b. Odometer Date: In-Service Date (from source file)

c. Depreciation Method: Set to Straight-Line

d. Texas Owner CPA: will be set automatically to the Texas Fleet CPA (allowing CPA to view all data at once)

e. Planned Disposal Date: will be set as Acquisition Date + Useful Life as defined for the Equipment Class Code.

List of fields that were removed from this Batch Type:

- Meter 2 type

- Last Meter 2 value

- Last Meter 2 date

- Alt Fuel Waiver

- Depreciation Month Remaining

- Last meter 1 date

- Current Meter Value

- Planned Disposal Date

2 Inventory Updates (Update)

This batch type will be used by batching agencies to update their existing vehicle inventory. Only the agencies (parent agencies) that are indicated as such in the Management Unit Details pane will be allowed to import records (for them and their children). All other agencies attempting to import this batch will have all their records rejected.

Table 3, Mapping and validation for Batching Type 2: Inventory Updates

|Order |Column Name |Data Type |Mapping Type |Lookup table |Column in look-up|Required |Example |

| | | | |in Appendix |table | | |

|59 |Tier |Number |Table Driven |Table ++ |To be done |Yes |3 (integer values 1 and 2) |

Important Notes:

1. The first field, Agency, qualified whether the batched records will be processed as it is mapped to the Management Units list flag “Agency Batching Inventory” for verification. If the flag is not checked, all the records will be rejected.

2. The VIN number cannot be updated by batch upload. It is used as the primary key to identify the records to update.

3. The fields identified as required will be validated and the records containing NULL values for the required fields will be rejected.

4. For all the table driven fields, if the data in the batch files cannot be matched (to the list of values), then the records will be rejected.

List of fields that were removed from this Batch Type:

- Meter 2 type

- Last Meter 2 value

- Last Meter 2 date

- Alt Fuel Waiver

- Depreciation Month Remaining

- Last meter 1 date

- Current Meter Value

- Planned Disposal date (filled automatically on Insert – not needed anymore)

3 Repair Orders (Inserts)

This batch type will be used by batching agencies to capture monthly their aggregated costs for their vehicles. Only the agencies (parent agencies) that are indicated as such in the Management Units window will be allowed to import records (for them and their children). All other agencies attempting to insert equipment will have all their records rejected.

This table shows the possible combinations of Activity Name and Vendor that can be captured and aggregated:

|Activity Name |Vendor |







Based on this relationship, there can be a total of six batch records per vehicle per month for this repair order insert.

Table 4, Mapping and validation for Batching Type 3: Repair Orders

|Order |







|308000 - STATE AUDITOR |










4 Table 2: List of Manufacturers

Lookup on Make Name Column.

Export the list to Excel from Fleet Management > Setup/Inventory > Configuration Tables > Select Manufacturer from List.

5 Table 3: List of Models

Lookup on Model Name column.

Export the list to Excel from Fleet Management > Setup/Inventory > Configuration Tables > Select Vehicle Models from List.

6 Table 4: Assigned Code

(Department Code) (Lookup on comments column)

|Name |Comments |

|I - Individual |I |

|M - Motorpool |M |

|O - Organization |O |

7 Table 5: Purpose

(Look-up on Name column)

|Name |Comments |




|LAW | |




|STAFF | |


8 Table 6: Equipment Life Status

(Look-up on Comment column)

|Name |Comment |

|A – Active |A |

|I – Inactive |I |

|P – Pending Sale |P |

|D – Disposed |D |

9 Table 7: Procurement Funding Source

(Look-up on Name Column)

|Name |Comments |

|STATE | |

|LOCAL | |




10 Table 8: Vehicle Class

(Look-up on Comment column)

|Name |Comments |

|701 - PASSENGER CARS |701 |

|702 - TRUCKS GVWR 26001 LBS AND UP |702 |


|704 - MOTORCYCLES |704 |


|708 - VANS CARGO & PASSENGER |708 |

|709 - LIGHT TRUCKS 8600LBS AND UNDER |709 |



|712 - TRAILERS |712 |


|714 - LIGHT DUTY TRUCKS 8601-14999 |714 |

|715 - MEDIUM TRUCKS 15000-26000 |715 |

|716 - MINI-VANS |716 |

|718 - BUSES 16-28 PASSENGER |718 |

|719 - BUSES 29 PASSENGER & OVER |719 |

|720 - OTHER VEHICLES |720 |

11 Table 9: Color

(Look-up on Name Column)

|Color |Comments |

|BLACK |Black |

|BLUE |Blue |

|BROWN |Brown |

|CORAL |Coral |

|CRIMSON |Crimson |

|CYAN |Cyan |

|DARK BLUE |Dark Blue |

|DARK CYAN |Dark Cyan |

|DARK GREEN |Dark Green |

|DARK MAGENTA |Dark Magenta |

|DARK OLIVE GREEN |Dark Olive Green |

|DARK ORANGE |Dark Orange |

|DARK RED |Dark Red |

|FOREST GREEN |Forest Green |

|FUCHSIA |Fuchsia |

|GOLD |Gold |

|GRAY |Gray |

|GREEN |Green |

|KHAKI |Khaki |

|LIGHT BLUE |Light Blue |

|LIGHT CYAN |Light Cyan |

|LIGHT GREEN |Light Green |

|LIME GREEN |Lime Green |

|MAGENTA |Magenta |

|MAROON |Maroon |

|MIDNIGHT BLUE |Midnight Blue |

|MINT CREAM |Mint Cream |

|NAVY |Navy |

|OLIVE |Olive |

|ORANGE |Orange |

|PINK |Pink |

|PLUM |Plum |

|PURPLE |Purple |

|RED |Red |

|SIENNA |Sienna |

|SILVER |Silver |

|SKY BLUE |Sky Blue |

|TAN |Tan |

|TEAL |Teal |

|TURQUOISE |Turquoise |

|VIOLET |Violet |

|YELLOW |Yellow |

|WHITE |White |

|BEIGE |Beige |

12 Table 10: Fuel Type

(Look-up on COMMENT column)

|Name |Comment |

|Unleaded Gasoline * |GAS |

|E85 |E85 |

|Diesel |DSL |

|Biodiesel |BDL |

|Liquified Petroleum Gas |LPG |

|Compressed Natural Gas |CNG |

|Methane |MTH |

|Electricity ** |ELE |

|Car Wash |CARWASH |


|Auto Trans Fluid |TRANFLUID |

|Brake Fluid |BRAKEFLUID |

|Coolant |ANTIFREEZE |

|Engine Oil |ENGOIL |

|Gear Oil |GEAROIL |

|Hydraulic Oil |HYDROIL |



* there is only one code for all grades of unleaded; SLP and ULP are no longer used

** Electricity is used only for plug-in rechargeable; not to be used for gas hybrid

*** Catch-all category for miscellaneous fluids and additivies

13 Table 11: Meter Type

(Look-up on Name Column)

|Name |Comment |

|HOURS | |

|MILES | |

14 Table 12: Drive Type

(Look-up on Name column)

|Name |Comments |


|AWD | |

|4X2 | |

|4X4 | |

|6X2 | |

|6X4 | |

|6X6 | |

15 Table 13: Transmission

(Look-up on Name column)

|Name |Comments |



16 Table 14: Engine Size

This list is no longer included in this document because of frequent changes made to the table.

See Tire Size table at Fleet Management > Setup/Inventory > Configuration Tables, in list.

Lookup value is tire size column.

17 Table 15: Tire Size

This list is no longer included in this document because of frequent changes made to the table.

See Tire Size table at Fleet Management > Setup/Inventory > Configuration Tables, in list.

Lookup value is Tire Size column.

18 Table 16: Term Contract Series Code

(Look-up on Name column)

|Name |Comments |

|1000D |Truck, Tandem Axle, Diesel-Powered |

|1200D |Truck, Tractor, Single-Axle, Diesel-Powered |

|330ALT |Multipurpose Low Speed Electric Vehicle |

|341ALT |Hybrid Gas/Electric Sedan 4-Cylinder, 4-Door, Front Wheel Drive |

|350A |Compact Hatchback 4-Cylinder, 5-Door |

|351A |Compact Sedan (5 Passenger) 4-Cylinder, Front Wheel Drive |

|357B |Midsize Hatchback 6-Cylinder, Front Wheeldrive, 5-Door (5-7 Passenger) |

|358B |Fullsize Hatchback 6-Cylinder, Front Wheel Drive, 5-Door (7 Passengers) |

|359A |Intermediate Sedan 4-Cylinder, 4-Door |

|360B |Intermediate Sedan 6-Cylinder, 4-Door |

|372B |Full Size Sedan 6-Cylinder, 4-Door, Front Wheel Drive |

|373B |Full Size Sedan 6-Cylinder, UNI Body, 4-Door, Rear Wheel Drive |

|374C |Full Size Sedan 8-Cylinder, 4-Door, Rear Wheel Drive |

|463BLE |Law Enforcement (LE) Pursuit or Special Service, Mid Size Utility Vehicle Special Service Package 6-Cylinder, Light-Duty, 4-Door, 2-Wheel Drive |

|464BLE |Law Enforcement (LE) Pursuit or Special Service Extended Length Carry-all |

|465CLE |Law Enforcement (LE) Pursuit or Special Service Full Size Utility Vehicle Special Service Package 8-Cylinder, Heavy-Duty, 4-Door, 2-Wheel Drive |

|471BLE |Law Enforcement (LE) Pursuit or Special Service Full Size Pursuit Sedan 4-Door, Front Wheel Drive, 6-Cylinder |

|474CLE |Law Enforcement (LE) Pursuit or Special Service Full Size Sedan 4-Door, UNI Body, Rear Wheel Drive, 6-Cylinder |

|475CLE |Law Enforcement (LE) Pursuit or Special Service Full Size Pursuit Sedan 4-Door, Rear Wheel Drive, 8-Cylinder |

|476CLE |Law Enforcement (LE) Pursuit or Special Service Full Size Pursuit Sedan 4-Door, Rear Wheel Drive, 8-Cylinder |

|640ATL |Hybrid Gas/Electric Utility 4-Door, Front Wheel Drive |

|650C |Carry All Gasoline, 1/2 Ton, 2 Wheel Drive |

|655C |Carry All Gasoline, 3/4 Ton, 2 Wheel Drive |

|660B |Utility Vehicle, Small Size, Rear Drive 6-Cylinder, Light-Duty, 4-DOOR, 2-Wheel Drive |

|661B |Utility Vehicle, Small Size, 6-Cylinder, Light-Duty, 4-DOOR, 2-Wheel Drive |

|662B |Utility Vehicle, Med Size, Rear Drive, 4-Door, 2-Wheel Drive 6-Cylinder, Light Duty |

|663B |Utility Vehicle, Med Size, Front Drive, 4-Door, 2-Wheel Drive, 6-Cylinder, Light-Duty, |

|665C |Utility Vehicle, Full Size, 8-Cylinder, Rear Wheel Drive, 4-Door, 2-Wheel Drive |

|667A |Utility Vehicle, Mid Size 4-Cylinder, Front Wheel Drive 4 Door |

|668B |Mini-Cargo Van 2-Wheel/Front Wheel Drive 6-Cylinder |

|670B |1/2 Ton, Full Size Cargo Van 6-Cylinder, 2-Wheel, Rear Wheel Drive |

|670C |1/2 Ton Full Size Cargo Van Standard Glass: Windshield, Left and Right Front Doors 8-Cyliner |

|680C |3/4 Ton Full Size Cargo Van Standard Glass: Windshield, Left and Right Front Doors 8-Cylinder |

|685C |3/4 Ton Full Size Extended Cargo Van Standard Glass: Windshield, Left and Right Front Doors 8-Cylinder |

|70G |Cab and Chassis 6 or 8 Cylinder, Gasoline , Long Wheelbase |

|741A |1/2 Ton Commercial Mini Van (6-Passenger) 6-Cylinder, Front Wheel Drive |

|741B |1/2 Ton MINI-VAN 6-Cylinder, 7-Passenger |

|750C |1/2 Ton Full Size Passenger Van 8-Cylinder, 8-Passenger |

|755C |1 Ton Full Size Passenger Van 8-Cylinder, Gasoline, 12-Passenger |

|755D |1 Ton Full Size Passenger Van 8-Cylinder, Diesel, 12-Passenger |

|760C |1 Ton Full Size Extended Passenger Van 8-Cylinder, Gasoline, 15-Passenger |

|760D |1 Ton Full Size Extended Passenger Van 8-Cylinder, 15-Passenger |

|770D |Extended Height 8 Passenger Van Diesel |

|771D |Extended Height 14 Passenger Van Diesel |

|771G |Extended Height 14 Passenger Van Gasoline |

|842B |Mid-Size Regular Cab Pickup Truck Single Rear Wheel Short Bed 1/2 Ton |

|843B |Mid-Size Crew Cab Pickup Truck Single Rear Wheel 5/6-Cylinder, Short Bed 1/2 Ton 4 Full Door |

|844B |Mid-Size Extended Cab Pickup Truck Single Rear Wheel Short Bed 1/2 Ton |

|855B |Full Size 1/2 Ton Regular Cab Pickup Truck Single Rear Wheel 6-Cylinder, Short Bed |

|855C |Full Size 1/2 Ton Regular Cab Pickup Truck Single Rear Wheel 8-Cylinder, Short Bed |

|861C |Full Size 1/2 Ton, Regular Cab Pickup Truck Single Rear Wheel 8-Cylinder, Long Bed |

|862ALT |Pick Up Truck/Hybrid Gas/Electric Full Size, 1/2 Ton, Crew Cab 6 Passengers, Short Bed, Single Axle |

|862C |Full Size 1/2 Ton Extended Cab Pickup Truck Single Rear Wheel 5 Passenger Short Bed |

|863C |Full Size 1/2 Ton Extended Cab Pickup Truck 5 Passenger, Long Bed Single Rear Wheel |

|864C |Full Size 1/2 Ton, Crew Cab Pickup Truck 6 Passengers, Short Bed Single Rear Wheel |

|866C |Full Size 3/4-Ton, Crew Cab Pickup Truck 6 Passengers, Gasoline, Short Bed Single Rear Wheel |

|866D |Full Size 3/4-Ton, Crew Cab Pickup Truck 6 Passengers, Diesel, Short Bed Single Rear Wheel |

|868C |Full Size 3/4-Ton, Extended Cab Pickup Truck 5 Passengers, Gasoline, Long Bed Single Rear Wheel |

|868D |Full Size 3/4-Ton, Extended Cab Pickup Truck 5 Passengers, Diesel, Long Bed Single Rear Wheel |

|869C |Full Size 3/4 Ton Extended Cab Pickup Truck 5 Passengers, Gasoline, Short Bed Single Rear Wheel |

|869D |Full Size 3/4 Ton Extended Cab Pickup Truck 5 Passengers, Diesel, Short Bed Single Rear Wheel |

|870C |Full Size 3/4 Ton, Regular Cab and Chassis Gasoline Single Rear Wheel |

|870D |Full Size 3/4 Ton, Regular Cab and Chassis Diesel Single Rear Wheel |

|872C |Full Size 3/4 Ton Regular Cab Pickup Truck Gasoline Long Bed Single Rear Wheel |

|872D |Full Size 3/4 Ton Regular Cab Pickup Truck Diesel Long Bed Single Rear Wheel |

|875C |Full Size 1 Ton Regular Cab and Chassis Gasoline Dual Rear Wheel |

|875D |Full Size 1 Ton Regular Cab and Chassis Diesel Dual Rear Wheel |

|876C |Full Size 1 Ton Regular Cab Pickup Truck Gasoline, Long Bed Dual Rear Wheel |

|876D |Full Size 1 Ton Regular Cab Pickup Truck Diesel, Long Bed Dual Rear Wheel |

|881C |Full Size 1 Ton Crew Cab Pickup Truck, 6-Passenger, Gasoline, Long Bed Single Rear Wheel |

|881D |Full Size 1 Ton Crew Cab Pickup Truck, 6-Passenger, Diesel, Long Bed Single Rear Wheel |

|882C |Full Size 1 Ton Extended Cab Pickup Truck, 5-Passengers, Gasoline, Long Bed Single Rear Wheel |

|882D |Full Size 1 Ton Extended Cab Pickup Truck, 5-Passengers, Diesel, Long Bed Single Rear Wheel |

|883C |1 Ton Cutaway Chassis 8-Cylinder, Gasoline, 138 Wheelbase Dual Real Wheels For Van Body |

|884C |1 TON Cutaway Chassis 8-Cylinder, Gasoline, 158 Wheelbase Dual Rear Wheels For Van Body |

|884D |1 Ton Cutaway Chassis 8-Cylinder, Diesel, 158 Wheelbase Dual Rear Wheels For Van Body |

|885C |1 Ton Cutaway Chassis 8-Cylinder, Gasoline, 176 Wheelbase Dual Rear Wheels For Van Body |

|885D |1 Ton Cutaway Chassis 8-Cylinder, Diesel, 176 Wheelbase Dual Rear Wheels For Van Body |

|886C |Full Size Crew Cab 1 Ton Pickup Truck 6-Passenger, Gasoline, Long Bed Dual Rear Wheel |

|886D |Full Size Crew Cab 1 Ton Pickup Truck 6-Passenger, Diesel, Long Bed Dual Rear Wheel |

|887C |Full Size Extended Cab 1 Ton Pickup Truck 5-Passengers, Gasoline, Long Bed Dual Rear Wheel |

|887D |Long Bed Dual Rear Wheel |

|888C |Full Size 1 Ton Crew Cab and Chassis 6-Passenger, Gasoline, Dual Rear Wheel |

|888D |Full Size 1 Ton Crew Cab and Chassis 6-Passenger, Diesel Dual Rear Wheel |


|930D |Cab and Chassis 8-Cylinder, Diesel |

|930G |Cab and Chassis 8-Cylinder, Gasoline |

|940D |Cab and Chassis 6-Cylinder, Diesel |

|940G |Cab and Chassis 6.8-Cylinder, Gasoline |

|941D |Cab and Chassis 8-Cylinder, Diesel |

|941G |Cab and Chassis 8-Cylinder, Gasoline |

|950D |Cab and Chassis 17,500 GVW 6 or 8-Cylinder, Diesel, Short Wheelbase |

|950G |Cab and Chassis 17,500 GVW 6 or 8-Cylinder, Diesel, Short Wheelbase |

|960D |Cab and Chassis 6- and 8-Cylinder, Diesel, Long Wheelbase |

|960G |Cab and Chassis 6- and 8-Cylinder, Gasoline, Long Wheelbase |

|970D |Cab and Chassis 6 or 8 Cylinder, Diesel, Long Wheelbase |

|980H |Cab and Chassis 6 and 7 Cylinder, Diesel, Long Wheelbase |

|981D | Cab and Chassis 6- and 8-Cylinder, Diesel, Short Wheelbase |

|985D |Cab and Chassis 6- and 8-Cylinder, Diesel, Short Wheelbase |


19 Table 17: Vehicle Acquire Term Contract

(Look-up on Comments column)

|Name |Comments |

|Leased |L |

|No |N |

|Yes |Y |

20 Table 18: Disposal Method

(Look-up on Comments column)

|Name |Comments |

|01 Sold to State Agency |01 |

|03 Dismanted for parts |03 |

|04 Surplus for exempt agencies (higher ed) |04 |

|08 Surplused to political subdivision |08 |

|09 Surplused to assistance organization (non-profit) |09 |

|10 Surplus sold via sealed bid |10 |

|11 Surplus sold at storefront |11 |

|12 Surplus sold auction |12 |

|13 Surplus sold internet (unlikely; does not have to be included) |13 |

|14 Surplus sold by agency |14 |

|20 Stolen - employee negligence |20 |

|21 Stolen - no employee negligence |21 |

|22 Donated |22 |

|23 Trade In for new vehicle |23 |

|28 Property damage by act of God |28 |

|29 Property damage by employee |29 |

|30 Property damage by other party |30 |

|32 Lease term ended |32 |

|34 Scrapped/salvaged due to accident |34 |

| | |

| | |

21 Table 19: Activity Name

(Look-up on Name column)

|Name |Comments |



22 Table 20: Vendor

(Look-up on Comments column)

|Name |Comments |

|Commercial |COMMERCIAL |

|Inter-Agency |INTER-AGENCY |

|Internal |INTERNAL |

23 Table 21: Fuel Product Code

(Look-up on Comments column)

|Fuel / Incidentals Product |Screen Label |Comments |

|Unleaded |Unleaded |GAS |

|Ethanol 85 |E85 |E85 |

|Diesel |Diesel |DSL |

|Biodiesel |Biodiesel |BDL |

|Unleaded for Gas Hybrid |Unleaded for Gas Hybrid |HEV |

|Liquified Petroleum Gas |LPG |LPG |

|Compressed Natural Gas |CNG |CNG |

|Battery Electric Vehicle |Plug-in Electric |KWH |

|Carwash |Carwash |CARWASH |

|Air Conditioner Fluid |A/C Fluid |AIRCONDFL |

|Auto Transmission Fluid |Auto Trans Fluid |TRANFLUID |

|Brake Fluid |Brake Fluid |BRAKEFLUID |

|Coolant |Coolant |ANTIFREEZE |

|Engine Oil |Engine Oil |ENGOIL |

|Gear Oil |Gear Oil |GEAROIL |

|Hydraulic Oil |Hydraulic Oil |HYDROIL |

|Other Fluids & Additives |Other Fluids / Additives |OTHER |

24 Table 22: Internal Tank Name

See Material Management screen at Resources > Materials > Inventory. In Stock List pane, see Tank Name column for tanks that you have access to for batching or screen inquiry. The lookup value is seen in this column. The statewide list of tanks is no longer contained and maintained in this document.

25 Table 23: Yes/No

(Look-up on Comments column)

|Name |Comments |

|No |N |

|Yes |Y |

26 Table 24: Greenhouse Gas Score

(Look-up on Comments column)

|Comments |

|1 |

|2 |

|3 |

|4 |

|5 |

|6 |

|7 |

|8 |

|9 |

|10 |

|N/A |

27 Table 25: Tier

(Look-up on Comments column)

|Comments |

|1 |

|2 |

|N/A |

28 Table 26: Bin

(Look-up on Comments column)

|Comments |

|1 |

|2 |

|3 |

|4 |

|5 |

|6 |

|7 |

|8 |

|9 |

|10 |

|N/A |



AgileAssets Inc.

3144 Bee Caves Rd.

Austin, TX 78746

Ph. 512.327.4200

Fax. 512.328.7246


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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