Fiches à compléter – Technicolor

Fiches à compléter

Mise-à-jour 30-8-09/ 5-10-09/1-12-09/ 10-2-10/ 5-5-10/ 5-6-10/ 20-10-10/

10-2-11/ 15-10-11

Codes :

Précédant les titres : studios (si pas de code, studio à déterminer).

C: Cinélume/ Cin: Cinar/ CG: Ciné-groupe/ CLAB: Citélab/

DV: Double Vue/ LVG : Les Vilains Garçons/ M: Multidub/

PS: Premium Sound/ SON: Sonolab/ SPR: Studio Place Royale/

S-Q: Synchro-Québec/ SS: Super Sync/ T: Bellevue Pathé, Astral Tech, Covitec ou Technicolor Services Thomson.

Codes-abréviations :

Ad. : adaptateur/ Aff.: affiche/ Dir.: directeur/ Dist ou Dist Inc.: distribution à établir ou compléter/ Stu: studio/ Synopsis/ Titre : titre français


T - A Dangerous Woman: Dir/ad.

T - A Few Good Men: Ad.

A Flintstone Christmas: Dir/stu/ad. Dist Inc.

C - A Good Man is Hard to Find: Titre.

A Kiss Before Dying: Dir/stu/ad. Dist

T – A League of their own: Ad.

T - A Night at the Roxbury: Ad.

C - A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: Dir/ad.

T - A Perfect Murder: Dir/ad.

T - A Perfect World: Ad.

C - A Problem With Fear: Dist. Inc.

T – A River runs through it: Dir/ad.

PS – A Silent Love: Dist Inc.

A Troll in Central Park: Dir/stu/ad.

SPR – A Very Barry Christmas: Synopsis

T – A Woman’s Revenge (’08): Synopsis

T – Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls: Ad. Dist Inc.

T – Adaptation: Ad.

T - Adventures in Babysitting: Dir/ad

T – Air Force One: Dir/ad.

T - Airborne : Ad. Dist.

SPR - Alice Upside Down: Dist Inc.

C – Aliens Next Door: Titre.

C – Allan Quatermain and

The Temple of Skulls: Titre.

C – All About Steve: Ad.

All Dogs Go To Heaven: Dir/stu/ad.

T – Alpha Dog: Ad.

SS - American Boyfriends: Ad.

Amore!: Dir/stu/ad. Dist.

T – Amos and Andrew: Dir/ad.

And Then There Were None: Dir/stu/ad.

C - And There Were Seven: Synopsis. Ad. Affiche. Dist Inc.

Andre: Dir/stu/ad. Dist. Inc.

T – Another Stakeout: Dist Inc.

T - Appleseed: Ad.

Appleseed Ex Machina: Dir/stu/ad.

T - Arthur 2: Dist. Inc.

Artificial Lies: Dir/stu/ad. Dist. Inc.


SS – Babettes Gaestebud: Dir. Dist.

Baby on Board: Ad.

T – Baby’s Day Out: Dir/ad. Dist Inc.

T - Bad Boys: Ad.

SPR –Bad Lieutenant:

Port of Call – New Orleans: Ad. Dist Inc.

Bad Moon: Dir/stu/ad. Dist Inc.

T – Ballistic: Ecks vs Sever: Dir/ad.

T - Batman: Mask of The Phantasm: Ad.

T - Bedroom Eyes: Ad.

T - Beerfest: Ad.

Being Human: Dir/stu/ad.

SPR – Believe: Dist Inc.

Belly of the Beast: Dir/stu/ad. Dist.

C - Betrayal of Silence: Ad.

T - Betsy’s Wedding: Dir.

Beverly Hills Cowgirl Blues: Dir/stu. Dist. Aff.

Big Bob Johnson…: Titre. Syn. Dir/stu. Dist. Aff.

T – Billboard Dad: Ad.

T - Bio-Dome: Ad.

Bird: Dir/Stu. Dist.

T - Black Dog: Ad.

T – Black Hawk Down: Dist. Inc.

SON - Black Ice: Dir/ad.

Black Sheep (’96) : Dir/stu/ad. Dist Inc.

PS – Black Widower: Dist. Inc.

T – Blade Runner – Director’s Cut: Dir/ad.

C – Blind Dating: Titre.

C - Blood and Donuts: Ad.

M - Blue Sky: Dir/ad.

Bluffing It: Titre. Syn. Dir/stu. Dist. Aff.

T – Boiling Point: Dir/ad.

C - Bonanno: A Godfather’s Story: Dir/ad.

T - Born to be Wild : Ad.

C – Boy Meets Girl (’98): Titre.

T – Boys on the Side: Dir/ad.

C - Bram Stocker’s Dracula: Ad.

C - Bride of Chucky: Dir.

C - Brimstone & Treacle: Ad.

T - Bringing Down the House: Ad.

T – Buddy: Ad.

C – Burnt Eden: Titre. Ad.

M – Butterbox Babies: Dir/ad.

Bye Bye Love (’95): Dir/stu/ad.


T - Caddyshack: Ad. Dist Inc.

SPR – Cairo Time: Dir. Dist.

T – Can’t Hardly Wait: Dir/ad.

T - Candleshoe: Dir/ad.

T - Candyman: Dir/ad.

Canvas: The Fine Art of Crime: Dir/stu/ad.

T – Captive: Dir.

Car 54, Where Are You?: Dir/stu/ad.

T – Cartoon’s All-Stars to the

Rescue: Dir/ad.

Catherine: Dir/stu. Dist. T.

T - Cats Don’t Dance: Ad.

T - Celtic Pride: Ad. Dist Inc.

Charlie Grant’s War: Dir/stu/ad.

T - Charlotte’s Web: Ad.

Chasers: Dir/stu/ad. Dist.

Cheech & Chong’s Next Movie: Dist. Inc.

Cheech & Chong’s Nice Dreams: Dir/stu/ad.

Cheech & Chong’s Up in Smoke: Dist. Inc.

T – Child’s Play 3: Dir/ad. Dist. Inc.

T - Christie’s Revenge: Ad.

C – Christopher Crocodile and his

Wonderful World: Dist Inc.

T – Circle of Friends (’95): Dir/ad.

T – Cliffhanger: Dir/ad.

Clifford: Dir/stu/ad.

T - Coal Miner’s Daughter: Dir/ad.

T - Cobb: Dist.

T – Color of Night: Ad.

C – Colour of the Loyalty: Titre. Ad.

C - Come Early Morning : Ad.

Comeback Season: Ad.

C – Conjurer: Ad.

Conquest (’98): Dir/stu/ad.

T - Conspiracy Theory: Ad.

SS - Courage Mountain: Ad.

T - Courage under Fire: Dist Inc.

C – Cover: Titre

Crazy Moon: Dir/stu/ad.

T – Crime in Connecticut:

The Story of Alex Kelly: Aff. Dist.

Crime + Punishment in Suburbia: Dir/stu/ad. Dist. Inc.

C – Curse of the Blair Witch: Ad.

T - Cutthroat Island: Ad.


T – D2: The Mighty Ducks: Dist. Inc.

T – D3: The Mighty Ducks: Dist. Inc.

Son – Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Dir/ad. Dist. Inc.

Dansen Med Regitze: Titre. Stu. Dist.

T – Dark Blue: Ad.

C - Dark City: Ad.

C - Dark Drive: Dist. Inc.

T - Darkness Falls: Ad.

T – Dave: Dist Inc.

Son – Deadbolt: Dist. Syn.

Dead Funny: Dir/stu/ad. Dist. Inc.

Dead Innocent: Dir/stu/ad.

Death Cruise: Dir/stu/ad.

T – Defending your Life: Dir/ad.

T – Demolition Man: Dir/ad.

T - Demons from her Past: Ad.

T – Dennis The Menace: Dir/ad.

C – Desire (’00): Ad. Dist. Inc.

T - Desperate Measures: Dir. Dist. Inc.

T - Deuces Wild: Ad.

C - Devil on The Mountain: Ad.

T – Diabolique: Dir/ad.

T - Die Hard With a Vengeance: Ad.

T - Disney Princess Enchanted Tales: Dir/ad.

Disturbing Behavior: Dir/stu/ad.

Dog Fight: Dir/stu/ad.

T - Dolores Claiborne: Ad. Dist.Inc.

T - Don’t Tell Mom The Babysitter’s Dead: Dir.

Dotkniecie Reki: Syn. Dir/Stu. Dist.

Double Dragon (’94): Dir/stu/ad. Dist.Inc.

C - Double Frame : Aff.

Double Team: Dir/stu/ad.

C - Dr. Dolittle: Dir/ad.

C – Dr. Dolittle 2: Ad.

Dr. Dolittle 3: Stu/ad. Dist.

Dracula: Dead and Loving It: Dir/stu/ad.

Dream Man: Dir/stu/ad. Dist.


T – Ed (’96): Dist Inc.

T - Edison Force: Ad.

C – El Cantante: Ad.

C – El Delfin: Titre.

C - El Ultimo Tren: Dir. Dist.

T – Empire: Ad.

SON - Entangled: Dir/ad.

T – Eraser: Ad.

CG - Ernest Goes to School: Ad. Dist.

CG – Ernest in the Army: Ad. Dist.

Escape from Bogen County: T. Dir/stu. Dist.

Escapre from Iran: T. Dir/stu. Dist.

M - Everybody’s Baby: The Rescue

of Jessica McClure: Dir/ad.

T – Evil Dead III: Army of Darkness: Dist Inc.

CG – Exception to the Rule: Ad. Dist.

C - Excessive Force: Ad.

T – Executive Decision: Dir/ad.

T – Exit to Eden: Dir/ad

CIT – Exposed: Aff.

M - Extraordinary Visitor: Dist. Inc.

T – Eye for an Eye: Dir/ad.


T – Face/Off: Dir/ad.

PS - Faded Memories: Dist. Inc.

Fair Game: Stu. Dist. Inc.

Falling Down: Dir/stu/ad.

Family Ties Vacation: Titre. Syn. Dir/stu. Dist. Aff.

Fat City: Dir/stu/ad. Dist. Inc.

C - Fathers and Sons: Dist. Inc.

T - Fearless: Dist Inc.

T - Feast of Love: Ad.

M - Fire Birds: Dir/ad.

SON - Fire, Ice and Dynamite: Ad.

First Knight: Dir/stu/ad.

C – Fish Tale Soup: Titre. Ad. Aff.

Fled: Dir/stu/ad. Dist. Inc.

Flinch: Dir/stu/ad.

T – Fly Away Home: Dir/ad.

T - For the Love of the Game: Dist Inc.

Forever Young: Dir/stu/ad.

T - Forget Paris: Dist Inc.

T - Framed for Murder: Ad.

T - Free Willy: Ad.

T - Free Willy 2: Ad.

T - Free Willy 3: Dir/ad.

Freejack: Dir/stu/ad. Dist.

CG – Fun: Ad. Dist.


G.I. Joe: The Movie: Dir.

T – Gale Force: Dist.

C - Garfield in Paradise: Dir/ad.

C - Garfield’s Fun Fest: Titre.

M - Garfield: His 9 Lives: Dir/ad.

SS - Gate 2: Return to the Nightmare: Dir/ad.

C - Geraldine’s Fortune: Ad.

T – Get Shorty: Ad.

C - Ginger Snaps 2: Unleashed: Ad. Dist. Inc.

T - Gladiator (’92) : Dist.

SS – Gnaw, Foods of the Gods 2: Dir. Dist.

C- Godsend: Ad.

T - Godzilla: Ad.

T - Good Advice: Ad.

CLAB - Griffin and Phoenix: Ad.

T - Gross Anatomy: Dir/ad.

Gross Misconduct: Dir/stu/ad.

T - Grosse Point Blank: Ad

T - Grumpier Old Men: Dir/ad.

T – Grumpy Old Men: Dir/ad.

T - Gus: Dir/ad.


T - Hard Ball: Dist Inc.

SON – Hard Core Logo: Dir. Dist.

T – Hard to Kill: Dir/ad.

T - Hart’s War: Dist. Inc.

C - Hatley High: Dir. Dist. Inc.

CIN - Heart: The Marilyn Bell Story: Dir/ad. Dist. Inc.

Heartbreak Hotel: Dir/stu.

T – Heat: Dir/ad.

SPR - Heaven on Earth: Dir. Dist. Inc.

T - Heist: Ad.

T - Hell’s Kitchen: Ad.

T – Hero (’92): Ad.

T - Hey Arnold! The Movie: Ad.

Hey Cinderella!: Syn. Dir/stu. Dist.

SON - Hideaway: Ad.

C - Highway: Dir/ad.

T - Home Fries: Ad.

T - Honeymoon in Vegas: Dist. Inc.

T - Hot Lead and Cold Feet: Dir/ad. Dist.

T - Houseguest: Dist. Inc.

Hunters of The Reef: Titre. Dir/stu. Dist. Affiche.


Cit – I Capture the Castle: Dist.Inc.

T – I Know What You Did Last Summer: Ad.

T - I Know Who Killed Me: Ad.

T - I Love Trouble : Dist. Inc.

T - I’ll Do Anything (’94): Dir/ad. Dist. Inc.

I’ve Heard The Mermaids Singing: Dir/stu/ad.

T - I.Q.: Ad.

T – If Looks Could Kill: Dir.

T - Igby Goes Down: Dist. Inc.

T – In & Out: Ad.

T – In Hell: Ad.

T - In the Army Now: Dir/ad.

T - In the Land of Women: Ad.

Incognito: Dir/stu/ad. Dist.

T - Independence Day: Ad.

T - Insomnia: Dir/ad. Dist Inc.

T – Interview with the Vampire: Ad.

C – Into The Sun: Dist Inc.

T – Iris: Ad.

SS – Iron Eagle 2: Dir. Dist. Inc.

It Could Happen to You: Dir/stu/ad. Dist. Inc.

Ivana v utoku: Syn. Dir/stu. Dist.


C - Johann’s Gift to Christmas: Titre.

T - Judge Dredd: Dir/ad. Dist Inc.


T - K-Pax: Dist Inc.

C – Kayla : Ad.

Kidco: Titre. Dir/stu. Dist.

T – Kingpin: Ad.

Kiss Me Guido: Dir/stu/ad.

Kung Pow: Enter the Fist: Dir/stu/ad. Dist.


C - Lana in Love: Dist. Syn. Aff.

Larger Than Life: Stu/ad.

T – Lassie (’94): Ad. Dist.

T - Last Action Hero: Ad.

Levity (’03): Dir/stu/ad.

C – Les Casablancais: Ad.

T - Liberty Heights: Dist Inc.

T - Lightning Jack: Dist Inc.

C – Like Dandelion Dust: Titre

T – Little Giants: Dir.

Lonely Hearts: Dir/Stu/Ad. Dist. Inc.

T – Look Who’s Talking Now: Dir/ad.

T – Loss of Faith: Ad. Dist. Inc. Aff.

T – Lost in Yonkers: Dir/ad.

T - Love Affair: Ad. Dist. Inc.


T - Mad Love: Ad.

T - Madeline: Ad. Dist. Inc.

Magic in The Water: Stu

T - Major League 2: Ad.

T – Major League: Back to the Minors: Ad. Dist.

C - Malicious: Ad.

Mama’s Gone A-Hunting: Titre. Syn. Dir/stu. Dist. Aff.

C – Manga Isoppu Monogatari (Esope): Dir/ad.

C – Mary Cassat: Ad. Synopsis.

T - Mary Reilly: Dir/ad.

T - Maverick: Dist Inc.

T - Max Keeble’s Big Move: Dist. Inc.

C - Meet Wally Sparks: Ad.

C – Meisjes (The Over the Hill Band): Titre. Ad.

T - Midnight in the Garden…: Ad.

Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers -

The Movie: Dir/stu/ad. Dist. Inc.

Mindfield: Dir.

T - Mom and Dad Saved the World : Ad.

T – Money Train: Dir/ad.

C – More Winners: Mr. Edmund: Titre. Aff.

C – More Winners: The Journey: Titre. Dist Inc. Aff.

T - Mozart and the Whale: Ad.

T – Mr. Accident: Ad.

T - Mr. Holland’s Opus: Dir/ad.

C - Mr. Nanny: Ad.

C - Mrs. Brown: Ad.

T – Murder at 1600: Ad.

T – Murder in the First: Dir/ad.

M - Musketeers Forever: Ad.

SS - My American Cousin (’85): Dir/ad.

CLAB – My Baby’s Daddy: Dist. Inc.

My Blue Heaven: Dir/stu/ad. Dist Inc.

SPR – My Date With Drew: Ad. Dist. Inc.

C – My Father’s Angel: Ad.

T - My Girl: Dir/ad

T - My Girl 2: Ad.


Naked Souls: Dir/stu/ad. Dist.

T – Natural Born Killers: Dir/ad.

Needful Things: Dir/stu/ad.

T - Nell: Ad.

C - Never Talk to Strangers: Ad.

SON – Never Too Late: Dist. Inc.

T - New York Minute: Dist Inc.

PS - Niagara Motel: Ad.

T - Nick of Time: Ad.

T - Nightstalker: Ad. Dist.

C - Nine Months: Ad.

T – Nixon: Dist. Inc.

T – No Contest 2 (Face the Evil): Ad.

T – No Escape: Dir/ad.

SS – No Holds Barred: Dir.

CIT – No Surrender: Syn. Aff.

T - North : Ad.

T - Nothing But Trouble: Dir/ad. Dist. Inc.

Nowhere in Sight: Dir/stu/ad. Dist Inc.

SS – Nukie: Dir/ad. Dist.

SPR - Numb: Ad. Dist Inc.


C - Oh, What a Night: Ad.

T – On Deadly Ground: Dir/ad.

T – One Tough Cop : Ad. Dist.

T - Only You: Dist Inc.

C - Open Water: Ad.

T - Out for Justice: Dir/ad.

T – Outbreak: Ad.


C – Parasite (’04): Ad.

DV – Partners ‘n Love: Titre. Dist. Aff.

T – Passenger 57: Dir/ad.

SS - Perfectly Normal: Dist. Inc.

SON - Pin: Dir/ad. Dist. Inc.

T – Pink Cadillac: Dir/ad.

C – Pocahontas: The Legend: Dir/ad.

T – Point of No Return: Ad.

Polly My Love: Titre. Syn. Dir/stu. Dist. Aff.

Polyester: Dir/stu/ad.

C – Portraits of Innocence: Ad.

T - Practical Magic: Ad.

T – Premonition (’07): Ad.

Presumed Innocent: Dir/stu/ad.

T - Primary Colors: Ad.

T - Prom Night 3: The Last Kiss: Dir. Dist Inc.

DV – Promise The Moon: Dir/ad.

T – Public Enemies: Dist. Inc.

T - Pure Country: Dir/ad.

Pysna princezna: Titre. Syn. Dir/stu. Dist. Aff.


T – Rambo: Ad. Dist. Inc.

DV – Reckless Kelly: Dist.

Red Hot: Dir/stu/ad. Dist. Inc.

SON - Relative Fear: Ad.

Reluctant Angel: Dir/stu/ad. Dist.

T – Renaissance Man: Dir/ad. Dist Inc.

C - Restoration: Dist. Inc.

Retroactive: Dir/stu/ad.

T – Richie Rich: Dir/ad.

Right to Die: Titre. Dir/stu. Dist.

SON - Rising Sun: Dir. Dist. Inc.

T – Robin Hood: Men in Tights: Dir.

C – Rock-A-Doodle: Dist.

T - Romeo + Juliet: Ad.

T - Rudy: Ad.


Cin – Sally Marshall is not

An Alien: Dist. Inc.

Savage Land: Dir/stu/ad.

LVG – Saved by the Belles: Ad.

C - Scanner 2: Dir/ad.

T – Scarred City: Ad. Dist.

T - Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island: Ad.

Screamers: Dir/stu/ad.

C – Second Skin: Dir/ad.

T – Selena: Ad.

T - Shades of Love (5 films!): Dir/ad. Aff.

SON - Shadow of the Wolf (Agaguk): Dir.

Sharon: Portrait of a Mistress: Titre. Syn. Dir/stu. Dist. Aff.

C – She Me and Her: Titre. Syn. Ad. Aff.

T – Showgirls: Ad. Dist Inc.

Silent Fall: Stu

T - Singles: Dist Inc.

CG – Ski Hard: Ad. Dist.

Slam Dunk Ernest: Stu

Slapshot 2: Stu/ad. Dist.

Sleepaway Camp: Dir/stu/ad.

T – Sleepless in Seattle: Dir/ad.

T - Smokin’ Aces: Ad.

T - So I Married an Axe Murderer: Ad.

Some Kind of Wonderful: Dir/stu.

Spaced Invaders: Dir/stu

SS – Speaking Parts: Dist.

Species: Dir/stu/ad.

T – Species 2: Ad. Dist. Inc.

T - Speechless: Ad.

T - Sphere: Dir/ad.

T – Spookley, the Square Pumpkin: Titre

T – Stakeout: Dist Inc.

Stalked: Stu/ad.

Stargate: Dir/stu/ad.

T – Starlight: Titre. Ad. Dist.

M - Stella: Ad.

Street Fighter: Dir/stu/ad.

C – Street Fighter: The Legend…: Ad.

C – Strictly Spanking: Ad. Dist. Inc. Aff.

Striking Distance: Dir/stu/ad.

T - Striptease: Dist.

T - Stuart Little 2: Ad.

Sugar Town: Ad.

C - Summer With the Ghosts: Ad.

M – Szaffi: Dir/ad.


SON - Tail Lights Fade: Ad.

SS - Talk Radio: Ad.

T – Tango & Cash: Ad.

T - Tank Girl: Ad. Dist.

Tarzan and The Lost City: Dir/stu/ad.

T - Task Force: Caviar: Dist. Inc.

C – Taxi to L.A.: Ad. Synopsis.

C - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: Ad.

T - Tell Me That You Love Me: Dir/ad.

T - Terror Train: Dir/ad.

C - That Thing You Do! : Dir/ad.

C - The Accidental Spy: Dist. Inc.

C – The Admiral and The Princess: Ad.

The Amati Girls: Dir/stu/ad.

C - The Arrival: Ad.

C - The Basketball Diaries: Dir/ad.

The Beautician and The Beast: Dir/stu/ad.

LVG – The Bend (‘09): Aff.

T - The Betrayed: Titre.

C – The Big White: Ad.

C - The Bodyguard (’04): Ad.

T – The Bodyguard (’92): Ad.

M – The Boys of St. Vincent: 15 Years

Later: Ad.

T – The Cable Guy: Ad.

C – The Care Bears Adventure

in Wonderland: Ad.

T - The Celestine Prophecy: Ad.

SON - The Chocolate War: Dir/ad.

T - The Client: Ad.

SON - The Club: Dir. Dist Inc.

SPR – The Code (Thick as Thieves): Dist.

T - The Craft: Ad.

T - The Crush: Dir/ad.

C - The Crying Game: Ad.

M - The Dark: Dir.

T – The Dark Room: Titre. Ad. Dist.

T - The Darklings: Affiche.

The Dead Pool: Dir/stu/ad.

T - The Dead Zone (tv): Ad.

The Devil’s Own: Dir/stu/ad. Dist Inc.

The Dish: Dir/stu/ad. Dist Inc.

C – The Door in the Floor: Ad.

T - The End: Dir/ad.

T - The End of Violence: Ad.

C - The Falling: Titre

The Favor: Dir/stu/ad.

The Flame is Love: Titre. Dir/stu. Dist.

C - The Fountain: Ad. Dist Inc.

T - The Fugitive: Ad.

The Glimmer Man : Dir/stu/ad.

T – The Good German: Ad.

The Good Son: Dir/stu/ad. Dist. Inc.

C – The Grass Harp: Ad. Syn.

T – The Grudge 2: Ad.

T - The Guardian: Ad.

T – The Guys: Ad.

C – The Hanging Garden: Ad.

T - The Hills Have Eyes (’77): Dir/ad.

T - The Honeymooners: Ad.

The Hunted: Dir/stu/ad. Dist Inc.

CG - The Incredible Adventures

Of Marco Polo: Dist.

The Indian in the Cupboard: Dir/stu/ad. Dist

C – The Island of Nevawuz: Dir/ad. Aff.

The Joneses (’09): Dir/stu/ad. Dist Inc.

The Kid From Nowhere: Titre. Dir/stu. Dist. Aff.

T - The Kinky Coaches and the Pom

Pom Pussycats (Heart Break High): Dir/ad.

T - The Kiss (’88): Dist.

T – The Last Boy Scout: Dir/ad.

The Last Ninja: Titre. Dir/stu. Dist.

The Lawnmower Man: Dir/stu/ad.

C - The Little Mermaid (’75): Dir/ad.

T – The Mambo Kings: Dir/ad.

T – The Man in the Moon: Dir/ad. Dist.

T – The Man Who Knew Too Little: Dir/ad.

The Man Without a Face: Ad. Dist Inc.

SPR - The Many Trials of One

Jane Doe: Dir/ad. Dist.

T - The Medallion: Ad. Dist. Inc.

The Miracle Worker: Titre. Dir/stu. Dist.

The Most Unromantic Man in the

World: Dir/stu/ad. Dist.

T – The Net: Ad.

T – The Odd Couple 2: Ad.

C – The Onion Movie: Titre

T - The Other Side of the Mountain: Dir/ad.

T - “ 2“: Dir/ad.

SS – The Outside Chance of

Maximilian Glick: Dir. Dist.

T – The Pagemaster: Dir/ad.

T - The Pass (Highway Hitcher): Ad.

CG – The Peacekeeper: Ad. Dist.

T – The Peanut Butter Solution: Dir. Dist Inc.

The Pebble and The Penguin: Dir/stu/ad.

T - The Pelican Brief: Ad.

C – The Perfumer: Ad.

The Phantom Horsemen: Titre. Dir/stu. Dist. Aff.

The Philadelphia Experiment: Dir/stu/ad.

C - The Playboys: Ad.

C - The Prime Gig: Ad. Dist. Inc.

T - The Prince of Tides: Dir/ad.

The Prophecy 3: Dir/stu/ad. Dist

The Pyx: Dir/stu/ad.

The Quest (’96): Stu/ad. Dist Inc.

T - The Quick and the Dead: Ad.

C – The Real Howard Spitz: Ad.

C – The Reckoning: Titre. Aff.

T – The Recruit: Ad.

The Relic: Stu. Dist. Inc.

T – The Remains of the Day: Ad.

T - The Replacement Killers: Ad.

M - The Rescue: Ad.

T – The Rookie (’90): Ad.

The Sea Wolf: Dir/stu/ad. Dist Inc.

C – The Second Jungle Book: Ad.

The Secret Garden: Dir/stu/ad.

The Secret Life of Archie’s Wife: Dir/stu/ad. Dist. Inc. Aff.

T – The Shawshank Redemption: Dir/ad

T - The Sheldon Kennedy Story: Ad. Dist Inc.

Cin - The Sleep Room: Dir/ad. Dist. Inc.

C - The Soloist: Ad.

T – The Specialist: Dir/ad.

The Strange Monster of Strawberry Cove: Titre. Dir/stu. Dist.

C - The Substance of Fire: Dir/ad.

C – The Tangerine Bear: Ad. Synopsis.

T – The Terry Fox Story: Dir/ad. Dist. Inc.

T - The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (’74): Dir/ad.

C – The Thief and the Cobbler: Dir/ad.

The Third Miracle: Dir/stu/ad. Dist Inc.

The Tracker (’00): Dir/stu/ad.

C - The Tripper: Titre

T - The Uncanny: Dir/ad.

T - The Virgin Suicides: Ad.

The Wacky Zoo of Morgan City: Titre. Dir/stu. Dist.

T - The War (’94): Ad. Dist Inc.

C – The Way of Duty: Aff.

The Wings of the Dove: Dir/stu/ad

T - The Witches: Dist Inc.

The Wrong Guy: Dir/stu/ad. Dist. Inc.

The Wrong Woman: Dir/stu/ad

Thelma & Louise: Dir/stu/ad. Dist.

C - There’s Something About Mary: Ad

T - Thinner: Ad.

T - This Boy’s Life: Dir/ad.

C - This Thing of Ours: Titre

T - Three Wishes: Dist.

Thumbelina: Dir/stu/ad. Dist Inc.

C - Thunderbirds: Ad.

Thunderheart: Dir/stu/ad. Dist Inc.

T – Tin Cup: Ad.

T – Tommy Boy: Dir/ad.

T- Tommy Tricker and the Stamp Traveller: Dist. Inc.

Tough Enough: Dir/stu. Dist.

Toys: Dir/stu/ad. Dist.

T - True Romance: Ad.

T - Turner & Hooch: Dist Inc.

Turning Paige: Ad.

C – Twist (’03): Dir. Dist.

T - Twist of Fate: Dir. Dist.

Two of Hearts: Stu

Two Thousand and None: Dir/stu/ad. Dist Inc. Aff.


T – U Turn: Ad.

T - Under Siege: Ad.

Under Siege 2: Dir/stu/ad.

M – Under the Piano: Dir/ad.

T – Unforgettable: Dir/ad.

Unforgiven: Dir/stu/ad.

T - Until Death: Ad.


T - Varsity Blues: Ad.

T – Vegas Vacation: Dir/ad.

S - Very Bad Things: Ad

Vibrations: Dir/stu/ad

Victim of Beauty (Drop Dead Gorgeous): Dir/stu/ad. Dist Inc.

T - Vincent and Me: Dir.

M - Virtual Encounters: Dir/ad.

T - Virtuosity : Ad.


C – War Games: The Dead Code: Titre

C - Waydowntown: Ad.

T - We are Marshall: Ad.

T - When a Stranger Calls (’06): Ad.

C - Whiskers: Ad. Dist Inc.

T – White Oleander: Ad.

T - White Squall: Dir/ad. Dist. Inc.

Cin – Who Gets The House? : Dir/ad. Dist Inc.

T – Wild America: Dir/ad.

T - Wild Things: Ad.

Wilde : Dir/stu/ad. Dist.

T - Wishmaster 4: Dist.

With Honors: Stu.

T - Wolf: Ad.

T - Wrongfully Accused: Dir/ad

T – Wyatt Earp: Ad.


Yesterday’s Child: Titre. Syn. Dir/stu. Dist. Aff.

Young Einstein: Dir/stu/ad. Dist. Inc.

M - Young Hearts Unlimited: Ad.


187: Dir/stu/ad.

C – 4 Days: Ad.

T - 8 Heads in a Duffle Bag: Dist.

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Merci de votre collaboration!

Stéphane Rivard


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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