Chapter 3 Study Guide - AP Human Geography - Home

--For all the following, be able to define/explain and have examples when applicable.Chapter 3 Quiz #1 (KI 1&2, pg 78-91 )MigrationEmigration vs ImmigrationNet MigrationMost people migrate in search of three objectives – what are they?Ravenstein’s Laws (3 groups)Migration Transition – Stages of DTM and how they relate to migrationRavenstein’s Laws for distance that migrants travel to their new homes (2 bullets)International MigrationDefinitionVoluntary migrationForced migrationInternal MigrationDefineHow does distance decay relate to internal migration?Interregional migration vs Intraregional migrationGlobal scale – What are the three largest flows of migrants? (Where are they coming from and headed to?)List the three main eras of immigration.Today, the principal type of interregional migration is from …..Trail of Tears and forced migrationHow did Brazil encourage interregional migration?Percent of US population currently living in urban areas?Why do most people move from rural to urban areas?Relationship between intraregional migration, developed countries (MDC’s), and suburbsExplainWhy do people move to the suburbs?Counter urbanizationNew migration trend in LDC’s or MDC’sWhat is Counter urbanization?Food for thought after reading pages 78 - 91: - DUE -Could you have a combination of both a push and pull factor in migration? Explain.Where do migrants from developing (LDC’s) generally migrate to? Why?Chapter 3 Quiz #2 (KI 3&4, pg 92-103)Push factors – what are they and examplesPull factors – what are they and examples3 major kinds of Push and Pull FactorsPoliticalEnvironmentalEconomicThree groups of forced political migrantsRefugeesInternally displaced person (IDP)Asylum seekerLargest number of refugees in 2010 was from ….Most people migrate for ….?Difference between economic migrants and refugees coming into the US, Canada, or European countriesGuest WorkersIntervening ObstaclesDefinition and ExamplesQuotasDefineBrain DrainChain migrationUndocumented ImmigrantsImmigration concerns in the USCharacteristics of MigrantsDistance traveledGender Family StatusFood for thought after reading pages 92-103: - DUE -Can you think of any immigrant populations who currently live in Lincoln? If so, what factors do you think contributed to their migration to Lincoln (push/pull/forced). Explain.What role did the railroad play in the settlement of the plains in the U.S.?Unit 2 Population FRQ *****This will not be on your reading quizzes. It will be part of your Unit 2 Exam over Population and MigrationThe population pyramids above represent two countries at different stages of the demographic transition and economic development.Explain the demographic characteristics of each country above with respect to the demographic transition model.Discuss ONE positive impact of EACH country’s population structure on its economic development.Discuss ONE negative impact of EACH country’s population structure on its economic development. ................

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